• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: Aug 20, 2002
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 409 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 30 out of 409

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  1. jessw
    Dec 11, 2004
    the best album in a long time. l listen to it every day!
  2. JoeP
    Nov 12, 2004
    amazing lyrics, subtle shifts in melodies and riffs make this a bloody awesome record, Interpol to use a cliche...ROCK
  3. BenjaminBunny
    Oct 9, 2004
    There's too many misguided lyrics and one-dimensional songforms to call this any sort of "masterpiece," but when it hits, as on "NYC," "PDA" and "Obstace 1," it hits hard and beautiful. Interpol are an inspired band and "Antics" is a more assured album than this one, but there's some lovely little treasures strewn about "Turn On The Bright Lights" that shouldn't be missed.
  4. SarahK
    Oct 1, 2004
    Interpol is, as one can tell from the album, a group with a lot of potential, but seems also to be somewhat distant from actually reaching that potential. Don't get me wrong though. This is a very good album, it has those songs that make you say "THIS IS BRILLIANT" rather than just, "eh, it's cool." Aside from being called post punk, Joy Division-ish, and dark, interpol should Interpol is, as one can tell from the album, a group with a lot of potential, but seems also to be somewhat distant from actually reaching that potential. Don't get me wrong though. This is a very good album, it has those songs that make you say "THIS IS BRILLIANT" rather than just, "eh, it's cool." Aside from being called post punk, Joy Division-ish, and dark, interpol should be called awesome. They have a great deal of talent, but haven't quite shown all of it to us. No worries: they have plenty of time. Expand
  5. KyleB
    Sep 24, 2004
    Quite simply the best album I've ever heard. This can be confirmed by friends, who are tired of me talking about the greatness that is Interpol.
  6. KyleB
    Sep 24, 2004
    Quite simply the best album I've ever heard. This can be confirmed by friends, who are tired of me talking about the greatness that is Interpol.
  7. JoelT
    Sep 23, 2004
    Put simply, this is the most audacious and stunning debut album of the last 20 years. From the frantic punk of 'Obstacle 1' to the gothic beauty of Stella...' at no point does the quality drop any lower than sublimely immense.
  8. ArinF
    Aug 14, 2004
    Interpol is the one of the few bands out today that can have a record that you can listen to front to back. They have accomplished something not many bands have with their own unique sound. Paul Banks is a genius writer.GO Interpol!
  9. TJoy
    Jul 11, 2004
    Great album, it has a poetic melancholy that is very endearing
  10. CamR
    Jul 2, 2004
    The cd is just amazing. The seemingly gloomy guitar rifs in some songs like nyc change to more upbeat in songs like obstacle 1. This is the best cd i have ever heard.
  11. mr.bocf
    May 30, 2004
    i love this album. i guess it spinned for at least the 100th time today. not that the album is perfect but the atmosphere at times is pure genius like in the 11th track leif ericson.
  12. WH
    May 26, 2004
    simply flawless.
  13. steve
    Apr 22, 2004
    A very complete album
  14. RedCat
    Apr 16, 2004
    The most beautiful and thrilling sound and the most sophisticated and moving lyrics. A classic.
  15. DannyC
    Feb 28, 2004
    This is probably one of my favorite albums. The songs are great and the beats are awesome. Obstacle 1 is now my favorite song.
  16. rpggrrrl
    Feb 7, 2004
    This album is delightfully dark and tense and yet it has a heartbeat. It's like a big fat beautiful post-punk orgy. It's a first album so there are a couple of weak tracks, overall it's a keeper.
  17. [Anonymous]
    Jan 23, 2004
    interpol and the strokes are the best new bands out there.
  18. JeremyG
    Jan 4, 2004
    Since I don't own a Joy Division album (though 'Closer' is atop my want list at the moment), I'm not burdened with comparing Interpol to them. Looked at on its own, this album stands tall. Brooding and morose... perfect for an overcast fall morning. Or better yet... at sunset.
  19. davidd
    Jan 3, 2004
    Excellent disc. Tense, dark, and beautiful.
  20. JanisG
    Nov 12, 2003
    AWWWWWWWW such a great cd.
