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  1. Apr 19, 2014
    This really was soundtrack to my summer (ok, late summer, or maybe fall lol). Really summer vibin' album, very consistent, just 1 skippable track, solid beats, great chemistry between Fash & Murs, really good, consistent stuff. Fresh album. Nothin' excellent here, just pure Cali, summer vibin' album... 8/10 easily. Recommended for those from CA or wherever worldwide, jus to bump in theirThis really was soundtrack to my summer (ok, late summer, or maybe fall lol). Really summer vibin' album, very consistent, just 1 skippable track, solid beats, great chemistry between Fash & Murs, really good, consistent stuff. Fresh album. Nothin' excellent here, just pure Cali, summer vibin' album... 8/10 easily. Recommended for those from CA or wherever worldwide, jus to bump in their lacs in summer. Hot album! Collapse

Generally favorable reviews - based on 9 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Jan 7, 2013
    An album that's already brimming over with personality thanks to the chemistry between the two rhyme stylists and their ability to bring out the most inventive sides of one another.
  2. Q Magazine
    Dec 11, 2012
    The occasional clunker's certainly not enough to take the shine off a solid, consistent album. [Jan 2013, p.110]
  3. Nov 1, 2012
    Murs and Fashawn have done what few collaborative albums do: create a complete and cohesive album, that actually lives up to lofty expectations.