• Record Label: Columbia
  • Release Date: May 6, 2022
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 99 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 82 out of 99
  2. Negative: 5 out of 99
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  1. Sep 17, 2022
    No su mejor disco, pero si un gran regreso. Una carta del fin del mundo desde el fin del mundo
  2. Aug 20, 2022
    I can hear a lot of 80s influences on this record, following the path that "Everything Now" took. There are also a lot of sounds coming back from previous records, like Neon Bible, The Suburbs, Reflektor.

    This album reminds me a lot of "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd as well. This album feels very personal and talks about topics very relevant today. Highlights for me would be "Age of
    I can hear a lot of 80s influences on this record, following the path that "Everything Now" took. There are also a lot of sounds coming back from previous records, like Neon Bible, The Suburbs, Reflektor.

    This album reminds me a lot of "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd as well. This album feels very personal and talks about topics very relevant today. Highlights for me would be "Age of Anxiety I-II", "End of the Empire I-IV".

    "The Lightnight I-II" are also great, and I can see why they chose those tracks as the singles. The only track that disappointed me was the last track. I give this 9/10
  3. Jul 14, 2022
    They write albums I want to listen to from start to finish. Great philosophical eye on society and the end of culture.
  4. Jun 23, 2022
    I have spent a lot of time with this album and it’s genius slowly reveals itself. I think the album is excellent from start to finish, not a weak track on the album. As with many Arcade Fire albums it is profound, often touching and heartfelt and completely cohesive. The brilliance of this album is its ability to tease you with what you want. You can feel it coming and building, butI have spent a lot of time with this album and it’s genius slowly reveals itself. I think the album is excellent from start to finish, not a weak track on the album. As with many Arcade Fire albums it is profound, often touching and heartfelt and completely cohesive. The brilliance of this album is its ability to tease you with what you want. You can feel it coming and building, but the band only gives you 30 seconds of the good stuff, leaving you wanting more - and I keep coming back and back.

