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  1. May 3, 2020
    Excellent story, great flow, so much emotion and dedication can be heard and felt in this album.
  2. Kmi
    Aug 19, 2020
    This album is something else. Track after track, Kendrick Lamar surprises you with more fantastic music. On most of the album, the production is very jazz-inspired. While it would seem that hip-hop and jazz do not go together, Kendrick Lamar makes the two styles fuse beautifully. The lyrics are attentive and analytical of the situations that certain members of society are placed in,This album is something else. Track after track, Kendrick Lamar surprises you with more fantastic music. On most of the album, the production is very jazz-inspired. While it would seem that hip-hop and jazz do not go together, Kendrick Lamar makes the two styles fuse beautifully. The lyrics are attentive and analytical of the situations that certain members of society are placed in, finding Kendrick giving his thoughts on them. Everything about this album blows Kendrick Lamar's two previous projects out of the water. After good kid, m.A.A.d city released, everyone asked themselves, "What could he make that would be better?" This. This is it. Expand
  3. May 6, 2020
    the jazzy and funky production is something from another world, the song ''for free?'' displays kendrick rapping over a jazz instrumental and its one of the most fun experiences that i ever had, the message is cohesive and important, the songs and the way they are arranged makes the experience completely enjoyable and the more you listen, the more the record grows in you. thank you forthe jazzy and funky production is something from another world, the song ''for free?'' displays kendrick rapping over a jazz instrumental and its one of the most fun experiences that i ever had, the message is cohesive and important, the songs and the way they are arranged makes the experience completely enjoyable and the more you listen, the more the record grows in you. thank you for this masterpiece, kendrick. Expand
  4. May 8, 2020
    To Pimp a Butterfly is Kendrick Lamar’s third album release, and arguably his best work so far in his discography. Already a renowned lyricist, his rhyme patterns mixed with how he manipulates his voice and flow is ingenious in this album, affirming his stature as one of Hiphop’s most impressive rappers. The theme this album presents is nonetheless dramatic/philosophical, each trackTo Pimp a Butterfly is Kendrick Lamar’s third album release, and arguably his best work so far in his discography. Already a renowned lyricist, his rhyme patterns mixed with how he manipulates his voice and flow is ingenious in this album, affirming his stature as one of Hiphop’s most impressive rappers. The theme this album presents is nonetheless dramatic/philosophical, each track embedding a series of encrypted meanings of society specifically in America. Instrumentals are produced extraordinarily, each track has a sort of emotion that resonates off of it, providing varieties of feelings- bringing the listener into a deep state of thought. This album is arguably the best album I’ve personally listened to, each aspect of it is perfect- down to the overall uniqueness of the songs. Definitely solidifies Kendrick Lamar as the best rapper of possibly the decade. Expand
  5. May 18, 2020
    I believe it's the hip hops first flawless album. No song is bad. My personal favorite being king kunta. The jazz influence is amazing aswell
  6. Fnn
    Jun 3, 2020
    I mean... yeh, It’s perfect. It’s crazy to think that I believed that Kendrick would never beat gkms.
  7. Jun 9, 2020
    This album puts Kendrick Lamar on a pedestal only set foot by a few artists in music history and the majority of them if not all are either Groups or bands whereas Kendrick Lamar might the only singular artist on this level.
    The writing: Superb Strorytelling: brilliant Production: crisp
    Overall : Masterpiece In my book this album I view it in the lens that only see other great albums like
    This album puts Kendrick Lamar on a pedestal only set foot by a few artists in music history and the majority of them if not all are either Groups or bands whereas Kendrick Lamar might the only singular artist on this level.
    The writing: Superb Strorytelling: brilliant Production: crisp
    Overall : Masterpiece In my book this album I view it in the lens that only see other great albums like Ok Computer, Dark side of the moon to name a few.
  8. Jun 26, 2020
    the best rap album of all time, no debate imo. thematically slaughters every other single rap album to ever be released. U is the best rap song to ever be created, and these walls, blacker the berry, and how much a dollar cost can be argued to be top 15-10. this is a less watered down and more abrasive version of MBDTF.
  9. Jun 28, 2020
    TPAB is my favorite music album from my favorite music artist. This and good kid maad city are the only albums that I can listen over and over again without getting bored or skipping songs.
  10. Jun 30, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Yleebi smnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnnmmmnnnnnnnnnnnn Expand
  11. Jul 1, 2020
    Incredibly insightful, masterfully mixed, and challenges the listener to think
  12. Feb 23, 2021
    This is the greatest album i have ever listened to. A great sounding album back to front sonically, with a extremely powerful message which has even changed the way I view things and people. Kendrick has solidified himself as one the greatest rappers of the 21st century with this album alone.

    I strongly urge people to give this album a listen and fully give it a chance even if you are not
    This is the greatest album i have ever listened to. A great sounding album back to front sonically, with a extremely powerful message which has even changed the way I view things and people. Kendrick has solidified himself as one the greatest rappers of the 21st century with this album alone.

