• Record Label: Arista
  • Release Date: Jan 31, 2020
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  1. Feb 2, 2020
    It’s such a beautiful album with well written lyrics, I couldn’t skip any song and he sounds SO beautiful in all of them.
  2. Feb 2, 2020
    Louis Tomlinson has said that the release of his debut album took a little longer because he is a perfectionist, and in the final product, it shows. Walls is an album consisting of his confessional and honest lyrics and organic instruments, with a great predominance of guitars; he is cohesive without being repetitive or bored, he feels real and honest and travels through Louis's tripLouis Tomlinson has said that the release of his debut album took a little longer because he is a perfectionist, and in the final product, it shows. Walls is an album consisting of his confessional and honest lyrics and organic instruments, with a great predominance of guitars; he is cohesive without being repetitive or bored, he feels real and honest and travels through Louis's trip during the last 4 years, since the death of his mother in 2016, reconciliation with his girlfriend of years and the search for his identity as an artist , finding its value in himself. Walls is a simply beautiful and authentic album, full of relatable and great lyrics, smooth vocals and organic sounds. The perfect roadtrip soundtrack. Expand
  3. Feb 2, 2020
    Impecável. Obra de arte. Louis, surpreendeu todos com músicas incríveis, sentimentais e com instrumentais que são uma verdadeira obra de arte. Amei!
  4. Feb 2, 2020
    nothing but perfect, walls and too young are my favorite songs with fearless. it’s so good
  5. Feb 2, 2020
    álbum incrível, músicas muito gostasinhas de ouvir, minhas favoritas são always you e fearless
  6. Feb 2, 2020
    It was SO worth waiting for this masterpiece! I hope general public wake up and listen to it. They need to know who Louis Tomlinson is.
  7. Jan 31, 2020
    this is an album four years in the making and one i think was definitely worth the wait. ive always been drawn to louis as a lyricist and this album really showcases his talent as a wordsmith with lines like 'i've ran out of energy of playing someone i've heard im supposed to be', 'we're sleeping on our problems like we'll solve them in our dreams' and 'oh the lonely shadow dances from thethis is an album four years in the making and one i think was definitely worth the wait. ive always been drawn to louis as a lyricist and this album really showcases his talent as a wordsmith with lines like 'i've ran out of energy of playing someone i've heard im supposed to be', 'we're sleeping on our problems like we'll solve them in our dreams' and 'oh the lonely shadow dances from the cradle to the grave' these in particular really stand out to me for their honesty and poetry. he's finally been given the opportunity to showcase his voice and it is beautiful, standout moments for me are his high notes in 'always you' and the bridge in 'defenceless'. louis has done an incredible job of introducing a new sound to his already dedicated audience without dismissing the sound that we had all initially fallen in love with, this is just a taste of what he can do and it's only going to get better from here. my favorite songs so far are 'only the brave', 'always you', 'defenceless', 'habit' and the title track 'walls' but honestly there isn't a single track i would skip and ive been listening to it non stop all day. Expand
  8. Feb 2, 2020
    O álbum é incrível e muito coeso, você consegue sentir e entender perfeitamente o que quer ser transmitido através de cada composição, e essa é uma das melhores qualidades artísticas do Louis (compor de forma honesta). Além disso, o instrumental combina maravilhosamente bem com as letras, e é um ótimo exemplo do indie pop atual. Eu realmente amei e recomendo que ouçam.
  9. Jan 31, 2020
    this album is just perfect, the compositions are incredible. The critical note should not be taken seriously, they clearly do not know what they say.
  10. Feb 2, 2020
    Loved it ! It was long awaited but totally worth it ! I have nothing more to say but good job Louis !
  11. Feb 2, 2020
    Honestly, I'm not really interested in this kind of music but my point of view changes as soon I heard the first song on the album KMM. My best friend is the one who introduce this amazing album to me. Louis Tomlinson vocal is really something else in here. Really love the raspiness and softness in his voice. It's so unique. And also not to mention, most of the lyrics are written in a wayHonestly, I'm not really interested in this kind of music but my point of view changes as soon I heard the first song on the album KMM. My best friend is the one who introduce this amazing album to me. Louis Tomlinson vocal is really something else in here. Really love the raspiness and softness in his voice. It's so unique. And also not to mention, most of the lyrics are written in a way that somehow can make us feel connected to it. 100% would recommend it Expand
  12. Feb 2, 2020
    Disappointed. He has a very unusual voice but instead of using it creatively (thinking of Suede here), he's basically copying Oasis without having what Oasis had and 20 years after it was fresh. Weak and unambitious album.
