• Record Label: Atlantic
  • Release Date: Jun 23, 2014
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 381 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 62 out of 381
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  1. Nov 19, 2021
    Good production, but the lyrics and vocal to mediocre. There are several good songs in this album, but the other track it's just a regular goods track.
  2. Feb 14, 2020
    Ed Sheeran has everything to prove in his artist what he should be and presents on his tour, but he fails once again. The album is good, but we know that this may sound and be much better cohesive, which leaves the question of: live is good but its studio version sounds something bad. Needs to be better channeled.
  3. Jul 28, 2019
    The album is well paced with a handful of good tracks, plus some of the decade's classic ballads like Thinking Out Loud. I wouldn't consider this thing anything special, but it avoids any massive pitfalls that plague most pop records with a few terrific tracks to boot.
  4. Jul 6, 2018
    For a pop album, X is really well done. Almost all of the songs are catchy and have some deep lyrics. "Don't" and "Sing" are special, but they are the only upbeat songs of the album. Most of the other songs are slow, sad love songs and sound very similar to each other. Still, there is great passion in Sheeran's voice, and this album is okay.
  5. Jan 12, 2015
    I liked this album slightly better than +. It has some nice moments and is a lot more consistent than most albums, but I feel like there's something lacking. I think Ed definitely has his sweet voice and sing-songy rap going for him, but other than that, the music is often generic. His lyrics are cutesy and sometimes smart, but over the course of an album he comes across as self-pityingI liked this album slightly better than +. It has some nice moments and is a lot more consistent than most albums, but I feel like there's something lacking. I think Ed definitely has his sweet voice and sing-songy rap going for him, but other than that, the music is often generic. His lyrics are cutesy and sometimes smart, but over the course of an album he comes across as self-pitying and unsexy. Still a pretty good effort though. Expand
  6. Jul 23, 2014
    This is a great album. Singer/songwriter Ed Sheeran is back with his second full-length album "X," which had 2 amazing singles, Sing and Don't. Pharrell and Rick Rubin laid their hands on the album, which made it better. X really isn't anything special after you here "Sing," "Don't," and "Afire Love." It is just regular good all tracks after this, which really disappointed me. I thought heThis is a great album. Singer/songwriter Ed Sheeran is back with his second full-length album "X," which had 2 amazing singles, Sing and Don't. Pharrell and Rick Rubin laid their hands on the album, which made it better. X really isn't anything special after you here "Sing," "Don't," and "Afire Love." It is just regular good all tracks after this, which really disappointed me. I thought he could do another + and make 2 amazing albums, but this just didn't cut it for me. Expand
  7. Jun 27, 2014
    "X" was meant to be the album where Ed finally proved his doubters wrong, but sadly he fails to. Let's not be too hasty, he has released a relatively strong album that many would be proud of, the issue is that we know he is capable of so much more. However, like his début, once again it is a case of less would be more. The songs themselves sound like they will be very good to hear live"X" was meant to be the album where Ed finally proved his doubters wrong, but sadly he fails to. Let's not be too hasty, he has released a relatively strong album that many would be proud of, the issue is that we know he is capable of so much more. However, like his début, once again it is a case of less would be more. The songs themselves sound like they will be very good to hear live once he has stripped them back to just himself which just leaves the question, why doesn't he record them a bit closer to the live version? The talent is obvious but as long as he allows his albums to venture away from his selling point it seems that he will always underwhelm to some extent. However, lyrically he has vastly improved in my opinion, where the more forgettable tracks of "+" lacked in the substance of the stand out tracks, it is very much strong across the board this time. (I won't put any in to prevent spoiling for first time listeners!)

    So basically, he has put out a good album which for most we would probably be impressed with, but this is Ed Sheeran, a man of enormous talent if only it could be channelled better.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 20
  2. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. Jul 28, 2014
    The album is good that’s for sure; Sheeran is too talented to deliver a sub par album. It suffers in terms of consistency.
  2. Charmless kiss-offs (“Don’t”) and sappy sentiments (“People Fall in Love in Mysterious Ways”) dominate otherwise, landing with the thud of the authentically uninspiring.
  3. Jul 1, 2014
    X is a vapid and overly confident album that feels more like regression than progression for Ed Sheeran's indie folk sound.