• Record Label: Capitol
  • Release Date: Jun 7, 2005
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 711 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Negative: 62 out of 711

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  1. ScottY
    Jul 9, 2005
    This may be their best effort yet. While I can't hear any stadium-sized rockers on this album, there's real beauty in some of the songs. The album reaches a real peak in the middle with the songs Fix You, Talk, X&Y, and Speed of Sound. What really differentiates this album from their previous efforts is their willingness to put the guitar front-and-center with this album as This may be their best effort yet. While I can't hear any stadium-sized rockers on this album, there's real beauty in some of the songs. The album reaches a real peak in the middle with the songs Fix You, Talk, X&Y, and Speed of Sound. What really differentiates this album from their previous efforts is their willingness to put the guitar front-and-center with this album as opposed to the piano. It's just enough to keep Coldplay from sounding derivative of themselves. Expand
  2. JacekA.
    Sep 7, 2007
    This is first really alternative music coldplay's album , its an superb ambitious experiment ,first real contact of romantic lyricks and cold, calculated rock-electronic music which rings In Your ears for a long long time after You listen to this for the first time.Moving stuff!
  3. DaveH
    Jun 12, 2005
    Good all-rounder.
  4. SimonN
    Jun 14, 2005
    Whilst not perfect, X&Y is a real grower, exactly as A Rush Of Blood To The Head was. There's nothing approaching the depth of "The Scientist" nor the sheer compassion and heart of "Shiver" or "Yellow", but songs like "Square One", "What If" and "White Shadows" absolutely sparkle with emotion and musical beauty. With the exception of "Fix You", which is jaw-droppingly awful, there Whilst not perfect, X&Y is a real grower, exactly as A Rush Of Blood To The Head was. There's nothing approaching the depth of "The Scientist" nor the sheer compassion and heart of "Shiver" or "Yellow", but songs like "Square One", "What If" and "White Shadows" absolutely sparkle with emotion and musical beauty. With the exception of "Fix You", which is jaw-droppingly awful, there are some real gems spread throughout (check those already mentioned, as well as "Speed of Sound", "A Message" and "Low"), and it is silly to dimiss the album as a grab for mainstream success or merely an album that U2 never made. It will age well and will be one of the best albums of 2005. Expand
  5. PhilippeM
    Jun 15, 2005
    I think this album is better than the previous one. Critics are being too tough saying it's the exact same formula. It's not really. You can feel a change there and it's very welcome. Some songs are among their best. I'm thinking : Fix you, Talk, X&Y. A great coldplay CD, a good rock cd, a great pop cd.
  6. JonH
    Jun 21, 2005
    I could accept criticism of this album like, "I just don't get it," or "it's not listenable." But I don't understand how people criticize X&Y for being a sellout album or overly pop. This is BY FAR the least pop album Coldplay has ever put out. So if you're a person who just can't get into music that won't make the top 40 then that's fine, this album is I could accept criticism of this album like, "I just don't get it," or "it's not listenable." But I don't understand how people criticize X&Y for being a sellout album or overly pop. This is BY FAR the least pop album Coldplay has ever put out. So if you're a person who just can't get into music that won't make the top 40 then that's fine, this album is not for you. These songs are devoid of the instant catchiness of "Yellow" or "In My place." Why? Because the songwriting and the production is much more complex than in the past. But if you give the album a few listens you will find that Chris Martin's uncanny and original sense of melody pervades, along with a much more assertive use of lead guitars, giving the album a sprawling U2-epic feel. The songs are slow but the guitar rhythm is fast so the songs have a perpetual motion to them that keeps things interesting. Listen more carefully! There is A LOT there. Expand
  7. StephenP
    Jun 7, 2005
    I've always thought Parachutes was the better of two albums, and now I thinkits the better of three albums. Its an excellent disc but no song on there sticks in my head like Sparks or Clocks
  8. angela
    Jun 8, 2005
    im a huge fan of coldplay and i will have to say that my heart still belongs to a rush of blood... some of the songs on that album were the ones that bound me to this band and so its hard to really listen to x&y without comparing some of the songs to those of the two previous albums espically AROBTTH... i also think the lyrics werent not as well written but some of the songs on x&y are im a huge fan of coldplay and i will have to say that my heart still belongs to a rush of blood... some of the songs on that album were the ones that bound me to this band and so its hard to really listen to x&y without comparing some of the songs to those of the two previous albums espically AROBTTH... i also think the lyrics werent not as well written but some of the songs on x&y are absolutely incredible - some of my faves are fix you, what if, square one and although swollowed in the sea is bland i still find it very nice..coldplay was definitely under a lot of pressureand was expected to fulfill all expectations from fans and critics alike.. but whats important i think is that they put heart into these songs and if you listen to them they really come to life Expand
  9. BakeM
    Jun 8, 2005
    On the very first listen, I thought this whole album was crap. Uninspired songs that reached for past greatness but failed miserably. After the 3rd or 4th listen, you relaize the intent and purpose of this album..to subconsciously bludgeon you with hooks and melodies and lyrical trite and imagery so catchy... that you cannot help but revel in its triumphantness! Serioulsly, the ends of On the very first listen, I thought this whole album was crap. Uninspired songs that reached for past greatness but failed miserably. After the 3rd or 4th listen, you relaize the intent and purpose of this album..to subconsciously bludgeon you with hooks and melodies and lyrical trite and imagery so catchy... that you cannot help but revel in its triumphantness! Serioulsly, the ends of White Shadows and Fix You may be some of the most over the top, wishy washy heartfelt crap ever spewed, but damn are they amazing moments! I still think tracks 9-12 are album filler, but this is a very solid album...not ROBTTH great, but nothing to be ashamed of. I guess you can say I agree with what the NY Times critic said, but I love this band so I don't mind being so melodically played. Expand
  10. PeterG
    Jul 19, 2005
    It,s safe,no arguing ther, still very good. Chris Martin still got it. This one will be played for a long time to come.
