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Generally favorable reviews- based on 115 Ratings

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  1. Positive: 88 out of 115
  2. Negative: 19 out of 115
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  1. Nov 28, 2017
    Easily his best work since the 90'. He sounds more enthusiastic about the music and it shows in this album. it seems to me that a proper creative rejuvenation is about to follow.
  2. Nov 26, 2017
    Noel brings back enthusiasm to his music and it pays off. To be short it's his best sounding and best produced album in god knows how long, and as it plays it feels as a single flow, not just as a collection of songs he's written while watching telly.
    And the best thing about it is that it seems to be a kind of a catalyst for Noel creatively speaking, as he seems more energetic about
    Noel brings back enthusiasm to his music and it pays off. To be short it's his best sounding and best produced album in god knows how long, and as it plays it feels as a single flow, not just as a collection of songs he's written while watching telly.
    And the best thing about it is that it seems to be a kind of a catalyst for Noel creatively speaking, as he seems more energetic about going back to work on new ideas. So who knows how long or how far will this new Noel renaissance period take us, but we are definitely in for a ride.
  3. Nov 24, 2017
    BIBLICAL! I'm completely in love with this record! Dead In The Water and The Moon Who Built The Moon are the best of Noel's entire career. Album of the year, only!
  4. Nov 28, 2017
    Without a doubt, his best album to date. It's nice to see that he changed direction and tried something different and fresh. He succeeded 100%! I will always love Oasis, but that style and time period is forever gone. It's 2017.

    Highlights for me are "It's a Beautiful World," "She Taught Me How to Fly," "If Love is the Law," and "Dead in the Water."

    I can't wait to see what he does next!
  5. Nov 24, 2017
    This album flows extremely well from start to finish. Noel’s stepped out of his comfort zone and succeeded. The Man Who Built The Moon and Dead In The Water is some of the best work of his career. Easily the most cohesive album he's ever made. Definitely worth a listen.
  6. Nov 24, 2017
    "Noel knows how to construct a sturdy song"
    This album grows on me more every time I listen to it.
    Noel Gallagher's psychedelic Music is his best solo record.
    "If Love Is The Law" My favorite song of the album
  7. Nov 24, 2017
    Great album, amazing songs. Love them all. Noel is a Genius. The Man Who Built The Moon is a best track on the album. Also Dead In The Water is a brilliant tune. Best his solo work.
  8. Nov 24, 2017
    Amazing album, I didn't expect less of him. I'm amazed with The Man Who Built the Moon, Keep on Reaching and Back&White Sunshine, just to name a few. He's a genius, you can't tell us otherwise. Hope it's a success, along with his next tour, so he can keep on changing and experimenting with music they way he did here.
  9. Nov 24, 2017
    So we now apparently live in a world where we have to be team Liam or team Noel. Both have released albums, we get double the musical output, but we can’t enjoy both?

    I liked Liam’s album but it was very, well, Liam. Very 1995. As You Were is a solid 7/10 but for me, this goes above and beyond what we’ve heard before and deserves top marks because of it. Fort Knox is the best opener
    So we now apparently live in a world where we have to be team Liam or team Noel. Both have released albums, we get double the musical output, but we can’t enjoy both?

    I liked Liam’s album but it was very, well, Liam. Very 1995. As You Were is a solid 7/10 but for me, this goes above and beyond what we’ve heard before and deserves top marks because of it.

    Fort Knox is the best opener since **** In The Bushes then for me, Holy Mountain is the most joyous song I’ve heard for a while. As usual, he wears his influences on his sleeve with the rest of the album. Sly & The Family Stone (Keep On Reachin’), Beatles (Careful What You Wish For). Chemicals, Jungle, even a bit of U2 here and there throughout he rest of the record. The ‘bonus track’ - ‘Dead In The Water’ is probably one of the best songs he’s written and released for a while. The fact he ‘forgotten about it shows us we’re on for a treat for his future endeavours.

