• Record Label: Matador
  • Release Date: Aug 25, 2017
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 233 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 21 out of 233
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  1. Aug 30, 2017
    Anything you write here is a nothing ... someone will not like it, and they will click on do not like it, so ... like or do not like it will always be a GOOD ALBUM ... poor people need to oxygenate the brain and realize that things don´t have to be what they want, but rather as the ARTISTS want and it is they who decide the direction they want to take for the album, most of it only goes byAnything you write here is a nothing ... someone will not like it, and they will click on do not like it, so ... like or do not like it will always be a GOOD ALBUM ... poor people need to oxygenate the brain and realize that things don´t have to be what they want, but rather as the ARTISTS want and it is they who decide the direction they want to take for the album, most of it only goes by what the Media writes, they do not have their own thoughts ... Unfortunately we live a fast consumer society ... Expand
  2. Aug 31, 2017
    It's so funny to be a Villain and the Queens know it. And they make a Summer Album that makes soo mutch fun. Sure they had can make after ... Like Clockwork an Album that also is very dark and moody. But i think Villains take his place in the Discography from the Queens i don't like Part 2 Albums.
    And with Feet Don't Fail Me, The Evil has Landed, Head like a Haunted House, Un-Reborn Again
    It's so funny to be a Villain and the Queens know it. And they make a Summer Album that makes soo mutch fun. Sure they had can make after ... Like Clockwork an Album that also is very dark and moody. But i think Villains take his place in the Discography from the Queens i don't like Part 2 Albums.
    And with Feet Don't Fail Me, The Evil has Landed, Head like a Haunted House, Un-Reborn Again and Villains of Circumstance think they had made Songs who can crash my old top ten. Hopefully Homme meet now Them Crooked Vultures after be a Villain on tour.
  3. Oct 12, 2017
    I do not know what "you" are listen to get a QOTSA album under 8/10 ... It's pure stupidity of **** , years will prove this 2 + 2 = 4.... want to criticize genius work Joshua Homme who works hard to do something new, not wanting to repeat itself, as most of the artists in this industry do, and comparing a band like Foo Fighters is an insult, the individual quality in this band isI do not know what "you" are listen to get a QOTSA album under 8/10 ... It's pure stupidity of **** , years will prove this 2 + 2 = 4.... want to criticize genius work Joshua Homme who works hard to do something new, not wanting to repeat itself, as most of the artists in this industry do, and comparing a band like Foo Fighters is an insult, the individual quality in this band is infinitely superior ... it is anecdotal compare an album of QOTSA with any album of that band, or others and if it were for those, I assure you that I was listening to Wolf Parade and others indie rock bands, hardcore , jazz or other things. instead of crap like Foo Fighters, MODERN CLASSIC ROCK is dead without QOTSA ... Expand
  4. Aug 25, 2017
    Instant classic. Deep, beautiful, funny, dark, slow, fast, rock, dance, pop, brutal, honest, loud, sexy,... this requires multiple listening to appreciate and to realize what a masterpiece it is.
  5. Aug 25, 2017
    Pure gold. I'm a new fan of theirs and I'm compleatly blown away. There is so much texture, rhythm, meanings. Favorite tracks: Fortress, Head Like a Haunted House, Villains of Circumstace.
  6. Aug 25, 2017
    It sounds different than their other records, but sure it's good. Adding a new synths was a good idea. Sometimes the drums feel a bit artificially, but mostly it is not recognizable. When I first listened to it I was like "meh" but it gets better every time you listen to it.
  7. Aug 25, 2017
    I'm loving the addition of the synths. They add a new layer to their sound that is very, very welcome. This is what you get when new wave, rock n' roll and dance music have an orgy.
  8. Aug 27, 2017
    Pretty cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool, I tell ya
  9. Jul 13, 2018
    This album seems to be the marmite of QOTSA records, people either love it or loathe it. It all comes down to personal preference and taste. I, for one, love this record. It's trying something new and does it incredibly successfully. I will, however, admit that the production on this album isn't amazing however the flatter sound to this one does favour many of the songs. The bouncing introThis album seems to be the marmite of QOTSA records, people either love it or loathe it. It all comes down to personal preference and taste. I, for one, love this record. It's trying something new and does it incredibly successfully. I will, however, admit that the production on this album isn't amazing however the flatter sound to this one does favour many of the songs. The bouncing intro "Feet Don't Fail Me" gives you a real taste of what's to come. Along with the dance style tracks, there are slower moments in tracks such as "Fortress" and "Villains of Circumstance". These songs are placed perfectly and give the album a lovely ebb and flow to it. Expand
  10. Aug 25, 2017
    This album is weird, in a good manner. Sounds like a mix between Like Clockwork, Era Vulgaris and Lullabies to Paralyze, the rockabilly influence in this album is notorious making it dancing and unique.

