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Generally favorable reviews- based on 33 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 24 out of 33
  2. Negative: 3 out of 33

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  1. Nov 24, 2011
    To start off, Carl Barats Libertines follow up is a much better affair than Pete Doherty's Down in Albion. There are a few reasons for this. Carl being in a much more coherent state of mind during this period being a major one, the production of Dave Sardy vs Mick Jones being the other. While only a few of the songs match the vitality of the Libertines, most of the songs are quite goodTo start off, Carl Barats Libertines follow up is a much better affair than Pete Doherty's Down in Albion. There are a few reasons for this. Carl being in a much more coherent state of mind during this period being a major one, the production of Dave Sardy vs Mick Jones being the other. While only a few of the songs match the vitality of the Libertines, most of the songs are quite good punky brit pop numbers. Good tunes and good production all the way through. The opener Deadwood is a classic Indie Disco number. From there Bang Bang, Gin and Milk and You **** Love it are the high points with averagely good tunes filling in the time between. Collapse
  2. Apr 7, 2011
    This isn't no Libertines, but Dirty Pretty Things have some punch to them. Waterloo To Anywhere is a good punk album that's catchy and rough. It's not the best album, but it's a decent album to listen too if you're in the punk kind of mood. B-
  3. OriI.
    Apr 1, 2008
    I was so disappointed when the Libertines have broken up, but this album definitely makes it a bit easier for me. What can I say.. They "gave me something to die for" once again.
  4. JeffB.
    Jan 23, 2008
    An average album. Clean guitar playing when compared to babyshambles but lacks the excitement. Every song sounds the same and the album starts to become a tedious and boring listen. Barat is a better musician than Dohorty but he lacks the creativity and song writing ability. He needs Dohorty to add that spark that this album lacks. That intensity and knack for penning the perfect line.
  5. Paul
    Oct 12, 2007
    Great, a very catchy collection of tunes on here. Not quite as good as the Libertines but miles ahead of Babyshambles.
  6. JamesC
    Feb 1, 2007
    The Libertines with a bit more precision. It's got the Midas touch.
  7. jyotirmayad
    Nov 12, 2006
    A solid effort that expounds upon the oft sloppy work of the Libertines. I will still be listening to this album after 20 years.
  8. DanO
    Nov 1, 2006
    Whats wrong with the critics they missed something here. I cant stop listening to this CD it is (without too much thought) my #1 album of the year. Solid from beginning to end and I do believe will stand the test of time. Awesome! buy it NOW
  9. AndrewA
    Oct 30, 2006
    Let's say the obvious thing, better than babyshambles, worse than libertines. This is a nice record, but not mind blowing. If you are a fan of the genre you will enjoy it, if you are not, keep listening to the libertines and just give this cd a couple spins.
  10. TBone
    Sep 13, 2006
    I'd give this a nine but reviewers on this site are crazy. This album gets a 70 and Justin Timberlakes new one gets a 71? Are you shitting me? Compared to all but a handful of albums reviewed on this site, this baby is a masterpiece. Of course it has flaws and some songs work better than others and it "sounds like" something else but come on. The scores here are totally out of whack. I'd give this a nine but reviewers on this site are crazy. This album gets a 70 and Justin Timberlakes new one gets a 71? Are you shitting me? Compared to all but a handful of albums reviewed on this site, this baby is a masterpiece. Of course it has flaws and some songs work better than others and it "sounds like" something else but come on. The scores here are totally out of whack. I rate this is #2 this year behind Be Your Own Pet. Expand
  11. MihaiV
    Sep 7, 2006
    Way better than Babyshambles.
  12. DeweyM
    Aug 24, 2006
    Not The LIbertines but still quite good. After a few listens, you'll be hooked. Not a bad song on the cd.
  13. BenjaminThomasS
    Aug 19, 2006
    So, Mr. Barat heads out of the blocks to come head to head with... er... Babyshambles. Yes, after the debacle that was Down In Albion, it became painfully obvious that Pete needs Carl. But does Carl need Pete? Well, that's really the issue here, isn't it? I can tell you that all the fabulous little squally bits from the Libertines and most of the tunes must have come from Carl, So, Mr. Barat heads out of the blocks to come head to head with... er... Babyshambles. Yes, after the debacle that was Down In Albion, it became painfully obvious that Pete needs Carl. But does Carl need Pete? Well, that's really the issue here, isn't it? I can tell you that all the fabulous little squally bits from the Libertines and most of the tunes must have come from Carl, and this record glows with energy and rage. Yes, Peter will always be a genius, and yes, actually, I do miss his lyrics a little bit, but Carl more than adequately fixes the cracks that were anticipated by many in the wake of Doherty's Descent. So what if it's all about Pete (despite Carl's claims to the contrary)? It is what it is, a rocking, spitting, kicking, screaming, ball of punk with none of the slow bits from the Libertines, all of which can be found on the 'Shambles album. It is, quite simply, what we all hoped the Babyshambles album might sound like, and, dear God, I hope that when he hears it Peter realises what he was, and is, a part of, and what this music means to him. Carl has simply gotten down to business, he's kicked the habit, he's not been cavorting with superstars, he's been caressing his guitar strings and listening to the Clash and remembering the time before he lost his best friend and was in (yes, I am about to say it), maybe, the best band of all time (yes, even better than the Beatles, maybe). So here he comes with some really great little tunes, 'Deadwood', 'You Fucking Love It', 'If You Love A Woman', and you know what? I would've been a lot happier with the second Libertines album if it had been a bit more of this and a little bit less slow and ska in places. The ball is in your court, Mr. Doherty, I'll expect your next record in the next two years, and it better be a real corker or I'm just going to give up on you. Expand
  14. TylerD
    Aug 15, 2006
    How lame. They got their name from a great film. What a lazy idea.