    Most bands (even great ones) have exhausted their creative potential after, at best, 3 to 4 albums. Arcade Fire continues to release albums that show their depth and creativity. Oddly, it feels as though perhaps the best is yet to come with this band. This album is just another brilliant chapter in their catalog.
  5. Jun 15, 2022
    This album is written for an older generation but still hits strongly for all crowds.
  6. Jun 14, 2022
    I have listened to this album approximately 30 times by now since it first came out. While at first I was not sure what I thought, with each listen the lyrics, pacing of the songs, and the overall flow of the songs have hit harder and harder to me. It is truly one of the best albums I have had the pleasure of listening to in recent memory and has led me to instantly buying a generalI have listened to this album approximately 30 times by now since it first came out. While at first I was not sure what I thought, with each listen the lyrics, pacing of the songs, and the overall flow of the songs have hit harder and harder to me. It is truly one of the best albums I have had the pleasure of listening to in recent memory and has led me to instantly buying a general admission ticket (cannot wait) to see them for the first time this winter. Excellent album overall and has reinvigorated my love for this band. Expand
  7. Jun 13, 2022
    Arcade Fire made an absolute gem of a debut album and it is rightly regarded as an all time classic. Since then I may have been in the minority but I've always felt that while they have brought on decent records, nothing has come close close to "Funeral". Even their next best record, The Suburbs had filler on it. For me the band were never as important as they themselves appeared toArcade Fire made an absolute gem of a debut album and it is rightly regarded as an all time classic. Since then I may have been in the minority but I've always felt that while they have brought on decent records, nothing has come close close to "Funeral". Even their next best record, The Suburbs had filler on it. For me the band were never as important as they themselves appeared to believe they were. I though "Everything Now", derided by most, was a perfectly acceptable effort. With some bands the weight of expectation can kill an album before you even hear it. Bands like Radiohead somehow almost always deliver the goods. Arcade Fire, debut aside, have consistently delivered solid 8 out of 10 records in my opinion. "WE" is another one. There is alot to enjoy here, good melodies and some interesting turns here and there. Every part of their career to date is represented on this album from the bombastic anthems to the electro disco. It's a bit like a retrospective in a way but with brand new songs. If your looking for a band with something powerful to say, Arcade Fire are threading water. If your looking for a good tune filled art pop rock album from a good band then you'll enjoy "WE", as I did. Expand
  8. Jun 1, 2022
    I still like their first three albums better, but that's just because Arcade Fire has such a high quality standard, this album is a return to form (even though I didn't hate Everything Now) and I particularly enjoyed Age of Anxiety I and II
  9. May 30, 2022
    Whilst better than the ill conceived Every Thing Now. Listening to this album was an exercise in prolonged boredom from a band that used to light up the sky. I'm afraid this effort needs to be put down "The Rabbit Hole..YEAH!
  10. May 22, 2022
    Arcade Fire latest album 'We' is their most minimalist and back-to-basics album to date & that's not necessarily a bad thing. While I wish a few more songs reached a greater climix, there is still a good few songs and beats to be found here. Personal favorites include: Age of Anxity I / Age of Anxity II (Rabbit Hole) / Unconditional II (Race and Religion) / The Lightning II.
  11. May 15, 2022
    Perhaps the hardest arcade fire album to rate. If you compare this album to their first four albums this one surely doesn’t measure up. If you compare it to the blunder that was everything now it seems like the best album ever made. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. The songwriting is solid but the mixing style was somewhat of a head scratch (especially given it was NigelPerhaps the hardest arcade fire album to rate. If you compare this album to their first four albums this one surely doesn’t measure up. If you compare it to the blunder that was everything now it seems like the best album ever made. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. The songwriting is solid but the mixing style was somewhat of a head scratch (especially given it was Nigel Godrich who produced it). Win has never been a phenomenal singer and his lyrics can come off as clunky at times, but those shortcomings were always easy to overlook with the raw energy and gorgeous textures that were always the true stars in the music. The choice to bury these things in mix was an unfortunate one. Despite this it is still a welcome comeback from a band that changed in my mind what good music should sound like. Expand
  12. May 11, 2022
    A impressão que tenho é que a banda retomou o caminho após o Everything Now. Não sei classificar em que lugar ele está nas minhas preferências, porém, pra mim soa como a vitalidade do Funeral com a experiência do Reflektor. Certamente um dos melhores trabalhos.
  13. May 10, 2022
    WE comes across as a desperate attempt to course correct from the glorified-high-school-term-paper that was Everything Now. And like EN, there are a few standout tracks that sadly can only serve as brief reminders of the electric verve that used to saturate AF albums. But their once-invigorating DIY bombast has steadily given way to bland disco-inspired synth beats and mopey, mumblecoreWE comes across as a desperate attempt to course correct from the glorified-high-school-term-paper that was Everything Now. And like EN, there are a few standout tracks that sadly can only serve as brief reminders of the electric verve that used to saturate AF albums. But their once-invigorating DIY bombast has steadily given way to bland disco-inspired synth beats and mopey, mumblecore vocals. Like any group of artists coming off of a devastating career low, one can forgive their desire to play it safe. But what craters this album is that their creative defensive crouch is inversely proportional to the thermostat-shattering self-regard in which Arcade Fire increasingly seems to hold itself. Each song practically screams "THIS IS AN IMPORTANT SUBJECT THAT WE ARE MAKING A PROFOUND STATEMENT ON." Which, whether you agree with their stance or not, is about as enjoyable as listening to your pompous uncle pontificate on the root causes of Trumpism over Thanksgiving dinner. That said, the real tragedy at this juncture is that Arcade Fire now sounds like a lot of other music already out there. Maybe this is partly because of the band's influence, but it's also because AF has abandoned so much of the tempestuous, pulse-pounding, go-for-broke, throw-it-all-against-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks style that made them such a force of nature in the first place. As such, I can't help but read the other Butler brother's quitting the band as a lost plea to return to their roots, rather than preach and pander.

