• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: May 27, 2016
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 38 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 38
  2. Negative: 4 out of 38
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  1. Sep 1, 2019
    some great songs all sounds kinda samey though nothing special not bad not good
  2. Jan 7, 2017
    You'll have heard all this before, many many times. The bands that come to mind immediately are the likes of Sterephonics, Razorlight and to a lesser extent, Oasis. The aforementioned bands have written songs that have stood the test of time. Catfish and the Bottlemen, to date, have not come close. Still, there is plenty to like for those who like their pub rock, even if as a guiltyYou'll have heard all this before, many many times. The bands that come to mind immediately are the likes of Sterephonics, Razorlight and to a lesser extent, Oasis. The aforementioned bands have written songs that have stood the test of time. Catfish and the Bottlemen, to date, have not come close. Still, there is plenty to like for those who like their pub rock, even if as a guilty pleasure. It's packed with melodic riffs, and a Gallagheresque snarl helps the lyrics stand out. It brings absolutely nothing new to the table but taken objectively, track by track, its a solid album. Expand
  3. Jun 22, 2016
    I really loved Catfish's first album, The Balcony, but I was incredibly disappointed by The Ride, The Balcony was so wonderful that I could say that I loved every single song. I only find myself liking a handful of songs from this record. They seem to have switched out the songs with personality for generic rock and roll songs, there is nothing wrong with these songs, but they don't takeI really loved Catfish's first album, The Balcony, but I was incredibly disappointed by The Ride, The Balcony was so wonderful that I could say that I loved every single song. I only find myself liking a handful of songs from this record. They seem to have switched out the songs with personality for generic rock and roll songs, there is nothing wrong with these songs, but they don't take any risks and lack the excitement that can be found in the debut. I still have a lot of love for this band, I just hope they change things up in future releases. Expand
  4. Jun 5, 2016
    This album is in no way a bad album and sticks to the same Catfish and The Bottlemen sound heard on their debut, it just seems to lack the catchy-ness and quality of songs like 'Kathleen' or 'Cocoon' and replaces them with more mediocre songs like 'Red'. The more 'acoustic' songs like 'Heathrow' and 'Glasgow' on the other hand are fresh and I am very impressed with how well produced andThis album is in no way a bad album and sticks to the same Catfish and The Bottlemen sound heard on their debut, it just seems to lack the catchy-ness and quality of songs like 'Kathleen' or 'Cocoon' and replaces them with more mediocre songs like 'Red'. The more 'acoustic' songs like 'Heathrow' and 'Glasgow' on the other hand are fresh and I am very impressed with how well produced and written they are. It is obvious this band are trying to progress their sound very subtly with songs like 'Oxygen' and 'Outside' but these are not well structured and seem unstable. There is no faulting the instruments on this album however, Vans vocals are quality and the guitar is very well done as usual. Bass and drums work well together and are spot on. Overall this album is very well produced and for the most part contains very sound, solid songs. Expand
  5. Jun 3, 2016
    Somewhat disappointed with this album. Really this album is just a watered down not near as good version of The Balcony (their first record). The hooks aren't anywhere as good or as catchy, and even the songs that are good are filled with distasteful riffs and melodies you have to work through to enjoy the better parts. Vans voice throughout the whole record just sounds extremelySomewhat disappointed with this album. Really this album is just a watered down not near as good version of The Balcony (their first record). The hooks aren't anywhere as good or as catchy, and even the songs that are good are filled with distasteful riffs and melodies you have to work through to enjoy the better parts. Vans voice throughout the whole record just sounds extremely unenthusiastic, I feel no real emotion being conveyed whatsoever. With that being said I still enjoyed the album being a big Catfish fan, however I do believe this album will do no justice in introducing a new fan base. If you're not already a fan of Catfish and the Bottlemen this record is not going to make you a fan. Overall an extremely mediocre album in every aspect. Expand
  6. Jun 1, 2016
    Catfish and the Bottlemen spurned their critics last time around on "The Balcony", and seemed poised to do the same here.

    While this album, "The Ride", is not awful in any way, it does leave much to be desired, for both critics and their loyal fans. Singer Van McCann promised that this album would "set off a little bomb in the music industry", yet after listening to the album, we are
    Catfish and the Bottlemen spurned their critics last time around on "The Balcony", and seemed poised to do the same here.

    While this album, "The Ride", is not awful in any way, it does leave much to be desired, for both critics and their loyal fans. Singer Van McCann promised that this album would "set off a little bomb in the music industry", yet after listening to the album, we are all left scratching our heads with this quote. The album reminds the listener of all the bands influences (Oasis, The Strokes, etc.) without offering anything particularly memorable. McCann's vocal melodies are undeniably catchy, yet his lyrics are almost too casual for his own good.