    Those who are critical might as well give up now, I can see this progressing further and further. And why not...?!!!
  10. Nov 28, 2017
    Listening to the album is an experience--like watching an epic flick. Best Noel solo album, and probably the best he's written since Be Here Now. The Man Who Built The Moon IMO is one of the tunes he's ever written period.
  11. Nov 25, 2017
    Easily the best record from either Gallagher brothers post Oasis. I didn't expect Noel to outdo Liam simply based on what Noel has released in the past, but this album rather surprised me and is one of my albums of the year for sure.
  12. kje
    Nov 27, 2017
    This album is quite the grower. Catchy, fresh and flows perfectly from start to finish. I hope he goes into the studio with zero material for his next album - especially this being the end result.
  13. Nov 26, 2017
  14. Nov 27, 2017
    This album is amazing! I love it! Best album of the year! Congratulations, Noel Gallagher, you're a genius! The man who built the moon is my favorite!! ♥
  15. Nov 27, 2017
    BEST ALBUM OF THE YEAR!! hahahahahahahahaha
    Achando lindo os haters que diziam que o álbum seria um belo fracasso pagando com a língua. Cadê o fracasso?
  16. Dec 10, 2017
    This album is soooooooooooooo amazing!! I love this! Noel is a **** genius. The Man Who Buit The Moon should be a single. Cheers ♥♥♥♥♥♥ #Mad_Ger_It
  17. Dec 14, 2017
    I’m a huge Noel Gallagher fan and I, like so many of his fans, have always known what to expect from him. From Oasis to the High Flying Birds he’s delivered good solid, melodic rock/pop – stuff you could punch the air to while singing along at full volume. So, I was worried that his new album would deviate so much as to challenge my love of the guy's albums to date.

    I'm blown away by
    I’m a huge Noel Gallagher fan and I, like so many of his fans, have always known what to expect from him. From Oasis to the High Flying Birds he’s delivered good solid, melodic rock/pop – stuff you could punch the air to while singing along at full volume. So, I was worried that his new album would deviate so much as to challenge my love of the guy's albums to date.

    I'm blown away by this LP - if I didn’t know this album was Noel Gallagher I’d be certain I was listening to an entirely different artist. There’s rock, psychedelic, electronic, acoustic – and it’s not a mismatched mess – each track fits completely with the next and the next.

    Production wise this is also like nothing we’ve heard from Noel before. There’s layers of smooth production that perfectly enhance each song. And when was the last time you heard a penny whistle on a song, not to mention the french spoken piece in ‘It’s A Beautiful World’ telling us it’s the end of the world.

    The opening track, “Fort Knox’ is an exhilarating electronic track with minimal lyrics bar the chorus of “You gotta get yourself together”. ‘Holy Mountain’ has a glam rock sound: “Get out of the doldrums baby, now! You liar. I’ll set you on fire”. It has a beat that evokes Roxy Music’s ‘Virginia Plain’. From start to finish it's an LP that will challenge fans but is bound to bring new fans on board.