    I strongly urge people to give this album a listen and fully give it a chance even if you are not a kendrick fan or a rap fan.
  13. Aug 29, 2020
    This stunning and unique album made and continues to make rap music history. "Alright" is probably one of the best, if not the best, rap song ever written. In this work of art, Kendrick does not only create an original and innovative production but also shows a very deep meaning behind every lyric.
    Best tracks: "Alright"/ "How Much A Dollar Cost" / "Mortal Man"
  14. Sep 25, 2020
    An instant classic, even in 2020, 5 years after its release. Kendrick Lamar paints a vivid image of a race oppressed in America, speaks out on police violence and urges blacks to be proud of their color and heritage. Musically, To Pimp A Butterfly incorporates an ambitious jazz-rap style that blends excellently with his flow and choruses. A perfect album if there ever was one.
  15. Jul 9, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The greatest rap album of all time. Storytelling, Production, Lyricism, Consistency, and more. Expand
  16. Oct 27, 2021
    This album is absolutely incredible, I love every second of it. Would recommend to anyone.
  17. Aug 6, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. One of the most influencial albums of the 2010s 'Simply the best' that's what I call it with it's provocative lyrics and empowering songs like 'Alright' it will go down as one of the essential and highly praised rap albums in the history of music and it's artwork that grabs the attention of the audience you can definately assume the album might change your mindset and take you to another world Expand
  18. Aug 20, 2020
    Even anthony fantano gave it a 10!
    How can some people not like this album?
  19. Sep 24, 2020
    I really believe this is one of the best Hip Hop record that has released. The instruments are beautiful, immense word play are shown, and wonderful story telling. This is a album to listen, by yourself, closely analyzing, and focus on, with no distractions. This record proves, that Kendrick Lamar will be cemented as a top artist in the Hip Hop scene.
  20. Oct 13, 2020
    One of the best of all time, great narrative and takes inspiration from so many genre's. 10/10
  21. Oct 14, 2020
    This album was amazong. not a single flaw. Genuinely one of the greatest albums to come out in this previous decade
  22. Nov 10, 2020
    God damn. God damn. This full album features jazz instrumentals representing the hundreds of years and different generations of black music. This album covers Kendrick's story of growing up in a poor, black neighborhood, the love and pride he has for his race, and the hatred and racism surrounding his people. This album goes over hatred and blame of a loved one, betrayal, social injustice,God damn. God damn. This full album features jazz instrumentals representing the hundreds of years and different generations of black music. This album covers Kendrick's story of growing up in a poor, black neighborhood, the love and pride he has for his race, and the hatred and racism surrounding his people. This album goes over hatred and blame of a loved one, betrayal, social injustice, alternate personalities, and so much more. This album is jam packed with wisdom and lyrical gold that if you zone out for 15 seconds, you will miss a powerful message and get lost. Each track on this record is a scene from a masterful film, it is an experience, this album will put you in a trance of enlightenment. The album features a poem being recited by Kendrick at the beginning or end of most tracks, this poem is a letter to the late rapper Tupac about him still fighting for equality and carrying his legacy 2 decades later. He is tired of the lack of change in society. Kendrick is my personal GOAT after releasing this album. You MUST listen. 10/10. Expand
  23. Nov 22, 2020
    This is the best and most comprehensive album in hip-hop history! Kendrick reimagined the understanding of African American culture and industry in general! Diamond.
  24. Nov 24, 2020
    Very impressed by this album. I thought it was a near impossible task to follow up good kid maad city, but I think Kendrick did just that. He fuses a lot of sounds throughout the album flawlessly. He incorporates Jazz in tracks like “ For Free”, “ U”, “ How Much A Dollar Cost”. He fuses funk in tracks like “ Wesleys Theory”, King Kunta” and “ These Walls”. Wesleys Theory sounds like some GVery impressed by this album. I thought it was a near impossible task to follow up good kid maad city, but I think Kendrick did just that. He fuses a lot of sounds throughout the album flawlessly. He incorporates Jazz in tracks like “ For Free”, “ U”, “ How Much A Dollar Cost”. He fuses funk in tracks like “ Wesleys Theory”, King Kunta” and “ These Walls”. Wesleys Theory sounds like some G Funk **** back in the 90s. His lyrical approach is very poetic and hard hitting on this album. From tearing himself apart on “ U” to the uplifting more soulful “ I “. For me this is the album that makes me put Kendrick up there with some of the greats.

