• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: May 7, 2021
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 63 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 40 out of 63
  2. Negative: 5 out of 63
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  1. May 7, 2021
    Wow just wow... that album is amazing, a lot of catchy and all are my favorite track. Van Weezer is just epic
  2. May 7, 2021
    absolute bangers gahahhHshqhaushwjbsdbbwbqbhqushuxudjhwhwnchwbbqhwuxicjnenqnnsjdkdkkdrprpprlwkkqjjqjqjnajdjxjjcjcjcijrj hbwbw
  3. May 7, 2021
    This album is fun from front to back. Every song is fantastic and a blast to listen to. Songs like PMG, TEOG, BOTE, and (especially) 1 More Hit are top-tier. Not as good as Ok Human, but it’s up there.
  4. May 8, 2021
    This album exceeds my expectations. I know a lot of people say ok human is better but as much as I love ok human, I found myself enjoying van weezer a lot more. The instrumental on this album is so good
  5. May 8, 2021
    I really don‘t get all the hate. Weezer has always been a band self-ironically playing both lyrical-wise with teen nerd angst and musically with music nerdism. So creating an album which sounds as close to a 80/90s hard rock fans wet dream is something besides Tenacious D only Weezer can pull off. Great melodies, massive power chords everywhere, a great sound asthetics ripped right fromI really don‘t get all the hate. Weezer has always been a band self-ironically playing both lyrical-wise with teen nerd angst and musically with music nerdism. So creating an album which sounds as close to a 80/90s hard rock fans wet dream is something besides Tenacious D only Weezer can pull off. Great melodies, massive power chords everywhere, a great sound asthetics ripped right from the 80s. It‘s a great blast, if you don‘t take it to seriously. As they say: „All Killer, no filler!“ - i didn‘t listen to a rock album this consistently delivering great songs. Expand
  6. May 11, 2021
    Great fun album. Extremely enjoyable to listen to. The kind of album you put on in the morning to get you going. Pretty consistent throughout. A career highlight for me. While I liked OK Human this feels more like the natural follow up to EWBA and the white album. Love it!!!
  7. May 22, 2021
    Truly a great album, don't understand any rating under 8. One of the best albums in years by ANYONE! Amazing songs and lyrics.
  8. May 22, 2021
    This is what Weezer is great at, guitar rock music. Is it their best work?? No, but not far off. It’s definitely in the top half of their albums. It has the riffs that Weezer fans have been missing in their past couple of releases. Great album!
  9. May 14, 2021
    First thing is to point out that this is not a heavy rock album like people think it should be. In my honest opinion, each song in here has some form of redeeming factor. That isn’t to say you will notice this on the first listen, and I was definitely critical. The topics covered are a bit weird past the first 5 songs, but as a whole, they are fine. I am not saying that everybody will likeFirst thing is to point out that this is not a heavy rock album like people think it should be. In my honest opinion, each song in here has some form of redeeming factor. That isn’t to say you will notice this on the first listen, and I was definitely critical. The topics covered are a bit weird past the first 5 songs, but as a whole, they are fine. I am not saying that everybody will like it, but it seems to be a pretty good album to listen to. Just don’t expect it to be something it isn’t. My final note is to point out precious metal girl. This is by no means a rock song and is a very light song with weird lyrics. This song is going to be conflicting, but I think it is alright. The lyrics definitely could be improved but the song itself is sound. While I recognize that there are flaws in this album, that is the same with every album. My personal rating 1: Hero (piano version is also good) 2: The end of the game
    3: Beginning of the end
    4: I need some of that
    5: All the good ones
    6: Precious metal girl
    7: 1 more hit
    8: Blue dream
    9: She needs me
    10: Sheila can do it
    If you are only interested in the best songs, only get the first 5
  10. May 7, 2021
    I thoroughly have been enjoying the album so far. One of the most solid power pop albums of the century thus far.
  11. May 12, 2021
    Hardly groundbreaking for its genre musically and sporting lyrics skewing silly at best and ropey at worst, "Van Weezer" is nevertheless a rollicking, rip-roaring good time of a hair metal pastiche with killer riffs and earworm choruses that only get better the higher the volume gets cranked up.

    Choice Cuts: "Beginning of the End (Wyld Stallyns Edit)," "1 More Hit," "All the Good Ones,"
    Hardly groundbreaking for its genre musically and sporting lyrics skewing silly at best and ropey at worst, "Van Weezer" is nevertheless a rollicking, rip-roaring good time of a hair metal pastiche with killer riffs and earworm choruses that only get better the higher the volume gets cranked up.