    It has its moments: 'Oxygen' and 'Outside' showcase a band that is maturing through pushing their boundaries, but these moments leave us wanting a bit more. In its worst moments, you can almost see the band sitting around a water cooler brainstorming ways try to make their songs different from one another, usually by adding more and more sections, over stuffing the songs with more and more parts.

    The result is an album that lacks the flow and charm that "The Balcony" had. "The Ride" is not a bad entry to Catfish and the Bottlemen catalog, and will ultimately please crowds nonetheless; yet, the album that Catfish has promised has yet to be heard.
  7. May 29, 2016
    Contrived and commercial, mediocre and forgettable despite solid production. Pales lyrically and musically in comparison to their excellent, energetic, and genuine debut album The Balcony.
  8. May 27, 2016
    Possibly one of the worst albums I've heard in a long time. Gutted I wasted money on this. Expecting to see this in poundland in the next few months.

    Unimaginative guitar, mundane drums (they seem to be muted compared to the rest of the music), lyrics are just painful (probably the worst aspect of all of this). How does a band whom lack complete originality make it as far as they
    Possibly one of the worst albums I've heard in a long time. Gutted I wasted money on this. Expecting to see this in poundland in the next few months.

    Unimaginative guitar, mundane drums (they seem to be muted compared to the rest of the music), lyrics are just painful (probably the worst aspect of all of this).

    How does a band whom lack complete originality make it as far as they have? Can name 10 local bands within 10 miles of my house that would be more deserving of being in the charts.

    If you've listened to soundcheck (which is probably the only decent song on here) then you don't need to buy the rest of the album, it's filled with meaningless junk.

    Do yourself a favour and stay away.
  9. May 27, 2016
    A solid album that starts off great but fades on you as it makes its way to the end. It's definitely a step down from "The Balcony," but if you enjoyed that album you'll like this one. Every Catfish fan needs it in their collection. I'll be honest...I was a tad bit disappointed when this album came out only because the band had hyped it up so much. We were promised "a bomb in the musicA solid album that starts off great but fades on you as it makes its way to the end. It's definitely a step down from "The Balcony," but if you enjoyed that album you'll like this one. Every Catfish fan needs it in their collection. I'll be honest...I was a tad bit disappointed when this album came out only because the band had hyped it up so much. We were promised "a bomb in the music industry," but even a big Catfish fan like myself can admit that was a massive overstatement now. "7 and Soundtrack" are easily the strongest tracks on the album, but don't come close to "Kathleen or Cocoon" on the previous album. Still good though!
    But let me say...I'm honestly sick of the pretentious critics who have made this band their whipping boy. The Guardian's review was particularly scathing and uncalled for. The amount of hate Catfish have received is unprecedented. I find it hilarious how the same people who rip this album rave about wholly overrated musicians like Beyonce, Bruno Mars, etc. Now THOSE are artists that make music for the "lowest common denominator." Catfish are putting out tunes and building a fan base the old fashioned way through hard work, hectic touring, AND YESSSSSSS guitars...and these corporate mouthpieces just don't get it.
  10. May 27, 2016
    Didnt they could outdo their first album, yet here I am giving this a 10.
    If you like the band, youll love this.
    If youre not a fan of Catfish you wont find anything new here really.
  11. May 27, 2016
    Basically it's a solid album. The melodies are catchy and uplifting, on the other hand lyrics are still very much so middle of the road. But to be honest I think that's the point behind a band like this to pull in a new generation of rock music fans. So the lyrics need to be written for teenagers in mind.
    There's almost no deviation from the last record which isn't bad if it works for
    Basically it's a solid album. The melodies are catchy and uplifting, on the other hand lyrics are still very much so middle of the road. But to be honest I think that's the point behind a band like this to pull in a new generation of rock music fans. So the lyrics need to be written for teenagers in mind.
    There's almost no deviation from the last record which isn't bad if it works for them, and it seems that it does.There aren't any weak links. All songs seem pretty solid.
    As stand out tracks I would have to pick "Anything" and "Heathrow" because it seems like they are trying to create a new sound that might be more dominant on their new record when it comes out.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Sep 30, 2016
    Tunes borrowing from Oasis and Echo & the Bunnymen via the clean, anthemic sound producer Dave Sardy provided for Jet, the UK quartet doesn't even try to sound new.
  2. May 31, 2016
    There is little original here. But McCann has his moments.
  3. May 27, 2016
    Catfish & the Bottlemen hit their marks dutifully, rushing through their melodies but never taking it so quick that the singsong tunes don't stick, slowing down the tempo for needed breathers and ending the whole shebang with "Outside," an extended number designed to ratchet up expectations prior to the obligatory encore.