• Record Label: Mercury
  • Release Date: Sep 14, 2009

Mixed or average reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 8
  2. Negative: 1 out of 8
  1. Sep 7, 2011
    Blessed with little of the showiness affectations of the X-Factor/American Idol generation, she can sell a song and inject it with age-appropriate enthusiasm that sustains her through the moments when Turn It Up glides by on its surface, while making the album--at its best--pretty damn infectious, too.
  2. Uncut
    The generic patchwork of this debut LP suggests it's business as usual at the modern pop production line. [Oct 2009, p.102]
  3. Mojo
    At the risk of sounding trite, I couldn't wait to Turn It Off. [Oct 2009, p.97]
  4. It is a rarity: a proper album, from a proper pop star.
  5. Close but no rosette for the new British diva on the block.
  6. Unfortunately Turn It Up, bar two brilliant singles, just doesn't stand up to repeat listens.
  7. Daffy girl pop with just the teensiest bit of attitude, enough retro influences and the odd acceptable ballad.
  8. Q Magazine
    Turn It Up is a wasted opportunity, weighed down by beige soul ballads and cheap-sounding R&B that could have been cranked out for any talent show contestant. [Oct 2009, p.113]
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 45 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 33 out of 45
  2. Negative: 8 out of 45
  1. Dec 16, 2014
    This album is just perfect, the best of her career, vocals, compositions, melodies, everything fits perfectly doing a great debut album, sheThis album is just perfect, the best of her career, vocals, compositions, melodies, everything fits perfectly doing a great debut album, she managed to make a fun pop varying with other musical styles. Merited nine have two unnecessary songs.
    Highlights: Gravity and Here We Go Again
    Lows: Silent Night and Goodnight and Goodbye
    Full Review »
  2. Jan 8, 2021
    Um álbum perfeito, sem arestas. Pixie conseguiu sintetizar o pop e o R&B da época de uma maneira muito própria. Ora suave, ora reflexivo, oraUm álbum perfeito, sem arestas. Pixie conseguiu sintetizar o pop e o R&B da época de uma maneira muito própria. Ora suave, ora reflexivo, ora animador. Uma voz única e atitudes louváveis. Full Review »
  3. Jul 10, 2017
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. Just as I was looking through my album collection, I came across a pearl from my childhood, i.e. Turn It Up. It's a shame that her career never took off outside of the UK, because this album has some very respectable tracks. Boys & Girls is one of those few timeless pop tracks that can be enjoyed for generations.
    1. Mama Do (Uh Oh, Uh Oh)- 9/10
    2. Cry Me Out- 7/10
    3. Band Aid- 7/10
    4. Turn It Up- 8/10
    5. Boys & Girls- 10/10
    6. Gravity- 8/10
    7. My Love- 9/10
    8. Jack- 6/10
    9. Nothing Compares- 5/10
    10. Here We Go Again- 9/10
    11. The Way The World Works- 4/10
    12. Hold Me In Your Arms- 8/10
    Full Review »