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Universal acclaim- based on 197 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 16 out of 197
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  1. Sep 7, 2023
    Telekinesis song of the life
    Honorable mention MY EYES
    Great album with a few duds but mostly great
  2. Sep 7, 2023
    man did an album of all time, man this masterpiece this crazy drums beats goin insane to heavy, this bars, this production, man definately album of da century and decade im sayin. valid 10/10
  3. Aug 15, 2023
    Did not disappoint, the different sounds in the album all come together beautifully, the transitions are amazing and they make excellent entertainment to listen to as an album or as part of a playlist. The theme is more vague than the other albums, but that's part of the appeal for me.
  4. Aug 30, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. The album is a great example of fantastic production and mixing with incredible performances from Travis and the featured artists. Some of the highlights are the beginning of Hyaena, the beat switch in Thank God, Teezo feature in Modern Jam and and the SZA feature in Telekinesis. The only reason it isn't a 10 is because the album is front-loaded, with the better songs being in the first 10 tracks (except Telekinesis, I Know and Til Further Notice), and some later tracks such as Looove and K-POP being disappointin, one for being too experimental, and one being as a weak attempt at garnering attention. I am grateful for Utopia not being a copy and paste Astroworld, and this may be recency bias, but I enjoy more Travis Scott's new project. Expand
  5. Aug 29, 2023
    It's my fault for having big expectations. And it's not like Travis has ever surprised me, but he has managed to stay in that incredibly-promising part of the hip hop industry without actually moving from there and accomplishing that big lap on his career. He likes to stay in that shadow, polished, yes, but still with a hidden scream that he has been drowning in these last albums. Not evenIt's my fault for having big expectations. And it's not like Travis has ever surprised me, but he has managed to stay in that incredibly-promising part of the hip hop industry without actually moving from there and accomplishing that big lap on his career. He likes to stay in that shadow, polished, yes, but still with a hidden scream that he has been drowning in these last albums. Not even the special features helps the album come up to be something actually different or strong enough. But in the good side, there is still a strong personality on Scott's projects that is just waiting to come unleashed. I still trust his potential, but he might be taking more than necessary to get to his peak. Expand
  6. Aug 29, 2023
    Some of the best production I have heard in a long time. My Eyes is the best sounding track of the year and I don’t think it’s close but the depth of the album is lacking in every direction. Doesn’t have a strong message or the best of anything whether it be rager music or trap beats. Still enjoyable but nowhere close to his best work. 6/10.
  7. Aug 28, 2023
    if you were to ask me if UTOPIA was worth the wait I would say.. I was say yes... this album had me off my seat from the features & Productions this album is perfect and age well

