• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: Jun 5, 2012
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 24 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 24
  2. Negative: 3 out of 24
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  1. Sep 7, 2013
    There is something rather underwhelming about this whole album. Although it presents us with two rather solid tracks, Need Your Love and Where Do We Go From Here?, the rest of the album falls rather flat. Perhaps Conditions was not as good as its reputation would suggest, but it's certainly better than this offering. The song London's Burning is one of the most cringe-worthy songs I'veThere is something rather underwhelming about this whole album. Although it presents us with two rather solid tracks, Need Your Love and Where Do We Go From Here?, the rest of the album falls rather flat. Perhaps Conditions was not as good as its reputation would suggest, but it's certainly better than this offering. The song London's Burning is one of the most cringe-worthy songs I've ever listened to. As a whole, a rather unmemorable bunch of tracks, which (excluding the two aforementioned stand-out songs) are at best forgettable and, at worst, dreadful. Expand
  2. Jun 5, 2013
    Sure, it isn't as good as Conditions, but that doesn't matter. Where this album hits its lowest points, it is dreary and average. But its high points are brilliant and chillingly touching. I think that the legacy of Conditions has not worked favourably in the eyes of critics for this album.
  3. Jul 6, 2012
    Aussie indie rockers The Temper Trap will forever be known for their song Sweet Disposition. It was the track that should never have crossed over to a mainstream audience, but through its strategic placement in the dramatic moments of popular international television shows such as Skins, One Tree Hill, and 90210, and the film (500) Days Of Summer, it ended up becoming a powerful drivingAussie indie rockers The Temper Trap will forever be known for their song Sweet Disposition. It was the track that should never have crossed over to a mainstream audience, but through its strategic placement in the dramatic moments of popular international television shows such as Skins, One Tree Hill, and 90210, and the film (500) Days Of Summer, it ended up becoming a powerful driving force behind promoting the band Expand
  4. Jul 2, 2012
    It's difficult to NOT compare albums.. Especially when you're comparing T.T's new release to Conditions, one of my fav albums in the last 5 years. ANd if you're expecting another Conditions, then you'll want to look elsewhere, because it simply isn't. What it is however, is Dougie showcasing his lyrical and technical ability.. brilliantly. It is a slow-burn, and may take a few listens toIt's difficult to NOT compare albums.. Especially when you're comparing T.T's new release to Conditions, one of my fav albums in the last 5 years. ANd if you're expecting another Conditions, then you'll want to look elsewhere, because it simply isn't. What it is however, is Dougie showcasing his lyrical and technical ability.. brilliantly. It is a slow-burn, and may take a few listens to become accustomed to. But its brilliant, and very 'temper trap'. Seeing it live is especially wonderful, due to the fact that this band shines in it's live show. Buy it today. Expand
  5. Jun 17, 2012
    On the second album in the career of Australian band The Temper Trap they have caintained very decent piece of indie rock. Most attract more subdued songs where vocals are fused with a music layer which all form a single, harmonious and melodic whole. Notewothy are for ex. the pathetic chorus evident in "Trembling Hands" or single "Need Your Love". Unfortunately the album is not perfect -On the second album in the career of Australian band The Temper Trap they have caintained very decent piece of indie rock. Most attract more subdued songs where vocals are fused with a music layer which all form a single, harmonious and melodic whole. Notewothy are for ex. the pathetic chorus evident in "Trembling Hands" or single "Need Your Love". Unfortunately the album is not perfect - after all, you've got impression that some number of songs you could easily give up, so the quality of the album will be equalized. However, it is one of the best indie rock records this year. Expand
  6. Jun 11, 2012
    I'm going to get one thing out of the way first. While Conditions is an amazing debut album from a great band, it's not your god. The world does not revolve around Conditions, nor does The Temper Trap. If you want Conditions, go lock yourself in a room for the rest of your life with a surround sound system and your very own mint condition CD copy of Conditions.

    Anyways, this album is a
    I'm going to get one thing out of the way first. While Conditions is an amazing debut album from a great band, it's not your god. The world does not revolve around Conditions, nor does The Temper Trap. If you want Conditions, go lock yourself in a room for the rest of your life with a surround sound system and your very own mint condition CD copy of Conditions.

