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Universal acclaim- based on 119 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 6 out of 119
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  1. Oct 4, 2016
    Seeing how these "critics" would give Worlds an average of only a 63 disgusts me. This is a rare album that has a timeless feel to it where I truly feel like there is no need to skip any tracks. Robinson successfully created a list of songs unlike most other EDM artists which captures raw emotions and feel genuine in an incredibly unique way. As an avid fan of Dance/Electronic music thisSeeing how these "critics" would give Worlds an average of only a 63 disgusts me. This is a rare album that has a timeless feel to it where I truly feel like there is no need to skip any tracks. Robinson successfully created a list of songs unlike most other EDM artists which captures raw emotions and feel genuine in an incredibly unique way. As an avid fan of Dance/Electronic music this offers a refreshing sound that is a departure from the typical fist pumping type of songs many artists strive for. Not to say that that's a bad thing (in fact some tracks don't such moments) but Worlds proves to have an even more fascinating vibe that isn't heard in other albums. If only I discovered this earlier so I would be able to hear these tracks live! I hope Robinson comes out with a new piece like this soon! Honestly one of the greatest albums I've heard that I believe is very underrated and I agree with other user reviews that it is misunderstood as well. Expand
  2. Aug 12, 2014
    I don't know why, but I thought I was going to be disappointed with the album, because I've known Porter since Hello, and I really like his EDM songs, such as Language, Say My Name, The Wildcat among almost all the others, including Hello. He was on my top list, so part of me didn't even want to listen to the album. But at the same time, I was feeling disappointed with the path all thoseI don't know why, but I thought I was going to be disappointed with the album, because I've known Porter since Hello, and I really like his EDM songs, such as Language, Say My Name, The Wildcat among almost all the others, including Hello. He was on my top list, so part of me didn't even want to listen to the album. But at the same time, I was feeling disappointed with the path all those top DJs had chosen to go, which was making ONLY Tomorrowland-ish songs, meant for those big arenas and for people to "get crazy". They all had the same form, in a way that really disturbed me. A "brilliant" EDM song would be one that has a creative and/or heavy drop, and the rest of the song would follow the "form". So I was tired, and apparently, so was Porter, as he had stated in a few interviews.
    He said this was his best music, and I agree 100%. Worlds sounds so meaningful and special, and it has the soul all those new EDM songs don't. I was feeling suffocated by EDM and this album allowed me to breath. I'm glad I listened to this, and I will listen to it a lot more in the future.
  3. Aug 13, 2014
    Worlds is an ambitious, incredible release from Porter. His craftsmanship in this genre is really marvellous, The melodies found in this album evoke a sense of nostalgia, but it doesn't rely on it entirely. It's a synthesis of crushing four-on-the-floor beats, neo 80s sounds, sharp electro-pop, and JRPG/Sci-Fi video game OSTs. Not only is Porter creative to conceptualizing such a uniqueWorlds is an ambitious, incredible release from Porter. His craftsmanship in this genre is really marvellous, The melodies found in this album evoke a sense of nostalgia, but it doesn't rely on it entirely. It's a synthesis of crushing four-on-the-floor beats, neo 80s sounds, sharp electro-pop, and JRPG/Sci-Fi video game OSTs. Not only is Porter creative to conceptualizing such a unique project, but his technical skills really takes this vision to the next level and makes it shine. I don't think this album will speak to everyone, but for the people it does, it's perfect. Expand
  4. Jan 9, 2018
    Best album ever made as of January 2018.

    Divinity 10/10
    Sad Machine 10/10
    Years Of War 10/10
    Flicker 10/10
    Fresh Static Snow 10/10
    Polygon Dust 10/10
    Hear The Bells 10/10
    Natural Light 10/10
    Lionhearted 10/10
    Sea Of Voices 10/10
    Fellow Feeling 10/10
    Goodbye To A World 10/10
  5. Jun 11, 2016
    A quick note that I bought the special edition vinyl (preorder only). Honestly, Worlds is one of if not my favorite album to date (which says a lot after albums like Adventure or Occult Classic). Every songs introduces a new world to explore, from cynical and nostalgic in Divinity to the cheerful and eccentric anime world of Flicker. Each track has its distinct flavor and are enjoyable inA quick note that I bought the special edition vinyl (preorder only). Honestly, Worlds is one of if not my favorite album to date (which says a lot after albums like Adventure or Occult Classic). Every songs introduces a new world to explore, from cynical and nostalgic in Divinity to the cheerful and eccentric anime world of Flicker. Each track has its distinct flavor and are enjoyable in their own right, but the way the album is structured is just as great. From the second track onwards, it tells a story that spans many era which culminates in Goodbye to a World (Which is one of the most emotional tracks ive ever heard, in my opnion). The accompanying visuals are beautiful and match the album perfectly.