  8. Aug 17, 2023
    great album, amazing features. Deserves album of the year more than any album. Wordplay is super impressive
  9. Aug 17, 2023
    iv heard his older projects, the F**K was this S**T??? only one song from this album was worth a listen, it was "Meltdown" only because Drake was in it. the rest was too trappy and it was just a bunch meh songs. "tell me you want out of your contract without telling me you want out of your contract." do better next project Travis...this wasnt it.
  10. Aug 12, 2023
    Don’t get me wrong, the production is pretty good, but the lyrics seriously lack identity. Think of all the previous hits from previous albums like “goosebumps”, “oh my dis side”, “antidote”, “beibs in the trap” and so on. Many of these hits and many others all have identity, in the sense you remember them, each track from his earlier albums like “Rodeo” Birds in the trap sing McKnight”Don’t get me wrong, the production is pretty good, but the lyrics seriously lack identity. Think of all the previous hits from previous albums like “goosebumps”, “oh my dis side”, “antidote”, “beibs in the trap” and so on. Many of these hits and many others all have identity, in the sense you remember them, each track from his earlier albums like “Rodeo” Birds in the trap sing McKnight” feel like a new experience. This used to be what I was most excited about, the fact that you didn’t know what to expect from the first song to the next, it was all much more unique and original - crazy hooks, addictive choruses. As you compare “Utopia” to Travis Scott’s earlier work, you can’t help but feel disappointed of what it could have been. It’s like he pulled a Jay-Z in lyrics department, by coming up with the lyrics on the spot, but it differs to Jay-Z, because Jay-Z could make it amazing, Travis clearly can’t. He’s lucky that his production is top notch, because that’s what’s carrying this album to above irrelevancy. To think that he had 5 years to work on this album, and this bland material is what he ended up with, says a lot about his artistry. It seems he only focused on production and hoped everything else would form by itself. Seems more like a money grab, than actual effort, where is the hunger?! This is unfortunately what happens to a lot of artists when they make it big, they don’t bother as much compared to earlier work, because they already got the house, cars and girl they want. What a joke. Expand
  11. Aug 11, 2023
    I'm so glad this album took the direction it did, even the Kanye influence. After 5 years of waiting, Travis produces a soundscape so fresh people are left wondering to the vibrations playing in their ears. As for his rap game, though Travis isn't known for it, he gave a breathtaking performance even if it wasn't the deepest piece of lyricism of all time. As always, he uses his features asI'm so glad this album took the direction it did, even the Kanye influence. After 5 years of waiting, Travis produces a soundscape so fresh people are left wondering to the vibrations playing in their ears. As for his rap game, though Travis isn't known for it, he gave a breathtaking performance even if it wasn't the deepest piece of lyricism of all time. As always, he uses his features as instruments only to add more flavour to this album. Though, sometimes I found the main message of Utopia to be a bit confused as if they didn't know where to truly direct it. Still, banger album, Aoty has to be Expand
  12. Aug 5, 2023
    The album stands as the epitome of trap/alternative hip-hop music, arguably reigning as the paramount production within the realm of hip hop throughout the 2020s. While it may not delve into intellectually stimulating lyrical narratives, this fact should be well-established considering the current juncture of the artist's career. The collaborative features on the album contributeThe album stands as the epitome of trap/alternative hip-hop music, arguably reigning as the paramount production within the realm of hip hop throughout the 2020s. While it may not delve into intellectually stimulating lyrical narratives, this fact should be well-established considering the current juncture of the artist's career. The collaborative features on the album contribute harmoniously, enhancing the overall composition, yet tactfully refraining from overshadowing the primary artist, Travis Scott, who undeniably retains his position as the album's crowning jewel.

    Nevertheless, it's important to acknowledge that this opus is not without its imperfections. Tracks such as "K-POP," "TOPIA TWINS," and "PARASAIL" seem to deviate from the established tone and vibe of the album, failing to establish a distinct individual presence. These tracks come across as feeble and conventional, leaving one to ponder the rationale behind their inclusion within the album's framework.

