• Record Label: 4AD
  • Release Date: Oct 14, 2016

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
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  1. Nov 4, 2016
    The influence of earthy sub-Saharan blues is readily apparent on the choppy fretwork of ‘Walrus’, and the raw loops he creates by on-the-fly sampling have universal appeal. Similarly his voice, with its soaring inflections and echoes of Sting and Jeff Buckley, is a hugely effective tool.
  2. Oct 13, 2016
    While not all of Utopia Defeated's tracks are as immediately engaging as the aforementioned highlights, Perry introduces a unique vision and his impressive debut is well worth the time it takes to let it decant.
  3. Oct 7, 2016
    It’s a record that’s well-travelled, that’s absorbed a whole myriad of influence and taken two years to digest it into something cohesive. But, impressively, it’s a record that still holds its identity despite all the ideas it’s binding together.
  4. Uncut
    Oct 6, 2016
    Utopia Defeated justifies the hype. [Nov 2016, p.26]
  5. Mojo
    Oct 6, 2016
    The result is a most ambitious, rewarding and soulful debut. [Nov 2016, p.86]
  6. Oct 6, 2016
    He is undoubtedly an absurdly talented fellow, and has the creative potential to make a truly ground breaking album. This isn’t that, but it is a strong debut.
  7. Oct 6, 2016
    Give Utopia Defeated time, and the alien logic that binds this outstanding record begins to unfurl and initial skepticism turns to sheer awe.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 12 out of 14
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 14
  3. Negative: 2 out of 14
  1. Oct 14, 2016
    Could well be album of the year. I haven't heard such an organic album that defies categorisation in a long, long time. Beautiful sounds andCould well be album of the year. I haven't heard such an organic album that defies categorisation in a long, long time. Beautiful sounds and a wonderful voice. Full Review »