    Porter Robinson's extremely high production standard is exemplified in this album, even if he's taken a step out of the club sound ring. A must listen if you like your synthpop or alternative EDM.
  6. Mar 15, 2017
    Worlds is one of the best electronic albums of all times because there melodies are so great ,beautiful and I loved the atmosphere that Porter Robinson brings to you.
    Best tracks:
    Goodbye To A World
    Sad Machine
    Years Of War
    Sea Of Voices
    Fellow Feeling
  7. Mar 15, 2017
    One of the most beautiful and artistic albums I have ever listened to. Definitely makes top 3 at least. Porter Robinson truly mastered a new and unique sound. Master of the Synth.
  8. Apr 15, 2017
    Best album I've ever heard.
    Absolutely fantastic album, each of his song has a wonderful and beautiful meaning and songs such as "Sad Machine", "Fresh Static Snow", "Fellow Feeling", and "Goodbye to a World" have such an interesting meaning. Fellow Feeling and Goodbye to a World are absolutely beautiful and all of Porter's songs have a place in my heart forever.
  9. May 17, 2018
    Definitely this album made me know EDM genre. because I did not know anything about that genre and I did not like it, but this for me is not EDM, is something different, each song on this album is a "world".
    Porter, impregnates his feelings in this album to the point of making you cry, without knowing why, or give you those moments of tranquility, each topic has a message. be sadness,
    Definitely this album made me know EDM genre. because I did not know anything about that genre and I did not like it, but this for me is not EDM, is something different, each song on this album is a "world".
    Porter, impregnates his feelings in this album to the point of making you cry, without knowing why, or give you those moments of tranquility, each topic has a message. be sadness, loneliness, love or happiness. And that connects you. the "fellow felling" theme brings together the frustration of porter by seeing how the EDM becomes so commercial and empty. begins with a melancholic melody made from a violin, total tranquility, suddenly sounds wrong one after another, like a joke, which little by little seem to fit, now a girl is heard telling a chaos that is being lived, as if it were the end of something, ending with "and now I cry because everything is beautiful". so that finally porter includes the best "drop" in the history of EDM.
  10. Apr 16, 2021
    Time has proven this to be something of a classic album of its genre. Porter's identity comes through very clearly and these songs still stand up 6 years later.
  11. Apr 11, 2019
    This is the best album i've heard in my life. I am an edm fan, but what is going on here is just perfect. Every time i'm listening to it, chills roll up to my spine. I literally can't listen to Divinity if i won't hear the rest of this album next. It's a perfext thing to listen in literally any occasion. No matter if i'm happy, depressed, taking a walk in the winter, taking a walk in theThis is the best album i've heard in my life. I am an edm fan, but what is going on here is just perfect. Every time i'm listening to it, chills roll up to my spine. I literally can't listen to Divinity if i won't hear the rest of this album next. It's a perfext thing to listen in literally any occasion. No matter if i'm happy, depressed, taking a walk in the winter, taking a walk in the summer, sitting in school, texting somebody, or just chilling in my bed, Worlds is the best option. I recommend this to everybody no matter what music they like, at least one track is something you're gonna like. Expand
  12. Sep 28, 2019
    It's personally rare for me to find an album where I can listen to each individual song in it's entirety and enjoy every second of it.
    Absolutely love it!
  13. Nov 9, 2019
    (full review here)

