• Record Label: Sony
  • Release Date: Mar 23, 2004
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 22
  2. Negative: 2 out of 22

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  1. LukasZ
    Sep 22, 2004
    many good tracks but some weak like the short tracks therefor an 8
  2. d
    Sep 8, 2004
    ok, obiuosly this album is not as good as their debut but if you were waitin for somethin like black sunday your fukin stupid just like J L...cypress has grown musicly over the years and even tho most ppl think that 'bones and skulls' and 'stonned raiders' were rap/rock sucked you gotta respect 'em cuz they had the balls to experiment with different sounds instead ok, obiuosly this album is not as good as their debut but if you were waitin for somethin like black sunday your fukin stupid just like J L...cypress has grown musicly over the years and even tho most ppl think that 'bones and skulls' and 'stonned raiders' were rap/rock sucked you gotta respect 'em cuz they had the balls to experiment with different sounds instead of puttin out records that sound the same over and over. now the 1st single ''whats your #' was alrite but i give this cd a 7 cuz they bring back the gangsta rap with 'another body drops' and ill track ''latin thugs'' but they once again expand their sound not only to rap,rock but now to reggae with ''ganja bus' and 'busted in the hood' they got good colaborations on this cd too, tego calderon, damian marley and guys from mobb deep....muggs: great beats, b-real: always got it and sen dog really stepped up this time in my opinion making better work than b-real... Collapse
  3. unknownkid
    Jun 24, 2004
    okay, first off all BS sucked ass, it wasnt even rap, and this cd rocks, ya there are some bad songs but still TDDUP rocks,
  4. christopherm
    May 12, 2004
    well to tell the truth man do i love this c-d man i think muggs putt alot of work in to this new track mi favorite songs to me are money never know and especially till death do us part i agreewith metacratic critics i think b-real just put alot of love into this song till death do us part i think is very sweet and i love the beat 2 me this track and the spanish track they put out are the well to tell the truth man do i love this c-d man i think muggs putt alot of work in to this new track mi favorite songs to me are money never know and especially till death do us part i agreewith metacratic critics i think b-real just put alot of love into this song till death do us part i think is very sweet and i love the beat 2 me this track and the spanish track they put out are the best for especially thanks metacritic much love !!!!! Expand
  5. JL
    Mar 30, 2004
    If anyone thinks this album is classic Cypress Hill, they should probably buy a copy of their first album. Yes, it is better than that rap-rock garbage they put out last time, but it doesn't come close to thier debut or even 'Black Sunday'. Think of it: "How I could Just Kill a Man" vs "Another Body Drops"? No competition. Cypress is just trying to sell records to rich If anyone thinks this album is classic Cypress Hill, they should probably buy a copy of their first album. Yes, it is better than that rap-rock garbage they put out last time, but it doesn't come close to thier debut or even 'Black Sunday'. Think of it: "How I could Just Kill a Man" vs "Another Body Drops"? No competition. Cypress is just trying to sell records to rich college kids because they lost all their street cred over the last 4 albums. Expand
  6. Ale?S
    Mar 27, 2004
    one of the best genre albums of recent years,great musical devices with rich sound,hiphop and reggae hits all around,strings,guitars,piano, xylophone and organ(!),melancholic and also funny mood,still excelent raps by b*real and sen dog,dj muggs in his highest form,simply:clever yet enjoyable lp by legendary nevertheless present-day stars of hiphop.get it.now.
  7. BillyBob
    Mar 25, 2004
    10 ! Biatches
  8. JackW
    Mar 25, 2004
    I was kinda worried about this record. I'll admit, even though I'm a huge Hill fan, that my expectations were pretty low for this CD since the first single, "What's Your Number", was pretty weak. This album completly exceeded my expectaions. The first track, "Another Body Drops," basically kicks you in the ass for thinking it's gonna be a weak CD. It's strictly I was kinda worried about this record. I'll admit, even though I'm a huge Hill fan, that my expectations were pretty low for this CD since the first single, "What's Your Number", was pretty weak. This album completly exceeded my expectaions. The first track, "Another Body Drops," basically kicks you in the ass for thinking it's gonna be a weak CD. It's strictly back-to-basics hip-hop, not too many rock tracks like most Hill albums, which is really evident on the track "Street Wars." Muggs delivers crazy beats, sounding traditionally hip-hop, but at the same time it has a new sound. Also, this is definitely Sen Dog's strongest CD, lycicly. As much as I love Cypress, Sen Dog isn't the best rapper around, but he delivers, especially on "Another Body Drops" and "Money." There's a sick track with Damian Marley on it, too. It's like straight reggae meets DJ Muggs, it's completely sick. The title track, "Till Death Do Us Part," is the best love song you could expect from B-Real. Be it, there are weak tracks on it, like "What's Your Number," "Busted In The Hood" and "One Last Cigarette." One more thing. The track "Latin Thugs" is spanish. It's an awesome beat, but I have no idea what the hell anybodys saying. They're some spanish of "Ganja Bus," but it's only really a verse and a half. In conclusion, if you had a bad feeling of this CD because of the first single, forget about it. "Till Death Do Us Part" is one of Cypress Hill's stronger CDs, and it's good so seem them go back to straight hip-hop. Expand
  9. johnnyv
    Mar 24, 2004
    Amazing album
  10. MiKLFromdasickside
    Mar 24, 2004
    CYpress are the best
  11. fabricef
    Mar 24, 2004
    Don't listen to 'Entertainment Weekly', that album is just great. Cypress is tight as ever, and the album just flows...
  12. AlexA
    Mar 24, 2004
    This Album is the best one of them all. It is true Chpress Hill Music.
  13. NazatA
    Mar 23, 2004
    the cd is fullfilling includes rock and different types of elements . im a long time cypress hill fan and then i got hooked to rage against by them cause they both are similar and cypress has a passion of different types of music and in this record it features skinhead rob and tim armstrong from the trnasplants , prodigy and twin and Bob Marley's son Damian
  14. D
    Mar 23, 2004
    Average, but still better than the previous 2. What's Your Number is the best song they've made in years, unfortunately the rest of the CD isn't as good

Generally favorable reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. 80
    For the first time in nearly a decade Cypress Hill sound like they’re really enjoying themselves, just like they were in the beginning.
  2. Only about a third enjoyable.
  3. Long before it's time to part, Till Death sags under a heavy sense of déjà vu that hinders even its interesting moments.