    Favorite tracks: Wesleys Theory, King Kunta, These Walls, U, Momma, How Much A Dollar Cost, Mortal Man
  25. Nov 25, 2020
    This is my most favorite album ever so this is biased. Anyways the sounds on this album are amazing just makes you want to get up and start freestyling. You can tell these tracks come straight from the heart. I think everybody needs to listen to this at least once in their life. All the tracks are amazing so im not doing a standout tracks list cuz their all outstanding. Best song has to beThis is my most favorite album ever so this is biased. Anyways the sounds on this album are amazing just makes you want to get up and start freestyling. You can tell these tracks come straight from the heart. I think everybody needs to listen to this at least once in their life. All the tracks are amazing so im not doing a standout tracks list cuz their all outstanding. Best song has to be "alright" or the "blacker the berry" Expand
  26. Dec 2, 2020
    To pimp A Butterfly is an absolute masterpiece of construction and art. Tells an terrific story of Kendrick Lamar trying to pimp his fame and success to help the kids of Compton get through their struggle. Every song has great hooks mind blowing verses and includes soothing instruments of jazz and other funk elements. Their is not one bad song on this album and its a must listen no matterTo pimp A Butterfly is an absolute masterpiece of construction and art. Tells an terrific story of Kendrick Lamar trying to pimp his fame and success to help the kids of Compton get through their struggle. Every song has great hooks mind blowing verses and includes soothing instruments of jazz and other funk elements. Their is not one bad song on this album and its a must listen no matter what. 10/10 Expand
  27. Dec 12, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Incredibly captivating and compelling storytelling on each track and the collective album, impeccable production and literature on each track and phenomenal handling of its themes of societal racism, misuse of power and self-love/self-hatred. There is a uniquely interesting concept on each track, from him screaming at himself through the third person on u to him describing himself as a slave in love on the uplifting complexion. The creativity is also super heavy in the film concepts, such as the antagonists of Lucy and Uncle Sam, created through the personification of sin and capitalist America. My pick for the greatest album of all time and an absolute must listen for anybody reading this review Expand
  28. Dec 15, 2020
    Top 2 or 3 albums in general for the 2010s. Great listening experience, would recommend listening to it on vinyl.
  29. Dec 18, 2020
    A Masterpiece and an Instant Classic that has aged extremely since its release. You’ve probably heard 1000 reasons why this album is absolutely fantastic already so there’s no point in repeating what everyone’s already said about this masterpiece so... The review’s over. 10/10.
  30. May 13, 2022
    quien es kendrick lamar?
    para el ciego, es la luz
    para el hambriento, es el pan
    para el enfermo, es la cura
    para el solitario, es el compañero
    para el triste, es la alegría
    para el prisionero, es la libertad
    para el pobre, es el tesoro
    para el deudor, es el perdón
  31. Jan 8, 2021
    Best album ever. Perfect music. Kendrick covers big topics in such a personal way that makes the listener feel everything he is saying. Amazing
  32. Jan 15, 2021
    A3dama album f tarikh t5yl m3aya chi album fih kolchi peak dyal l music b sara7a
  33. Jan 17, 2021
    This album is high energy and well paced. It smoothly transitions through so many sounds and vibes and is truly a hip hop masterpiece. This album is decade defining and displays Kendrick at his best. A must listen.
  34. Jul 17, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Fulfpydoydoydoyxyodoydyodkydoydyodyodoydyodupdupfupfupfipfupdoyxyoxulfuldoufoydyodoydoydoyduo Expand
  35. Feb 3, 2021
    Kendrick Lamar follows good kid, m.A.A.d city with another incredible album. I love the jazzy beats and the insightful and poetic lyrics throughout the entirety of the album. My favorite tracks are The Blacker the Berry, Alright, King Kunta, Institutionalized, and u.
  36. Feb 24, 2021
    kendrick the goat of the new generation 10/10
    kendrick the goat of the new generation 10/10
    kendrick the goat of the new generation 10/10
  37. Aug 3, 2022
    Es complicado expresar y transmitir la gran magnitud que alcanza y posee esta obra en cuestión de un par de párrafos, ¿la razón? porque ya no solo es que este álbum sea uno de los mejores dentro de su género (por no decir el mejor), sino que simplemente es uno de los mejores álbumes de la historia de la música. Rara vez un artista consigue crear una obra tan conceptual, pero que al mismoEs complicado expresar y transmitir la gran magnitud que alcanza y posee esta obra en cuestión de un par de párrafos, ¿la razón? porque ya no solo es que este álbum sea uno de los mejores dentro de su género (por no decir el mejor), sino que simplemente es uno de los mejores álbumes de la historia de la música. Rara vez un artista consigue crear una obra tan conceptual, pero que al mismo tiempo termina siendo concisa, estructurada a base de un hermoso poema y que claramente es una declaración de amor/homenaje a las raíces de la rica música afroamericana. No quiero entrar a discutir directamente los bastos e importantes temas que Kendrick toca de forma ejemplar y con personalidad a través de su obra, estos son tan esenciales como universales, ya que van: desde el propio racismo generacional e institucional que sufren y han sufrido los de su raza, interpretado de forma explícita en temas como: "Wesley´s Theory", "For Free", "Institutionalized" y “Complexion (A Zulu Love)”, hasta una apasionante reflexión contada en forma de anécdota que describe lo frágil y desafiante que puede llegar