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Generally favorable reviews- based on 14 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 11 out of 14
  2. Negative: 1 out of 14

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  1. AlfieH
    Feb 10, 2007
    Man! Everclear are awesome again! It looked a bit hit or miss after Slow Motion Daydream, but this is great. As usual the critics dont get it i see - this bands lyrics are superb, the music is great and the lead guys voice is one of the best around... check it out at their myspace page!
  2. mikew
    Jan 22, 2007
    Outstanding album - it really grows on you with every listen and include some absolutely fantastic songs including Glorious, Portland Rain and Your Arizona Room. Everclear have chopped and changed their line-up, moved their sound further down the road from their grunge roots to a more soulful place, and Art Alexakis' song writing has evolved. At the heart of this new labum, and this Outstanding album - it really grows on you with every listen and include some absolutely fantastic songs including Glorious, Portland Rain and Your Arizona Room. Everclear have chopped and changed their line-up, moved their sound further down the road from their grunge roots to a more soulful place, and Art Alexakis' song writing has evolved. At the heart of this new labum, and this new everclear beats the same old tortured soul though, and this is one of everclears best albums to date! Expand
  3. MikeW
    Dec 13, 2006
    This is a brilliant album, and a return to form for Everclear (well Art Alexakis anyway). Back with a new band the sound has evolved to include more of a blues influence. Art has mellowed a little, grown wiser and delivered some great lyrics and some of his best vocals. As per Everclear's best albums it is cohesive yet varied. Stand out tracks include catchy pop numbers Shine, Hater This is a brilliant album, and a return to form for Everclear (well Art Alexakis anyway). Back with a new band the sound has evolved to include more of a blues influence. Art has mellowed a little, grown wiser and delivered some great lyrics and some of his best vocals. As per Everclear's best albums it is cohesive yet varied. Stand out tracks include catchy pop numbers Shine, Hater and The Drama King, the beautiful Glorious and Your Arizona Room, and the dark and sexy Portland Rain. The bonus track is also excellent. Expand
  4. RobC
    Nov 19, 2006
    This is Everlear (Art A), they're always the same angry and sad people. We love them.
  5. ValerieC
    Sep 21, 2006
    I love this Album!!! My favorite used to be So Much for the Afterglow but I think this is going to replace it. Alexakis finally has some real talent to back up his awesome song writing. Glad they're back, it's about time for some real rock n'roll:)
  6. MattD.
    Sep 19, 2006
    It's pretty much the same Everclear sound, so if you liked them before, buy the album.
  7. Dan
    Sep 18, 2006
    This album prooves that Art alexakis always was and always will be everclear. With this album he keeps the everclear sound, catchy hooks, and memerable lyrics but adds something everclear had been laking in the past, musical talent.
  8. NoahDog
    Sep 15, 2006
    The album isn't all killer, but there are a few worthy tracks, hater, the drama king, a shameless use of charm all super catchy. none of everclear's album's have totally captivated me from cover to cover, and this one is no different, but the good tracks have a way of sticking with you. art alexakis knows how to write a catchy hook
  9. [Anonymous]
    Sep 12, 2006
    Heard it on VH1. Not all great (no bells!) but some good songs. Much better than I expected after everyone left but Art.

Mixed or average reviews - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 7
  2. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Welcome to the Drama Club shows that he’s still got plenty of catchy hooks left.
  2. This is an album of mostly good songs by a mostly good band.
  3. Rolling Stone
    Seemingly every track... contains nothing but raw bile toward those who have wronged Alexakis. [21 Sep 2006, p.88]