• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Sep 22, 2014
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 156 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 14 out of 156
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  1. Sep 30, 2014
    It was always going to be a bit daunting for a young and upcoming band to follow up on such an explosively popular debut, and This Is All Yours definitely feels more subdued than their debut. 'Intro' is expansive, instantly picking up on their signature vocal melodies while broadcasting a range of musical styles (with even oriental undertones). However, instead of being followed byIt was always going to be a bit daunting for a young and upcoming band to follow up on such an explosively popular debut, and This Is All Yours definitely feels more subdued than their debut. 'Intro' is expansive, instantly picking up on their signature vocal melodies while broadcasting a range of musical styles (with even oriental undertones). However, instead of being followed by something just as adventurous, we get two songs which barely make an impact. 'Arriving in Nara' is perhaps the worst placement I've seen of any track, feeling more suited to an album closer. 'Nara' is a respectable effort, but it lacks cohesion, something that the Intro can get away with, but that track three really shouldn't have to.

    The album does have gratifying moments, with singles 'Every Other Freckle' and 'Hunger of the Pine' each giving an atmospheric experience, the former filled with crisp percussion and the latter with irresistible synths. Other more sophomore efforts like 'The Gospel of John Hurt' and 'Bloodflood pt.II' also leave a lasting impression on the listener. However, the cohesion of the album as a whole is peppered with inconsistent and confused styles ('Left Hand Free' could not feel any more out of place on an album this mellow), and so although many might tag it as a 'sophomore' effort, it is disjointed in enough places to make its true style unclear.

    And so, overall, there is plenty to appreciate on This Is All Yours, but if you're looking for a record as infectious as their debut, or at least as seamless, you may be in for a bit of a disappointment.
  2. Oct 11, 2014
    Alt-J's arty experimentation may be bursting with colour, but overall "This is all yours" feels rather rushed and unfinished, almost like the draft copy of a masterpiece.
  3. Sep 23, 2014
    Alt-J drops a new record called This is all Yours, after two years of touring, writing and recording. The album to me, is quite a disappointment. Where Alt-J won awards for their distinctive sound on 'An Awesome Wave', i think they abolish it to much an their latest record. Instead of continue evolving their style, they just seem to be clueless on choosing a direction for This is AllAlt-J drops a new record called This is all Yours, after two years of touring, writing and recording. The album to me, is quite a disappointment. Where Alt-J won awards for their distinctive sound on 'An Awesome Wave', i think they abolish it to much an their latest record. Instead of continue evolving their style, they just seem to be clueless on choosing a direction for This is All Yours.

    The record, to me, is an incoherent whole to please the bigger audience. The band risks blend perfectly in the scale of unknown and uninteresting country bands, while they are trying to distinguish themselves from the 'mainstream' with inappropriate jungle beats, unfitting accoustic guitars and a far too mellow sound. The record for me isn't spunky enough. There are some good sides to this record, in the shape of some proper songs like Every Other Freckle and Hunger of the Pine. These are also the songs which have got any remains of the sound of An Awesome Wave, with the electronic-like beats and smart guitars/keys. Left Hand Free testifies some great song-writing skills, while pop-rock isn't completely Alt-J's genre. The hit-content is very high on this one, but to me it's just one of those thousands of songs that will never become an evergreen.

    Finally, i think the amount of interludes is unnecessary and disturbing, in combination with the lack of highlights. To me, the vibe of the record gets completely lost with the breaks between the song, and it got me out of the flow, while listening to this record.

    If this record was from an upcoming artist, without any expertise and previous albums which characterised it's style, this would be a record i would spin more often. Coming from a band with a past like Alt-J(An Awesome Wave was one of my favourite records of 2012), this record, to me, is the biggest disappointment of 2014 so far.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 26 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 26
  2. Negative: 1 out of 26
  1. Nov 6, 2014
    Alt-J could come off as pretentiously obfuscating but for the overt playfulness within the experimental.
  2. 70
    They’ve created the rare sort of album that manages to be both familiar and disorienting at the same time, an expansively cinematic experience that remains unpretentiously grounded.
  3. Entertainment Weekly
    Sep 29, 2014
    The plethora of headphones-friendly tones frequently overshadow melodies that feel less than fully developed. [3 Oct 2014, p.69]