    Despite these shortcomings, the album manages to captivate with its remarkable exuberance and amusement. It presents itself as an immensely enjoyable auditory experience, inviting listeners into a realm of sonic pleasure and entertainment.
  13. Aug 4, 2023
    ass album. ass lyrics. ass hip-hop. travis scott for you ladies and gentlemen
  14. Aug 4, 2023
    Worth the wait, such an unexpected turn for his discography that hits great every single time.
  15. Aug 4, 2023
    Crazy production,So many flows and preety good features.AOTY 100%.How can y'all say this is mid.
  16. Aug 3, 2023
    A bit of a hit and miss for me. There are stil some amazing songs here. Circus Maximus and My Eyes are two of my favourite Travis Scott songs ever, however, Utopia is riddled with boring and uninspired songs and features. I found myself really bored in the second leg of the album. If Travis were to scrap this half and build Utopia from the ground up using the first half it would eventuallyA bit of a hit and miss for me. There are stil some amazing songs here. Circus Maximus and My Eyes are two of my favourite Travis Scott songs ever, however, Utopia is riddled with boring and uninspired songs and features. I found myself really bored in the second leg of the album. If Travis were to scrap this half and build Utopia from the ground up using the first half it would eventually be a better album. Expand
  17. Aug 3, 2023
    When listening to Utopia you are transported to a different place than that of Travis Scott’s previous album Astroworld. Although the first listen was more than enjoyable, multiple listens reveal profound production in each song that of which may be missed in the listener’s first play-through. The album transitions track to track more like a playlist with different sounds and character inWhen listening to Utopia you are transported to a different place than that of Travis Scott’s previous album Astroworld. Although the first listen was more than enjoyable, multiple listens reveal profound production in each song that of which may be missed in the listener’s first play-through. The album transitions track to track more like a playlist with different sounds and character in each song, which provides insight into his evolution sonically now and in the future. Truly an album that is will grow on people and prove to be his best work, and a defining moment in Travis Scott’s career. Expand
  18. Aug 2, 2023
    Trash. After five years of wait this is what we get. No decent lyrics and too many average features (except for SZA and Gunn). The only thing that saves this album is production.
  19. Aug 1, 2023
    Travis's best album without any doubt, critics are only envious of Travis' success
  20. Aug 1, 2023
    Great album, great production, great features. This album is not for people wanting AstroWorld 2.0
  21. Aug 1, 2023
    After a couple of listens, I would agree and say, this has grown on me. Haven't played different songs other than his other tracks outside Utopia. I love how unique the album is, how he experimented with most of the tracks that can be comparable to Yeezus. Very few misses but 21 Savage did not.

    After a couple of listens, I would agree and say, this has grown on me. Haven't played different songs other than his other tracks outside Utopia. I love how unique the album is, how he experimented with most of the tracks that can be comparable to Yeezus. Very few misses but 21 Savage did not.

    My personal favorite tracks:
  22. Aug 1, 2023
    Jacques (Travis) is void of any talent, charm, or humanity. he is rotten to the core and evil to the bone
  23. Aug 1, 2023
    Suprisingly Good, i was going in expecting the typical Astroworld but it got real Experimental and intresting. Listening through the Album was genuinly Fun and not a Single Track bored me.
  24. Aug 1, 2023
    easily some of travis' best work to date. love how it brings in that yeezus influence while also building on it and modernising it

    also that is NOT the right cover art lmao
  25. Aug 1, 2023
    truly creative musical solution, best into of all time, let go of your prejudices and feel that vibe
  26. Aug 1, 2023
    I’m not the one to just give an album a 10/10 but I really REALLY enjoyed this one‼️
  27. Aug 1, 2023
    After years of waiting you probably expected a mind-blowing project, instead it has a bit of a mess. Building a utopia of life, feelings, and thoughts is complex, and even if you engage Queen Beyoncé, emerging star The Weknd, and numerous raps, it doesn't always take off. The writing remains a cornerstone and is appreciated in the metaphors and word embeddings. But the production remains muddled.
  28. Jul 31, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is amazing this album is for Travis Scott fans not for ASTROWORLD fans Expand
  29. Jul 31, 2023
    A totally Yeezus-inspired album, what impresses me most about this album is how Travis has evolved his production to a godlike level. All the tracks are perfectly produced, giving off that dark and heavy and insane vibe.
  30. Jul 31, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It’s the best album Travis Scott. Have more new songs effect and new style Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Aug 30, 2023
    Nevertheless, while it’s difficult to get past the wording of Travis Scott’s “Astroworld” follow up, the instrumental completeness and overall energy is difficult to forget.
  2. Aug 16, 2023
    There are experiments with ambience, risky beat switches, theatrical and hook-free pop, and orchestration that Scott has never attempted before. The multi-platinum guest features might set the album up for global conquest, but the most exciting moments come when it sounds like Scott is discovering a new way to push his craft forward.
  3. Aug 4, 2023
    The beats sometimes bang in typical trap fashion, like on Topia Twins or Meltdown, but are not afraid to go surreal and alien.