    Highlights: Fortress (What a catchy riff...), The Way You Used to Do, Domesticated Animals (Catchy chorus), The Evil Has Landed (A influence trip song), Feet Don't Fail Me (This music
    This album is weird, in a good manner. Sounds like a mix between Like Clockwork, Era Vulgaris and Lullabies to Paralyze, the rockabilly influence in this album is notorious making it dancing and unique.

    Highlights: Fortress (What a catchy riff...), The Way You Used to Do, Domesticated Animals (Catchy chorus), The Evil Has Landed (A influence trip song), Feet Don't Fail Me (This music could fit on Like Clockwork perfectly, amazing riffs).

    If you want to hear new solos experimentation's (what is very rare to find in these days, in hard rock releases) definitely worth your try. A must buy if you're a QOTSA aged fan. A masterpiece that show the Josh's voice in many different ways.
  11. Aug 28, 2017
    There are a lot of envy out there, with 20 years of career and always at the top, with excellent albums, do not please everyone, fortunately . Luckily they do not make music for fast consumption, time will give me reason ... one day when the band finishes this album will always be someone's favorite ... such as EV, or LTPL the most badly loved at the time too and time proved to many peopleThere are a lot of envy out there, with 20 years of career and always at the top, with excellent albums, do not please everyone, fortunately . Luckily they do not make music for fast consumption, time will give me reason ... one day when the band finishes this album will always be someone's favorite ... such as EV, or LTPL the most badly loved at the time too and time proved to many people that they were wrong ... Expand
  12. Aug 25, 2017
    Love it. It reminds me of Era Vulgaris, in that the directions the songs go in seem odd at first, but then become such a treat after repeated listens.
  13. Aug 27, 2017
    The album is great, to tell you the truth I did not understand why so many negative critics on the part of the fans, they showed an evolution incorporating a new sonority
  14. Oct 7, 2017
    Song for song, this may be the best Queens album, period. Sure, it's danceable, but it's done so f*cking well, and the guitars are still heavy and when they're not the synths pack enough punch to kill it anyways. If you want a quick sum-up of the album, listen to both "The Evil Has Landed" and "Un-reborn Again". The former is a guitar-heavy whirlwind that takes you on a crazy trip, theSong for song, this may be the best Queens album, period. Sure, it's danceable, but it's done so f*cking well, and the guitars are still heavy and when they're not the synths pack enough punch to kill it anyways. If you want a quick sum-up of the album, listen to both "The Evil Has Landed" and "Un-reborn Again". The former is a guitar-heavy whirlwind that takes you on a crazy trip, the latter is a synth-heavy slow-burner which does the same. Then you've got the contrast of "Fortress", a haunting 'ballad' (as close to a ballad as Queens will come) and "Head Like a Haunted House", a punky stomper that wakes you right up in the middle of the album. The only song I felt was a bit of a let-down is "Villains of Circumstance", it's THE poppiest song they've ever done and even though the verses are really cool and build the song up nicely, the chorus is just a total sap, totally ruins the track for me (although the outro is pretty cool and saves it a bit. But basically guys, it's all great. Queens are still the best rock band around and they've made another awesome twist in their discography. Expand
  15. Aug 25, 2017
    This album is glorious. It sounds like a "Best Of" of their last three albums (Clockwork, Era Vulgaris and Lullabies). It's not as 'dancy' as a lot of the critics suggest – rest assured, this is QOTSA doing what they do best. There are enjoyable robot-rock moments ("Feet Don't Fail Me", "Head Like A Haunted House") and addictive experimental, simmery rock ("Domesticated Animals, "The EvilThis album is glorious. It sounds like a "Best Of" of their last three albums (Clockwork, Era Vulgaris and Lullabies). It's not as 'dancy' as a lot of the critics suggest – rest assured, this is QOTSA doing what they do best. There are enjoyable robot-rock moments ("Feet Don't Fail Me", "Head Like A Haunted House") and addictive experimental, simmery rock ("Domesticated Animals, "The Evil Has Landed") but for me, the best tracks are the mellower arrangements. "Fortress" is just about as sentimental as Josh Homme can get, and "Hideaway" is a gorgeous throwback to Lullabies/Era Vulgaris' softer rock tracks. However, the real masterpiece and highlight of the album lies at the very end of the record – "Villains of Circumstance" is an epic, atmospheric stunner. There's something to love about each track, and it's probably QOTSA's most accessible album to date. It's a must-listen if you've been craving some real rock, which is something the world has unfortunately been starved for a while now. Expand
  16. Sep 14, 2017
    This album is the best rock album of the year, but you have to listen to it from start to finish, no skipping around, every second. It's a wild ride. It's truly a piece where the sum is greater than its parts.
