• Record Label: Caroline
  • Release Date: Oct 8, 2013
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 78 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 60 out of 78
  2. Negative: 6 out of 78
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  1. Mar 26, 2016
    There are some decent tunes on this album, but not very much more, The album as a whole feels formulaic and predictable, lacking the tempo changes and mood swings that made their first few albums disrupt the "tru-metal" equilibrium like no grunge album could. It's obviously more guitar heavy than the dubstep infested predecessor The Path of Totality, but not with the level of fury we'veThere are some decent tunes on this album, but not very much more, The album as a whole feels formulaic and predictable, lacking the tempo changes and mood swings that made their first few albums disrupt the "tru-metal" equilibrium like no grunge album could. It's obviously more guitar heavy than the dubstep infested predecessor The Path of Totality, but not with the level of fury we've come to expect from the band, despite Welch's return. I'd pick Take A Look in the Mirror over this despite its lower critic score! Let's hope their recent touring with Slipknot has pushed them further in the right direction for their next album. Expand
  2. Sep 2, 2014
    "The Paradigm Shift" is definitely not near Korn's best work but it's definitely a step in the right direction. With the return of Head, they added some signature old-school Korn elements to the new modern-day Korn. Much softer tunes than their old material but a lot better than their last couple of albums.
  3. Dec 16, 2013
    Being Korn's first album since their reunion with former second-guitarist: Brian "Head" Welch, the Paradigm Shift provides a stark contrast to the former album: The Path of Totality, which was both a brave and alluring experiment that melded metal and electronic music to create something that has not been heard before.

    By comparison the Paradigm Shift, though still littered with
    Being Korn's first album since their reunion with former second-guitarist: Brian "Head" Welch, the Paradigm Shift provides a stark contrast to the former album: The Path of Totality, which was both a brave and alluring experiment that melded metal and electronic music to create something that has not been heard before.

    By comparison the Paradigm Shift, though still littered with electronics as evidenced by the album's first single: Never Never which some have described as notably "pop-ey", proves to be a far less bold attempt and sees Korn falling back on a more familiar and heavy sound with the electronics taking more of an awkward backseat, with the aforementioned Never Never appearing suddenly and unexpectedly among songs with vastly different sounds such as Mass Hysteria.

    As a result this album feels a little complacent; not daring to aim high and instead playing with a variety of sounds previously seen in former albums with Mass Hysteria sounding like an outtake from the Untouchables while Paranoid and Aroused is reminiscent of Issues with the only major exceptions being Spike in my Veins and Never Never which see the electronic elements balance out with the more traditional sound more effectively, the former having been partially written by Noisia. One track in particular, Lullaby for a Sadist, sees Korn producing their first power ballad since Alone I Break and while it might sound appealing to some the song lacks the creepy and emotional impact it seems to be striving for, thanks in part to poor lyrical content, and as a result the attempt is rendered to little.

    Korn fans who were expecting to see a major improvement with Head's return will be thoroughly disappointed. with the album being very reminiscent of Take a Look in the Mirror in the way in which it fails to establish its own identity, the result is surprisingly empty and lacking, especially in its lyrical content and while it isn't their worst album it isn't a good addition to the Korn collection.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Nov 4, 2013
    "Never Never" is a power ballad, and "Love & Meth" is not as funny as one might hope, though the brilliantly titled "Paranoid and Aroused" is.
  2. Uncut
    Oct 31, 2013
    Essentially this is Korn returning to their familiar discomfort zone. [Dec 2013, p.70]
  3. Kerrang!
    Oct 29, 2013
    This is a more organic effort. [28 Sep 2013, p.52]