    Choice Cuts: "Beginning of the End (Wyld Stallyns Edit)," "1 More Hit," "All the Good Ones," "Precious Metal Girl"
  12. May 7, 2021
    Worst than OK Human, but still good. Fun to listen to, as a Weezer album should be. Weezer is back!
  13. May 7, 2021
    Another enjoyable record from Weezer this year!! Color me surprised. Not without some weaknesses, sure, but it overcomes the biggest flaw all their worst records have in common: being **** boring and by-the-numbers. Van Weezer delivers the opposite of that. This is fun! This is quirky! This is surprisingly kickass too! This is Weezer.
  14. May 7, 2021
    Great Album! Not the best for sure but i loved it! Very catchy and with a lot of variety of sounds and styles.
  15. May 12, 2021
    A genuinely fun album with incredibly high highs (Hero, End of the Game, Beginning of the End, Need Some of That, etc). Unfortunately, many of the best tracks had already been released as singles a long time ago. Because some of the new content isn't great (especially 1 more hit) the album as a whole doesn't totally land. But there is plenty to like here and any fan of Weezer's MaladroitA genuinely fun album with incredibly high highs (Hero, End of the Game, Beginning of the End, Need Some of That, etc). Unfortunately, many of the best tracks had already been released as singles a long time ago. Because some of the new content isn't great (especially 1 more hit) the album as a whole doesn't totally land. But there is plenty to like here and any fan of Weezer's Maladroit should find something to love. Expand
  16. May 11, 2021
    Strong work that might even win some converts. A very pleasant surprise after their terrible covers album.
  17. Aug 20, 2021
    Great album, really nails the old rock feel on some tracks. 1 more hit was a big put appreciated surprise
  18. Jun 7, 2022
    Great album good music although there are too many samples and occasional strange lyrics (eg "Pump it up Please daddy")
    Best tracks are "Hero" "BOTE" "TEOTG"
  19. May 10, 2021
    An enjoyable-enough romp through the hair-metal years’ of the 1980’s. Cuomo and co have created a concise and fun record, filled with riff-laden hooks and chugging guitar. It all sparkles for the most part. Lyrically, it’s often half-hearted gibberish, but for a pastiche-effort, they’ve mustered what is required. Just don’t take it too seriously.
  20. May 12, 2021
    It's enjoyable. Listen to it if you have 30 minutes to spare, but don't expect anything great.
  21. Oct 4, 2022
    A really odd record with tons of heavier sounds and classic sounding Weezer, but tons of really weird lyrical choices like in 1 more hit, and the more annoying choice to simplify some of the best demos Rivers Cuomo has recorded in recent memory, blue dream specifically feels much less interesting than it's original demo counterpart, whereas beginning of the end benefits from less sillyA really odd record with tons of heavier sounds and classic sounding Weezer, but tons of really weird lyrical choices like in 1 more hit, and the more annoying choice to simplify some of the best demos Rivers Cuomo has recorded in recent memory, blue dream specifically feels much less interesting than it's original demo counterpart, whereas beginning of the end benefits from less silly lyrics in favor of something more standard for this kind of arena rock style. Overall the album is faulty mixed with not many tracks I'd call outright awful, but tons of consider pretty middle of the rode or subpar. To me this album feels like it should've been released right after Weezers fourth release maladroit, it has a similar feeling and if it was released then it probably would be less polarizing as a whole, unfortunately Van Weezer had to be released after a string of several hated and acclaimed albums, making it seem pretty meh as a whole. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 20
  2. Negative: 1 out of 20
  1. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jun 22, 2021
    Van Weezer is a Lightweight guilty pleasure, but mostly delicious pleasure. [Summer 2021, p.80]
  2. May 18, 2021
    The whole thing mostly works, though, thanks to the generous application of a Blue Album power-pop filter. I Need Some of That channels The Cars (like much of Weezer’s finest work) and is the clear standout here, but there’s plenty more to raise a smile.
  3. May 17, 2021
    Van Weezer is in part saved to some degree by virtue of the fact Cuomo does still have a fine ear for a melody and an ability to craft whopping great choruses. The problem is he’s been ploughing the same musical furrow with increasingly diminishing returns for the best part of the last decade.