a ser la mortalidad humana en el profundo tema "How Much a Dollar Cost". Pero Kendrick no se queda ahí, sino que además y sin ningún tipo de complejos ataca a los de su mismo linaje, criticando la guerra entre pandillas que el mismo experimentó y sufrió en su natal Compton y cuestionando el victimismo que existe y se apodera de los afroamericanos en "The Blacker the Berry". Cabe destacar que Kendrick también se muestra tremendamente vulnerable y crítico con su persona, pensamientos y acciones en el tema "u", en el cual lo escuchamos y sentimos tocar fondo, hasta el punto en el que de plano, Kendrick se plantea mirarle fijamente a los ojos y coquetear con la idea de un posible suicidio, demostrando que a pesar de que sus oyentes más fieles y aquellos un poco más casuales lo admiran y lo elevan a una figura mesiánica, Kendrick, como todos los humanos, tiene sus complicados conflictos internos. Otro punto importante del álbum y que demuestra el impacto e influencia que el mismo tuvo, es la canción "Alright", que de forma desinteresada se terminó convirtiendo en el himno no oficial del movimiento racial "Black Lives Matters". Ya para concluir, no cabe duda que este trabajo que Kendrick nos regala, es un proyecto para los libros de historia, todo está perfectamente medido y orquestado, una pieza de arte que cuenta con una magnífica producción de aire onírico y melodías jazzísticas, con la presencia de icónicos artistas invitados que aportan con excelencia su talento y añaden a la narrativa con su experiencia, y además de una sorprendente y bien ejecutada "conversación" filosófica con Tupac Shakur en "Mortal Man", que mágicamente da cierre con broche de oro a una obra que merece todos los elogios que ha recibido. Una joya de proporciones inmensurables, de carácter indispensable y definitivamente un triunfo musical en todos los sentidos.

    - Diego Hernández Hernández.
  38. Apr 16, 2021
    Perfect Album. One of my only 10/10's. There's not a single song on this album that I don't love to death. So much meaning to everything.
  39. Mar 29, 2021
    this album is a 10 this album is a 10 this album is a 10 this album is a 10
  40. Mar 25, 2021
    Wow, just wow. brilliant concept, brilliant execution. every time I listen to the album I find another incredible detail. It is truly a brilliant work of art. This has to be one of the greatest albums of all time.
  41. Apr 19, 2021
    he album's immediate influence was felt as "a pantheon for racial empowerment", according to Butler, who also argued that the record helped create a respected space for conscious hip hop and "will be revered not just at the top of some list at the end of the year, but in the subconscious of music fans for decades to come".[96] Writing for Highsnobiety, Robert Blair said, "[To Pimp ahe album's immediate influence was felt as "a pantheon for racial empowerment", according to Butler, who also argued that the record helped create a respected space for conscious hip hop and "will be revered not just at the top of some list at the end of the year, but in the subconscious of music fans for decades to come".[96] Writing for Highsnobiety, Robert Blair said, "[To Pimp a Butterfly] is the crystallized moment in time where Kendrick became a generation's most potent artistic voice."[4] Uproxx journalist Aaron Williams said the album "proved that left-field, experimental rap can function in both the critical and commercial realms".[117] Jazz saxophonist Kamasi Washington said that the album "changed music, and we're still seeing the effects of it [...] [the album] meant that intellectually stimulating music doesn't have to be underground. It just didn't change the music. It changed the audience."[4] To Pimp a Butterfly was an influence on David Bowie's 2016 album Blackstar. As its producer Tony Visconti recalled, he and Bowie were "listening to a lot of Kendrick Lamar [...] we loved the fact Kendrick was so open-minded and he didn't do a straight-up hip-hop record. He threw everything on there, and that's exactly what we wanted to do."[118] Prince highlighted that he was a fan of To Pimp a Butterfly and Lamar in an interview, saying, "[Lamar] just has something to say [...] [To Pimp a Butterfly is] pure. And with Thundercat on the album? Come on. You're not taking "Alright" off my playlist! Expand
  42. May 5, 2021
    An amazing album all around with amazing production, lyrics and melody. One of the best albums of the 2010’s
  43. May 7, 2021
    To Pimp a Butterfly, Kendrick Lamar's 3rd studio album, is in every way his best album he's ever made. This album shows perfectly not only the racial inequality that people of color have to go through throughout their lives, but especially the struggles that Kendrick goes through. Every song on here tells it's own story, like the chilling display of emotion Kendrick uses on "u" , or theTo Pimp a Butterfly, Kendrick Lamar's 3rd studio album, is in every way his best album he's ever made. This album shows perfectly not only the racial inequality that people of color have to go through throughout their lives, but especially the struggles that Kendrick goes through. Every song on here tells it's own story, like the chilling display of emotion Kendrick uses on "u" , or the lyrical brilliance he uses on "The blacker the berry", which puts onto display the hate the African-American community receives, by showing how his fellow African-Americans are treated, and the stereotypes put onto them which further enables for the hate that is brought onto them. Truly a masterpiece of lyricism, with the songs also staying catchy while also demonstrating a meaning, I cant see this album being less than a 10. 10/10 Expand
  44. May 30, 2021
    I could go on for an eternity about the poetic and music eccentricity from this album, but I will just tell you to listen to this album with open ears. I haven't had an album listening experience like this since discovering The Wall.