    Anyways, this album is a masterpiece. Doug and his crew have absolutely pushed their limits to create this album. With a vibrant and very beautiful new sound, The Temper Trap is, quite honestly, the best album I have ever heard in a very long time. Each song on this record is like a completely different experience each time. The band have notably also taken huge risks aswell, like introducing the 'poppiness' of today's music into their sound, which should be commended, considering how brilliant songs like "Need Your Love" and "Where Do We Go From Here" turned out. Songs like "Miracle" and "Rabbit Hole" are unbelievably well written and mastered, but then again you have "Trembling Hands". Don't know about you, but this song is now one of my absolute favourite songs, and you don't know how many songs I've listened to. This whole album, and "Trembling Hands" alone, is the absolute apex of all The Temper Trap and their producers' hard work and struggles, blending in the genius of Mandi's truly inspirational and sometimes striking lyrics, the grand result of the band's ability to rock up a good tune, Tony Hoffer's sensitive but brilliant producing skills, and of course, the band's equally problematic struggle to keep in touch with the world around them.
  7. Jun 8, 2012
    Quite a disappointment. The album does start to pick up midway, but the main issue I have is that the Temper Trap do not play to their strengths, aka using their singer to his full ability. He's too restrained here, and a band like this whose sound honestly is a bit derivative, needs to take advantage of anything that sets it apart. There are way less melodic hooks, nothing near as strongQuite a disappointment. The album does start to pick up midway, but the main issue I have is that the Temper Trap do not play to their strengths, aka using their singer to his full ability. He's too restrained here, and a band like this whose sound honestly is a bit derivative, needs to take advantage of anything that sets it apart. There are way less melodic hooks, nothing near as strong as "soldier on" and "love lost." With so many other good releases now (Liars, Future of the Left, Japandroids), this will be forgotten. Collapse
  8. Jun 5, 2012
    This album is so hopelessly depressing and disappointing that I would have been sad (and not a good sad like Soldier On) all day if it were not for the amazing timing of the new Hives album which is bombastically fantastic (but that's for another review). Did The Temper Trap forget how to write "songs"? There isn't anything that even comes close to the goodness of Love Lost or SweetThis album is so hopelessly depressing and disappointing that I would have been sad (and not a good sad like Soldier On) all day if it were not for the amazing timing of the new Hives album which is bombastically fantastic (but that's for another review). Did The Temper Trap forget how to write "songs"? There isn't anything that even comes close to the goodness of Love Lost or Sweet Disposition. Did they forget how to use their guitars? By the end of track 12 I wanted to murder myself. The first single had me worried and rightfully so. This album was crushingly disappointing. Oh and Terg your insane. Plain and Simple. Expand
  9. Jun 5, 2012
    First of all, this album is better than Conditions. I doubt anyone will agree with me on that but thats what I think. Its adventurous, bold, and it builds on the bands sound. They still keep the smooth, sweeping vocals of Sweet Disposition, and then add a little synth and grandeur. Dougy's vocals are amazing on here and more impressive then his vocals on Conditions. Some songs though canFirst of all, this album is better than Conditions. I doubt anyone will agree with me on that but thats what I think. Its adventurous, bold, and it builds on the bands sound. They still keep the smooth, sweeping vocals of Sweet Disposition, and then add a little synth and grandeur. Dougy's vocals are amazing on here and more impressive then his vocals on Conditions. Some songs though can lose their magic and become a bit boring, such as This isn't Happiness and Never Again. The songs pack more up front and in-your-face emotion especially on tracks like Trembling Hands, The Sea Is Calling and Need Your Love. Altogether its grander, more emotional and far more impressive than their debut. A wonderful step up for the band. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Under The Radar
    Aug 22, 2012
    {The Temper Trap] lose the sugar high on their eponymous second album. [Aug/Sep 2012, p.122]
  2. Jul 25, 2012
    Their instrumentation is not potent enough to overwhelm their poor lyrics, and their lead singer hasn't figured out how to use his voice in a way that moves masses.
  3. Q Magazine
    Jun 22, 2012
    The Temper Trap are touched by the brilliance of Dougy Mandagi, a vocalist with a set of pipes so extraordinary he could emote a Twitter feed. [Jun 2012, p.112]