  11. BenjaminW.B.
    Jul 21, 2005
    Coldplay can still create good music, make a homogenous record and write lyrics with the same glorious, Buckley-esque sentimental drunkenness, but it doesn't stop where ROBTTH knew it had to. Some things are taken one step to far (an example: 'Fix You' does not carry on the legacy of 'The Scientist', it's just too pseudo-emotional), and for the first time I Coldplay can still create good music, make a homogenous record and write lyrics with the same glorious, Buckley-esque sentimental drunkenness, but it doesn't stop where ROBTTH knew it had to. Some things are taken one step to far (an example: 'Fix You' does not carry on the legacy of 'The Scientist', it's just too pseudo-emotional), and for the first time I see myself questioning some of the production. All in all, many songs seem to follow a formula, less seem based on the intuition of the band members. This is Coldplay trying to live up to grandeur - which never works, just ask U2. Not quite as easy to listen to, and lacks outstanding tracks, in particular the opening an closing tracks, which are no match for 'Panic'/'Everything's Not Lost' and 'Politik'/'Amsterdam' Expand
  12. FloydC
    Aug 17, 2005
    Very good chord progressions that rival the Beatles. The sound is not bland and the CD begs for me to play it again. Great lyrics and sound. Good love songs. What can I say!
  13. BooYah
    Jan 12, 2006
    I'm taking off a point for the generally un-noteworthy lyrics, and a point for a couple of lackluster songs near the end of the album. Otherwise, I think this album has that vibe I remember from Parachutes. The songs are evocative and the instrumentation makes them sound familiar and new all at once. Highly recommended. Just a note to those of you who think this album is derivative: I'm taking off a point for the generally un-noteworthy lyrics, and a point for a couple of lackluster songs near the end of the album. Otherwise, I think this album has that vibe I remember from Parachutes. The songs are evocative and the instrumentation makes them sound familiar and new all at once. Highly recommended. Just a note to those of you who think this album is derivative: Everything is! Stop ruining a perfectly good listening experience with your unreasonable expectations. Oh, and YOU try writing an album this consistent. Good luck with that, Superstar... Expand
  14. AlejandroS
    Jan 17, 2006
    There are many great songs in this album, and I don't mind the "progression" with all those weird sounds but let's face it an romantic Radiohead will NEVER work, from X1 to Y6 it's a masterpiece but after that... the equation doesn't make the cut
  15. JasperB
    Nov 13, 2005
    The thing that hurts it is that it's worse than Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head.
  16. TroyP
    Jun 11, 2005
    Damn fine record. Not their Joshua Tree, but it could be their Unforgetable Fire. Many outstnading tracks: Talk, Low, Speed of Sound, White Shadows. Martin should stay away from extended falsetto, but all in all, a fine outing.
  17. Julian
    Jun 15, 2005
    Like Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head, this album is front loaded with some amazing stuff. Then, just like their previous efforts, the recede into some pretty mediocre stuff. Despite this pattern, the front of this album is so amazing that everyone who liked Parachutes or Rush of Blood should pick it up. The best tracks are Talk (simply amazing stuff), What If, and White Shadows.
  18. Amanda
    Jun 17, 2005
    My sister is crazy about this bands music. But who isn't, right. I think it they are ok.
  19. MarianoD
    Jun 17, 2005
    Coldplay has done again a remarkable job. For those who do not like this album, I must tell you that this is not easy listening music. You have to hear the songs many times to start finding the appropiate sour to the songs. Follow my advice, hear many times, find the sour and you will see this album is going to be amazing to your ears. Enjoy!
