• Record Label: Wind-Up
  • Release Date: Oct 3, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 231 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 20 out of 231

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  1. JoeC
    Oct 4, 2006
    I can't believe what these critics are saying, they must have been just skipping the songs because their in a rush or something. This is my favorite album of the year. WOW! You just can't count on critics anymore.
  2. AyonF
    Oct 5, 2006
    BACK WITH MATURITY, DIVERSITY AND MAYBE ANOTHER MULTI PLATINUM RECORD After 3 years of absence, the gothic band that sold about 14 million copies last time has come back with more a new different style
  3. Ori
    Mar 10, 2007
    This album isnt for 1st listening and not even 2nd. After you hear it couple of times You realize how good it is! Great album!
  4. SamL
    Nov 1, 2006
    The CD is amazing. Amy Lee's vocals are stronger than ever! And Evanescence is concert is beyond amazing, they sounded awsome! This CD rocks! Keep it up, Ev! I love you guys!
  5. GailW
    Oct 20, 2006
    Amy Lee has put her heart and soul into a beautiful gothic album. "Lithium" is pure gothic extasy ~ god bless the bleeding heart and soul of Kurt Cobain. The opening song is astounding. She uses her vocals in all sorts of beautiful wails and it is bliss to hear her at the peak of her vocal lifetime. Amy Lee was born to sing, and she is singing it all very beautifully with all kinds of Amy Lee has put her heart and soul into a beautiful gothic album. "Lithium" is pure gothic extasy ~ god bless the bleeding heart and soul of Kurt Cobain. The opening song is astounding. She uses her vocals in all sorts of beautiful wails and it is bliss to hear her at the peak of her vocal lifetime. Amy Lee was born to sing, and she is singing it all very beautifully with all kinds of textures and highlights and lowlights throughout the album. I love the fact that the album is over 55 minutes long. That means she really has faith in the material and is happy with it. That makes for a great live show, which it was when I saw her a few days ago at the Riviera Club in Chicago. She had so many more ballads to sing and so many more rocking songs that she coudln't possibly put them all into one concert. Two years ago her show suffered a little because of the shortness of it, but she has more than made up for it for her loyal fans. She is a gothic goddess whose songs are to be nurtured and cherished by those of the same nature. So go buy it! Expand
  6. Josh
    Dec 6, 2006
    Very addicting, fresh and new. Has a spooky vibe and is easily the best CD of 2006.
  7. deynag
    Oct 30, 2006
    its the best song i have ever heard its so cool its way better then any other of her songs! wat is wrong with u people it needs a 20 out off 10
  8. sarab
    Oct 4, 2006
    This is one of the most original albums I have ever heard. Every song has it's own musical theme and how she uses her voice is amazing!! well worth the wait, thankfully!!!
  9. ShankarG
    Oct 5, 2006
    Dark, teasing, gothic delights ~ Amy Lee is a goddess who is just exploring her own inner world of goth. Her voice is the voice of a gothic angel -- my god, the girl even looks goth wearing blue jeans and no make up -- and she is crying about love one thinks but she is also crying about the fallen nature of the human condition. Her lyrical and musical nuances in the beautiful subtle Dark, teasing, gothic delights ~ Amy Lee is a goddess who is just exploring her own inner world of goth. Her voice is the voice of a gothic angel -- my god, the girl even looks goth wearing blue jeans and no make up -- and she is crying about love one thinks but she is also crying about the fallen nature of the human condition. Her lyrical and musical nuances in the beautiful subtle "ballads" are detected only by those who are true fans of goth music -- the kind that we have forgotten about such as Lycia, Black Tape for a Blue Girl, and Switchbalde Symphony. Of course "The Open Door" won't sell as many as "Fallen" did, but so what. So what if many will think that "The Open Door" is not as "good" as "Fallen." It's different ~ the young lady has not gone out and made another "Fallen." She has turned the gothic dial, and this is the one she is singing now and is also the one which will retain the true fans of Amy Lee and of true goth music, and lose the idiots. Having said all of this, "The Open Door" is simply beautiful! Simply majestic! Amy is a great great young artist. Expand
  10. BrettV
    Oct 9, 2006
