• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: Jul 15, 2022
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 29 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 29
  2. Negative: 3 out of 29
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  1. Aug 15, 2022
    Yet another cracker from the monochrome kings. You have to hand it to Interpol, they have been incredibly consistent over their 20 year career and album number 7 stands comfortably amongst the rest of their back catalog. They have written some of their best and most interesting material in over a decade on this one. There is neither sight nor sound of middle aged contentment here. "Toni",Yet another cracker from the monochrome kings. You have to hand it to Interpol, they have been incredibly consistent over their 20 year career and album number 7 stands comfortably amongst the rest of their back catalog. They have written some of their best and most interesting material in over a decade on this one. There is neither sight nor sound of middle aged contentment here. "Toni", "Fables", "Mr Credit", "Passenger" and "Gran Hotel" are all top end vintage Interpol without sounding jaded. That is half the album right there. The remainder of the album supports rather than pads these aforementioned gems. One of my favourite bands of this century are still delivering the goods. Expand
  2. Jul 31, 2022
    This album grew on me quite a bit with repeated listens. It is a bit plodding at times, but there are also plenty of delightful moments and surprises. Favorite tracks: Toni, Something Changed, Renegade Hearts, Greenwich, and Gran Hotel.
  3. Jul 26, 2022
    No bueno. This album is dark, dull and way too bleak. Maybe 1 playable track for SiriusXM. They lost what made them special. I couldn’t listen to this album more than 2 times. I wanted to like it but it’s barely better than Marauder.
  4. Jul 26, 2022
    Definitely a solid and interesting album! The only 'banger' single appears to be 'Gran Hotel', in accordance with the band's choice to create a more pacific and mature work of art.
    'Toni' and 'Something Changed' completely succeed in breaking the mold as singles.
    All the tracks are actually well-crafted, my favorite ones being 'Passenger', 'Mr. Credit', 'Into the Night', in addition to
    Definitely a solid and interesting album! The only 'banger' single appears to be 'Gran Hotel', in accordance with the band's choice to create a more pacific and mature work of art.
    'Toni' and 'Something Changed' completely succeed in breaking the mold as singles.
    All the tracks are actually well-crafted, my favorite ones being 'Passenger', 'Mr. Credit', 'Into the Night', in addition to the above-mentioned 'Gran Hotel', 'Toni' and 'Something Changed'.

    Very exciting material coming from Interpol this year!
  5. Jul 21, 2022
    The first 8 songs on this album are phenomenal, layered, atmospheric... up there with Interpols best. Way better than Maurader. I would put this album in the same league as there self titled - not quite at as good as Our Love to Admire but better than El Pintor. Reward with repeat listening, definitely a grower. Favorite track: The Passenger - some of Paul Banks best lyrics.
  6. Jul 20, 2022
    What ‘Alxmsn’ said, spot on, first three albums are easily the best, obviously TOTBL being god-like, nothing else since has come close
  7. Jul 16, 2022
    I was anxiously waiting for this to come out and be able to love it. And I wish I could give it a higher rating than this, but at the end it feels like something is missing, and I can't quite figure it out.
    Don't get me wrong, this album sounds really good and since it came out I can't stop listening to it, but if you have already listened to Interpol's past works, the feeling is that
    I was anxiously waiting for this to come out and be able to love it. And I wish I could give it a higher rating than this, but at the end it feels like something is missing, and I can't quite figure it out.
    Don't get me wrong, this album sounds really good and since it came out I can't stop listening to it, but if you have already listened to Interpol's past works, the feeling is that something is missing in here. Maybe something new, more revolutionary, or maybe something that brings back the old Interpol, I don't know.
    As it stands, The Other Side of Make-Believe is a Marauder Part II.

    Really enjoying Into the Night and Renegade Hearts by the way.
  8. Jul 16, 2022
    Only listened to it once so far, but I can't hear the kinds of melodies, intensity or grandeur this great band has offered us in the past. Just noise, dissonance, apathy and lethargy. I think I'll stick to TOTBL, Antic and Our Love to Admire, thank you very much. Like so many other good bands, they just seem to have run out of inspiration after a few albums. I'll try to give it anotherOnly listened to it once so far, but I can't hear the kinds of melodies, intensity or grandeur this great band has offered us in the past. Just noise, dissonance, apathy and lethargy. I think I'll stick to TOTBL, Antic and Our Love to Admire, thank you very much. Like so many other good bands, they just seem to have run out of inspiration after a few albums. I'll try to give it another couple of listens, but I am really unimpressed so far. Expand
  9. Jul 16, 2022
    A discog filler album with a fair few good tracks. Favourite Track: Mr Credit.
  10. Jul 16, 2022
    Бледная тень Interpol первых двух альбомов. Очевидно, что они пытались воссоздать ту атмосферу первых записей. Вышло уныло, скучно, а главное – безидейно.
  11. Jul 15, 2022
    I mean, this is not bad, but on first listen it didn't move in any way. That can change shortly, though. Nevertheless, I think that Interpol has finally exhausted all options. Can't see where they can go next to try to reignite itself.
  12. Jul 15, 2022
    I would consider myself "one of those people" that tend to gravitate around their first two records. For me, Interpol hasn't really had the punch they had on those two records ever since, besides maybe "El Pintor".

    I don't think this album is bad by any means, but there were a couple times where I wish they dared to add more punch to the songs. My highlights would be the singles, as
    I would consider myself "one of those people" that tend to gravitate around their first two records. For me, Interpol hasn't really had the punch they had on those two records ever since, besides maybe "El Pintor".

    I don't think this album is bad by any means, but there were a couple times where I wish they dared to add more punch to the songs.

    My highlights would be the singles, as well as "Mr. Credit", "Passengers", "Grand hotel" and "Big Shot City"

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. 70
    The Other Side of Make Believe is an Interpol ready for the new age. It’s proved they can move onto album seven – even when the world was forcing everyone apart – and amidst side projects and other endeavours, the trio are a staple the world would do better to relish in since they deliver a high quality every time without sacrificing any of that brooding integrity we all so know and love.
  2. Jul 20, 2022
    The Other Side of Make-Believe maintains the charm and intrigue that made Interpol indie darlings 20 years ago, but it also finds the band aging gracefully — these brooding New York boys are now men who embrace their emotions.
  3. Jul 19, 2022
    It plays to their strengths in most places and often challenges them to retain the will to be original and innovative in their established modus.