
Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
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  1. Revolver
    By-the-numbers breakdowns, tired metalcore riffing, and cliched lyrics are still very much part of the group's formula. It's too bad since the band has plenty of energy and ambition. [Nov/Dec 2010, p.94]
  2. Dec 21, 2010
    On their third album, these dizzying British metalcore chemists swing erratically in an effort to shake genre conventions, flirting with dystopic Max Headroom stutter, electro gloom, and tender indie-folk cuddles.
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 118 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 4 out of 118
  1. Oct 28, 2010
    Amazing album! it is probably there best album yet. It just runs shivers up your spine every time you hear Oliver Sykes (Lead Singer) sing andAmazing album! it is probably there best album yet. It just runs shivers up your spine every time you hear Oliver Sykes (Lead Singer) sing and scream. 'It Never Ends" is my favorite song from the album along with "Dont Go", "Crucify Me" and **** . It's going to take me along time to not listen to these songs for a day.
    I just love it. :)
    Full Review »
  2. Jul 14, 2015
    A lot of bands like with this kind of style make their way through their careers by riding on the backs of their fan girls and the scene kids.A lot of bands like with this kind of style make their way through their careers by riding on the backs of their fan girls and the scene kids. Bring Me the Horizon Goes against that trend. This is an evolution for the band. They experiment in all of the right areas here and have created one of the best metal albums you can find.

    The heaviness of the genre is mixed with more emotional tones. Lead singer Oliver Sykes pours out his inner emotions into every song. It leads to a mix of powerful vocals and wonderfully written lyrics. The lyrics are a real strong point for the album. Hooks are catchy and the symbolism is spot on. There's a sense of maturity and depth in the writing that you don't get from many hardcore/metalcore bands. It make sit all more of a joy to listen to.

    This album is heavy and addicting. It's some of the most enjoyable metal I have heard in a long time, if not ever. The band shows that they are no longer only willing to focus on a specific audience. Instead they reach out to the entire metal community. The results are satisfying even if the instrumental rely on the same heavy riffs that the genre is full of every now and then. It's a fantastic album and I give it a 9.9/10.
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  3. Dec 31, 2012
    In recent years, the post-hardcore has seemingly died down since the outburst of the dreadful "scene" clique it's created. But in thisIn recent years, the post-hardcore has seemingly died down since the outburst of the dreadful "scene" clique it's created. But in this destruction, there are gems, and one of them are Bring Me the Horizon. There Is a Hell is one of the most energetic, experimental, creative, dynamic, and personal albums in recent years, thanks to its balance of balls-out, speaker thumping metal and mixture of symphonic and electronic influences. Album opener "Crucify Me" features Oli screaming out religious slurs ("There is nothing above, there is nothing below, Heaven and Hell lives in all of us) over rumbling guitars before the distorted choir vocals take over the chorus, as well as a lovely entry from Canadian singer-songstress Lights. "Anthem" is blunt and specifically made for the mosh pits at their shows. And "Don't Go" is simply a masterpiece, it's climatic, beautifully and tragically written, and Oli's screams are as heartfelt as ever before being joined by Lights' soft clean vocals. It's only downfall is its tendency to rely on the typical "chugga chugga" guitar solos and the band still has a lot of growing up to do. But that's okay, we'll love every step this band takes to becoming one of post-hardcore's most memorable acts. Full Review »