• Record Label: Vagrant
  • Release Date: May 27, 2016
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 25 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 21 out of 25
  2. Negative: 2 out of 25
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  1. Sep 6, 2016
    Aging like good wine. They manage to show a great example of how to evolve and progress as a band without losing character at all. It will be one of my favorite albums of Thrice.
  2. Jun 20, 2016
    It's as if Thrice hasn't skipped a beat since they went on hiatus. Starting with Hurricane, which represents everything Thrice. Entrancing lyrics, guttural and melodic, crisp and driving drums. As you progress though the album it also becomes very obvious that the group decided to address current and relevant political and social issues. Examples include: Whistleblower (i guess that one'sIt's as if Thrice hasn't skipped a beat since they went on hiatus. Starting with Hurricane, which represents everything Thrice. Entrancing lyrics, guttural and melodic, crisp and driving drums. As you progress though the album it also becomes very obvious that the group decided to address current and relevant political and social issues. Examples include: Whistleblower (i guess that one's obvious); Death from Above (the morals and ethics of war most especially military drone use); to Salt and Shadow which addresses the social disconnect created by the unrestrained use of modern technology. I was even pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed Stay with Me, which strays surprisingly mainstream/radio for a Thrice track. Their deadbolt days are long since over (unfortunately), but they still stay true to their style over the last few albums Quality and production is top-notch, give it a listen and enjoy! Expand
  3. May 31, 2016
    Absolutely amazing. I've also only heard the first half of the album and so far it is everything I've come to love about thrice and more. You can feel the passion put in each song and each one so far has given me goosebumps, especially the choruses. (Hurricane)
  4. May 29, 2016
    It shouldn't come as a surprise but this 'TBEITBN' is amazing. Thrice really have gotten better with time, each album an evolution of their craft. After a 2 year hiatus (a lifetime in terms of music) one would be concerned that they would have lost it, coming back out of need as opposed to want and grasping desperately for mainstream success leaving them sounding tired and cliched. YouIt shouldn't come as a surprise but this 'TBEITBN' is amazing. Thrice really have gotten better with time, each album an evolution of their craft. After a 2 year hiatus (a lifetime in terms of music) one would be concerned that they would have lost it, coming back out of need as opposed to want and grasping desperately for mainstream success leaving them sounding tired and cliched. You won't see any of that with 'TBEITBN'.
    The band as a whole have never sound better. The synergy between the various elements on this latest collection is outstanding. Dustin Kensrue has never sounded so good. He's the same guy with punk rock beginnings but much more world weary. The depth and texture in his voice, the light and shade he brings to the record, the control and unadulterated passion; it's everything we've grown to love and so much more. Teppei Teranishi on guitar just kills it every time and this is no exception. Along with the rest of the band this melodious behemoth of a record is piece of art.
    An artist is just man with tools and paint without inspiration and these artists have taken such a broad spectrum of subject matter. On the surface the lyrics would be could sound quite basic but within a few listens you start to find that, while individually the songs are their own self contained episodes, the album as a whole has so many complex layers that have such an epic flow . The lyrics all compliment each other and work so well together.
    This is an album by a band who have suffered and loved and lost. Who have grown up in a world that promised to much and gave so much and fell short.
    'TBEITBN' is an amalgamation of all their previous efforts, from 'Identity Crisis' to 'Vheissu' right the way up to 'Major/Minor' you can see everything they've learned, both personally and artistically, and then some on display here.
    Seriously guys this is brilliant.
  5. May 27, 2016
    Before you listen to this album, consider that when Thrice released their first album, AOL was how you accessed the internet and their homepage looked like this: http://web.archive.org/web/19970421165310/http://www.aol.com/

    TBEITBN is another album in a career arc that has impressed me as much as any other band that I know. Thrice continues to be unafraid to evolve their sound in ways
    Before you listen to this album, consider that when Thrice released their first album, AOL was how you accessed the internet and their homepage looked like this: http://web.archive.org/web/19970421165310/http://www.aol.com/

    TBEITBN is another album in a career arc that has impressed me as much as any other band that I know. Thrice continues to be unafraid to evolve their sound in ways while still staying true to the same high level lyricism and progressive sounds that made me a fan over a decade ago. While many bands have seemed to have albums that clearly stand out as their best work, Thrice defies expectations of a descent into mediocrity & reaching for previous success. Perhaps this is due to their lack of mainstream exposure or mammoth album sales successes that may have led other bands astray... or perhaps they are just made of different stuff than other bands born out of the millennial rock scene, but for whatever reason it is, it's working.

    I've loved and lost and married and had kids, run businesses, bought homes, and grown a hell of a lot since Thrice first started releasing music, but their music still sends chills up my spine and make me think about life in new ways. This one is worth a listen.
  6. May 27, 2016
    Thrice has progressed with every album they've put out. To Be Everywhere Is To Be Nowhere is no exception. Rarely do bands come back from a hiatus and create something this flawless. Much like a fine wine, Thrice continues to get better the longer they make music together. Teppei's guitar tone is perfect, Riley's drum patterns and tone are perfect, Eddie's bass patterns and tone areThrice has progressed with every album they've put out. To Be Everywhere Is To Be Nowhere is no exception. Rarely do bands come back from a hiatus and create something this flawless. Much like a fine wine, Thrice continues to get better the longer they make music together. Teppei's guitar tone is perfect, Riley's drum patterns and tone are perfect, Eddie's bass patterns and tone are perfect, Dustin's vocal is perfect. Top to bottom, this is the best sound Thrice has put out to date. There are hints of every previous album mixed with a completely unique sound. This record is everything Thrice fans could have wished for and more. Download it now and see for yourself. Expand
  7. May 27, 2016
    I'm only a listen and a half in, so, like anything, my perception of what this album is is subject to change. All told, though, this is such a triumph from rock music's most criminally unsung heroes. This is everything that Thrice needed to become, yet it still feels true to who they are at their core. Buy it, listen to it, love it, rinse & repeat.
  8. May 27, 2016
    TBEITBN is a triumphant return to form for Thrice. Completely different, yet completely Thrice. If you're a 'deadbolter' it's probably not for you, but for fans from Vheissu onwards it is amazing.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Jul 1, 2016
    Across the record, Thrice conjure an atmospheric beauty but maintain a connection to the dirt beneath their feet.
  2. Kerrang!
    Jun 24, 2016
    An album that, while not Thrice's best, still soars above the competition. [25 Jun 2016, p.51]
  3. 90
    A record of imagination. A record of reality. Punishing and as accomplished as ever. They retain their best qualities--instrumentation-wise--and it's a pleasure to document how the technical skill of this band unravels in spades, yet again.