• Record Label: A&M
  • Release Date: Sep 27, 2005
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 53 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 53
  2. Negative: 18 out of 53

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  1. Eric
    Oct 1, 2005
    I think this album is an incredible work of art. It speaks right to the heart and themes of love and bittersweet victories are like backdrops to her soul. The lyrics are mature and still questioning which makes it more thoughtprovoking. I think she's in a really good place and really happy and certainly at the top of her vocal game.
  2. TomF
    Oct 2, 2005
    The music is hot and so is she.
  3. christopherm
    Sep 30, 2005
    Her BEST ever! Truly magical...
  4. TeresaO
    Oct 28, 2005
    I've never owned a Sheryl Crow CD before, but I absolutely had to have this one. I guess you have to be 40(ish) to really appreciate it. I think the critics are too harsh. Every artist grows as they go along. Their art changes with them. Wildflower is truly beautiful.
  5. cédric26,fromfrance
    Jan 19, 2006
    This album is one of the best albums i ' ve ever listened to . And yet i listen to much music (particularly 60's & 70's music) .What stroke me is the very purity of the sounds and the voice . Thanks Sheryl !
  6. Jeff
    Oct 2, 2005
    Although a longtime fan, I sometimes tire of her relentlessly cheerful facade - making this disc a wonderful anomaly. Most songs are mid-tempo or slower and muse on lonliness, longing, love and (gasp) anit-war sentiments. The hooks are sneakier here, but by the second listen the tunes will be stuck in your head and you'll be OK with that.
  7. RickS
    Oct 5, 2005
    Sheryl Crow has created a new mood for her career. This one is contemplative and mellow. Her voice is stronger than ever. The lyrics speak to a new maturity and introspection for Sheryl. This is easily one of the best albums I've purchased in years.
  8. LotteA
    Sep 30, 2005
    This album isn't to be compared to Crows other albums, this it not a full-on rock album. If that is what you want you'll be dissappointed. This album is about deep lyrics, beautifully played acoustic guitar and piano. And a great voice. It's one of a kind.
  9. XavierB
    Sep 28, 2005
    Its a very nice album. Very consistent.
  10. andym
    Sep 29, 2005
    wildflower needs several concentrated listens until those subtle but beautiful melodies combined with guitar and string sections really start to soar and each track take on its own life. And in a world were in today this gentle beauty is perfect for soothing my soul - spot on ms crow
  11. TimC
    Nov 14, 2005
    I think this album is fantastic, not her most chart friendly but thats refreshing after "soak up the sun".The whole album is moving and i think anyone who has been through a bad break up would understand the tenderness of "Always on your side" which i feel is by far one of her best works to date. "Chances are" is also a great track, but at times the album does move a bit too slowly, but I think this album is fantastic, not her most chart friendly but thats refreshing after "soak up the sun".The whole album is moving and i think anyone who has been through a bad break up would understand the tenderness of "Always on your side" which i feel is by far one of her best works to date. "Chances are" is also a great track, but at times the album does move a bit too slowly, but its an introspective record and thats especially good for the autumn and to drive to, so I think this album is great and the critics were way too harsh! Expand
  12. ClintS
    Oct 19, 2005
    This album talks about issues one struggles to deal with from time to time and several songs are trying to pry open our eyes to issues we should be dealing with. This album, like many mature artists' albums speak from the heart with exceptional poetry instead of spelling it out to the listener. Listen to the words, not just the rhythm. Crow again surpasses other artists and keeps This album talks about issues one struggles to deal with from time to time and several songs are trying to pry open our eyes to issues we should be dealing with. This album, like many mature artists' albums speak from the heart with exceptional poetry instead of spelling it out to the listener. Listen to the words, not just the rhythm. Crow again surpasses other artists and keeps rock alive for at least a little longer... Expand
  13. Matt
    Sep 26, 2005
    An elegant album, it's right up there with her others even if it's not as fun.
  14. waded
    Oct 3, 2005
    I like it...nice driving cd
  15. LevisO
    Oct 2, 2005
    An improvement on C'mon C'mon but doesn't touch the greatness of her self titled or Globe Sessions.
  16. AlanH
    Sep 30, 2005
    The songs have a way of dfirfting over you like a warm breeze, enjoyable even though somewhat somber. The CD could, however, use a few more upbeat songs like Live It Up.
  17. Laura
    Sep 27, 2005
    I liked this CD a lot, as I have all of Sheryl's music. I have read that she's abandoned her earlier 'rocker-chick' stuff and that it's too somber. Hey, different is not necissarily bad. I've enjoyed all her moods and she continues to show that she is a down-to-earth and wonderful singer-songwriter.
  18. johnw
    Oct 28, 2005
    A great, great album with gorgeous arrangements and perfect songs. None of the good-time party songs found on previous releases (except "Live it Up"), but they'd be out of place here. She's never been in better voice than on "Always on your Side"
  19. Rev.Rikard
    Nov 5, 2005
    Recently Crow has been accused of abandoning rock for country. Her duo with Kid Rock was probably the initial spark that started the rumor. However, as an aside, I think the rumor says more about the current state of country than the music of Crow. Country has more blatantly uprooted itself AGAIN, attempting to appeal to a pop-oriented audience. Still, this album does little to help Crow Recently Crow has been accused of abandoning rock for country. Her duo with Kid Rock was probably the initial spark that started the rumor. However, as an aside, I think the rumor says more about the current state of country than the music of Crow. Country has more blatantly uprooted itself AGAIN, attempting to appeal to a pop-oriented audience. Still, this album does little to help Crow shed the cloak of this rumor. A lover of modern country would adore this album, and that is fine with me. However, there are some of us that believe Crow is at her best when she rocks. I have to agree with the LA Times critique. Wildflower reveals to us a mature, thoughtful artist. Every artist needs to navigate this necessary passage; but accepting maturity, born from an evergrowing array of life-experiences, does not mean the playful child within has to be put to bed. Wildflower lacks the "kid playing with fire." When Crow picks up her guitar, playing and singing as one fully alive, hitting on all cylinders, few rock us better. Someone wake her up, we need her! Expand

Generally favorable reviews - based on 17 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 9 out of 17
  2. Negative: 2 out of 17
  1. Los Angeles Times
    It all shows Crow as smart and mature. But the giddy-kid part of her is missed. [25 Sep 2005]
  2. When Wildflower works, it works beautifully.
  3. Billboard
    A provocative, richly rewarding set reflecting love and life changes. [1 Oct 2005]