  17. Sep 26, 2017
    Best QOTSA album since SFTD. It is not the same style we are used to but it is really solid. There are few songs in this album, but none of them are bad. My favourite songs were Head Like a Haunted House and Domesticated Animals. One of the best albums of 2017.
  18. Aug 25, 2017
    Though not as different as Era Vulgaris, it is refreshing feeling. But then again, maybe I'm just seduced by real rock and roll---you know, with guitars and the like.
  19. Aug 28, 2017
    My first impressions were: "Don't want to spend my time on it", but I gave it a second chance and now the more I listen to it, the more I love it! The greatest rock piece of August 2017.
  20. Aug 28, 2017
    Effective continuation from like clockwork exploring a new niche in their style. Falls short of their prior excellence but not by much. In my opinion their second best album to date.
  21. Jun 16, 2023
    Альбом классный, как по мне бодрее Like Clockwork, Un-Reborn Again явно веет Боуи, Head like a haunted house буги-вуги в стиле dead kennedys, domesticated animals классика qotsa, и hideway (тоже что-то от Боуи); fortress тоже классический трек qotsa. Evil has landed колкий рок с зепеллинским рифом, очень круто. Купил диск, не пожалел. Не согласен с теми, кто говорит, что предыдущий был наАльбом классный, как по мне бодрее Like Clockwork, Un-Reborn Again явно веет Боуи, Head like a haunted house буги-вуги в стиле dead kennedys, domesticated animals классика qotsa, и hideway (тоже что-то от Боуи); fortress тоже классический трек qotsa. Evil has landed колкий рок с зепеллинским рифом, очень круто. Купил диск, не пожалел. Не согласен с теми, кто говорит, что предыдущий был на голову выше. Здесь Хомми немного отошел от привычного «пустынного» заука и это пошло на пользу. Меня увлекло Expand
  22. Nov 14, 2017
    After Clockwork leave really high expectation about the potential the band can reach, and even if this album is not as good as his preveious work, it is certainly a terrific piece of music.

    It has some few low points (Animals), but the playlist is really solid, groovy, energic and with some beautifully constructed songs (Fortress). Listening twice you already notice his unique vibe that
    After Clockwork leave really high expectation about the potential the band can reach, and even if this album is not as good as his preveious work, it is certainly a terrific piece of music.

    It has some few low points (Animals), but the playlist is really solid, groovy, energic and with some beautifully constructed songs (Fortress). Listening twice you already notice his unique vibe that make this album a very welcomed entry in the collection of QotSA.

    Favourites: Feet don't fail me now, fortress, the evil has landed
    Not so much: Domesticated animals, un-reborn again
  23. Sep 10, 2017
    I'm not gonna lie to you, if you're looking for a classic Queens of the Stone Age album, you're likely not to find it here. The heavy sludge and drone of the old style has decayed and has been replaced by something a bit more upbeat and catchy. The songwriting is still complex and original, every instrument gets capable and constructive usage, and it makes you wanna dance like Queens hasI'm not gonna lie to you, if you're looking for a classic Queens of the Stone Age album, you're likely not to find it here. The heavy sludge and drone of the old style has decayed and has been replaced by something a bit more upbeat and catchy. The songwriting is still complex and original, every instrument gets capable and constructive usage, and it makes you wanna dance like Queens has never done so before. The tens in these reviews give it too much credit, but to all the zeroes out there, different doesn't mean bad. Expand
  24. Aug 26, 2017
    While the shift in style is a pretty hard one that many QotSA fans would not like, despite the band's constant evolution throughout their discography, Villains is a solid effort that, while not the bands best nor is as good as Like Clockwork, is still another worthwhile effort from Homme and friends. With Mark Ronson at the helm, Villains is a true blue dance rock record with gnarly stonerWhile the shift in style is a pretty hard one that many QotSA fans would not like, despite the band's constant evolution throughout their discography, Villains is a solid effort that, while not the bands best nor is as good as Like Clockwork, is still another worthwhile effort from Homme and friends. With Mark Ronson at the helm, Villains is a true blue dance rock record with gnarly stoner rock guitars trademark to the band's sound with an added twist of old school boogie rock, ala Skynyrd and ZZ Top, and a dash of funk rock on the same planet as Funkadelic's Maggot Brain (the song not the album), Villains is another solid hit from the band. Inconsistent at times with song quality, this is a must listen! Expand
  25. Aug 28, 2017
    I was missing a QOTSA album like this one: essentialist and straight-to-the-point, it's so sincere as it's shooted in your ears.