  45. Sep 5, 2021
    Greatest hip hop album of all time, the jazz influence and the variety of tracks and production is nothing short of a masterpiece of a work
  46. Jun 18, 2021
    Indiscutivelmente, um dos melhores álbuns de todos os tempos. Beats incríveis e um álbum verdadeiramente lírico. Kendrick consegue passar uma mensagem sobre racismo em uma música melodicamente agradável. Quase todas as músicas são dignas de serem colocadas na playlist. Projeto sólido e que beira a perfeição.
  47. Jun 8, 2021
    This album told me a deep and complicated story and I enjoyed every second of it.
  48. Sep 10, 2021
    Fantastic expression of feelings. Every track fits into the album perfectly and continues the theme at such an interesting level. The way Kendrick conveys such meaningful themes and messages whilst making every track sound stunning is incredible. One of the best hip-hop albums of the 2010s.
  49. Dec 12, 2022
    Thank you so much to my friend who likes rap music for getting me into this album and Kendrick's music. I'm a punk rocker which is nowhere close to what this album sounds like, but trust me when I say this album is a 10. It sounds nothing like any other rap music I've heard, even the older 90s stuff. I won't even attempt to explain how good this is, all you need to do is listen to it.
  50. Aug 29, 2021
    I am a rapper from Turkey and in Turkey, we don’t have great rappers to look up to so you **** Americans are so **** lucky to have **** Kendrick Lamar and this mother**** great album.

  51. Aug 30, 2021
    This album showcases's journey through his career. It is the pinnacle of 2015 rap music that has aged superbly. Empowering and conscious.
  52. May 18, 2022
    Top 3 greatest album of all time for real, masterpiece, classic, fantastic THANKS Kendrick
  53. Dec 14, 2021
    This album is a masterpiece, it's weird, it's catchy, its captivating in all the best ways. there's not a single low point on this record, back to back great songs. the songs alone are great, but with the context of the record as a whole, it means so much more.
  54. Dec 7, 2021
    I would explain why, but all I can really do is say LISTEN TO THIS ALBUM! It is essential listening to the rap, along with My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, Good Kid Mad City, The Eminem Show, All Eyes on Me, etc.
  55. Sep 28, 2021
    the greatest rap album of all time and will always be the greatest. the plain lyrical content in it combined with the good variety makes it just perfect
  56. Dec 30, 2021
  57. Jan 15, 2022
    Run the Jewels 2 + Black Messiah + Random Access Memories + Yeezus + Run the Jewels + good kid, m.A.A.d city + London Zoo + Geogaddi + Amnesiac + Things Fall Apart + Aquemeni + Music is Rotted One Note + The Chronic + Loveless + Laughing Stock + Sign "☮" the Times + Aja + Physical Graffiti + Expensive **** + Innervisions + Exile on Main Street + Superfly + Maggot Brain + There's a RiotRun the Jewels 2 + Black Messiah + Random Access Memories + Yeezus + Run the Jewels + good kid, m.A.A.d city + London Zoo + Geogaddi + Amnesiac + Things Fall Apart + Aquemeni + Music is Rotted One Note + The Chronic + Loveless + Laughing Stock + Sign "☮" the Times + Aja + Physical Graffiti + Expensive **** + Innervisions + Exile on Main Street + Superfly + Maggot Brain + There's a Riot Goin' On + Electric Ladyland + The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady = To Pimp a Butterfly Expand
  58. May 16, 2022
    In my opinion this is the greatest album of all time. With a perfect balance between rhymes and melodies, it is a timeless classic and will absolutely be remembered as a defining moment in music. The rawness of The Blacker The Berry and the romantic and soft sound of These Walls culminate the width of this album's grandness.
  59. Feb 8, 2022
    I could talk about how much I love this record for 24 hours straight, arguably the greatest rap album of all time, a masterpiece on all fronts
  60. Feb 11, 2022
    God it's so hard to explain this album, just go listen immediately. The most thought provoking and deep layered album ive ever heard, as well as incredible jazz sampled instrumentation.
  61. Feb 17, 2022
    perfeito perfeito perfeito perfeito perfeito perfeito perfeito perfeito perfeito perfeito perfeito perfeito perfeito perfeito perfeito
  62. Apr 6, 2022
    Where do I begin with this record. First off I was hooked from the first song. It really sets the vibe for the trip your about to embark on as Kendrick tackles subjects topics like racism, self love, black power, fortune, and fame. He brings his A game on each track. But what do you expect from one of the greatest to ever do it. Can’t wait to see what he does next.