    **** I miss when this band was fun.
  14. May 10, 2022
    A very tight and well put together album. 40 minutes just fly by. Everything feels like it belongs, the flow is on point! This is an album you need to listen to multiple times for it to truly reveal its self. The whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. WE is beautiful.
  15. May 9, 2022
    Having given it a half dozen listens, it gets better every time. A clash of new and old styles for the band, it feels poignant, sincere, and has a. healthy contrast of dread and hope. Welcome back Arcade Fire.
  16. May 9, 2022
    Best Canadian Abba cover band strikes again. In all seriousness, praise these guys for not being boring . Together with perhaps a band like LCD or Mgmt they manage to stay out of genre conventions, a switch easily from darkest indie rock band to something peter gabriel would make with modern tools. Regine seems like a wacko at times , and Win Butler strikes me like a hidden part BradBest Canadian Abba cover band strikes again. In all seriousness, praise these guys for not being boring . Together with perhaps a band like LCD or Mgmt they manage to stay out of genre conventions, a switch easily from darkest indie rock band to something peter gabriel would make with modern tools. Regine seems like a wacko at times , and Win Butler strikes me like a hidden part Brad EastonEllis inside a mormon boy but I’ve seen them play live three times now in europe and rate those among the best ten concerts seen in real life .This band is a rare mixture of pretentiousness , high brow but creative and still real decent live musicians wE as an album is a goofy mix of EN , Reflector and Suburbs and I love it . Its chaotic . I will admire the band even more if they will make honest attempts at a full fledged ABBA album and a Cure or Depeche album straight after that . Cause you know rheycan Expand
  17. May 9, 2022
    Heavily influenced by David Bowie, Peter Gabriel, and perhaps some of Tom Petty- this album immediately struck me. I am a long time Arcade Fire listener and I think this is their best work. In times like these, it is a refreshing comeback.
  18. May 9, 2022
    A beautiful, powerful, fun album from the best rock band around. Sing along and feel the music.
  19. May 8, 2022
    The best album since Neon Bible / Funeral. Feels like they've found themselves again. So much going on, so much to listen to. So interesting and cohesive
  20. May 8, 2022
    Just came here to note that Metacritic ignored The Guardian’s five-star review, then counted its subsequent three-star review, before finally ignoring its latest four-star review as well… idk seems a lil biased to me
  21. May 8, 2022
    An ok album from a band that used to record epic, beautiful albums. I'm still waiting for Arcade Fire to come back.
  22. May 7, 2022
    When I initially heard the first two singles on WE my expectations were that this would be the best Arcade Fire album since The Suburbs. In the back of my mind, however, I was a little nervous that I had set the bar too high. After all, I had been let down by both Reflektor and Everything Now, which were, in fairness, both fine records (for most bands), but fell short of the ridiculouslyWhen I initially heard the first two singles on WE my expectations were that this would be the best Arcade Fire album since The Suburbs. In the back of my mind, however, I was a little nervous that I had set the bar too high. After all, I had been let down by both Reflektor and Everything Now, which were, in fairness, both fine records (for most bands), but fell short of the ridiculously high bar that this group had set for themselves with their body of work up to that point.

    If you’re a fan of AF’s earlier work, have read reviews that WE is a “return to form”, and have only heard The Lightning, then you may be anticipating a Funeral reboot. While there are some songs on here that do give off that vibe, if this is your overall expectation then you might be disappointed.

    The Lightning can (almost) go shoulder to shoulder with their arena-rock anthems like Rebellion and Wake Up, the title track wouldn’t feel out of place on either Funeral or Neon Bible, and Lookout Kid would be right at home in The Suburbs. However their synth-pop/dance-rock sound is still very much present, but this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Rabbit Hole and Race and Religion manage to achieve the more easily digestible pop sound that they often strove for, but never quite achieved, on Everything Now. Age of Anxiety is my favourite track on the album, and captures the same sense of urgency as any of the band’s most heart-on-your-sleeve bellows from the mid-00s.

    There aren’t any obvious misses on WE. The 9 minute long, Beatles-meet-Bowie End of the Empire will likely be the most polarizing track(s), and part IV is my least favourite song, but if that is the album’s floor then that easily makes this their most consistent effort in over a decade.

    That brings us back to the initial premise that this is their best album since The Suburbs, and after several listens I can comfortably say that it is. It’s an album that’s big on ambition, and despite clocking in at a lean 40 minutes, it’s still able to showcase the breadth of the band’s musical talent like perhaps no other single album of their’s has before. There should be something on here that any AF fan will enjoy.