  13. Feb 2, 2020
    Louis Tomlinson delivers us a brilliant, honest album with strong and striking lyrics that allows us to appreciate his impeccable vocals, Walls is an album that conveys a lot of emotion when listening to we make an emotional journey not only in the feelings of Tomlison but also in ours due to his capable of a very relatable composition, Walls is an excellent album that does not disappointLouis Tomlinson delivers us a brilliant, honest album with strong and striking lyrics that allows us to appreciate his impeccable vocals, Walls is an album that conveys a lot of emotion when listening to we make an emotional journey not only in the feelings of Tomlison but also in ours due to his capable of a very relatable composition, Walls is an excellent album that does not disappoint the listener at all. Expand
  14. Feb 2, 2020
    The best album ever made, musically, lyrically, vocally, and what not. No matter what your story is, you're goin to relate to this and it's gonna touch ya heart ( even if you don't have one ;) ) Such an empowering debut by the guy who deserves it all. Way to go Louis. Always got ya back. X
  15. Feb 1, 2020
    Perfeito demais, amor da minha vida todinha. Louis pq me mataste meu amor? Que voz angelical.

    Larry é real
  16. Feb 1, 2020
    A sweet voice with honest compositions. You can see that he writes with his heart, just feeling it. Louis will certainly have a bright future.
  17. Feb 1, 2020
    a very well produced album. louis tomlinson put all his heart into his compositions, letting all his feelings show. his voice has matured and evolved since one direction.
  18. Feb 1, 2020
    It's an amazing debut from a truly talented artist! His voice is very distinctive & beautiful & it adds a lot of emotions to songs when needed, especially on the inspiring and relatable Walls, Don't Let It Break Your Heart, Two Of Us, & Only the Brave. But he is also able to do Brit pop anthems like Kill My Mind, which are more suited to his power side. His newfound confidence in findingIt's an amazing debut from a truly talented artist! His voice is very distinctive & beautiful & it adds a lot of emotions to songs when needed, especially on the inspiring and relatable Walls, Don't Let It Break Your Heart, Two Of Us, & Only the Brave. But he is also able to do Brit pop anthems like Kill My Mind, which are more suited to his power side. His newfound confidence in finding the music he is best suited for is evident in how comfortable he sounds. His songwriting skills shine throughout, but my personal favorites are Don't Let It Break Your Heart, Walls, & Habit, as they can be related to by a number of different circumstances or situations not just those relationship songs. And, of course, I can't forget Two Of Us, which is such a moving tribute to his mother & will mean so much to people who have lost someone they care about. As with all of his songs, they are all infused with a positive spirit & a ton of strength; two things that characterize Louis & his lyrics. While the super specific love songs were a little less relatable, they were still also well-written & still far better than the generic songs they play on the radio. Hard to believe this is only the beginning for him! He has grown so much in the past few years & if he starts out this well, I can't imagine how far he can go in the future! I can't wait to see what else he has in store for the music industry & his fans, both his current fanbase & the tons he will surely gain with music like this! Expand
  19. Feb 1, 2020
    every song in this albums made me feel something special. that is one of the most beautiful album I ever had heard, Louis Tomlinson rocked on it
  20. Feb 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This album is amazing, he wanted a transition from the band and Wow, I love that song called walls Expand
  21. Feb 1, 2020
    e o melhor álbum pra mim, eu me sinto especial e como se fosse acolhida por algo bom
  22. ena
    Feb 1, 2020
    Louis Tomlinson (formerly One Direction) released on this last Friday the 31st, his debut & first album born of his solo career. When listening to the album, starting with the track Kill My Mind bringing some Indie-rock sound, there is a little surprise to be a totally different sound from where he was previously known but at the same time not so much because the song sounds genericLouis Tomlinson (formerly One Direction) released on this last Friday the 31st, his debut & first album born of his solo career. When listening to the album, starting with the track Kill My Mind bringing some Indie-rock sound, there is a little surprise to be a totally different sound from where he was previously known but at the same time not so much because the song sounds generic compared to others on today's industry. The lyrics It's on your head but after listening to for the fourth or not even the third time, you just can't anymore.

