User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 80 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 63 out of 80
  2. Negative: 7 out of 80

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  1. Feb 2, 2011
    One of the most inexplicably panned records (by critics not fans) I can remember. Worlds Apart is not perfect but it is a fantastic follow up to the greatest record they could make (Source Codes...). There are a handful of songs that are absolute classics (Caterwaul, Let It Dive, Rest Will Follow, A Classic Arts Showcase) and while the back end tails off in a different direction it isOne of the most inexplicably panned records (by critics not fans) I can remember. Worlds Apart is not perfect but it is a fantastic follow up to the greatest record they could make (Source Codes...). There are a handful of songs that are absolute classics (Caterwaul, Let It Dive, Rest Will Follow, A Classic Arts Showcase) and while the back end tails off in a different direction it is still majestic and arranged beautifully. I'll never understand what these guys did to turn off all of the hipster blogs that have been panning them ever since this album was released but they deserve better. And if you don't believe me go to a live show and experience their music the way it was meant to be: loud, raw and tightly wound. Expand
  2. Oct 19, 2010
    Nice piece of work. I don't want to write a review that would mean that I would have to listen to it right now, I do not want to right now, but this is still a 10 love it. Is that enough characters now,
  3. CaseyP
    Apr 7, 2009
    I was amazingly surprised at the overall negativity of the professional criticism. There's always the question of personal taste, so it makes no difference to me. I found this album beautifully fulfilling. It's epic and wide scope sweeps over me every time I listen to it. Each and every song finds it's own place on this album, each and every song destroying the I was amazingly surprised at the overall negativity of the professional criticism. There's always the question of personal taste, so it makes no difference to me. I found this album beautifully fulfilling. It's epic and wide scope sweeps over me every time I listen to it. Each and every song finds it's own place on this album, each and every song destroying the preconception made by the previous. Overall, the album is amazing, and contnues to make me listen over and over. Expand
  4. DavidF
    Dec 5, 2007
    The fact that Neil left the band was a really bad sign, and it shows. Jason barely has any songs either. Who does Conrad think he is? Billy Corgan? All that said, the record is not THAT bad. There are some good songs, but I grew tired after repeated listens.
  5. kevink
    Jan 9, 2007
    I was surprised this got much lower reviews than Source Tags. This album has more energy and is to me an easier listen. The second track, which truly starts the album, just comes at you with such intensity and power. 'And The Rest Will Follow' is such an epic battle-sounding song, if that makes any sense. I just love it and I love the energy this band has. Wish I could see them I was surprised this got much lower reviews than Source Tags. This album has more energy and is to me an easier listen. The second track, which truly starts the album, just comes at you with such intensity and power. 'And The Rest Will Follow' is such an epic battle-sounding song, if that makes any sense. I just love it and I love the energy this band has. Wish I could see them live. Bravo Expand
  6. CristovaoA
    Nov 14, 2006
    Quite simply, this album is fantastic!
  7. VictorP
    Sep 27, 2006
    Despite numerous slanderous reviews that call for the collective heads of all members of the trail of dead, this album actually is quite a good listen and is one that grows on you the more you play it. If you're a fan of the trail of dead, definitely take the time to listen and appreciate Worlds Apart taking it only for what it is, a change of direction.
  8. languid
    Sep 24, 2005
    Overall solid album that has become better with some time and further listening. As can be gleamed from other reviews, not the instant gratification that was source tags. This one is more thoughtful and wandering and less explosive. Having seen this band live after both albums, one can see that a line up change and time has shifted the band away from a shared ferocity to a more cerebral Overall solid album that has become better with some time and further listening. As can be gleamed from other reviews, not the instant gratification that was source tags. This one is more thoughtful and wandering and less explosive. Having seen this band live after both albums, one can see that a line up change and time has shifted the band away from a shared ferocity to a more cerebral and selective front man showing. Expand
  9. brads
    Jul 24, 2005
    Despite largely negative reviews I thouroughly enjoyed this album. It was varied unique and strong from beggining to end. Granted it is certainly a departure from their far more well received source tags and codes, however after listening to both Iam still of the belief that this is the superior album. This seems another occassion of wannabe fans and critics who cant decide whats unique Despite largely negative reviews I thouroughly enjoyed this album. It was varied unique and strong from beggining to end. Granted it is certainly a departure from their far more well received source tags and codes, however after listening to both Iam still of the belief that this is the superior album. This seems another occassion of wannabe fans and critics who cant decide whats unique and whats too abstract or whats redundant and whats paying homage to a genre. In the end substance should prevail over style, and while this is likely not the greatest album you will ever hear it is still worth litening too. Expand
  10. Josh
    Jun 25, 2005
    Maybe their best work
  11. KyleA
    May 30, 2005
    If Source Tags was an accidental rock epic, Worlds Apart is the purposeful one. Is it the lesser album? For this reason, somewhat. Are the songs just as fantastic? Absolutely. "The Rest Will Follow" and "Let It Dive" can rank with "How Near, How Far" and "Relative Ways" any day.