    this album is amazing
  14. Feb 26, 2020
    This ain't some general "money making" hit guaranteed album, it's an unique album reflecting Porter Robinson's own beliefs on music. The fact this got a 63 is rather beyond me.
  15. Apr 6, 2020
    Easily one of the best albums of the year. A creative vision that challenges preset genre conceptions and is filled with raw unbridled emotion and masterfully unique atmospheric presence. Worlds get a 10/10 from me.
  16. Sep 19, 2020
    Easily the best EDM album ever created, the feelings you get from it is just amazing, you feel a hole new world when you listen the songs, its an amazing sensation.
  17. May 1, 2021
    Amo este álbum desde que lo escuché,es 2021 me encanta cada minuto de cada canción
  18. Nov 9, 2021
    An album that moved an entire genre of music many people found hollow and frivolous into an authentic, endlessly expanding artistic vision.
  19. Nov 24, 2021
    it hasn't aged a day!
    you know how the main issue with EDM is aging so poorly after 2 years or so? well, worlds is having none of that. In fact, it's at times better when you realize it came out 5 years ago. Porter Robinson is a true visionary. There's so much magic contained in the gritty sounds layered on ethereal vocals, coupled with strange story concepts that are fully realized in the
    it hasn't aged a day!
    you know how the main issue with EDM is aging so poorly after 2 years or so? well, worlds is having none of that. In fact, it's at times better when you realize it came out 5 years ago. Porter Robinson is a true visionary. There's so much magic contained in the gritty sounds layered on ethereal vocals, coupled with strange story concepts that are fully realized in the magistral outro. There's little to lose if you venture in Worlds. At worst, you couldn't vibe with the production or found it at times exacerbating or repetitive. And that's okay. It's okay to say goodbye to worlds without witnessing divinity incarnate. At the end of the day, it's an EDM album with a lot of emotion put into it, and atemporal production that I hope stays crisp for the next decade.
  20. Dec 6, 2014
    Amazing but misunderstood album. Porter Robinson has gotten tired of producing tracks that are guaranteed to be hits and make money, and has refined his talents into 11 beautiful "unconventional" electronic tracks. The album is somewhat of an homage to Japanese culture and robots and loneliness. It's brilliant and you have to listen to it.
  21. Nov 14, 2014
    One of the very best albums of 2014.
    Track Reviews:

    Sad Machine-10/10
    Years Of War-9/10
    Fresh Static Snow-9/10
    Polygon Dust-8/10
    Hear The Bells-6.5/10 (Weakest Track)
    Natural Light-8/10
    Sea Of Voices-9/10
    Fellow Feeling-10/10 (Best track on the album)
    Goodbye To A World-10/10 (Second Best)
  22. Nov 2, 2018
    One of the most memorable and iconic electronic albums of all time. At first listen the album didnt seem great but as I listened to it more it became one of my favourite albums ever. Favourites include Divinity, Sad Machine, Fellow Feeling, Hear The Bells, Flicker and Fresh Static Snow. The only song I didn't like was Natural Light.
  23. Sep 1, 2018
    A unique sound and an albums-full of dream-like experiences creates a near masterpiece.
  24. Dec 18, 2018
    Let me get one thing straight: Worlds Isn't for everyone. If you have heard bad things about this album, throw all your expectations out the window. If you have heard Good things about this album, throw all your expectations out the window. Simple. It has a sound that sounds like nothing else before or after it. And its not something i can describe with words. You have to listen and decideLet me get one thing straight: Worlds Isn't for everyone. If you have heard bad things about this album, throw all your expectations out the window. If you have heard Good things about this album, throw all your expectations out the window. Simple. It has a sound that sounds like nothing else before or after it. And its not something i can describe with words. You have to listen and decide for yourself if its good or not. To be Honest, i thought this album was boring at first. But i gave it a second chance a few months later. Then the next day, then the next, and now its one of my favorite albums. Porter uses distortion in the right way and about throughout this album. Critics may say this album sound ugly, repetitive, and Unpolished. But it doesn't sound ugly, just different. and repetitive??????? Yeah it is, but how many boring uninspired albums did you give raving reviews on that sound more repetitive and boring then this? Yeah. This album's element you call "unpolished" is actually itls polish. This album isn't Traditional EDM, its Porter Robinson. Expand
  25. Mar 20, 2019
    esse album é muito lindo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  26. Aug 12, 2019
    As the 5 year anniversary is today, I find it appropriate to take a retroactive look at the album, both in its effect of the cultural landscape and on myself.
    One does have to admit that the album isn't exactly original from its days of conception, but has certainly become a continuing powerhouse and influencer of the synthpop scene, and the EDM scene as a whole. Many artists of today
    As the 5 year anniversary is today, I find it appropriate to take a retroactive look at the album, both in its effect of the cultural landscape and on myself.
    One does have to admit that the album isn't exactly original from its days of conception, but has certainly become a continuing powerhouse and influencer of the synthpop scene, and the EDM scene as a whole. Many artists of today attribute Worlds as a source of inspiration, and a many heartfelt and emotive stories have unfolded to the many themes of Worlds, mainly Goodbye to a World becoming somewhat of a icon and musical meme. The ethereal and immersive synths of Worlds intertwined with Japanese nerd culture reach out to create a connection with many, whether they find that connection through the sounds or emotion conveyed through each song. Many call Worlds one of the greatest albums of all time, and while it certainly feels like it could be, Worlds falls into more of a category along with Madeon's Adventure Deluxe or ODESZA's A Moment Apart-- Worlds is something better experienced for the self than to make ripples in the scene. It is, for a majority of people, a very closely personal interpretation of the music, something that can't be replicated for a mass. While truly mainstream acts may not change from the bass and saw filled bangers, Worlds finds its place in the hearts of the people, not the world.
    For me, this album represents everything from nostalgia, to loss, to elation. Each track creates an atmosphere to guide the listener into a world of their own, to let them imagine and create a rich scenery to the sound. It is hard to call it dance music-- it seems much more fitting to vibe out and feel it inside than dance your heart out. I would not call it the best album and would not recommend it for a certain feeling I get. What you hear from this album is entirely up to you. What experiences are evoked by Porter's sounds are solely your own, and thus I can only rate the album so highly based on its proficiency in evoking such emotions. To understand what I mean, please listen to it yourself and make your own judgement.
  27. Jun 3, 2020
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. Worlds is an album featuring heavily the themes of death, rebirth, loneliness. It has a dreamy and spaced out aesthetic with soaring saw synths layered with head bopping drums, boat loads of side chain and video game/chiptune blips dotted about. Many quirky synth base lines and samples, notably of anime. This album is influential and the ambience invites plenty of self-reflection. What a wonderful work from Porter Robinson. Expand
  28. Aug 13, 2021
    I have nothing to say except for this album is phenomenal. Each track stands out. Such a shame that it's so misunderstood by most critics.
  29. Jun 21, 2022
    Worlds isn’t Porter’s best album. It’s still pretty incredible though. A damn good collection of EDM paired with some of the best use of vocaloids of all time and beautiful arrangements. Every song is great and quite possibly some of the best electronic dance music songs of all time.