    Standout songs:
Age of Anxiety I
    The Lightning I & II
Unconditional I (Lookout Kid)
  23. May 7, 2022
    An impressive almost return to form. Best effort since The Suburbs. Sound is strong throughout but there are some moments where more subtlety in the lyricism would have helped.
  24. May 6, 2022
    This record is incredibly beautiful, powerful and so purposeful. One of the bests albums to come out in the last 10 years.
  25. May 6, 2022
    An album that will surely be many peoples favourite arcade fire album. Belongs on the top shelf with the likes of funeral, neon bible, suburbs and reflektor. Arcade Fire albums are funny in that their rankings change depending on how you’re feeling and what’s going on in your life. I’m certain WE will join that equation.
  26. Tmz
    May 6, 2022
    I'll tell my fast impressions of each song to justify the 9.
    Age of anxiety starts the album off very well, starting side I, I'm sure it's going to be a fan favorite. Rabbit Hole didn't grow on me, although well produced the song sounded repetitive and kind of hollow despite all the synths. End of Empire I-III is beautiful, despite being three short songs built in, they complement each
    I'll tell my fast impressions of each song to justify the 9.
    Age of anxiety starts the album off very well, starting side I, I'm sure it's going to be a fan favorite. Rabbit Hole didn't grow on me, although well produced the song sounded repetitive and kind of hollow despite all the synths. End of Empire I-III is beautiful, despite being three short songs built in, they complement each other well although none of them urges the individual potential of each.
    End of Empire IV left me a little shaken, sometimes it sounds kind of superficial but other times when I listen to it, it sounds like an amazing post pandemic song with Bowie vibes. Lighting I and II as we've seen, are amazing, on the album they grow even more. Lookout Kid is so good, you can feel the sincerity in your bones, the intimacy that the song conveys in the midst of an incredible instrumental. Race and Religion starts off a little clunky, with Sprawl II vibes the song is amazing at the end and just ends up out of nowhere, it left me frustrated. And finally, the song WE is the jewel of the album, the first time I heard it, I didn't like to much, but this song grew absurdly, making me almost cry when I hear it. The final lines echoed in my head all day "Can we do it again?" just yes, honestly i think it will enter my top 10 personal songs of the band
  27. May 6, 2022
    Awesome album, their best in a decade. Highlights are Age of Anxiety I, End of The Empire I-IV, The Lightning I-II, and Unconditional II (Race and Religion).
  28. May 6, 2022
    Arcade Fire is back, and I couldn't be happier. After the forgettable 'Everything Now,' the banda returns with a unique album that feels intimate and massive at the same time. Looking forward to hearing it live.
  29. May 6, 2022
    Critics-darling and Montreal-based alternative legends Arcade Fire lost a dear member in 2021, frontman Win Bulter’s brother, William Bulter. Although a certain vital piece of the band is missing, with “WE”, their 6th studio album, they don’t allow the magic to disappear. After a rocky reception with the satirical “Everything Now” in 2017, the new-quintuple is still going on the road ofCritics-darling and Montreal-based alternative legends Arcade Fire lost a dear member in 2021, frontman Win Bulter’s brother, William Bulter. Although a certain vital piece of the band is missing, with “WE”, their 6th studio album, they don’t allow the magic to disappear. After a rocky reception with the satirical “Everything Now” in 2017, the new-quintuple is still going on the road of criticism about how modern technology is both amazing and destructive, with more focus on topics like the human condition and hope in humanity. At first, fans can be left confused by the traveling experiences, especially with the challenging intro of “Age of Anxiety I, II”. By taking into account the concept of the two different sides, the “I” and “WE”, and revisiting the tracks one by one, it gets better each time. Standouts like “The Lightning I, II”, “Unconditional I” and the epic “End of the Empire I-III” are especially pleasing to the ear, but sadly the impressive-on-paper collaboration with rock legend Peter Gabriel is more lackluster than ever, alongside the title track. Overall, it’s a better effort of what “Everything Now” tried to be, without achieving the greatness of the band’s respectable catalog. Expand
  30. May 6, 2022
    This was essentially the album I was hoping for from Arcade Fire. It has the poignant lows, but there’s enough uplift and spirit to keep you smiling grooving. The opening and closing tracks are wonderful, but for me it’s “Unconditional(Lookout Kid)” that really shines here. Infectious vocal hook, and just builds so nicely and then finishes impeccably, with some well placed vocalThis was essentially the album I was hoping for from Arcade Fire. It has the poignant lows, but there’s enough uplift and spirit to keep you smiling grooving. The opening and closing tracks are wonderful, but for me it’s “Unconditional(Lookout Kid)” that really shines here. Infectious vocal hook, and just builds so nicely and then finishes impeccably, with some well placed vocal inflections. A solid 8 record, that may go to a 9 after repeated listens. Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 29 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 19 out of 29
  2. Negative: 1 out of 29
  1. May 26, 2022
    There’s lots to love but WE can’t match the power of the band’s first four records. Still, Arcade Fire’s returned rejuvenated after time in a cynical wilderness, ready to sing and dance against apathy. This album is worth it for that fact alone.
  2. May 23, 2022
    If Everything Now’s readings of media-age malaise leant towards the grindingly obvious, WE is a partial improvement, give or take singer Win Butler’s occasional clunking takes on modern-life exhaustion.
  3. May 11, 2022
    This may well be the group’s most sonically diverse outing yet, for good and for ill; even on the many occasions it isn’t convincing, it often manages enough novelty to entertain nonetheless, and Nigel Godrich's impeccable production job certainly makes the whole affair easy on the ears.