    I get why some fans have found it difficult to digest this album but I'm won over completely and I'm also impressed with the risk that he has taken by taking the harder route to create it. It's definitely his best solo album by far.
  18. Dec 15, 2017
    Amazing album.. I love this!
    Noel is great. ♥♥♥
    The Man Who Built The Moon is a **** amazing song.. Needs be a single.
    Congratulations, Noel Gallagher.
  19. Nov 25, 2017
    Brilliant. On par with Liam's but completely different musically. Tame psychedelia and poppy tunes are the opposite of Oasis; yet Noel does it perfectly. I prefer As You Were but this is still quality.
  20. Dec 11, 2017
    É um album extremamente cativante. O problema de Who Build The Moon? é o fato de Noel e os High Flying Birds terem se mantido na mesma receita de músicas que a banda construiu nos últimos dois albuns. Não seria ruim isso é claro, afinal todas as músicas desse album são ótimas.
    Porém, o marketing que havia feito encima da psicodelia (como o cover do album e os singles Holy Mountain e Fort
    É um album extremamente cativante. O problema de Who Build The Moon? é o fato de Noel e os High Flying Birds terem se mantido na mesma receita de músicas que a banda construiu nos últimos dois albuns. Não seria ruim isso é claro, afinal todas as músicas desse album são ótimas.
    Porém, o marketing que havia feito encima da psicodelia (como o cover do album e os singles Holy Mountain e Fort Knox) davam a entender uma outra perspectiva do que seria WBTM?.
    Resumindo, é mais um outro trabalho incrível de Noel Gallagher, algo que ele nunca conseguiria mostrar no Oasis, por exemplo, porém, com um conceito meio desconexo entre as músicas e o tema proposto pelo album (o que novamente não é algo ruim quando a qualidade ainda continua a mesma).
  21. Dec 20, 2018
    Noel Gallagher proved to be an amazing songwriter during the Oasis days. Even in his solo career, he has delivered some gems (ballad of the mighty I, for example). However, most of his work falls into an uneven blend of psychedelia and old alternative rock. His sound was becoming kind of stale, though still very entertaining. That's why I love 'Who Built the moon?' so much. It soundsNoel Gallagher proved to be an amazing songwriter during the Oasis days. Even in his solo career, he has delivered some gems (ballad of the mighty I, for example). However, most of his work falls into an uneven blend of psychedelia and old alternative rock. His sound was becoming kind of stale, though still very entertaining. That's why I love 'Who Built the moon?' so much. It sounds nothing like Gallagher has done. Noel finally got the balls and decided to do what him (and his brother on BE) set out to do: making a great psychedelic/rock album.

    The album starts out with a wall of sound with Fort Knox. Instead of the stale sampling of **** in the bushes,' there are some intense screams and strings. It really seems to be the obvious album (and concert) opener. Next, we get Holy Mountain, the first single of this album. Does it say a lot? No. But this song brilliantly portrays what works about the album. The lyrics are used to give the song it's feel. This song feels like a grandiose world with its horns and groovy base-line. Keep On Reaching kicks off with an intense organ and some more subdued horns. Later some gospel-choirs and an unleashed guitar. All 'biblical' so far.

    Next, we have the only dip in the tracklisting. It's A Beautiful World is kind of a mediocre song that doesn't really know what sound it wants to follow. Also, the French spoken word was awful. But after this song everything this album does is amazing. The best song is probably The Man Who Built The Moon.

    So give this album a shot. You probably need to adjust to the new sound, but the sound will land. You will be able to love songs like 'Be careful what you wish for' and 'If love is the law'. So hopefully Noel keeps channeling into this creating-force and will create another 'biblical album'

    Fort Knox 9/10
    Holy Mountain 9/10
    Keep on Reaching 8/10
    It's A Beautiful World 6/10
    She thought me how to fly 9/10
    Be careful what you wish for 10/10
    Black and White Sunshine 8/10
    Interlude (Wednesday part 1) 8/10
    If Love is The Law 10/10
    The Man Who Built The Moon 11/10
    End Credits (Wednesday part 2) 8/10
  22. Dec 9, 2017
    Great Album. It makes more sense to listen it by a whole that by pieces.
    It's like a puzzle, when you hear the songs individually, they don't make that sense in terms of sound.
    But when you put them together, it's like magic. It makes sense and grows more on you every time you listen to it. It's hard for me to listen to one song and don't play all record. Chief did it again. I was
    Great Album. It makes more sense to listen it by a whole that by pieces.
    It's like a puzzle, when you hear the songs individually, they don't make that sense in terms of sound.
    But when you put them together, it's like magic. It makes sense and grows more on you every time you listen to it. It's hard for me to listen to one song and don't play all record.
    Chief did it again. I was skeptical when I first heard Holy Mountain, but now I kinda like it.
    Keep on reaching - I found it very annoying.
    Interludes - they are not that bad, but also not great.
    It's a Beautiful World
    Be Careful What You Wish For (one of my favourites)
    Man Who Built the Moon
    Fort Knox (it's just hypnotic)
    DEAD IN THE WATER. (I know it's a bonus song, but it's Noel at his finest. It could come after the end, just like "A Day in the Life" is on Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. It's definitely on my top 3 songs of NG after Oasis.)

