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Mixed or average reviews- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 22
  2. Negative: 10 out of 22
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  1. Oct 21, 2018
    What fresh hell is this? I had to shower after I listened to it, and I STILL feel dirty. I feel sad and confused. Why does this have an average score of 70? Why is she still making music? No. No. No.
  2. Oct 23, 2018
    The greatest bumper sticker ever printed out and slapped on the back of a car is actually a bumper sticker I personally have never seen. But my dad did, at least once, and it always makes me laugh and brings me a certain amount of joy when I think about it. The bumper sticker reads: "Still Pissed At Yoko." Alas, it seems this very concise but utterly perfect little statement was more of aThe greatest bumper sticker ever printed out and slapped on the back of a car is actually a bumper sticker I personally have never seen. But my dad did, at least once, and it always makes me laugh and brings me a certain amount of joy when I think about it. The bumper sticker reads: "Still Pissed At Yoko." Alas, it seems this very concise but utterly perfect little statement was more of a 70's and 80's thing, if it was ever widespread at all.

    The fact that Yoko has the gall to release this collection is more than enough reason to "still be pissed" at her. I actually did listen to "Warzone," believe it or not. Or rather, I tried to listen to it, but I could not finish it due to my fear that my ears would soon begin bleeding. Even someone who doesn't despise Yoko Ono would find this audio experience tough going in the extreme. Is there anyone on this planet less qualified to record their voice in a musical context? If you can even call her releases "music"? You know, I would accept her "art" as genuine music if she just agreed to never, ever record her voice along with her muzak. Yes, I meant to write "muzak." Because her instrumental compositions, disregarding the ambient recordings of blatantly non musical and unpleasant things like the sounds of gunfire in the title track, are only fit for the bland but unoffensive background soundtracks of elevators, certain bathrooms, and gigantic department stores.

    However, add in her dying/in the process of being tortured feline screech of a "singing" voice, and her muzak becomes totally unlistenable. You may have heard jokes about Yoko's music and singing over the years, but if you've never actually given her drivel a listen, please do so. You will be amazed that someone thought this garbage was fit for commercial release. Remember that guy on American Idol years back who was the national laughing stock for a few weeks–William Hung, I think his name was? Remember how incredibly and comically awful a singer he was? People still laugh at that guy. Yoko Ono is ten times worse than Hung, but in certain circles, she is actually somewhat or outright respected, and I'm sure some nutcases out there buy the idea that she's actually a misunderstood genius. She's not. She's a total idiot who got insanely lucky and who has been shamelessly riding the gravy train that John Lennon got her a permanent seat on in the 1960's.
  3. Oct 19, 2018
    Once again another unbearable Yoko Ono album. She has been milking John Lennon for years. I listened once, and that was more than enough. I’m fine with experimental music as long as it is good, and this isn’t good.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Nov 29, 2018
    While some may not see these recordings displacing the originals as their go-to version, "I Love All of Me" is an example of Ono's new take being a compelling update.
  2. Oct 24, 2018
    If by representing these protest songs Ono intended to convey how little has changed since she first recorded them in the spirit of social activism then she has succeeded, but Warzone also highlights how the conversation has evolved.
  3. Oct 23, 2018
    Because its overt politics now feel so inadequate, Warzone works best as a melancholy gesture, a long look back at a time when dreaming of a better world felt invigorating rather than exhausting.