  12. cs
    May 26, 2005
    Not as sorry as others would have you believe, but truly falls 2nd to Source Tags & Codes. I have the distinct impression that this band is disillusioned and sabatoging the more obvious formula for stardom. This is may not be a bad choice. The album is rich, engaging, cohesive and has a message: Intellect above emo.
  13. JayW
    Apr 3, 2005
    Very nicely done! Combines the trademark jaggedness alongside a strange concept album meets broadway feel. Check it out!
  14. kristof
    Mar 24, 2005
  15. declanm
    Mar 24, 2005
    i havent heard any other of there music but was impressed with the album as i found it refreshing and am a little surprised with some of the bad press recieved at the end of the day its a feel good rock album period
  16. StuW
    Mar 24, 2005
    I suspect the people who hated this album gave up on it too soon. This is my favorite album of the year so far. It's my first Trail of Dead album and although initial highlights 'Worlds Apart, 'Rest Will Follow'' and 'Caterwaul' may seem like all the album has to offer, the latter, plodding tracks, given chance to grow, are just as powerful in their own I suspect the people who hated this album gave up on it too soon. This is my favorite album of the year so far. It's my first Trail of Dead album and although initial highlights 'Worlds Apart, 'Rest Will Follow'' and 'Caterwaul' may seem like all the album has to offer, the latter, plodding tracks, given chance to grow, are just as powerful in their own right. A great album. Expand
  17. NAXOS.A.
    Mar 21, 2005
    It's so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. BenM
    Mar 20, 2005
    A thoroughly excellent album.
  19. BryanM
    Mar 15, 2005
    "Worlds Apart" showcases a wonderful sound Trail of Dead has grown into. Every track on the album is magnificent and helps create the amazing album that it truly is. My favorite tracks include "Will You Smile Again?", "Worlds Apart", "The Summer of '91", and "All White".
  20. PaulW
    Mar 12, 2005
    It's an amazing record. So powerful but also sweet...
  21. TommyH
    Feb 22, 2005
    Worlds Apart is so much better then any of there other albumbs, Very Good
  22. NewFan
    Feb 19, 2005
    GREAT. Much different than Source Tags. This album reinstated my confidence that music is still alive - even on a major label.
  23. JarkkoS
    Feb 16, 2005
    Very, very good rock album
  24. rickcoe
    Feb 14, 2005
    one of the best albums i've heard in ages , anyone who has given it a bad review just hasnt heard it enough. Each song has it's own sound from punk angst and chill out pink floyd/ beatles sounds.
  25. suitablyunimpressed
    Feb 13, 2005
    This masterpiece shows the band maturing and congealing. Their song writing and power has risen to a rare level, a cat. 5 rock-n-roll band that has put out the best album of the year so far.
  26. jasonf
    Feb 9, 2005
    fucking rocks new good sound
  27. ChrisM
    Feb 9, 2005
    Though not as structurally sound as "Source Tags", "Worlds Apart" makes up for its lack of cohesion in its constant striving for new sounds and forms, from surging orchestral epics to wistful indie to visceral rock. A must have.
  28. WillH
    Feb 7, 2005
    If you are looking for a repeat of "Source Tags" you are in the wrong place....This is a mature progression for the band and is an epic work.
  29. joris
    Feb 6, 2005
    One word: woooooooooow Source tags and Codes was good, but is musically not much compared to this masterpiece... just listen to Cauterwaul or To Russia My Homeland 11/10
  30. CharlieM
    Feb 2, 2005
    At first I did not like it as well as the last album. But, after repeated listenings, I've discovered that it's possibly even better. It's very nuanced. The Onion's review I think sums it up best. Even the most mainstream-sounding songs (ie the single) have lyrics that probably make them less radio-friendly.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 32 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 32
  2. Negative: 2 out of 32
  1. Alternative Press
    The least pretentious--and most accessible--thing AYWKUBTTOD have ever released. That's probably because it sounds a lot like your record collection. [Feb 2005, p.92]
  2. Filter
    This is the best album Trail of Dead has ever made. [#13, p.94]
  3. Simply put, 'Worlds Apart' is a delicately violent piece of art.