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Generally favorable reviews- based on 12 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 12
  2. Negative: 1 out of 12
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  1. Sep 3, 2019
    This album is so goodAfter the disappointment of the last two, I was about to write this band off, but now they’ve jettisoned the over-reliance on synth/electronic effects, and crafted a solid, well-orchestrated alt-rock jam. 1)Freakzoid is a gem and it's becoming my favorite Silversun Pickups song. This song is unreal...I don't know what else to say...You have to live Freakzoid. BreatheThis album is so goodAfter the disappointment of the last two, I was about to write this band off, but now they’ve jettisoned the over-reliance on synth/electronic effects, and crafted a solid, well-orchestrated alt-rock jam. 1)Freakzoid is a gem and it's becoming my favorite Silversun Pickups song. This song is unreal...I don't know what else to say...You have to live Freakzoid. Breathe Freakzoid. Grind and repeat. 10/10
  2. Aug 10, 2019
    Great Album, SSPU is growing and I'm here for it.

    1)Freakzoid is a gem and it's becoming my favorite Silversun Pickups song. This song is unreal...I don't know what else to say...You have to live Freakzoid. Breathe Freakzoid. Grind and repeat. 10/10 2)Songbirds is a snap but at the same time feels so fresh and new and innovative and light. So many adjectives I know...but the truth is
    Great Album, SSPU is growing and I'm here for it.

    1)Freakzoid is a gem and it's becoming my favorite Silversun Pickups song. This song is unreal...I don't know what else to say...You have to live Freakzoid. Breathe Freakzoid. Grind and repeat. 10/10

    2)Songbirds is a snap but at the same time feels so fresh and new and innovative and light. So many adjectives I know...but the truth is with Songbirds you see the guys at their's really well done and the end of the song is everything. 9.9/10
    3)Doesn't matter why...the production on this thing is insanely good. The song is repetitive but yet so great for some reason...layers upon layers upon layers...While listening to it sometimes I feel like it's out of place and don't belong on this album but sometimes I feel like it does ...gosh it's such a duality. The production is really outstanding. Butch Vig did a really great job with this track...I think it's where he shines the most instead of the band. He leads the group in a very dynamic direction and it's a blast to listen to this song(without the music video who do not give it justice) 9/10

    3.2)We are chameleons, the last song on the album. Great song. I feel Like this has the best potential to please the fans who think that SSPU is changing and do not like that. A song with awesome transitions. 9/10

    3.3) Simpatico. Again. Great song. On the slow side but done oh so well. This song is really beautiful. It leads exactly where you need to be 9/10

    4) Widow's weeds the title track...again beautiful but really subtle and pale...not in your face. It can be hard for some people to love this song on the first listen but when I come back to it. It keeps getting better and better. A song of wonder. It's an interesting ride. The lyrics are everything.It's an 8 for me almost a 9 but with this song I feel like it will turn a 9 pretty soon. 8.9/10
  3. Jul 2, 2019
    This is a really good record! After the disappointment of the last two, I was about to write this band off, but now they’ve jettisoned the over-reliance on synth/electronic effects, and crafted a solid, well-orchestrated alt-rock jam. It’s got some middling reviews, I think because it’s still not a full-throated return to the fuzzed out bombast of 20 years ago (even though a couple ofThis is a really good record! After the disappointment of the last two, I was about to write this band off, but now they’ve jettisoned the over-reliance on synth/electronic effects, and crafted a solid, well-orchestrated alt-rock jam. It’s got some middling reviews, I think because it’s still not a full-throated return to the fuzzed out bombast of 20 years ago (even though a couple of tracks still crackle with the same staccato energy of Lazy Eye and Panic Switch). This is more like a Pink Floyd record that, rather than relying on in-your-face histrionics, builds tension with movements, layers, and subverted expectations. It’s also their most polished and confident sounding effort, by far. The sound is simply gorgeous. Expand
  4. Jun 13, 2019
    I've been a Silversun Pickups fan since Carnavas, and absolutely loved their first two albums, while also enjoying their 3rd and 4th releases. However, having listened to their newest album, I can't help but feel a little bored with the songs. There a few that are worth a second listen, but most feel like bland mainstream efforts, which is a shame considering they always felt differentI've been a Silversun Pickups fan since Carnavas, and absolutely loved their first two albums, while also enjoying their 3rd and 4th releases. However, having listened to their newest album, I can't help but feel a little bored with the songs. There a few that are worth a second listen, but most feel like bland mainstream efforts, which is a shame considering they always felt different during their breakout years. Overall I feel this album is pretty forgettable, but I will say that Brian Aubert's vocals are the only saving grace. Expand
  5. Jun 12, 2019
    'Better Nature' was quite the progression for SSPUs, and 'Widow Weeds' is a another advancement in that progression. A definitive different feel to the album with the change in producers, but still a very satisfying album that keeps me wanting even more from Silversun Pickups!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 4 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. 60
    The spine and overall potential for a great record is definitely here but it was all about adding meat to these bones, and sadly, SSPU just comes off way too lean.
  2. Classic Rock Magazine
    Jun 26, 2019
    While the album Widow's Weed has all the usual heavily layered atmospherics, there's an even inkier feel than before. [Summer 2019, p.83]
  3. Mojo
    Jun 25, 2019
    Slick and melodic but more Placebo than Pumpkins. [Aug 2019, p.98]