
Universal acclaim - based on 4 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 0 out of 4
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  1. Aug 5, 2020
    As the tracks progress along the album, they get better and better, and more experimental too. These are tracks which have been made to be played in arenas with their throwback influences.
  2. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a more hook-laden and enjoyable catalogue of breakdowns and anxieties this year – this is arguably the definitive 2020 album.
  3. Q Magazine
    Aug 5, 2020
    These crafted confessionals are a reminder that Murphy couldn't write a bad song if he tried. [Aug 2020, p.109]
  4. 75
    A lusciously uninhibited collection of songs, bringing together a host of collaborators from across the world of indie, rock and pop, providing an introspective accumulation of intimate musings, indie bangers and synth-pop sounds.
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  1. Positive: 2 out of 2
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 2
  3. Negative: 0 out of 2
  1. May 22, 2021
    This review contains spoilers, click full review link to view. Staring with 5150, this track is everything for me, I could let it on repeat all day. The chorus is SOMETHING ELSE. Everything about this song gives me a shiver down my spine. Best choice as a single.
    Now, talking about My Cheating Heart, it was one of the tracks from the previous EP’s, it stick in your mind and you’ll find yourself singing it.
    Pills is another track we already knew before the album, and it doesn’t make it less interesting, the beat is so good, I feel like I need to be tapping something in the rhythm.
    I need to say it: Body Parts is so hot, not just the lyrics, but the guitar itself is so sexy, the solo is perfect, everything.
    The track with Jack River, Multiply, is deserves to be one of the most famous, because it’s addictive in a good way, with layered voices that give this particular charm to the songs.
    Hardcore really makes me want to live a abrasive romance, the guitar also gives so much here and please Murph, I want to start a band when I listen to it.
    Everything Affects Me Now really affects me. First time I listened I was a little afraid of the start, seems not so good as the other songs, but then the chorus part start and holy **** it is good as ****.
    Another long title, You Take the Fun out of Everything. It just gets better and better, the lyrics also hits hard i could stick it on my face.
    Please Don’t Murder Me (Part 2) was on a previous EP, and I didn’t pay so much attention at first because it was short, but the lyrics? the vocals? everything? I wanted it to be a 10 minutes-long song.
    And we got Backflip, which was my favourite track from the EP’s, and I just can picture Murph singing it live because it’s ****ing amazing, I don’t know how he manages to sound even better sometimes. This song should be playing in every radio around the world.
    Sharks! It was supposed to a be a wombats song, but Murph thought it was better to put this song aside, which must be a crime because baby this is gold.
    The start of B-Team hits so hard, and then you notice it’s not just the start that do this. The b-team is also great, I wanna kiss the drummer.
    About Pink Mist, at first I didn’t notice it really well and I’m blaming Murph, because I was to anxious for Honeypie after the track-by-track vids. But when I stopped for a bit to really pay attention, **** it was much better than I reminded, like it was one of the best tracks.
    Yes! Honeypie! As I said I was so excited, and honestly it didn’t disappoint me, literally the best track for me. The little pause before the chorus, the lyrics, the song of the career, I never wished so bas that a song was a single since Pink Lemonade (The Wombats). Like, I need a clip of this song, you can’t just drop something so perfect and don’t give it a video.
    The Sea Is Deep And The World Is Wide, an interlude, really relaxing and beautiful, although makes me somehow sad. And now we get back for the tracks we knew before, Riding a Wave is amazing, unfortunately I just think about the clip and Murph’s accent. Really, I can’t get this song out of my mind it haunts me.
    It’s been a pleasure to write this, but we got to the final song, Brand New Brain. The lyrics are really emotional, I feel like this song there’s a weight of regretting in his voice, and that’s something I love about Murph, I always feel is his voice the message he wants to pass with the song.

    I would give this album more than 10 if it was possible, is really a roller coaster of emotions and the some of the best songs I’ve ever seen. It’s really worth.
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