
Mixed or average reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
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  1. Oct 27, 2014
    Although die-hard Beatles fans might see the album as a bit blasphemous, the Flaming Lips' treatment of the classic work makes it clear the band have a great respect for the Fab Four's legacy and influence, making the album a wonderful distraction that provides fans with a window into the influences of one of rock's most enduring and joyously weird bands.
  2. 70
    This is no halfhearted sideshow done on a drug prompted whim, but a serious if twisted and undeniably idiosyncratic re-make/re-model.
  3. Oct 27, 2014
    Coyne doesn't actually sing on the majority of these covers, but regardless, the album is decidedly refracted through a Flaming Lips light.
  4. Classic Rock Magazine
    Dec 16, 2014
    An inspired madman's tribute. [Dec 2014, p.105]
  5. 70
    s. The result is a delightful tribute to The Beatles and a record that has made so many turn on, tune in and drop out.
  6. Oct 28, 2014
    With this album, they show it’s okay to not take things like popular music and culture so damn seriously and just have fun with it or at it.
  7. Nov 12, 2014
    Purists may regard the project as a desecration, but the Flips could have pushed it even further with no complaints from this jury.
  8. Oct 27, 2014
    This is a scribble to go up on the fridge alongside other much-loved items, even if those items are photographs which remind you what real life looks like. Stick a magnet on it. It's done.
  9. 65
    It's not a perfect album by any means, but it is a worthy cover of a nigh-on perfect album, capturing the joie de vivre of the original and dousing it in some serious lunacy for good measure. And that's no mean feat.
  10. Nov 14, 2014
    Ultimately it doesn't feel much like a proper Flaming Lips album, at least not as much as their take on Dark Side of the Moon, but like that album it's an intriguing glimpse of whatever strange journey they have planned next.
User Score

Mixed or average reviews- based on 22 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 22
  2. Negative: 9 out of 22
  1. Nov 10, 2016
    A cover album of The Beatles is band enough but Sgt. Pepper you couldn't have picked a more iconic album to ruin. At first I listened to thisA cover album of The Beatles is band enough but Sgt. Pepper you couldn't have picked a more iconic album to ruin. At first I listened to this and thought this is bad a score of 2 would be right then I listened to the original and compared and a score of 2 is being generous this cover "album" is dreadful. Full Review »
  2. Aug 14, 2015
    What was the need for this? It's a bunch of half-baked attempts to modernize the music of a timeless album. It's like re-recording theWhat was the need for this? It's a bunch of half-baked attempts to modernize the music of a timeless album. It's like re-recording the entirety of "The Dark Side of the Moon" with the lead singer of Black Flag, Henry Rollins. Oh, wait, The Flaming Lips already did that? Damn. Full Review »