    I became an Evanescence fan when I heard "Going Under" from Fallen in 2003. I promptly bought that album and it became my favorite one - and the group became my favorite band as well. Soon after that I heard Origin and the majority of the band's unreleased material. My musical interests have expanded greatly since I first got into Evanescence, yet they remained my favorite act I became an Evanescence fan when I heard "Going Under" from Fallen in 2003. I promptly bought that album and it became my favorite one - and the group became my favorite band as well. Soon after that I heard Origin and the majority of the band's unreleased material. My musical interests have expanded greatly since I first got into Evanescence, yet they remained my favorite act despite the lack of new material from them in the past few years. I'd been looking forward to the release of their next album with great anticipation and very high expectations, but I must say that those hopes were a bit mellower than they could have been because one of the things I enjoyed most about Fallen was Ben Moody's guitar riffs. I was also afraid the quality of the songwriting would decrease with Moody's departure. Fortunately these misgivings were unfounded. Terry Balsamo is a more than adequate replacement - in fact, I think the band is better with him than with Moody. Amy Lee does not disappoint with her writing or piano playing, either, and her voice is once again sublime. She's the best thing about the band and as long as she's around I no longer see any reason to think that Evanescence will do anything but improve. I've now listened to The Open Door more than 20 times and I can say with complete confidence that it has supplanted Fallen as my favorite album ever and it improves on all the band's previous efforts in every possible way. Expand
  11. Aerows
    Oct 27, 2007
    Amy Lee's voice has just gotten stronger, and her band has just gotten better. The Open Door has all of the elements of a top-notch rock album, but what sets it apart is it is injected with strong personal experience. I didn't like this album much when I first listened to it, which is always a good sign for me - the albums I'm not entirely sure about, if they manage to stay Amy Lee's voice has just gotten stronger, and her band has just gotten better. The Open Door has all of the elements of a top-notch rock album, but what sets it apart is it is injected with strong personal experience. I didn't like this album much when I first listened to it, which is always a good sign for me - the albums I'm not entirely sure about, if they manage to stay with me, tend to become favorites. This one has staying power. Expand
  12. AmandaG
    Feb 5, 2007
    I don't care what anyone says about this album! I believe it to be an absolutely gorgeous triumph over the previous Fallen. The spooky vibes are enough to chill you to the bone and it tells all that life ain't so pretty, but it still can be a masterpiece.
  13. KatieW
    Apr 15, 2007
    Really great CD. Amy has a great voice range and most of the songs showcase her singing. I'm glad to hear more piano along with a harder guitar sound.
  14. TiarO
    Oct 11, 2006
    Beautiful songs, excellent vocals, sublime record. Evanescence have shown that they can alter their style slightly to improve and to grow. The melodys of many of the songs have a noticably arabic electric guitar tine to them, which is nothing short of genius. You'll find yourself staring hard at the lyrics provided with the album as you listen to Amy lee pull off some absolutly Beautiful songs, excellent vocals, sublime record. Evanescence have shown that they can alter their style slightly to improve and to grow. The melodys of many of the songs have a noticably arabic electric guitar tine to them, which is nothing short of genius. You'll find yourself staring hard at the lyrics provided with the album as you listen to Amy lee pull off some absolutly fantastic and original vocals, lost in her stories and tales, grateful that she ever shared them in the first place. My favourite album of all time, and the only record I see as perfect. Highlights are All That I'm Living For, Sweet Sacrifice and Like You. Nothing short of masterful. Expand
  15. RayhanT
    Oct 12, 2006
    One of da best albums i have eva heard....Evanescence did an awesome job...Amy lee's vocals was superb..and the new guitarist was really gud 2....i loved it...!!!
  16. JennyS
    Oct 13, 2006
    I think it is a very good album and shows a lot of Amy Lee's personal feelings about her life.