  21. KiheoT
    Oct 22, 2003
    An incredible album - less and less like Joy Division with each listen. An album that hasn't left my player in a year - a rare album that can be listened to over and over!
  22. dw
    Oct 21, 2003
    This is terrific, dark and sort of quirky lyrics, the best rhythm section I've heard in a while, and bass parts... unbelievable.
  23. MichaelK
    Oct 13, 2003
    If Ian Curtis loved life, I think this would be the result... Bombastic, melodic as hell, and Obstacle 1 kicks all sorts of a** and is one of the greatest songs in recent memory... get it
  24. michaelC
    Jul 24, 2003
    this is a great album i was very impressed, and for all the people that think that this a Joy Division ripoff give the music a chance you wont be let down. P.S they are even better live
  25. TimB
    Jul 16, 2003
    This is one of the finest CDs I've ever heard. I don't keep up with the "indie rock scene", whatever that means, so I don't believe I'm swayed by what anybody else is saying about this, but it's a fantastic album. Is it reminiscent (in places) of Joy Division? Sure. But it's not oblivious to the influence of many other fine bands -- to name just one, Sonic This is one of the finest CDs I've ever heard. I don't keep up with the "indie rock scene", whatever that means, so I don't believe I'm swayed by what anybody else is saying about this, but it's a fantastic album. Is it reminiscent (in places) of Joy Division? Sure. But it's not oblivious to the influence of many other fine bands -- to name just one, Sonic Youth -- and that's not a bad thing. But the beauty of Interpol is that they're capable of taking the best parts of such bands and creating something entirely new and wonderful, neither shying from the influence of the great bands who've come before them nor indulging in the self-indulgent wankery associated with "art" musicians today. On the whole it comes off as a beautiful if melancholy work of art -- right up my alley, and I'm not afraid to say so. It's barely left my car CD player in three weeks, and that was only to play Ugly Casanova's "Sharpen Your Teeth". "Turn On The Bright Lights" is highly, highly recommended -- buy it as soon as you can. Expand
  26. ckdexterhaven
    Mar 9, 2003
    Album of the year and destined to be an all-time classic. One of those few records that grabs you instantly but still rewards repeat listens.
  27. joeyl
    Mar 5, 2003
    Yeah. Despite being an intense Joy Division fan who was at first horrified by the reports of Joy Division ripoff, when I heard this album I loved it. At times, they reach the immense heights (or is it depths?) of Joy Division's music. At other times, they achieve their very own brand of dark perfection. Impeccable guitar work, understated and hypnotic, tight arrangements, Yeah. Despite being an intense Joy Division fan who was at first horrified by the reports of Joy Division ripoff, when I heard this album I loved it. At times, they reach the immense heights (or is it depths?) of Joy Division's music. At other times, they achieve their very own brand of dark perfection. Impeccable guitar work, understated and hypnotic, tight arrangements, spinetingling vocals, and lyrics that include such gems as "the subway is a porno" and "I can't pretend I don't need to defend some part of me from you". A stunning debut. I look forward to great things from this group. (and those of you who don't already own it, need to buy Unknown Pleasures by Joy Division and hear what all the fuss is about). Expand
  28. Daniel
    Feb 16, 2003
    Great and complex songs which grows and becomes more sensitive and sparkling with every listening A beautiful release
  29. eddys
    Oct 6, 2002
    At first it appears all grey and retro, but when you look and listen more intently, the brighter shades and individuality shine through.
  30. S.S.
    Oct 2, 2002
    Rich dark sound. Yes.. there are definitely heavy Joy Division influences, but all music is built upon the past.

Universal acclaim - based on 21 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 21
  2. Negative: 0 out of 21
  1. It sounds like the Ramones covering OK Computer. It's also one of the best debuts of the year.
  2. Blender
    Bright Lights isn't a trudging soundtrack to depression; it's laced with upbeat, albeit bittersweet, songwriting. [#9, p.148]
  3. Q Magazine
    Predictably claustrophobic listening.... When they come up for air, Interpol have the tunes to match all the mannered gloom. [Sep 2002, p.107]