    Divinity: 10/10 Sad Machine: 10/10 Years Of War: 10/10 Flicker: 8/10 Fresh Static Snow: 8/10 Polygon Dust:
    Worlds isn’t Porter’s best album. It’s still pretty incredible though. A damn good collection of EDM paired with some of the best use of vocaloids of all time and beautiful arrangements. Every song is great and quite possibly some of the best electronic dance music songs of all time.

    Divinity: 10/10
    Sad Machine: 10/10
    Years Of War: 10/10
    Flicker: 8/10
    Fresh Static Snow: 8/10
    Polygon Dust: 10/10
    Hear The Bells: 8/10
    Natural Light: 8/10 *LEAST GOOD SONG*
    Lionhearted: 10/10
    Sea Of Voices: 10/10 *SECOND BEST SONG*
    Fellow Feeling: 10/10
    Goodbye To A World: 10/10 *BEST SONG*
  30. May 12, 2016
    Perhaps 8.5 would be a more accurate rating for me.

    A fantastic album. The Japanese culture indoctrinated into the album along with the vocal chopping, distorted transitions and typical over-compressed synths add to Porter's distinct sound. The replay value in the album is good, and my favourite song is 'Sea Of Voices'. Other great songs include Years Of War which has an interesting
    Perhaps 8.5 would be a more accurate rating for me.

    A fantastic album. The Japanese culture indoctrinated into the album along with the vocal chopping, distorted transitions and typical over-compressed synths add to Porter's distinct sound. The replay value in the album is good, and my favourite song is 'Sea Of Voices'. Other great songs include Years Of War which has an interesting structure, Sad Machine and Flicker.

    My only criticism is that sometimes the tracks blend a bit too much. This is definitely a beautiful album, but I would have liked maybe one or two more songs that were beefier and not as melodically rich. Unfortunately the songs that don't melodically entice me as much as the above possibly become tracks to skip after you listen to them so many times.

    Other than that, an album that definitely delivers as both a producer and listener. Well done Porter!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 8 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 8
  2. Negative: 0 out of 8
  1. Q Magazine
    Aug 28, 2014
    He clearly has difference aspirations to many of his contemporaries, but on this evidence hasn't completely freed himself o f their influence. [Sep 2014, p.112]
  2. Aug 15, 2014
    The world that Worlds conjures is fantastical and defiantly cheery.
  3. Uncut
    Aug 11, 2014
    [Robinson] has certainly indulged his preference here, mixing M83-style synth-pop with Daft Punk/Justice bangers and adding assorted nu-rave and EDM tropes, to end up with not much to call his own. [Sep 2014, p.76]