    Moving on to the next ones – note that I had to repeat a few more than others – Throughout the album you come across songs such as Don't Let It Break Your Heart, Two Of Us and Fearless. These three records carry one special feeling: they're nostalgically capable of reminding you of some moment in your life. Being them good or bad you may identify with the lyrics of any of these.
    I also believe that they are timeless so I would not be surprised if beyond the mostly young public there might be adults believers of the words spoken in this trinity. *Not that the rest of the songs are bad. I only highlighted those who aroused my curiosity

    On final words; I say I'm glad I heard this album. It is highly recommended if you're searching for honesty, overcoming themed songs & clarity. Louis knew how to express himself and did it beautifully, lyrically speaking. Without fighting, I'd listen to Walls again.
  23. Feb 1, 2020
    it's an impeccable album, Louis Tomlinson is really a great singer, his songs are deep and the lyrics are very well elaborated.
  24. Feb 1, 2020
    This album is perfect, I can hardly hear without crying. It's a completely different melody than what we see today. It's an inspiration.
  25. Feb 1, 2020
    álbum com músicas e letras muito boas e fáceis de viciar simplesmente incrível!!
  26. Feb 1, 2020
    This album is the best written ive heard in years. A record with no skips. Amazing
  27. Feb 1, 2020
    Letras impecáveis, voz incrível e um incrível ser humano! Louis não merece menos do que 10!
  28. Feb 1, 2020
    Um bom álbum de estréia, batidas diferentes, letras marcantes, voz impecável... Tudo que um bom álbum precisa, parabéns Louis!
  29. Feb 1, 2020
    ESSES CRITICOS SO PODEM ESTAR ME ZUANDO NÃO É NEM POSSÍVEL!!??? Esse álbum é muito maravilhoso, as letras, a voz, e o modo como o Louis se entrega e canta as músicas!! To tão feliz pelo Louis❤❤❤
  30. Feb 1, 2020
    Best album of the year! Louis put your soul in this album. Fully matured, showed that he can do very well even without the one direction
  31. Feb 1, 2020
    Really a great album! An organic sound and honest lyrics make it very cool. Enjoy it!
  32. Feb 1, 2020
    um álbum fantástico!! Do começo até o final, álbum inteiramente composto por incríveis músicas, ótimas sonoridades, incríveis letras e composições. Esse álbum está sendo o meu favorito
  33. Feb 1, 2020
    It is a melancholic but significant album, the lyrics are amazing and the sound is impressive, the boy's voice is perfect, excellent album.
  34. Jan 31, 2020
    Louis has worked so much on this album and the wait was totally worth it. The songs are beautiful and honest, his writing skills are impressive and it really touches my heart. What is most beautiful about the album is that Louis made it following his heart, the album was made for him to like it and be proud of it. And even though he was not trying to follow charts he still did it very wellLouis has worked so much on this album and the wait was totally worth it. The songs are beautiful and honest, his writing skills are impressive and it really touches my heart. What is most beautiful about the album is that Louis made it following his heart, the album was made for him to like it and be proud of it. And even though he was not trying to follow charts he still did it very well anyway... #1 in 49 countries and still counting.
    Louis Tomlinson is an artist who must be appreciated. I'm so proud of him.
  35. Feb 1, 2020
    All the songs are a banger! There's not one bad song. Louis smashed it with his debut album. The melodies are so beautiful and clean, they go so well with his unique voice that was made for indie music. If you like those 90s/Oasis vibes I suggest you listen to Walls. Finally the lyrics...man, there are not words to describe how incredible they are. Congrats lad! Amazing album.
  36. Feb 1, 2020
    A zero skip album! Definitely some songs that I’ll raise my daughter to, and the album also has songs that personally inspired me. A lot of feeling in this album, a new point of view of music. All songs, especially Only The Brave will stay with me for the rest of my life.