  15. Danilio
    Jul 24, 2006
    What irritated me about Dirty Pretty Things was that they were the next big thing even before anyone had heard their songs. NME giving the usual quotes about them such as ' Britain's finest new band ' 3 weeks before their record was released. Now that their record's been out 2-3 months most people realise they're actually quite average and not the next big thing
  16. Sarah
    Jul 8, 2006
    I literally can't stop listening! Who knew that Carl was hiding so much talent?
  17. BenS
    Jul 8, 2006
    Let me start by saying that I am not just a pete doherty apologist or fanatic, I am not a massive babyshambles fan and in NO way blame Carl Barat for the libertines break up, phew. Now with that out the way lets listen to the thing that matters; the muuuuuuuuuuuusic man!! Sadly the music itself really isn't up to muhc; you can imagine bobbing along to the scratchy punk guitars at a Let me start by saying that I am not just a pete doherty apologist or fanatic, I am not a massive babyshambles fan and in NO way blame Carl Barat for the libertines break up, phew. Now with that out the way lets listen to the thing that matters; the muuuuuuuuuuuusic man!! Sadly the music itself really isn't up to muhc; you can imagine bobbing along to the scratchy punk guitars at a gig but on cd there is nothing to hide the albums insecurities and it all sounds a bit tuneless, a bit dull, a bit feeble. Sure its not tooooo bad, first single 'Bang Bang Your Dead' is a nice enough shambolic racket but its all a bit indie schmindie. 3 minute blast after 3 minute blast moulds into one monotonous whole; when second single 'Deadwood' came on I barely remembered I'd already heard it. Carl obviously wants to do it and he's got some fair musicianship behind him but, bar a few nice basslines from ex cooper temple clause bassist Didz Hammond, its all a bit stale, a bit soulles and, whisper it, dull. There seems to have been more effort, as so often is the case, to perfect the bands cool than write a tune. The indie punk scene may be a thrilling live proposition but so far the records have not been up to scratch. You begin to wish the NME would find some other damn scene Expand
  18. JoeD
    Jul 6, 2006
    The only thing that could have made it any better would have been pete doherty. Near Perfect Album
  19. Jahar
    Jun 29, 2006
    I aboslutely love this album from beginning to end. Great tunes. Great sound. Great album.
  20. Jenny*
    Jun 10, 2006
    Good listening, energetic indie-pop/rock. Instantly catchy tunes like Bang Bang You're Dead and Dead Wood but the rest grow on you very quickly.
  21. JanR
    Jun 5, 2006
    Very good record. This album is full of energy and I simply like it!
  22. [Anonymous]
    May 29, 2006
    It may lack some of The Libertines' romanticism, but this effort shows that Carl was just as much a part of their creative force as Pete. An album-full of grotty, snotty indie punk anthems.
  23. NiallB
    May 27, 2006
  24. marias
    May 12, 2006
    Amazing! Totally caotic, vulgar, messy, gritty, everything we secretly loved about the Libs. Carl is a great songwritter, it shows that anger and an almost-nervious break down can create beautiful songs that are touching,damaging and sensual. Listen to "gin and milk" Carl is god.
  25. RodB
    May 12, 2006
    Better that the shambolic musings of the junkie-libertine. No BS from Barat, just a promising debut album. Very good listen.
  26. BobbyG
    May 11, 2006
    Average indie/guitar-pop. Nothing special.
  27. babyshambles
    May 11, 2006
    only slightly better than pete doherty's last effort, but still piss poor!
  28. PaulW
    May 8, 2006
    Lovin' it it sure is a grower, If you Love A Woman is a great song!,

Generally favorable reviews - based on 25 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 25
  2. Negative: 0 out of 25
  1. Waterloo To Anywhere is more pro and muscular than former endeavours, chiming more with labelmates Razorlight’s ambitious professionalism.
  2. Smart; savvy; insanely resilient: 'Waterloo To Anywhere' is just the ticket.
  3. Barat does a great job of revitalising the ramshackle thrills that the Libertines did all too briefly so well.