  63. Apr 13, 2022
    Exquisite. Delightful. Surprising. Tough. Truly one of the best albums out there. When I first listened to it back in 2016 (I know I was a bit late) I wasn't impressed. I thought that it was good, but nothing more. After I saw it had won Rap Album of The Year at Grammys, I decided to give it another try. Still nothing much. After 5 years I heard some people saying that "Man I loveExquisite. Delightful. Surprising. Tough. Truly one of the best albums out there. When I first listened to it back in 2016 (I know I was a bit late) I wasn't impressed. I thought that it was good, but nothing more. After I saw it had won Rap Album of The Year at Grammys, I decided to give it another try. Still nothing much. After 5 years I heard some people saying that "Man I love Kendrick. I still listen to "To Pimp a Butterfly". Insane album!". I don't know why but I decided to give it another try. Third time's a charm. And indeed, it was! So colorful, so many emotions, flows, insane lyrics and rhyme schemes. I knew it was good, but now I knew that it was one of the G.O.A.T. I loved every song and every second of every song, every word and every syllable of every word, every beat and every sample of every beat. It became my favorite and I couldn't see why I disliked it before. Kendrick became a genius in my eyes, who can put together insane flows and insane lyrics on an insane beat with insane features and insane samples. Every song is different, there is no such thing as "monotonous" in this album. An absolute must-listen. I really love it!
    My top 5:
    1. Alright
    2. Wesley's Theory
    3. i
    4. How Much A Dollar Cost
    5. Hood Politics.
  64. Oct 22, 2022
    Every single track, from the groovy and fenomenal opener “Wesley’s Theory”, to the sensual “These Walls” to the aggressive riot inducing “Alright” and “The Blacker The Berry”, is spectacular and incredibly thought provoking, needing multiple listens to really understand every lyric.
  65. Apr 23, 2022
    its just perfect and a must listen. now i just wanna finish the review aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  66. May 4, 2022
    Kendrick embarks on new musical influences and Jazzy samples and a better less common topic Misusing Your Influence , Music Industry , lyrically Kendrick outdo himself being more poetic , and a greater performance in which kendrick changes his style of Rapping multiple times and a couple of interludes that just no less at being so good
  67. May 10, 2022
    Un albúm mas alla de la lirica y las palabras de siempre, Kendric lucio su talento y su profundo sentimiento en apogeo al arte y escritura de lo qué llamaria una orquesta sinfonica acompañada de versos que a la vez llamamos rap sobre verdades y temas actuales que aun en la sociedad pueden generar controversia algo que lo carazteriza a el por hablar desde el corazon en cada uno de sus obras.
  68. Aug 8, 2023
    its fine. not as good as views but its fine, kendrick peaks at damn because it has more hits but this album has none other than alright, also drake is better
  69. May 13, 2022
    This is the greatest rap album of all time, simply the best when looked at holistically. The best album of all time, in my opinion.
  70. May 13, 2022
    This is by far one of the best albums of all times, giving us the most perfect picture of Kendrick's struggles with his roots, growing in Compton, fame, depression, politics, with one of the most powerful experiences ever, with metaphors and symbolism everywhere. Just flawless
  71. May 13, 2022
    ‘To Pimp A Butterfly’ - The best album I’ve ever heard. This is the standard for music
  72. May 16, 2022
    There is truly only one word to describe this album….MASTERPIECE!!!! Thank You
  73. May 17, 2022
    Arguably one of the greatest, if not THE greatest album I've listened to. I'll be playing this for my children and grandchildren once day.
  74. May 14, 2022
    I remember you was conflicted
    Misusing your influence
    Sometimes I did the same Abusing my power, full of resentment Resentment that turned into a deep depression Found myself screaming in the hotel room I didn't wanna self destruct The evils of Lucy was all around me So I went running for answers Until I came home But that didn't stop survivor's guilt Going back and forth trying
    I remember you was conflicted
    Misusing your influence
    Sometimes I did the same
    Abusing my power, full of resentment
    Resentment that turned into a deep depression
    Found myself screaming in the hotel room
    I didn't wanna self destruct
    The evils of Lucy was all around me
    So I went running for answers
    Until I came home
    But that didn't stop survivor's guilt
    Going back and forth trying to convince myself the stripes I earned
    Or maybe how A-1 my foundation was
    But while my loved ones was fighting the
    Continuous war back in the city, I was entering a new one
    A war that was based on apartheid and discrimination
    Made me wanna go back to the city and tell the homies what I learned
    The word was respect
    Just because you wore a different gang color than mine's
    Doesn't mean I can't respect you as a black man
    Forgetting all the pain and hurt we caused each other in these streets
    If I respect you, we unify and stop the enemy from killing us
    But I don't know, I'm no mortal man
  75. May 18, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. To Pimp A Butterfly will go down as one of the best statements in hip-hop music of all time. Not only is the music straight up banging full of energy & emotion, it provides a unique poetic framing in which its execution is remarkable in many ways. Kendrick explores themes of power, institutionalization, violence, self-loathing, and all of their interconnected attributes in one cohesive experience. The amount of storytelling is mind-blowing, specifically with tracks like "u", These Walls, How Much A Dollar Cost, and The Blacker The Berry. Explosive in its core, introspective in its emotion.