  37. Feb 1, 2020
    Louis Tomlinson's debut album titled Walls harkens back to the sound of the alternative rock from the 90's. As this is the only music from Louis I have listened to I like it. He has a unique voice and a retro sound. The album tracks seem to tell a story of love, loss, and heartbreak. The tracks we made it, Walls, and dont let it break your heart have a uplifting message to listeners.Louis Tomlinson's debut album titled Walls harkens back to the sound of the alternative rock from the 90's. As this is the only music from Louis I have listened to I like it. He has a unique voice and a retro sound. The album tracks seem to tell a story of love, loss, and heartbreak. The tracks we made it, Walls, and dont let it break your heart have a uplifting message to listeners. While too of us pays homage to loss of loved one.kill my mind, Habot, Always You, and Defenseless are about a relationship that was broken and revived . These tracks have a heavy guitar and goes from soft voice to a strong voice. Expand
  38. Feb 1, 2020
    Walls is an album that blows my mind, I mean, really exceeded my expectations, its so authentic, pure and honest, when I heard it the first time, I was feel very sentimental, every second of every song touches my heart, this album make me feel things that I don't understand. I recommend this album whit every part of me, this is a wonderful first album, is definitely another level.
  39. Jan 31, 2020
    this album is truly beautiful. loving all the guitars and Louis’ voice. there are some real tunes in this record
  40. Feb 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Louis Tomlinson’s debut album has been a long time coming, but “Walls” was definitely worth the wait. From the energetic, rock-driven “Kill My Mind” to the soulful (yet heartbreakingly short) “Only the Brave”, Tomlinson takes his audience on an emotional journey about heartbreak and strength and rekindled love. The singer found his place in One Direction as an active songwriter, penning thirty seven songs in the band’s discography. Tomlinson certainly proves he has earned his stripes as a songwriter with lines like “nothing wakes you up like waking up alone//nothing makes you hurt like hurting who you love” (“Walls”) and “we’re sleeping on our problems like we’ll solve them in our dreams/we wake up early morning and they’re still under the sheets” (“Defenceless”). Children’s voices can be heard at the beginning and closing of “Fearless”, adding a sweet, innocent tone to a rather honest song. Tomlinson also shows his versatility as a singer with a wide vocal range and a few astounding high notes. This album is definitely worth the listen. It will be exciting to see what Tomlinson does with this album and the next. Expand
  41. Feb 1, 2020
    Beautiful album. Not trying to chase chart success just being his authentic self. Walls, Always you and Defenceless are standout songs. Just a shame reviewers wanted a chart chaser.
  42. Feb 1, 2020
    Amazing and inspiring lyrics throughtout all the album, Louis didn't disappoint at all with Walls. Vocals on point, and such great variety in the songs melodies too: everyone can find their favourite one. He's relatable, honest and vulnerable, and a great singer and songwriter.
  43. Feb 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. This guy has raw natural pure talent of songwriting and an angelic voice!! Walls has already become one of my favourite albums of all times!! Expand
  44. Feb 1, 2020
    It truly is a well written album, very raw and honest, strongly relatable and hopeful. I loved fearless and only the brave! Keep up with the good music
  45. Feb 1, 2020
    I’ve been waiting this album for 4 years and Louis absolutely didn’t disappoint me. His voice sounds so good, and those lyrics are incredible, such an amazing songwriter.
  46. Feb 1, 2020
    Louis Tomlinson has come out with his new and first album, and I love every track on it ! The songs hold such deep meaning to them, his sweet voice just makes you think back and can’t help but get emotional. Or at least that’s what I felt. I’m so exceptionally proud of Louis, he’s come very far through many hard times and listening to his music feels special to me. I hope everyone elseLouis Tomlinson has come out with his new and first album, and I love every track on it ! The songs hold such deep meaning to them, his sweet voice just makes you think back and can’t help but get emotional. Or at least that’s what I felt. I’m so exceptionally proud of Louis, he’s come very far through many hard times and listening to his music feels special to me. I hope everyone else enjoys it as well as I did ! Expand
  47. Feb 1, 2020
    This album is so refreshing to hear. It's like going back into the time when all lyrics were good and not just about the beat. All tracks are phenomenal — lyrics wise and tune wise. This album has no skips. Incredible!
  48. Feb 1, 2020
    It’s such a journey from start to finish. And it has all the elements to make it a great album to listen to, sing along to, and dance to.
  49. Feb 1, 2020
    I was very pleased with the album. A lot of people are going to leave bad reviews without even hearing it, but the majority of the songs are bops.
  50. Feb 1, 2020
    I loved the indie feel of some of the tracks like Kill My Mind ans Only The Brave and more upbeat pop tracks like Always You and We Made It were great as well! I think there's a song on this album for everyone and I'd highly recommend giving it a listen! Definitely a great debut album for Louis and I cannot wait to see what else he has in store.
