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Universal acclaim- based on 26 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 26
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 26
  3. Negative: 2 out of 26
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  1. Sep 23, 2022
    My overall favorite album of 2019! Lush, glorious synths fused with a sax and drums, a sci-fi style musical treat for the ages.
  2. Nov 29, 2019
    One of my favorites of 2019, all of the songs except for an exception or 2 all deliver cutting edge jazz fusion. The song "Blood of the Past" is very great, delivers a great message along with everything else being well done. I think what falls short is the pacing isn't to cohesive. Overall fantastic and definitely a top 10 of this year.
  3. Oct 6, 2019
    ( 87/100 )

    Shabaka Hutchings nació en London, England y desde los 6 años fue criado en Barbados, lugar de origen de sus padres. Barbados es un país del caribe que evidencía la inspiración y energía que denomina a su banda Sons Of Kemet, pero su verdadero talento no está en su representación del alma caribeña, sino en sus manos, su aire, mente y alma que domina el saxofón. Así es,
    ( 87/100 )

    Shabaka Hutchings nació en London, England y desde los 6 años fue criado en Barbados, lugar de origen de sus padres. Barbados es un país del caribe que evidencía la inspiración y energía que denomina a su banda Sons Of Kemet, pero su verdadero talento no está en su representación del alma caribeña, sino en sus manos, su aire, mente y alma que domina el saxofón. Así es, estamos hablando de Jazz, y, ya lo he dicho antes, creo firmemente en que es una de las expresiones más vividas y puras de la música: un lenguaje que mueve y transforma. Hutchings es un alma en extensión: tiene proyectos independientes, constantemente participa con artistas como Sun Ra Arkestra y Floating Points y fortalece grupos como Polar Bear y The Heliocentrics con su saxofón. Una de sus colaboraciones más populares y mejor recibidas está en "The Comet Is Coming", de quienes tendré el placer de recomendar brevemente. El nuevo álbum se llama "Trust In The Lifeforce Of The Deep Mystery" y es una explosión y exploración de lugares, sentimientos, política, emoción y energía. Es simplemente hermoso. El Jazz es eso, un acuerdo entre instrumentos que logran una conversación que puede ser interesante, conmovedora, triste, feliz, enojada, juvenil o ancestral. Afortunadamente no he escuchado un Jazz que falle en ese aspecto y "The Comet Is Coming" no es la excepción. No diré que éste álbum tiene todas esas cualidades, pero definitivamente es un aporte importante al Jazz contemporáneo que usa Electronic algo de Noise para complementar un ambiente cósmico abundante en tecnología sensible, casi impulsivo, pero más que nada estratégico. Este álbum es una llamada a tomar acción, a vivir y volar tan eufórico o apacible como lata el corazón, pero lejos y amplio. Es libertad y energía fresca. Una expedición del ser, uno y comunidad.
    Shabaka Hutchings was born in London, England, and since he was 6 years old was raised in Barbados, origin place of his parents. Barbados is a Caribbean country that gives evidence of the inspiration and energy that distinguish his band Sons of Kemet, but his true talent is not in his representation of the Caribbean soul, but in his hands, his air, mind, and soul that dominates the saxophone. That's right, we are talking about Jazz and, as I said before, I firmly believe that is one of the most alive and pure expressions of music: a language that moves and transforms. Hutchings is a soul in extension: he has independent projects, constantly participating with artists like Sun Ra Arkestra and Floating Points and strengthening bands like Polar Bear and The Heliocentrics with his saxophone. One of his most popular and well-received collaborations is with "The Comet Is Coming", of whom I'll have the pleasure of recommending briefly. The new album is called "Trust In The Life Force Of The Deep Mystery" and it's an exploitation and exploration of places, feelings, order, disorder, emotion, and energy. It's simply beautiful. That's Jazz, an agreement between instruments that achieve a conversation that can be interesting, touching, sad, happy, mad, young or old. Fortunately, I haven't heard a Jazz that fails in that aspect and "The Comet Is Coming" is not the exception. I won't say that this album has all those qualities but is definitely an important input in contemporary Jazz that uses Electronic and some Noise to complement a cosmic atmosphere abundant in sensible technology, almost impulsive, but more than anything strategic. This album is calling to take action, to live and fly as euphoric or mild as the heart beats, but far and wide. It is freedom and fresh energy. An expedition of being, one and community.
  4. Apr 30, 2019
    Космический космос - советовать всем, писать на стенках, орать с балкона и не переставать слушать эту годноту весь год!
  5. Mar 17, 2019
    It's like being thrown into space but your oxygen supply is replaced with pure psychoactives.

Awards & Rankings


Universal acclaim - based on 10 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 10
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 10
  3. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. The Wire
    Apr 3, 2019
    Don’t let inevitable mainstream acclaim obscure the beauty and ingenuity of this album; it’s big enough for everyone. [Apr 2019, p.52]
  2. Apr 2, 2019
    This is space tourism, flying first class.
  3. Mar 21, 2019
    It’s “out there” but most of it is remarkably accessible, especially the raucous “Summon the Fire.” It’s transcendent music that relies on electronics, notably heavy use of reverb and tape delay, but Hutchings is a fiery sax player who blows aggressively while safeguarding the melody.