• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: May 13, 2008
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 60 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 60
  2. Negative: 12 out of 60

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  1. May 6, 2021
    It is truly astonishing to witness how silly and naive a grown man such as Jason Mraz can be. This album is literally an easy-listening: the kind of record you listen to when you want to see life in pink with singing birds, loving and caring people and all those improbable conveniences. I do agree with Sputnikmusic when Tyler says 'We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things' is 'impossible toIt is truly astonishing to witness how silly and naive a grown man such as Jason Mraz can be. This album is literally an easy-listening: the kind of record you listen to when you want to see life in pink with singing birds, loving and caring people and all those improbable conveniences. I do agree with Sputnikmusic when Tyler says 'We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things' is 'impossible to hate'. Indeed the melodies are terribly simple, not surprising nor rewarding at all, lyrics are cheesy and creamy as possible, featured artists bring even more silliness and idleness to the whole product and instruments and singing are overly conventional.

    At least we can say he tried to give birth to varied approaches as on 'Coyotes' but something (or someone, maybe himself) is always making sure that he doesn't sound too original. The album cover is ugly as hell and its title only assures us that the content will be as white and bland as it possibly could have been. Things quickly become painful as Mraz forces his smiles and wordplay.
  2. Dec 29, 2011
    If you don't like this album, you have no soul. The crazy part is how many people still don't know about him. Def worth checking out. Yes, this review is late but I stumbled upon the CD lying in an old box and crap and just had to say something about it. All around feel good album.
  3. Laura
    Mar 2, 2009
    I like Mraz, but almost hated this derivative album. Not only heard Eminem in there, but also (gasp) Drake Bell?! Sounded like weak first album. His sound present only on a few songs.
  4. seank
    Jan 23, 2009
    It is an amazing album nobody can hate any of the sings on it.
  5. TankJ.
    Dec 11, 2008
    There are 3 gems on here. A couple duds but for the most part, it is an easy listen.
  6. JoeM
    Oct 10, 2008
    Excellent all-around. bonus CD of acoustic tracks worth the extra money.
  7. JenniferR
    Sep 11, 2008
    A beautiful, perfect album.
  8. ShawnW
    Aug 14, 2008
    Amazing and beautifully written lyrics, haunting melodies and a fantastically clear tenor make this album a must own. I love it.
  9. AlanY
    Aug 2, 2008
    What's wrong with being so positive? Especially when you're a wordsmith like Mraz.
  10. KeaneS
    Jun 16, 2008
    Jason Mraz is a genius, while this may not be his best cd it is still a great one. Lots of good songs and compilations, the only one i didn't care for was 'only human' i like pretty much every other song. Different versions are available on EP and live versions are incredible, great CD.
  11. ChadD
    Jun 11, 2008
    Love it.
  12. TimF.
    Jun 9, 2008
    This is one of the better albums I've heard this decade. Simply a feel good record that made me a fan of Mraz.
  13. tedk.
    Jun 4, 2008
    Always nice to hear artist include horns in tracks to liven things up.
  14. Diandra
    Jun 3, 2008
    I think this album was amazing. After listening to Jack Johnson's latest, I was a little scared to buy this album in fear that I would lose money again. But I am extremely please with the outcome of this album.
  15. VanessaN
    May 27, 2008
    Amazingly awesome cd. Very refreshing.
  16. JarrellC
    May 21, 2008
    I was forced to choose a 9 by metacritic, but this album is definitely a 9.5. I will admit I am not a true Jason Mraz fan though I claim to be. But with this album, I can say I am. I was apprehensive to listen at first, but I'm glad I did. This album is vocal perfection. The vocals are so beautiful and stunning, and he includes the best guest artists, Colbie Caillat and James I was forced to choose a 9 by metacritic, but this album is definitely a 9.5. I will admit I am not a true Jason Mraz fan though I claim to be. But with this album, I can say I am. I was apprehensive to listen at first, but I'm glad I did. This album is vocal perfection. The vocals are so beautiful and stunning, and he includes the best guest artists, Colbie Caillat and James Morrison. This is the best album, in terms of vocals, since Christina Aguilera's Back to Basics in 2006. I was expecting for Usher to satisfy my desires of a great vocal album, but Jason fulfills them. Definitely check out Make It Mine, I'm Yours, Butterfy, Live High, Coyotes, and A Beautiful Mess. (Sorry I couldn't narrow it done anymore, which is a good thing)! Expand
  17. yorick
    May 21, 2008
    I have no idea why, but I can't get this album out of my cd player.... it's on a loop. Man It's Summer!! a beautiful summer, with odd perspectives and some pain ;-) I really like this album.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
  1. The nice thing about the soulful shimmer of We Sing is that it's so slick that it's easy to ignore the gibberish spilling out of Mraz's mouth and just enjoy the sunny, easy sound.
  2. 50
    Pondering his parents divorce or describing intricate and delicate sex acts, Mraz's tasty tenor remains a modestly classy pleasure. But he's lost crucial cool. [June 2008, p.75]
  3. His third studio CD, We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things., includes pleasantly lightweight jams with beachy guitars (''Live High''), R&B horns (''Make It Mine''), even playful scat singing (''I'm Yours'').