    The energy released it's similar to the one of the first albums, but in a more dancey way and without frills.
    This one is an album meant to reacharge your chi and make it explode.
  26. Sep 12, 2017
    Being a simple reminder of the true hard rock spirit in the midst of its decline in modern times, this work had a high level of musicianship with its awesome harmonic twists and aggressively riveting melodic deliveries, conveying nine strong, well-written, and intriguing songs that the band seemed to hardly need to lift a finger to achieve. My Score: 144/180 (Solid) = 8/10
  27. Dec 27, 2018
    Villains es una continuacion solida de lo que fue Like a Clockwork, con altos y bajos, la mezcla de sonidos tiene algunas dificultades, pero las composiciones en si muestran una faceta que a veces hace pensar a las melodias de David Bowie
  28. Aug 28, 2017
    I cant believe the bad reviews on this one. I do get it, they sound like QOTSA and they are supposed to. Their essence, just like the majority of musicians and bands (put it this way, 90% of them), will never go away. To me, its better than Era Vulgaris but I find Songs for the deaf and Lullabies to Paralyze to be their strongest albums. Its worth to be part of the collection. It hasI cant believe the bad reviews on this one. I do get it, they sound like QOTSA and they are supposed to. Their essence, just like the majority of musicians and bands (put it this way, 90% of them), will never go away. To me, its better than Era Vulgaris but I find Songs for the deaf and Lullabies to Paralyze to be their strongest albums. Its worth to be part of the collection. It has songs that could fit in Like Clorkwork and others that could fit in Era Vulgaris and others in Rated R because of their similar sounds. Still, a great to own album IMO. Expand
  29. Aug 28, 2017
    There's some super great stuff on this album, but you've gotta listen to a few tracks that just don't hit. The highs are very high, and the lows are only slightly above average, which isn't typical for Queens. However, it's not that they've lost their touch by any means. They've always kind of been an experiment, no two albums are ever the same from them. This album is laced with 80'sThere's some super great stuff on this album, but you've gotta listen to a few tracks that just don't hit. The highs are very high, and the lows are only slightly above average, which isn't typical for Queens. However, it's not that they've lost their touch by any means. They've always kind of been an experiment, no two albums are ever the same from them. This album is laced with 80's aesthetics and it both suffers a little and benefits from it greatly. If you're okay with skipping a track or two, or putting up with them, there's some really good stuff here worth listening to. Expand
  30. Mar 28, 2018
    My two favourite QOTSA albums are "Songs For The Deaf" and "Like Clockwork". The former, a legendary record at this stage, for keeping an insane level of intensity throughout. The latter for its maturity, intelligence and ability to interest. Much of the rest of their back catalog fails to engage across a full album. "Villains", while not up with their absolute best work is a majorMy two favourite QOTSA albums are "Songs For The Deaf" and "Like Clockwork". The former, a legendary record at this stage, for keeping an insane level of intensity throughout. The latter for its maturity, intelligence and ability to interest. Much of the rest of their back catalog fails to engage across a full album. "Villains", while not up with their absolute best work is a major success when you consider some of the risks they took. Probably not hard enough for many long time "Queens" fans who would have despaired at the inclusion of Mark Ronson on production duties but I think "Villains" works. The album is direct rock, hard but not heavy and with a funky pop undertone. It's both engaging and enjoyable, two factors that make for a good album. Everything you get on top is a bonus. There are easily 3 or 4 outstanding numbers on this. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 30 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 27 out of 30
  2. Negative: 0 out of 30
  1. Magnet
    Sep 18, 2017
    The results are both vintage QOTSA and something unnameable at the same time. [No. 146, p.58]
  2. Sep 12, 2017
    This record is strong from top to bottom, and another great entry into Queens of the Stone Age’s catalog.
  3. 75
    Even though it doesn’t do nearly enough to distinguish itself from the band’s earlier albums, it’s an enjoyable enough listen that it’s not too hard to excuse its flaws.