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Universal acclaim- based on 17 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 14 out of 17
  2. Negative: 0 out of 17
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  1. Apr 4, 2019
    With all of the new "hard rock" junk out these days that all sounds the same, this is one of the few albums that feels like a return to form of the hair bands of old, back to a time of good metal that didn't sound like someone growling in the mic. Hudson has a more clear voice that hits a huge range and lyrics that actually tell a story thru the album that's like one of those epic fantasyWith all of the new "hard rock" junk out these days that all sounds the same, this is one of the few albums that feels like a return to form of the hair bands of old, back to a time of good metal that didn't sound like someone growling in the mic. Hudson has a more clear voice that hits a huge range and lyrics that actually tell a story thru the album that's like one of those epic fantasy good vs evil tales. Awesome solos with great chords and hellish drum work with Cry Thunder definitely being my top song. Expand
  2. May 10, 2017
    I like the new singer Marc Hudson and he more than showcases his vocal ability through out the album. My issue is that it's not really power metal sounding, It sounds more like a hard rock album at times. I think this was an album where they decided since they have a new singer they should try a new sound as well. It's not a bad thing but I think when you go in the opposite direction ofI like the new singer Marc Hudson and he more than showcases his vocal ability through out the album. My issue is that it's not really power metal sounding, It sounds more like a hard rock album at times. I think this was an album where they decided since they have a new singer they should try a new sound as well. It's not a bad thing but I think when you go in the opposite direction of what made you famous in the first place, You kind of isolate your fan base and I think they did that with this album.

    It's not terrible but I think it could have been better.
  3. Dec 30, 2016
    What annoys me is people complaining Theart was a better singer. well that was the old Dragonforce. They changed their sound to perfectly fit Hudson and his vocals and it sounds way better
  4. Feb 7, 2014
    This is a great addition to Dragonforce's discography. Slightly diverting from the previous albums, these songs feel like its not all about the intense solos, as the entirety of the songs are as brilliant as their traditional solos. The addition of Marc Hudson was an excellent move, covering the high and low vocals superbly. A must buy if you are a dragonforce fan, and well worthThis is a great addition to Dragonforce's discography. Slightly diverting from the previous albums, these songs feel like its not all about the intense solos, as the entirety of the songs are as brilliant as their traditional solos. The addition of Marc Hudson was an excellent move, covering the high and low vocals superbly. A must buy if you are a dragonforce fan, and well worth considering if you aren't. Expand
  5. May 26, 2012
    DragonForce has gained huge popularity mainly through the Guitar Hero game series - where they had lent one of their songs: "Through The Fire And Flames" which thus became the hit number of the British band. The latest album "The Power Within" is the fifth and probably the best release, in which the band still regales listeners with a very decent dose of power metal - as seen for exampleDragonForce has gained huge popularity mainly through the Guitar Hero game series - where they had lent one of their songs: "Through The Fire And Flames" which thus became the hit number of the British band. The latest album "The Power Within" is the fifth and probably the best release, in which the band still regales listeners with a very decent dose of power metal - as seen for example in "Holding On" or "Last Man Stands". However, the greatest advantage and yet change is certainly the presence of a new singer - Mark Hudson, who has a much better vocal range. Expand
  6. May 14, 2012
    For me, this is the best album DF has released. Hudson has much cleaner and powerful voice, capable of singing both low and high voices. The music is melodic, and overall I do not have the feeling the tracks sound the same as on the previous albums. Lyrics more reflect the power metal style - battles, marching, light x darkness etc., plus the songs have different rhythm, from the insanelyFor me, this is the best album DF has released. Hudson has much cleaner and powerful voice, capable of singing both low and high voices. The music is melodic, and overall I do not have the feeling the tracks sound the same as on the previous albums. Lyrics more reflect the power metal style - battles, marching, light x darkness etc., plus the songs have different rhythm, from the insanely fast Give Me the Light, through marching Cry Thunder, to the slow (and surprisingly acoustic) Seasons. The songs are shorter than on previous albums as well, supporting the feeling that you are not bored by repeating solos and so on. Just a must-have for every power metal fan. Collapse

Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
  1. Kerrang!
    May 10, 2012
    This continues to be the same DragonForce you either love or laugh at, but on The Power Within they've honed their sound to absolute perfection. [14 Apr 2012, p.53]
  2. Alternative Press
    May 2, 2012
    They're not doing anything they haven't done before, but the triumphant unpretentious anthems on The Power Within area as fun as metal gets. [May 2012, p.75]
  3. Metal Hammer (UK)
    May 2, 2012
    With The Power Within, they've carried it off with their usual cocky assurance. [May 2012, p.96]