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Universal acclaim- based on 55 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 52 out of 55
  2. Negative: 2 out of 55
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  1. Dec 14, 2020
    Machine Head have often been a hit-and-miss band. They started out with the groove metal and mosh-pit inducing 'Burn My Eyes' that skyrocketed them into the mainstream with just their debut album. That's impressive to say the least. What followed showed the flaws of Machine Head just as quickly as rising to the top. Such records are the nu-metal nuanced 'The Burning Red' andMachine Head have often been a hit-and-miss band. They started out with the groove metal and mosh-pit inducing 'Burn My Eyes' that skyrocketed them into the mainstream with just their debut album. That's impressive to say the least. What followed showed the flaws of Machine Head just as quickly as rising to the top. Such records are the nu-metal nuanced 'The Burning Red' and 'Supercharger.'
    And since 'The Blackening' is nowhere to be found on Metacritic, I'll just share that this album is a MASTERPIECE! A modern monolith of heavy metal that cemented Machine Head as a dominant force in all of metal.

    What followed after the HUGE SUCCESS of 2007's 'The Blackening' is 2011's effort 'Unto The Locust.'
    It's hard to create a masterpiece album that's loved by all fans. It's even more hard to make a follow-up that's just as good as their previous album.

    From the death metal influenced 'I Am Hell (Sonata in C#),' to the gold melodic sections and devastating breakdowns of 'Locust.' From the deep choruses of 'Be Still And Know' and 'This Is The End,' to the power ballad of 'Darkness Within' that finishes with a stomp capable of tearing down walls. From the thrashiness of 'Pears Before the Swine,' to the riff-overloaded 'Who We Are' and a calm-after-the-storm violin that closes the album out in style.

    'Unto The Locust' is nothing short of a yet another masterpiece worthy of standing shoulder-to-shoulder with 'The Blackening' as their most shining pearls to the crown. With a top-notch production that only adds to the overall experience, you're in for a treat of pure and carefully crafted heavy metal that proves modern metal is just as good, if not better than last-century defining albums.

    While Machine Head have their dull moments, they more than make up for it with records that erase all doubts and prove they aren't a fluke band - but more than that, with records that stand the test of time and are worthy of their own Golden Thrones atop the Heavy Metal Mountain.
  2. Oct 30, 2018
    It's right that Machine Head isn't too original, but the interesting that bands for whom they catches their influences has quality, which reflects in their songs and when you least expect it, you already listened entire album.
  3. Oct 8, 2016
    I love every song from the album. Especially I Am Hell, Locust, This is the end and Darkness Within (I listen to it everyday).
    Machine Head is best modern metal band.
  4. May 7, 2016
    It's pure heavy metal. Untainted by mainstream ideals. The strength of the album comes from it's dedication to what makes the genre so incredible in the first place. It's heavy, emotional, and deep in it's lyrical themes. With gripping solos and metal ballads any hardcore genre enthusiast is sure to love what Machine Head is offering here. However the uncompromising nature to metal mayIt's pure heavy metal. Untainted by mainstream ideals. The strength of the album comes from it's dedication to what makes the genre so incredible in the first place. It's heavy, emotional, and deep in it's lyrical themes. With gripping solos and metal ballads any hardcore genre enthusiast is sure to love what Machine Head is offering here. However the uncompromising nature to metal may actually be a turn off to some.

    However in the end it is their loss. This some of the most sharply executed metal that I have ever listened to that is in fact solely and completely metal in the first place. This is a fine genre piece. An example of just how compelling metal can be. With satisfying ballads, surprising emotion, and all around heaviness (both thematically and in sound) make it one heck of an incredible album.

  5. Jan 12, 2016
    Unto The Locust by Machine Head. A german review.
    Ganz das Level des Vorgängeralbums kann Unto The Locust nicht halten. War The Blackening ein Meilenstein der jüngeren Thrashgeschichte, ist Unto the Locust eben "nur" ein gutes Album, welchem man die kommerzielle Ausrichtung nicht ganz ausschlagen kann. So ist z.B. mit This Is The End ein waschechter Metalcoresong enthalten, welcher die
    Unto The Locust by Machine Head. A german review.
    Ganz das Level des Vorgängeralbums kann Unto The Locust nicht halten. War The Blackening ein Meilenstein der jüngeren Thrashgeschichte, ist Unto the Locust eben "nur" ein gutes Album, welchem man die kommerzielle Ausrichtung nicht ganz ausschlagen kann. So ist z.B. mit This Is The End ein waschechter Metalcoresong enthalten, welcher die Fans der jüngsten Stunde ansprechen soll. Naja, so ist für jeden was dabei. Gut, oder auch: 7/10
  6. May 2, 2015
    9/10 .................................................................................................................................................
  7. Oct 3, 2013
    Enjoyable to listen to, just not very original. Apart from attempting to sound more epic they haven't changed the album much from 2007's 'The Blackening'
  8. May 26, 2013
    i think the album is compeletely awsome, i can not find any overrate songs in this. this is one of the best heavy metal album in 2011, anyone who gave this a bad score is an IDIOTTTTTTTTTT
  9. Apr 10, 2013
    Overblown and melodramatic, like much of their work. It just feels so fake. No where near as good as The Blackening. I deleted this and like to pretend it doesn't exist. Everyone who gave this album a good score is an idiot.
  10. Jan 12, 2012
    This is a fantastic album. I'm really glad that their last album "The Blackening" was not a fluke. They have found their sound finally and I love it!

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Jan 18, 2012
    Machine Head is still a force in modern heavy metal.
  2. Nov 17, 2011
    For metalheads who like their music sharp and executed without recourse to compromise, then this is a contender for genre album of the year.
  3. Nov 17, 2011
    This is a gloriously brave and vibrant piece of work and the most significant metal album of 2011 by some distance.