  51. Feb 1, 2020
    Amazing and wonderful album, beautiful and brutally honest lyrics. He has seemed to have matured since his days in the band, lyrically speaking, and it is all reflected here.
    Give a listen to this album, you won't regret it
  52. Feb 1, 2020
    Walls is so surprisingly soothing as it is hopeful, nostalgic and uplifting. Tomlinson's lyrics and vocals are really moving, you know he really means every word he sings, whi h is incredibly refreshing and endearing. You can tell it's a transition album for him, where his musical preferences and
  53. Feb 1, 2020
    Literalmente nos esta contando todo, me encanta. lo amo. Vale la pena escuchar todo el álbum y llegar a comprender el significado de las letras, la forma en que transmite todo lo que siente y lo que esta pasando. Espero todos tengan la oportunidad de escuchar eta joya, esta hermosa expresión de arte.
  54. Feb 1, 2020
    It's totally different of what you'd expect of a ex 1d member, the lyrics are so perfectly wrote as if every song was a different life with different feelings and the sound is so organic that you'll never get tired of it. If you want something natural and from a kind heart this is your best option.
  55. Feb 1, 2020
    After four years we can finally listen to what louis tomlinson has been working on, and it turned out to be fantastic. Artist these days go for cheesy lyrics and no senses but here we can gladly confirm that this man writes with gold. His songwriting is the best out of the 1D boys and that’s it. Songs full of honesty and pain but also love is what we were given yesterday. It doesn’tAfter four years we can finally listen to what louis tomlinson has been working on, and it turned out to be fantastic. Artist these days go for cheesy lyrics and no senses but here we can gladly confirm that this man writes with gold. His songwriting is the best out of the 1D boys and that’s it. Songs full of honesty and pain but also love is what we were given yesterday. It doesn’t surprise me at all that he’s charting number 1 on tunes worldwide. People should start listening to this man more, he deserves more recognition, this is exactly what the music industry needs right now. Cheers! Expand
  56. Feb 1, 2020
    One of the best albums I've ever heard. His voice is simply magnificent and the lyrics of the songs convey great feelings
  57. Feb 1, 2020
    Wow, i really loved that. Lyrics are so good. I guess my favorite is fearless. Also perfect now is good too. I like this lad.
  58. Feb 1, 2020
    Walls is one of the best albums i’ve heard. None of the songs are skip songs and even the sad songs are still bangers along with the real bangers. Louis has covered so many topics and has/will help so many people with his music. It has to be a 10/10 he hit #1 in 50 countries, i think that means people like it a lot
  59. Feb 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Amé Walls con todo mi corazón, esperé 4 años para esto y valió mucho la pena Expand
  60. Feb 1, 2020
    Truly a spectacular debut album, sound fresh that captures Louis' essence, mixes of indie pop and ballads, great lyrics that feels really honest accompanied of Tomlinson's sweet gentle marshmallow voice. And the last track might be the best of the album too. One of my favs to date!
  61. Feb 1, 2020
    When I was a teen everyone around me was obsessed with One Direction, but it was never really my type, and so I never listened to it. Last year I decided I wanted to know what the former members of the band were up to, and that's when I discovered Louis. He didn't have many songs, but I immediately fell in love with the way he sings. Not only is he a very talented lyricist (his lyrics areWhen I was a teen everyone around me was obsessed with One Direction, but it was never really my type, and so I never listened to it. Last year I decided I wanted to know what the former members of the band were up to, and that's when I discovered Louis. He didn't have many songs, but I immediately fell in love with the way he sings. Not only is he a very talented lyricist (his lyrics are wonderful and I still get emotional every time I listen to Two Of Us or Don't Let It Break Your Heart), but also his voice is unlike any other I've ever heard, and I was thrilled to discover he'd be releasing an album. The album is now here, and I've gotta say I can't stop listening to it. His songs are emotional and make you feel things from start to finish. Expand
  62. Feb 1, 2020
    amazing songwriting skills. the sound reminds me of the early 2000’s. can’t wait to hear more from this guy
  63. Feb 1, 2020
    I loved the album. Definitely a drag set of songs from the rather stereotyped love songs. Also the gender neutral lyrics are awesome.
