• Record Label: Domino
  • Release Date: Jul 17, 2020
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 26 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 23 out of 26
  2. Negative: 1 out of 26
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  1. Jul 25, 2020
    I thoroughly enjoyed this album. It has a fantastically brooding intensity which never really lets up. It's a record filled with existentialism, fury and darkness. The musicianship, especially the drums and guitars, is constantly excellent. By no means is it perfect, but I certainly would recommend it to lovers of experimental rock and post-punk.
  2. Jul 22, 2020
    I have issues with perfection I guess? Maybe I thought a 9 might sound more reasonable to someone who has yet to hear much of Protomartyr. These days it's a blessing to find an album with no "weak tracks" or "filler." I love Nine Inch Nails and Three Six Mafia. Fiona Apple and Peaches. El-P and Mø. Are those supposed to be dichotomies? I don't think so? I'm not as smart as Joe andI have issues with perfection I guess? Maybe I thought a 9 might sound more reasonable to someone who has yet to hear much of Protomartyr. These days it's a blessing to find an album with no "weak tracks" or "filler." I love Nine Inch Nails and Three Six Mafia. Fiona Apple and Peaches. El-P and Mø. Are those supposed to be dichotomies? I don't think so? I'm not as smart as Joe and friends. I wear a mask. I prefer The Fragile; maybe even The Agent Intellect. No one needs my help appreciating how uniquely awesome each song is structured. Those who try to decipher meaning (obvious to impossible depending on the faculties at hand) will likely arm their vocab munitions. I wish I enjoyed marijuana. I think people who do would really enjoy Protomartyr whilst engaging in marijuana consumption. Stupid? girl, you know it's true. Yeah, that's some random rants from a guy who doesn't have a scene and would never say **** your scene. Do as you will. Fontaines DC had a great debut album. It's not The Fragile, but we aren't all suddenly in our mid-30s. **** off. I knew Bowie and Rakim when I was yet a teenager. Go listen to The Fragile. Then buy yourself a Protomartyr hoodie and listen to ULTIMATE SUCCESS TODAY frequently! (reminds me of Tappy from Requiem for a Dream......random thought....seems to be a theme). Another theme = Protomartyr making albums I can't find a flaw with. Probably shouldn't have mentioned Fiona due to the praise she's received this year. Insert.....Subtle? E-40? Queens of the Stone Age? ABBA? Aphex Twin instead of Fiona. My angelic cold hearted guide through puberty (Fiona as depicted by Mark Romanek) has received enough love. Thanks. Hockey's back! Expand
  3. Jul 21, 2020
    Protomartyr are the most consistently excellent band since The Smiths. Every album is a little better, more complex and, frankly, depressing. This latest one is uncomfortably real. As I belive Iggy Pop said recently, they are the best band we have in America today.
  4. Jul 20, 2020
    Strangely under-hyped prior to its release. Another gem from the best band in the world today. You’ve likely read plenty about the additions of Kelley Deal and woodwind instruments, and yep, all those new elements are there. Lovely at times, familiar pulsating drums and riffs as always, and the lyrics are A+ as always. Worth the purchase for the incredible artwork and handmade lyrics zineStrangely under-hyped prior to its release. Another gem from the best band in the world today. You’ve likely read plenty about the additions of Kelley Deal and woodwind instruments, and yep, all those new elements are there. Lovely at times, familiar pulsating drums and riffs as always, and the lyrics are A+ as always. Worth the purchase for the incredible artwork and handmade lyrics zine alone. Hope these fellas get to tour this album eventually cos they deserve your money. Expand
  5. Jul 18, 2020
    Fantastic album which captures well typical Protomartyr sound yet in a very different way, more elaborate almost experimental at times with excellent production and ingenious use of additional instruments such as saxophone or clarinet.
    The greatly written literary lyrics match perfectly the moods conveyed through the music. All songs are simultaneously original on their own but also form a
    Fantastic album which captures well typical Protomartyr sound yet in a very different way, more elaborate almost experimental at times with excellent production and ingenious use of additional instruments such as saxophone or clarinet.
    The greatly written literary lyrics match perfectly the moods conveyed through the music. All songs are simultaneously original on their own but also form a whole such as a concept album thanks to excellent transitions and well ordered tracks in the list. If that’s a swan album from the band then it’s a winner and certainly a serious contender for aoty.

Universal acclaim - based on 18 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 18
  2. Negative: 0 out of 18
  1. Jul 27, 2020
    Though they’ve yet to release a subpar record, the sarcastically titled Ultimate Success Today laser-focuses both their song writing and sound into what may be their defining statement to date, especially apposite for these grim times.
  2. Jul 21, 2020
    On paper, the inclusion of saxophones, bass clarinet, flute and cello should make Ultimate Success Today expansive. In practice, the auxiliary musicians often add the sonic equivalent of extra seasoning to an already good dish; it's often unclear whether Protomartyr needs the addition.
  3. Jul 20, 2020
    There is considerable depth, particularly lyrical, offering the listener a significant amount of brilliant content to dissect. It may not be the album some fans wanted, still, it is an important step forward in the band’s sonic journey and overall development.