• Record Label: Mercury
  • Release Date: Jan 31, 2005
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 20 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 20
  2. Negative: 9 out of 20

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  1. BobS.
    Jul 5, 2007
    I like this album - can't understand why so many others hate it - gave it 8 to help the average
  2. BenS
    Dec 20, 2005
    Well reading these user comments is interesting, more that these snooty 'real music' faschists are even noticing a good band is surprising. i thought oasis was as rebellious as it got? no o course Dominic cant sing DO YOU KNOW WHAT PUNK IS ABOUT. For all those who like some good new music (the middle class among them i dont pidgeonhole) this is one quality band. Well reading these user comments is interesting, more that these snooty 'real music' faschists are even noticing a good band is surprising. i thought oasis was as rebellious as it got? no o course Dominic cant sing DO YOU KNOW WHAT PUNK IS ABOUT. For all those who like some good new music (the middle class among them i dont pidgeonhole) this is one quality band. 'lackey' is ferocious and visceral, a corkscrew in the forehead of soft rockers, a sex pistols a like lyric and a riff and intensity onny and the boys couldnt match. 'this is for the poor' is a brooding anthem that could be sung by the queen (hell she could sing it at bill gates), while 'william' and 'stan bowles' are intense and uplifting anthems. A superb cd from a traiblazing new band Collapse
  3. Bella
    Jun 28, 2005
    Not bad....not great. People may hate Dominic's voice, and I can see why--even though I think it's quite interesting. This isn't a must own cd by far, but it's worth a listen for free.
  4. PeterJ
    May 6, 2005
    In an era of overproduced crap, it's good to see a plain ole rock n roll album. So Mr. Masters has a beef with the class system, good for him. If music can draw from retro elements, why not the vocals. The raw energy of this band makes it one of the most refreshing sounds in years. Stan Bowles for single of the year!
  5. ians
    Apr 5, 2005
    ...to bring up the average as there are a lot of knee jerk reactions going on... although its more like an 8. The Others are a really exciting and vibrant band, although I can see why older people wouldn't get them. Most of the reviews seem to be slagging off the NME rather than the band. go and see them live you miserable sods.
  6. AndyG
    Mar 27, 2005
    One of the worst albums i have ever heard. If they stop they're pepetual whining about the British class system and stick to writing songs worthy of being in the charts then maybe, just maybe people will start to respect them. Can they do a guerilla on mars, because that's where they should be sent to.
  7. JoeS
    Mar 11, 2005
    dominic masters is one of the most annoying and pretentious singers in modern music. the band are liked and thought of in high esteem due to the image, and the fact the NME likes them. The music they produce is at very best average, and for the majority of the time it does nothing to inspire one. And they won an award named after John Peel?? there is something wrong there, guerilla dominic masters is one of the most annoying and pretentious singers in modern music. the band are liked and thought of in high esteem due to the image, and the fact the NME likes them. The music they produce is at very best average, and for the majority of the time it does nothing to inspire one. And they won an award named after John Peel?? there is something wrong there, guerilla gigging isnt necessarily a great thing. i dislike both the music and the singer. Expand
  8. BenJ
    Mar 2, 2005
    Complete rubbish. Using class as a selling point is really insulting. WRITE SOME DECENT TUNES!
  9. Matt
    Feb 27, 2005
    A nice simple rock album full of anthems written by someone who will be the Mike Skinner of Indie-Rock.
  10. NickD
    Feb 22, 2005
    Are the peasants still going on about class struggle? Sorry, the class war was won by us "toffs" when Britpop died. Get used to it. And us being middle class, we like music with sustinence. The Others don't provide it, with their basic rhythms, two-chord songs, tuneless melodies, boring song structure. Alas, they're not very good, as is surmised above. If this album were a Are the peasants still going on about class struggle? Sorry, the class war was won by us "toffs" when Britpop died. Get used to it. And us being middle class, we like music with sustinence. The Others don't provide it, with their basic rhythms, two-chord songs, tuneless melodies, boring song structure. Alas, they're not very good, as is surmised above. If this album were a socio-economic group, it would be the lowest of the chavs. Expand
  11. RobertS
    Feb 16, 2005
    excellent album. working class heroes that the middle and upper class toffs can't get there heads round. thats what i like most about it. you have to see this band live to truly understand what they're all about. nothing on the Libertines live, but the closest thing to it at the moment

Mixed or average reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 9
  2. Negative: 2 out of 9
  1. "The Others" is no masterpiece, but it offers up a warm, beating heart where its rivals offer cold, cynical eyes.
  2. Like Oasis' first album, it's definitely going to bring people together, and it will certainly start mass sing-alongs, but something tells me The Others won't be making it to a stadium near you anytime soon.
  3. An eclectic ragbag of influences coerced into great exciting guitar pop.