  64. Feb 1, 2020
    eu tô tão orgulhosa do Louis meu deus eu nem sei o que dizer só sei que ele me inspira todos os dias e me torna uma pessoa melhor e eu sou tão grata por isso. amo meu solzinho e tô super feliz com o álbum novo dele.
  65. Feb 1, 2020
    An honest one. Has got really uplifting songs. I liked the indie vibe. This guys has gone and shown the biggest growth as a singer and song writer
  66. Feb 1, 2020
    This album is really good! The power in his voice in every song and the feelings in songs like Fearless, Two of Us, Defenceless and Only the Brave... this guy has a unique voice and he perfectly handles the high notes, his raspy voice is also a detail that deserves to be appreciated and the lyrics are so beautiful, honest with so much meaning. Walls is one of greatest I've listened to andThis album is really good! The power in his voice in every song and the feelings in songs like Fearless, Two of Us, Defenceless and Only the Brave... this guy has a unique voice and he perfectly handles the high notes, his raspy voice is also a detail that deserves to be appreciated and the lyrics are so beautiful, honest with so much meaning. Walls is one of greatest I've listened to and every song has a different sound and I love it. Expand
  67. Feb 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Esse álbum me surpreendeu de forma positiva, As transições da voz nas faixas, o coro presente nas faixas, impecável. A faixa Too Young não sai da minha cabeça por nada Expand
  68. Feb 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. such a beautiful album honestly. louis just proved that he is an amazing songwriter and that has strong vocals. looking for what he comes up with next! Expand
  69. Feb 1, 2020
    i am so shook by the fact i haven't heard his solo music earlier!! he's so good and the lyrics really gave me chills, how he expresses his feeling and the way it just sounds so well done overall. Louis, you have gained yourself a new fan! continue making music that inspires people
  70. Feb 1, 2020
    really, really liked it! one or two songs maybe a little less, but overall great vibes. his voice is so unique and soothing and his lyrics hit hard, ‘nothing wakes you up like waking up alone’ ooof i felt that
  71. Feb 1, 2020
    It is an amazing album. If you've never heard Louis' songs before, you're in for a treat. There's depth, variation and real meaning to the songs. Plus, its a lyrical masterpiece.
  72. Feb 1, 2020
    It's an album that everyone should listen to, with songs that reminds me of 80s rock but his style and the song it ends with is beautiful in every way (the vocals, the lyrics and the instrumentation) so I recommend you listen to "walls"
  73. Jan 31, 2020
    Wow it even surpassed my expectations. The lyrics are phenomenal and whole album really touched my heart
  74. Feb 1, 2020
    It’s a good album, well written, he did amazing vocals and the every melodie fits the lyrics
  75. Feb 1, 2020
    Amazing! Louis you kill it. The lyrics are solo honest and powerfull. A wonderfull album
  76. Feb 1, 2020
    Louis debut is with an amazing album with both pop and indie influences. His lyrics are beautiful, honest and deep. The album starts with “kill my mind” a song that will make you dance and scream and it finishes with “only the brave” a very short song but with a strong message that makes you want more. Can’t wait to hear more of him!
  77. Feb 1, 2020
    Wow really such a vulnerable and honest album, not a 1D fan but he deserved so much more recognition. Such a good voice.
  78. Feb 1, 2020
    Louis has an unique voice that brings even more emotion to the lyrics. In ‘Defenceless’ the singer shows vulnerability and opens his heart. I feel that a lot of people will relate to the message of several songs on ’Walls’. It is a lovely album. I would certainly hear it again.
  79. Feb 1, 2020
    Louis killed with this album. The melody are incredibly, later is insane and his voice... his **** voice is the haven. Thank you God for Louis Tomlinson existence!
  80. Feb 1, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Walls, if not a masterpiece, has all the elements of a debut album of someone transitioning from a boy band past on to a solo career.
    I became Louis's fan a little recently after his appearance on James Corden's show where he performed - We Made It. I am from India and am not as much into western music as most people would be. But what attracted me was his voice. He has an unusual and unique voice, which when used well, pulls at your heart strings. His songs seem inspired from his past and the most endearing part of this is his gratitude towards the good and the bad that his life has thrown at him. He is also one of the few artists who have retained their accent in songs, which I think helps in showcasing his identity and authenticity.
    The standouts are Fearless, Walls, Kill My Mind, Two of Us, and Only the Brave.