    An iconic third album by an iconic songwriter.
  23. Nov 24, 2017
    We can realize optimism and energy on Who Built The Moon. Noel keeps on (successfully) trying to travel into the psychedelic world. The songs are happier than the last album, but he kept the same essence. Noel being Noel, but more experimentalist
  24. Nov 24, 2017
    Opening with a five song salvo that Noel has rarely bettered in his career, Who Built The Moon flows like a brilliant soundtrack, only occasionally missing its mark on the 'Come Together' inspired 'Be Careful What You Wish For'. Elsewhere opening track Fort Knox is balls to wall big beat joy, swamped in African chants and alarm bells, Holy Mountain is as brilliant as it is ridiculous andOpening with a five song salvo that Noel has rarely bettered in his career, Who Built The Moon flows like a brilliant soundtrack, only occasionally missing its mark on the 'Come Together' inspired 'Be Careful What You Wish For'. Elsewhere opening track Fort Knox is balls to wall big beat joy, swamped in African chants and alarm bells, Holy Mountain is as brilliant as it is ridiculous and Keep On Reaching is a funk soul stomper that you might expect to find on the Baby Driver soundtrack. Its A Beautiful World is a trip into psychedelic rock that Noel has teased often and never quite fulfilled - here he does. Black and White Sunshine is a Stones tinged rocker and the New Order/Blondie mash up of She Taught Me How To Fly is perhaps noels most danceable track in a long time. The albums instrumentals are gorgeous interludes, and the album ends with the 60's Spector sounding If Love Is The Law - a song that is simply an absolute joy and closing track The Man Who Built The Moon is a Tarantino inspired western epic. That the album contains only 9 songs is perhaps why Noel has included the acoustic and out of place Dead In the Water as a bonus track - but thank god he did, because its brilliant. talk tonight brilliant. half the world away brilliant. its a song that reminds us that for all the wonderful layers of colour on this album - and it is brilliant sounding thanks to David Holmes' production work - its the songs, the skills as a song writer that make Noel Gallagher stand out. Simply put this is his finest solo record by a jump. Its also his best album possibly since 1995. A Joy. Expand
  25. Jan 5, 2020
    Sincerely, I wasn't expecting this album to be so good, especially after the release of "Holy Mountain". However, it turned out to be an awesome one. Noel showed us something that we weren't used to listening to, and it is incredible. I’m not afraid of calling this album a masterpiece because there are many great tunes. “Holy Mountain” sounds good after “Fort Knox”. “If love is the law”Sincerely, I wasn't expecting this album to be so good, especially after the release of "Holy Mountain". However, it turned out to be an awesome one. Noel showed us something that we weren't used to listening to, and it is incredible. I’m not afraid of calling this album a masterpiece because there are many great tunes. “Holy Mountain” sounds good after “Fort Knox”. “If love is the law” and "Be Careful What You Wish For" are charged with a strong message.
    I would not miss the chance to congratulate the art of the album. Fantastic!
  26. Jun 10, 2022
    People really seem to hate this one, but I think it's pretty cool to see him branching out a little.
    No matter what it's definitely interesting.
  27. Apr 20, 2018
    "Who Built The Moon" is probably the bravest record Noel Gallagher has put out in his 25 year or so career in music. The bravest but not the best. For the majority of his writing, Gallagher has looked back for inspiration but for his third solo record he has looked around him. This is an album where he draws from his contemporaries rather than his heroes. Apparently, written from scratch"Who Built The Moon" is probably the bravest record Noel Gallagher has put out in his 25 year or so career in music. The bravest but not the best. For the majority of his writing, Gallagher has looked back for inspiration but for his third solo record he has looked around him. This is an album where he draws from his contemporaries rather than his heroes. Apparently, written from scratch in the studio this approach benefits in terms of the needed freshness it bring to Gallagher's sound. On the other hand, it means we lose out to some extent on his incredible talent for penning the more traditionally structured, acoustic guitar based verse-chorus-verse songs. While it's a little dazzling and overwhelming at first, I do love "Holy Mountain". "It's a Beautiful World" is the album's standout track and up there with his best writing. "The Man Who Built The Moon" is another great track in the more traditional sense. "Who Built The Moon" is the furthest away from his Oasis comfort zone Noel Gallagher has ever found himself and while the results are a qualified success, credit is due for putting his money where his mouth is. Expand
  28. Dec 11, 2017
    Ever since his music career began, Noel Gallagher has written and recorded the same way, with the same results: coming to the studio with a batch of songs, recording them, maybe writing one here or there on the spot, and releasing them with the same fervor as usual; “what will Noel do next?” His first two solo works (2011’s ‘High Flying Birds’ and 2014’s ‘Chasing Yesterday’) proved toEver since his music career began, Noel Gallagher has written and recorded the same way, with the same results: coming to the studio with a batch of songs, recording them, maybe writing one here or there on the spot, and releasing them with the same fervor as usual; “what will Noel do next?” His first two solo works (2011’s ‘High Flying Birds’ and 2014’s ‘Chasing Yesterday’) proved to everyone Noel’s ambition was past nostalgia and focused on trogging forward at the pace a 50 year-old Mancunian with an incurable hangover could go.

