
Generally favorable reviews - based on 13 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 13
  2. Negative: 0 out of 13
  1. Jun 27, 2014
    Playful and melodic, Clash suggests that you take this on a Norfolk country ramble ASAP.
  2. Jun 30, 2014
    The album’s periods of gestation and decomposition so outweigh its moment of flowering that a full listen is much more a chore than a pleasure.
  3. Q Magazine
    Jun 20, 2014
    This is a deeply trippy record. [Jul 2014, p.100]
  4. Jul 1, 2014
    There’s densely polyrhythmic music of texture and tone, frequently pierced with fragments of melody and hymnal chords emerging like shafts of sunlight through the trees, rewarding listeners willing to concentrate with moments of cerebral rapture.
  5. Jun 20, 2014
    Wysing Forest has a time and a place but unfortunately falls short of the mark that was set by Abbott's previous memorable output and the work of his peers.
  6. Jun 23, 2014
    The rest of Wysing Forest rewards patient exploration, but nothing else quite matches Amphis for effect.

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