• Record Label: RCA
  • Release Date: Dec 4, 2015
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 68 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 46 out of 68
  2. Negative: 8 out of 68
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  1. Dec 19, 2015
    I like this album. Best tracks 'Me, Myself and I', 'One of them', 'Order More', and 'You got me'. Everything is ok, but nothing special. The worst is track with Grace. 7/10
  2. Jan 4, 2016
    Other than the solid high-budget production, this is a very average album. G-Eazy is a very non-charismatic pop-rapper, and when coupled with the fact that he lacks unique technical rapping skills and spits some very simple, very forgettable bars, it makes for a generally underwhelming performance. Aside from Random, Sad Boy, and Everything Will Be OK, which were positive moments on theOther than the solid high-budget production, this is a very average album. G-Eazy is a very non-charismatic pop-rapper, and when coupled with the fact that he lacks unique technical rapping skills and spits some very simple, very forgettable bars, it makes for a generally underwhelming performance. Aside from Random, Sad Boy, and Everything Will Be OK, which were positive moments on the album, this project is mostly unremarkable and unmemorable. Expand
  3. Jan 8, 2016
    While I have not listened to G-Eazy's previous record "These Things Happen" due to my personal bias obscuring anything that was left of an objective opinion, I decided to suck it up on this one and listen to it from front to back. It's definitely not "the worst" Hip Hop album created, it's just one that is not engaging as it's contemporaries. It is kind of...generic.

    I will praise this
    While I have not listened to G-Eazy's previous record "These Things Happen" due to my personal bias obscuring anything that was left of an objective opinion, I decided to suck it up on this one and listen to it from front to back. It's definitely not "the worst" Hip Hop album created, it's just one that is not engaging as it's contemporaries. It is kind of...generic.

    I will praise this album for it's solid production. Almost every single song on here is meticulously crafted. But when it's paired up with a rapper as G-Eazy, they kind of lose their steam. I know that I won't get hot bars and introspective lyrics on a G-Eazy joint, but when you compare this album to other mainstream joints like "A.L.L.A.", "Rodeo" and many others, it just sounds lackluster here. His content is the same, which I wouldn't mind if it didn't last for 17 tracks. And his flows and rhyme schemes aren't anything special.

    If this were an instrumental album, I would have definitely have some songs here in my rotation. But this is not an instrumental album, so I have to consider the rapper's input too. G-Eazy really has to step up his rap game. Make it slightly more original, throw some more fire and personality into mix or something.

    When It's Dark Out is a listenable project that is sadly lacking in originality and personality, two prerequisites that are essential for any Hip Hop artist. Be it an introspective rapper, or a party performer.

    Fav Tracks: Random, Of All Things
    Least Fav Tracks: Order More
  4. Feb 21, 2019
    I used to like this album, but looking back at this album and to be honest, it's a decent album. When It's Dark Out Album has ups and downs when it comes to g-eazy's music. The album is kinda better than his last album, but that doesn't mean that this is his best work, he still needs to improve his rapping skills. Although I do like a couple of songs on the album like "Me, Myself and I,"I used to like this album, but looking back at this album and to be honest, it's a decent album. When It's Dark Out Album has ups and downs when it comes to g-eazy's music. The album is kinda better than his last album, but that doesn't mean that this is his best work, he still needs to improve his rapping skills. Although I do like a couple of songs on the album like "Me, Myself and I," "One of them ft Big Sean," "Drifting," "Calm Down," "Don't Let Me Go ft Grace," and Everything will be Ok ft Kehlani." everything else on this album was just generic at best. My least favorite and the most forgettable songs on the album has got to be "you got me." and "What If." G-Eazy is easily one of the most generic rappers in the game and has got to improve his flow, his bars, and his rapping skills. 5/10 Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Negative: 0 out of 4
  1. Dec 10, 2015
    A second album that could’ve hit a home run if it hadn’t worked so hard to cover all the bases.
  2. Dec 10, 2015
    There aren't many surprises here for fans, save for the fact that he manages to spin the same nocturnal stories of drugs, partying, and fornicating over 17 addictive tracks without it ever growing stale.
  3. Dec 10, 2015
    When It's Dark Out marks a vast leap forward: His cadences are more agile, his boasts more boastful, his guest list tighter (Too Short, E-40, Kehlani).