    In the last four years, that pace has picked up dramatically. Gallagher shocked the ears of every parka monkey in England, including his outspoken brother, simply with a pair of shears and a space pop album called “Who Built The Moon?” The response tells you everything you need to know about them, because the album itself doesn’t exactly sound unlike Noel or Oasis. Even with that said, the emphasis Is less on Noel’s proven, traditional songwriting, but rather on interesting sounds and good melodies.

    From the start it was obvious anyone who held sacred Noel’s fist-in-the-air anthems from the 90’s would be questioning his sanity, and those who have been waiting for Gallagher to finally go for something ‘out-there’ has had their wish at least somewhat granted. “Out-there” for some songwriters may include 3 months in a hut in Nepal or locking themselves in a hotel room for 48 hours. For Noel, it’s simply coming in with nothing and creating.

    The most fun in listening to this album is thinking about what we could be listening to if Noel Gallagher didn’t take a chance and try a different recording method; another Chasing Yesterday type album that has quality songs but has everything we’ve heard before. Where “Who Built the Moon?” lacks in good ideas it makes up for interesting sounds. Simply put, it’s easily the most interesting and quality post-Oasis album put out by either Gallagher. Noel gambled his moneymaker on this one, and it’s payed off.
  29. Dec 18, 2017
    I still prefer his debut over this. It's not a bad record by any stretch of the imagination, I liked a lot of the singles leading up to this. It's his most experimental album yet and he pulled it off quite well. Definitely worth a re-listen
  30. Jan 7, 2018
    After two epic albums, Noel doesn't need to prove hes one of the best rockstars nowdays. In Who Built The Moon? Noel is trying a new sound, fresh and try himself to evolve as an artist. As always, production is on point, but i would like to see more evolving in the sound itself, to me is like mid-way. Ok, you got that new sound but how you can work with it so it can be as pollish as theAfter two epic albums, Noel doesn't need to prove hes one of the best rockstars nowdays. In Who Built The Moon? Noel is trying a new sound, fresh and try himself to evolve as an artist. As always, production is on point, but i would like to see more evolving in the sound itself, to me is like mid-way. Ok, you got that new sound but how you can work with it so it can be as pollish as the other albums? maybe he could answer this in her next album. Highlights : 'Black & White Sunshine' and 'Dead In The Water' Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Dec 8, 2017
    The captivating aspect of Who Built the Moon? is its capability to grow in depth across multiple listens. Furthermore, the album intensifies and gains strength with multiple listens.
  2. Dec 5, 2017
    This is Noel’s strongest work post-Oasis...maybe even Liam.
  3. Nov 29, 2017
    The result is an eclectic mix of psychedelia, electronica, dance beats and space jazz as well as rock which moves along the scale from The Beatles towards erstwhile collaborators The Chemical Brothers. The tempo is upped, while Gallagher’s vocals are in a higher register than usual and the guitars are much further back in a musical mix that is highly textured.