    Favorite Tracks: Wesley's Theory, For Free?, King Kunta, institutionalized, These Walls, u, Alright, For Sale?, Momma, How Much A Dollar Cost, The Blacker The Berry, You Ain't Gotta Lie, i, Mortal Man

    Least Favorite Track: Hood Politics
  76. May 30, 2023
    To Pimp a Butterfly is one of the best albums i've ever heard, w album.....
  77. May 29, 2022
    Anyone who doesn’t think this is a 10 is wrong. One of the most creative, genius and socially significant albums of all time. If it’s not at least an 8 for you then quit listening to music
  78. Jun 15, 2022
    This Album Alongside The College Dropout Actually Changed My Life everything about this album is perfect from the Production to the Vocals to everything
  79. Jun 17, 2022
    not just one of the best albums of the decade, but one of the greatest albums of all time. still find myself coming back to this after 7 years
  80. Jun 20, 2022
    To Pimp A Butterfly is the greatest album of all time, and I don't see anyone else topping this album ever, not even Kendrick himself will top this. The fusion of jazz and hip-hop, together with the strong themes of racism, police brutality, spirituality and politics make this the ultimate masterpiece of all masterpieces, and second to none.
  81. Jun 29, 2022
    First Listen - 29/4/2019
    One of the best albums which tackles many complex ideas such as racism, exploitation and self love within a cleverly crafted narrative of Kendrick's experiences. The poem recited throughout the album effectively threads all the different songs into one well crafted piece. With a more unique and interesting jazz influenced production; the different sounds
    First Listen - 29/4/2019
    One of the best albums which tackles many complex ideas such as racism, exploitation and self love within a cleverly crafted narrative of Kendrick's experiences. The poem recited throughout the album effectively threads all the different songs into one well crafted piece. With a more unique and interesting jazz influenced production; the different sounds compliment the purpose of each song. Each song perfectly flows into one another, especially with assistance from the poem such "found myself screaming in a hotel room" in These Walls directly leading into the screaming and existential crisis Kendrick found himself. This album appears as a more polished version of good kid, m.A.A.d city with deeper lyrics. It does require a number of listens to begin appreciating it and to fully understand how each song individually contributes to the overall narrative. The lyrics are packed full of lines that can easily be dissected and interpreted for different meanings. As well it has infinite replay value with many of the songs getting you in a mood which makes you want to continue till the end.

    Top 3 Songs:
    1) These Walls
    2) u
    3) Wesley's Theory
  82. Jul 4, 2022
    Kendrick Lamar is god Kendrick Lamar is god Kendrick Lamar is god Kendrick Lamar is god Kendrick Lamar is god Kendrick Lamar is god Kendrick Lamar is god Kendrick Lamar is god
  83. Jul 12, 2022
    Not only is the music great, lyircally amazing, but the message behind it and the delivery was fabulous. I'm no expert, but this is one of the most incredible albums I've ever heard.
  84. Jul 17, 2022
    Is it a stretch to say that this album is the greatest of all time? I certainly don't think so.
  85. Aug 21, 2022
    What can I say what hasn't already been said? This album is easily the greatest album of all time. This Kendrick's magnum opus and nothing comes close. The lyrics, the instrumental, the metaphors, everything in the production of this album is so good that when we put it together to listen, it is nothing but a masterpiece. Kendrick raps about racism and about black poverty, whileWhat can I say what hasn't already been said? This album is easily the greatest album of all time. This Kendrick's magnum opus and nothing comes close. The lyrics, the instrumental, the metaphors, everything in the production of this album is so good that when we put it together to listen, it is nothing but a masterpiece. Kendrick raps about racism and about black poverty, while incorporating elements of jazz and funk in his music. 10/10. Expand
  86. Jul 29, 2022
    esse álbum é o ideal do rap, com flow, samples e letras que nos submetem a reflexão, a vida e a morte. Simplesmente a canetada da carreira do kendrick!!!
  87. Aug 1, 2022
    Kendricks magna carta. This album goes beyond rap, it seeps into what the culture brings.
  88. Aug 21, 2022
    Once again, Kenny proves once again that he's the greatest rapper of this new era of hip hop and cements his legacy with this masterpiece of an album. The greatest rap album I've ever heard and of all time IMO. The storytelling and the production is some of the most poignant and left field stuff I've heard and it worked for the best. A truly timeless record that will stand the test of time.
  89. Sep 12, 2022
    Kendrick's most important musical achievement, a great commentary on our time and a celebration of black music.
  90. Sep 6, 2022
    amazing production, top-tier cadence and lyrics. not to mention the important commentary.