  17. Sarah
    Oct 21, 2006
    Everyone has their views on the album, but I think it is absolutely a-m-a-z-i-n-g, if Evanescence was not good then they wouldn't be going to the top of the billboard charts w/their songs and selling all those albums world wide. I guess you have to be a true ev fan to really understand the music. Evanescence music has helped me so much in the past years. Everyone has their faviorite Everyone has their views on the album, but I think it is absolutely a-m-a-z-i-n-g, if Evanescence was not good then they wouldn't be going to the top of the billboard charts w/their songs and selling all those albums world wide. I guess you have to be a true ev fan to really understand the music. Evanescence music has helped me so much in the past years. Everyone has their faviorite band, Evanescence just so happens to be mine. I admire Amy and the band for all that have acomplished, but hey atleast she's better than some people. Just think if you were in Amy's shoes what your life would be like, if you could see and feel the hell that she went through and see if you wouldn't write songs like she does, that what makes me admire her so much is that she is able to write her pain on paper. she may-b a person just like everyone else but she does still have to deal with other things that we don't. To be totally honest I think some people are just jealous because they don't have the success that she has. Expand
  18. RyanD
    Oct 27, 2006
    i have to say, this is simply the perfect follow up to fallen, Evanescence could not have hit a better cord then what they did here, 10+++
  19. KennyH
    Oct 28, 2006
    it's just perfect.. she can sing like an angel en it's sometimes so dark that I like it!
  20. EricS
    Oct 30, 2006
    I'm an old guy and yeah I've heard it all before, from Dean Martin to Acid Bath. But this, well this is new and refreshing. I'd mostly given up on rock but this restores my faith. The Open Door is the most powerful CDI've heard in a long time. Gorgeous vocals, a full emotional range, and it rocks. Very chromatic. Goth, Mozart, heavy metal. All nicely controlled for I'm an old guy and yeah I've heard it all before, from Dean Martin to Acid Bath. But this, well this is new and refreshing. I'd mostly given up on rock but this restores my faith. The Open Door is the most powerful CDI've heard in a long time. Gorgeous vocals, a full emotional range, and it rocks. Very chromatic. Goth, Mozart, heavy metal. All nicely controlled for maximum impact. Expand
  21. BrianP
    Oct 5, 2006
    this cd is everything i expexted and more
  22. MattieW
    Oct 6, 2006
    One of the best new cd's. Evanescencetheopendoor rocks!
  23. andream
    Oct 7, 2006
    this album is incredible!!!!!!!!!
  24. 10000DaysMessiahEternalGod
    Oct 9, 2006
    Amy Lee is one of my four brides to be. And her newest album is so very good indeed. I am bringing heaven down soon. And I am taking her too heaven with me to adorn her with many of the stars of God. And remember. It's not about the land or the sea where you will find happiness. But only by the dwelling of his majesty. Jeruselum I will not forget her. Just wait until I get my Amy Lee is one of my four brides to be. And her newest album is so very good indeed. I am bringing heaven down soon. And I am taking her too heaven with me to adorn her with many of the stars of God. And remember. It's not about the land or the sea where you will find happiness. But only by the dwelling of his majesty. Jeruselum I will not forget her. Just wait until I get my uncle's old band Prisoner 420 back together. And the Godhead's band with my other three brides in it. Then I'll show you something you've never seen or heard or experienced before. As eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor hath entered into the hearts of man/woman those things which I have prepared for those who love me. And continually keep my commandments. Who have the faith of Jesus. And the patience of the Saints. p.s. Soon fire will come down from my tongue. -TheGodofFemalesandVampires- Expand
  25. KelvinH.
    Dec 25, 2007
    "The Open Door" sold more than 1,000,000 in four weeks only in US and was classified as the "Album of the Year" by the MTV Australia Music Video. This tells everything we need to know. The album is so mature, so stronger, just perfect! Amy has grown a lot.
  26. Melissa
    Oct 27, 2007
    Wow, what a great album. There are only a few albums that contain all great songs, and The Open Door has joined that elite club for me. I can listen to it from start to finish, and truly enjoy all of it.
  27. tracyt
    Mar 14, 2007
    best album
  28. ClaireG
    Apr 3, 2007
    The best i have ever heard from evanescence i have been a fan for a long time but this album is both moving and HONEST not like most artists out there today. GREAT JOB AMY
  29. keirons
    May 13, 2007
    the best album there is nouthing can beat this amy lee has got the best voice
  30. Zerox.
    Aug 1, 2007
    this album rocks i love it its not fallen or best as fallen theres to much of a pop album like call me when upir sober but still has that dark escence in your star and snow white queen but i still love this album but fallen was better

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
  1. 70
    Denser and more scuzzed-up than Fallen, the album amps everything up to gloriously epic, over-the-top proportions. [Oct 2006, p.129]
  2. Those who embraced "Fallen" will doubtlessly fall even harder into "The Open Door."
  3. Many of these theatrical, midtempo songs run together.