    I look forward to what he puts forth next and hope he uses his beautiful voice effectively and experiments more in his next record.
  81. Feb 1, 2020
    Pleasantly surprised! Walls, fearless and only the brave are my favorites for now, love the lyrics and his voice is so unique, loved the album!
  82. Feb 1, 2020
    I first heard Two of Us in March 2019, having barely known him as an ex member of One Direction (which I hadn’t been a fan of prior). I watched the #LouisandRichard video and was blown away by what this man had done, as well as intrigued by his music. I checked out his others songs and fell in love with his songwriting and then with him as a person- kind, humble, and genuine as well asI first heard Two of Us in March 2019, having barely known him as an ex member of One Direction (which I hadn’t been a fan of prior). I watched the #LouisandRichard video and was blown away by what this man had done, as well as intrigued by his music. I checked out his others songs and fell in love with his songwriting and then with him as a person- kind, humble, and genuine as well as witty and fun. Fast forward to January and he has now released his debut album- an album filled with a range of fantastic songs all linked in their beautiful lyrics and enchanting melodies. Louis shows a lot of diversity with this album, tunes like the anthem Don’t Let it Break Your Heart, the 90s nostalgic britpop Kill My Mind, the oasis-inspired Walls, the vulnerable and emotional Two of Us (written for his late mother), the pop perfection that is Always You, the honest and heartbreaking Defenceless, among others. I will day this time and time again but Louis Tomlinson is a master of words- he tells a story in his songs and the whole album is a journey through his past experiences and heartbreak. Louis Tomlinson made me fall in love with music again, and for that I will always thank him. Give him a chance if you’ve never heard one of his songs. He is one of those timeless singers who people will be talking about years and years from now, I’m sure. Expand
  83. Feb 1, 2020
    Absolutely amazing, it’s so well written, and it just gives so good vibes, I love it very much!
  84. Feb 1, 2020
    As a local listener to different kinds of music (usually let Spotify recommend me what's new and I personally look for the latest released albums), this album amazed me. Louis was able to provide a well-thought out, personal, and raw list of songs. The instrumentals were calming and beautiful and fit so well with his voice and accent. Truly recommend giving this album a listen!
  85. Feb 1, 2020
    i saw that guy on the tv and i must admit he's so talented! definitely missed the music like that! nice man with a great voice and an incredible songwriter.
  86. Feb 1, 2020
    This album is beautiful lyrically and musically. Louis Tomlinson’s voice is absolutely stunning especially when he reaches those high notes. I recommend this album to everyone. It’s the best album I have heard.
  87. Feb 1, 2020
    an amazing, emotional, honest and raw album by the incredibly talented and underrated louis tomlinson. everyone should have a listen, i guarantee you there's something for everyone. this man is a lyrical genius and i see a very bright future ahead of him.
  88. Feb 1, 2020
    I know he's part of One Direction and I barely hear his voice when his in the group. So I I give his debut album a try. This man is telling a story, what a great song writer? I didn't expect that and his voice is so soft and relaxing. Every song has it's story. You can feel every emotion he gives on the songs and its inspiring. Imagine he should be sound mad and angry because of theI know he's part of One Direction and I barely hear his voice when his in the group. So I I give his debut album a try. This man is telling a story, what a great song writer? I didn't expect that and his voice is so soft and relaxing. Every song has it's story. You can feel every emotion he gives on the songs and its inspiring. Imagine he should be sound mad and angry because of the struggles yet he sounds thankful because he made those struggles into a motivation. What a great story teller. Expand
  89. Feb 1, 2020
    such a lovely album with special lyrics. good job.
    proud of him.
