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Generally favorable reviews- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. May 1, 2012
    I'm usually one for unique, hard-to-describe vocals, though Staples' voice rubs me the wrong way. I enjoy the funky instrumentation but it's not a panacea for my aforementioned apprehension. Truthfully, my favorite track was the first one, but after the surprise was all said and done, I won't be caught off guard the next time I listen to it - but that's the thing... there probably won't beI'm usually one for unique, hard-to-describe vocals, though Staples' voice rubs me the wrong way. I enjoy the funky instrumentation but it's not a panacea for my aforementioned apprehension. Truthfully, my favorite track was the first one, but after the surprise was all said and done, I won't be caught off guard the next time I listen to it - but that's the thing... there probably won't be a next time. Collapse
  2. Apr 26, 2012
    Tindersticks latest album is dominated mostly by lethargic, moody ballads with delicate inserts of various diverse add-ons, as even seen in the instrumental "Goodbye Joe", or - the longest on the album - "Come Inside". On the release there are also steadily developing "Chocolate" as a kind of vocalist's narrative expediency , "Show Me Everything" - style reminiscent of the ballads fromTindersticks latest album is dominated mostly by lethargic, moody ballads with delicate inserts of various diverse add-ons, as even seen in the instrumental "Goodbye Joe", or - the longest on the album - "Come Inside". On the release there are also steadily developing "Chocolate" as a kind of vocalist's narrative expediency , "Show Me Everything" - style reminiscent of the ballads from the Adriatic and a slightly alternative compositions such as "Frozen" or "This Fire of Autumn". Expand
  3. Mar 18, 2012
    Although not so engaging as their best offerings 'Tindersticks II' or 'Curtains' , it does offer a coherent nocturnal spectacle of reflective gentleness. As usually the first listen reveals nothing remarkable or even resembling to what will be traversing through your ear canals after, say, fifth listening, a number that may be decremented if listened to alone in the evening with a glass ofAlthough not so engaging as their best offerings 'Tindersticks II' or 'Curtains' , it does offer a coherent nocturnal spectacle of reflective gentleness. As usually the first listen reveals nothing remarkable or even resembling to what will be traversing through your ear canals after, say, fifth listening, a number that may be decremented if listened to alone in the evening with a glass of a decent red wine. Suddenly every tune is endowed with its divine meandering meaning, running through your encephalitics like a stream of hungry bees in search of their dying mother's milk. A definite todiefors here are 'A night so still' and 'Medicine'. Expand
  4. Feb 23, 2012
    Just brilliant. An album to get lost into, as good as their debut or 1997's Curtains, happy days! :) Moody, but most importantly vibrant and always moving, this album is very exciting to listen to!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Jul 20, 2012
    None of these songs are entitled to be the album's best and none of them work towards anything other than creating the quiet, gloomy album that it is. And yet there's so much of this focus given to each song.
  2. Mar 23, 2012
    It is maybe a bit surprising that it's so damned interesting to listen to, and that, along with everything else on The Something Rain, is a powerful testament to the skill of the musicians Staples has surrounded himself with.
  3. Under The Radar
    Mar 21, 2012
    There is a quiet urgency to the songs, and their cumulative effect can be a permeating of the subconscious. [Mar 2012, p.86]