• Record Label: Epic
  • Release Date: Jul 24, 2015
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 29 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 26 out of 29
  2. Negative: 0 out of 29
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  1. Jul 29, 2015
    Their best album since Ashes of the Wake. Everyone in the band is in top form, especially Randy Blythe delivering possibly the most gut wrenching performance of his career.
  2. Sep 2, 2015
    Lamb of God continues to make great music by pushing their sound further. The band takes risks here on songs like Embers and Overlord, these songs showcase how diverse this band is. Lamb of God does not make the same record twice, each album has a distinctive feel and sound. Make no mistake, this is still Lamb of God.There is not a single bad song on here, all the way though VII remainsLamb of God continues to make great music by pushing their sound further. The band takes risks here on songs like Embers and Overlord, these songs showcase how diverse this band is. Lamb of God does not make the same record twice, each album has a distinctive feel and sound. Make no mistake, this is still Lamb of God.There is not a single bad song on here, all the way though VII remains interesting. Expand
  3. Jul 16, 2018
    A touch of melodic has made very well to LOG as listened here, but not abandoning the characteristic band's aggressiveness.
  4. Aug 4, 2015
    This record is like a child of "As The Palaces Burn" era with "Wrath"/"Resolution". There are most of the characteristic elements off both of these eras (e.g. "Still Echoes" reminding a lot their previous album, and, in my opinion, really unique mix of groovy thrash with Alice-in-Chains-ish vocals in "Overlord", which for Randy's vocal range is unexpectedly great). All of their singlesThis record is like a child of "As The Palaces Burn" era with "Wrath"/"Resolution". There are most of the characteristic elements off both of these eras (e.g. "Still Echoes" reminding a lot their previous album, and, in my opinion, really unique mix of groovy thrash with Alice-in-Chains-ish vocals in "Overlord", which for Randy's vocal range is unexpectedly great). All of their singles (earlier mentioned "Still Echoes", "Overlord", and also "Erase This", "512" and "Embers", featuring Deftones' Chino Moreno) are a must-listen, however the rest of the record (except "Torches", which features The Dillinger Escape Plan's Greg Puciato) are at most good. Still - if you are into either a Thrash or Groove-Thrash metal, this is the record for you! Expand
  5. Apr 28, 2016
    Lamb of God fans should be thankful that this band was able to pull through Randy's legal troubles and forge ahead with tours and new music. Sturm und Drang inevitably references his experiences in prison on a few tracks, though thankfully the subject matter is not overly dwelled on, and it is not made the album's primary focus. I can see that the band have tried to make a more conciseLamb of God fans should be thankful that this band was able to pull through Randy's legal troubles and forge ahead with tours and new music. Sturm und Drang inevitably references his experiences in prison on a few tracks, though thankfully the subject matter is not overly dwelled on, and it is not made the album's primary focus. I can see that the band have tried to make a more concise album with a shorter number of tracks that are a little longer on the whole. However, a few of these tracks could still have done with a little trim, as said tracks tend to lack the impact of those found on albums such as Wrath and Resolution. Still, there is certainly enough here for any LOG fan to enjoy. Standout tracks are Still Echoes, 512 and Overlord. Expand
  6. Apr 17, 2017
    My first Lamb of God album and I was totally blown by songs like 512, Still Echoes and Nightmare Seeker. This is slightly different album but it's still groove. Also I'm impressed by Overlord, very unsual song for LoG.
  7. Oct 22, 2022
    I had first heard of Lamb of God in the early/mid 2000's from a few of their popular songs: Ruin, Laid to Rest, and Walk with Me in Hell. The only album that was good in it's entirety in my opinion was "Sacrament" (2006) up to this point. I decided to give this band another chance even though I hadn't been impressed with Wrath (2009) or Resolution (2012), because I heard their new albumI had first heard of Lamb of God in the early/mid 2000's from a few of their popular songs: Ruin, Laid to Rest, and Walk with Me in Hell. The only album that was good in it's entirety in my opinion was "Sacrament" (2006) up to this point. I decided to give this band another chance even though I hadn't been impressed with Wrath (2009) or Resolution (2012), because I heard their new album (VII: Sturm Und Drang) was a massive improvement over its immediate predecessors. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. Mojo
    Aug 25, 2015
    They may occasionally press autopilot but the unexpected sound of Blythe singing for the first time ever on Overlord proves their willingness to suppress a few decibels for the sake of progress. It suits them. [Oct 2015, p.90]
  2. Aug 18, 2015
    The public’s appreciation for Sturm und Drang is genuine because the music is intelligent and authentic. Lamb of God is everything a metal band should be in 2015 and so, so much more.
  3. Aug 6, 2015
    The Richmond, Virginia, metal five-piece churn out their most extreme record in a long time.