    stream walls
  90. Feb 1, 2020
    I came across this album while I was on twitter. I saw many infuencers who were tweeting the hashtag #Walls and I got curious as to why it was getting a lot of attention. And being the music lover that I am, I decided to check it out and was pleasantly surprised by what I heard. I really love this album and I feel as though the songs were very genuine and truly come from a place ofI came across this album while I was on twitter. I saw many infuencers who were tweeting the hashtag #Walls and I got curious as to why it was getting a lot of attention. And being the music lover that I am, I decided to check it out and was pleasantly surprised by what I heard. I really love this album and I feel as though the songs were very genuine and truly come from a place of vulnerability. I mist admit that while all of the songs are remarkable, there’s just something about ‘Always You’ that makes me want to losten to it on repeat. The upbeat tune and sad lyrics are a very good combo. Well done on your debut album, Louis Tomlinson! Definitely recommend 100% Expand
  91. Feb 1, 2020
    Overall a really really enjoyable album that will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions within 40mins, one of my highlights is definitely Kill My Mind and Only The Brave
  92. Feb 1, 2020
    When i first listened to this album I didn't imagine I would fall in love with it! Everything about this album is amazing the lyrics the melody i felt every lyrics! An amazing album i recommend it for everyone ❤
  93. Feb 1, 2020
    The waiting was definitely worth it. Louis delivered a great album with amazing songs. The album is obviously very personal to him, as he is trying to be as honest as possible with the fans. My favourite songs on the album is probably Walls and Defencelles!
  94. Feb 1, 2020
    So different to what i was expecting from an ex boy-bander!! Absolutely loved it, everyone should give it a listen.
  95. Feb 1, 2020
    This album is what this world needed! It is open, honest, and just really good. From the lyrics to the music/production to the composition, it’s a masterpiece. Bless yourself by listening to this album non stop, I know I will!
  96. Feb 1, 2020
    I think it's so beautiful. I really like this album. My favourite song it's defenceless, the vocals
  97. Feb 1, 2020
    What an absolute joke! All the songs sound the same because he has ZERO vocal range, he sounds like he's gasping for air. The songs suck, his songwriting (if it can even be called that) needs a major remodel, needless to say, this is his debut AND last album
  98. Feb 1, 2020
    Just listened to the whole album & love how authentic it is! The lyrics of each song are so well written & everyone can relate to them. The songs are not like the typical pop-songs you hear daily on the radio, they are very personal & remind me more of the early 2000’s, especially the song ‘Walls’. Can just recommend the album to everyone, it’s a great listen with beautiful & relatableJust listened to the whole album & love how authentic it is! The lyrics of each song are so well written & everyone can relate to them. The songs are not like the typical pop-songs you hear daily on the radio, they are very personal & remind me more of the early 2000’s, especially the song ‘Walls’. Can just recommend the album to everyone, it’s a great listen with beautiful & relatable lyrics which spark memories in everyone! Expand
  99. Feb 1, 2020
    Honestly did not think I would love this album as much as I do. I saw fans promoting this guy on twitter and decided to give him a chance after finding out that Liam Gallagher doesn’t hate him (which is a **** rarity in itself). His voice is delightful, definitely not the basic pop voice we have become so used to, but light and airy and admittedly a little scratchy. While there are someHonestly did not think I would love this album as much as I do. I saw fans promoting this guy on twitter and decided to give him a chance after finding out that Liam Gallagher doesn’t hate him (which is a **** rarity in itself). His voice is delightful, definitely not the basic pop voice we have become so used to, but light and airy and admittedly a little scratchy. While there are some songs on the album that definitely are meant for the young teenage fangirls of which he has thousands, there is no shame in admitting that those songs are still lyrically and sonically amazing. After doing some research, I found out that Tomlinson wrote a large number of One Direction’s top hits, hence the similarities in some tracks. My favorites definitely include the title track Walls (which Liam Gallagher was involved in, hence the Oasis-vibes), Fearless and Only The Brave, which is a song less than two minutes long. I probably could not bear it to be any longer, it really pulled at my heart strings. It sounds to me like it’s either an ode to gay love or about his journey of becoming a solo artist, whichever it may be, this song deserves some recognition. Expand

Mixed or average reviews - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 6
  2. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Feb 5, 2020
    Try as he may, Tomlinson has not quite progressed from featured voice to solo artist. For all the major changes in his life, his music seems to be stuck in place. You can take the boy out of the boyband, but not the boyband out of the boy.
  2. Jan 31, 2020
    Solo debuts with this much expectation are incredible challenges. While “Walls” isn’t a craven ripoff or an attempt to recapture One Direction highs, it’s not yet clear exactly who Tomlinson is without them.
  3. Jan 30, 2020
    Even if the songs on Walls aren't the most distinct or memorable, they come from a place of authenticity that's genuinely heartwarming and enjoyable. Like any other settled adult, he's perfectly content to stick to the reliable and Walls winds up being the most mature and natural of the ex-1D bunch.