  91. Sep 8, 2022
    Master piece. One of if not the best hip hop album ever made, to swap sounds after an amazing debut album and pull this off so flawlessly is incredible. Every second of every song is telling a story every note every word adds to the experience of the album.
  92. May 17, 2023
    gkmc> jhwefbekwyjbhuweafoubfyuhebfyhobeaoufbgweuofwefewfwefwefwfwfgweegweg4ewg
  93. Oct 31, 2022
    To Pimp a Butterfly. A masterpiece. In my opinion, the greatest album of all time. Kendrick tackles the topics of greed, lust, gang violence, police brutality, and generalized hate. "Alright" has been used as a Black Lives Matter anthem, as it describes how a large number of law enforcement are biased against people of color, leading to police brutality. "Alright" has been the center ofTo Pimp a Butterfly. A masterpiece. In my opinion, the greatest album of all time. Kendrick tackles the topics of greed, lust, gang violence, police brutality, and generalized hate. "Alright" has been used as a Black Lives Matter anthem, as it describes how a large number of law enforcement are biased against people of color, leading to police brutality. "Alright" has been the center of controversy multiple times, mostly due to its association with the BLM Movement. That is not the only impactful song on this album though, as there are songs like "How Much a Dollar Cost." This song single-handedly changed my view on life. The song describes a beggar who asks for money, only to be rejected by Kendrick who tries to rationalize his decision by saying that the man will use it to feed addiction. The man cites a bible verse to Kendrick and eventually implies that Kendrick's lack of charity will be what costs him a spot in heaven, "How Much a Dollar Cost." The song "u" describes an inner struggle in Kendrick, talking of guilt and necessity and his inability to accept himself and his previous decisions in life. That song embodies a raw, unhinged nature of someone's mind, especially a mind filled with regret. In terms of the actual music within this album rather than the messages behind it, the beautiful jazzy hip-hop style aided by Kendrick's emotional vocals and some saxophone is extraordinary. There is no weak point on the entire album, as every song serves its own purpose in aiding the story. This album is beautiful. Expand
  94. Oct 2, 2022
    Actually perfect from the styles and transition from the lifestyle of a now successful rapper living his life and misusing the power he's given to the transformation going on with and after How Much A Dollar Costs The jazzy beats on this and the all around amazing songs just contribute more to this and it's just so well made. Kendricks really shows what he can do on this album and it'sActually perfect from the styles and transition from the lifestyle of a now successful rapper living his life and misusing the power he's given to the transformation going on with and after How Much A Dollar Costs The jazzy beats on this and the all around amazing songs just contribute more to this and it's just so well made. Kendricks really shows what he can do on this album and it's honestly just a must have on all levels. Expand
  95. Oct 2, 2022
    Even after so many years later, it is still the greatest album of all time.
  96. Oct 9, 2022
    I don't even know how to begin talking about Kendrick Lamar's album, To Pimp a Butterfly, but I'm gonna try anyway. First off, i and Alright are some of the best rap songs of all time and are even better performed live. Alright might just be one of the best songs of all time. Have you seen that music video!? Bilal, Anna Wise, and Thundercat, make the song These Walls great. Overall, ToI don't even know how to begin talking about Kendrick Lamar's album, To Pimp a Butterfly, but I'm gonna try anyway. First off, i and Alright are some of the best rap songs of all time and are even better performed live. Alright might just be one of the best songs of all time. Have you seen that music video!? Bilal, Anna Wise, and Thundercat, make the song These Walls great. Overall, To Pimp a Butterfly is not just one of the greatest rap albums ever, but one of the best albums ever. Expand
  97. Nov 4, 2022
    favorite album of all time. Nothing can top this. Give this album 20 years and it will be seen as the best album ever made.
  98. Nov 10, 2022
    I’m someone who just enjoys music, I don’t have Amy favorite albums, but this is a rare example where an experience like this needs the full album. I never get tired of relistening to this
  99. Nov 18, 2022
    What can I say about it just 10/10 loved it i think everyone should listen to this album at least once
  100. Dec 5, 2022
    To Pimp A Butterfly is the perfect hip-hop album. It stands alone at the top of the mountain. No amount of words could describe its sound, nor could describe its lyrics, nor construction. This album transcends the genre, and makes a case to be unbeatable far into the future. Do yourself a favour- listen to this album. Then listen again. Then again, but backwards.

Universal acclaim - based on 44 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 44
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 44
  3. Negative: 0 out of 44
  1. The Wire
    May 15, 2015
    Lamar offers a commitment to effect change through the work itself. Whether or not that's realistic ideal the delivery is so powerful it's hard not to get caught up in the rapture. [May 2015, p.50]
  2. The Source
    May 6, 2015
    Each song means more with reference to the project's overall concept than it does as a standalone record, which shouldn't take away from its impact, but rather speak of the courage of its creator. [Apr-May 2015, p.87]
  3. Q Magazine
    Apr 29, 2015
    It's a challenging, ambitious combination of words and music that becomes increasingly absorbing over time. [Jun 2015, p.103]