  20. JaysonJ
    Jun 29, 2005
    Ostensibly, X&Y is a triumph. Every second sounds sublimely good, but sometimes that alone cannot merit greatness. The album lacks the poeticism that "Don't Panic" and "Yellow" lent to Parachutes and the Instrumental glory found in A Rush's "Clocks" and "In My Place." Martin's lyrics are unforgivably stilted. How could the line "The tears come streaming down your face" be Ostensibly, X&Y is a triumph. Every second sounds sublimely good, but sometimes that alone cannot merit greatness. The album lacks the poeticism that "Don't Panic" and "Yellow" lent to Parachutes and the Instrumental glory found in A Rush's "Clocks" and "In My Place." Martin's lyrics are unforgivably stilted. How could the line "The tears come streaming down your face" be written by the same man who wrote "I was just guessing in numbers and figures." Then again, why can't I stop listening to it? I guess the real tragedy is in how good it could have been. Twisted Logic is the CD's best. Expand
  21. JonW
    Jul 24, 2005
    Overall good album with many good songs that martin some makes sound different and each in their own way enjoyable. Although it did take some time i was pleased with the album
  22. Oct 10, 2010
    It isnt as powerful and dark as the second album....and its just full of decent ballads. i feel the loss of some heavier tracks . but their change of style in each album is admirable and there is steel some memorable tracks (like fix you , twisted logic,low & square one) but it seems to me that some tracks are something between chris and his wife and theyre not for the listeners...!!!It isnt as powerful and dark as the second album....and its just full of decent ballads. i feel the loss of some heavier tracks . but their change of style in each album is admirable and there is steel some memorable tracks (like fix you , twisted logic,low & square one) but it seems to me that some tracks are something between chris and his wife and theyre not for the listeners...!!! third album of a good band is always so important...it can make them legendary (the examples are Radiohead, muse, The White Stripes &......) or it can make them just a good band which have many fans. I think X&Y was a good album which made Coldplay more popular than more respectable. Expand
  23. Oct 28, 2011
    This album is not quite on the same level as Rush Of Blood To The Head because of the lack of lyrical strength and similar sounding songs, but there are some good songs on this album, as always, like "Fix You", "The Hardest Part" and "Speed of Sound".
  24. Sep 29, 2019
    After critical and commercial success with their first two albums, this was the difficult third album for Coldplay. Expectations were very high from everyone and EMI were banking on it to save their year in 2005. The band delayed the release of it several times but were under pressure to get it out. It shows, much like U2's (underrated) POP album, a few more months working on it couldAfter critical and commercial success with their first two albums, this was the difficult third album for Coldplay. Expectations were very high from everyone and EMI were banking on it to save their year in 2005. The band delayed the release of it several times but were under pressure to get it out. It shows, much like U2's (underrated) POP album, a few more months working on it could have turned this into a classic. Don't get me wrong, "X & Y" is very good and has some of the best songs the band have produced on it, but it's quite probably two tracks too long and at times the songs are produced to such an extent that their innate magic is diluted. **Update** I still listen to this 14 years or so after its initial release and it has some of my favourite Coldplay tracks, especially on the second half. The view that this was a missed opportunity to produce a classic still stands. Expand
  25. Dec 16, 2012
    Grabbed me from the very start with it's meaningful lyrics and more upbeat songs. Twisted Logic sounded awful but that's about it. A great album by Coldplay which should appeal to every fan.
  26. Aug 4, 2014
    The sounds to this album can make you feel like you're billions of kilometers into empty space, the opposite of what this bloated album is. It's unnecessarily long, but captivating and emotionally resonant. Lyrics are still... problematic, and they don't do a Viva La Vida to cliche. It's not easy to ignore "ignite your bones".
  27. Jun 5, 2016
    Really good album. It's so experimental and emotional. This made me like Coldplay even more. "Fix You" is probably the best song because I liked it since I was a little kid.
  28. Nov 6, 2019
    Álbum da turnê de 2007, quando a banda veio ao Brasil pela segunda vez. Foi o primeiro grande show que eu fui na minha vida. Tinha apenas 17 anos, e tudo aquilo era novo para mim. Um grande espetáculo e X&Y foi o último grande álbum do Coldplay que me emocionou.
  29. AngelSound
    Jun 10, 2005
    I agree 100 percent with arnab m. This is not their best album. I do like it but the past two were strong, memorable, and ground breaking. x&y has a strong start but flatlined at the end. Its a bit of a downer in a way. Read the lyrics! Theres no dought in my mind that Chris Martin has major talent but where were they during the last couple of years. It would seem that they themselves I agree 100 percent with arnab m. This is not their best album. I do like it but the past two were strong, memorable, and ground breaking. x&y has a strong start but flatlined at the end. Its a bit of a downer in a way. Read the lyrics! Theres no dought in my mind that Chris Martin has major talent but where were they during the last couple of years. It would seem that they themselves have taken to heart many global issues which makes for a depressing and sorrow filled ending. They could have taken a different direction. Nevertheless it was a good album, not the best. They definitely could do better. Expand
  30. cristianP
    Jun 8, 2005
    todavia no se si comprarlo o no. me lo baje y lo escucho seguido.. pero......ABURRE UN POCO!!

Generally favorable reviews - based on 33 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 33
  2. Negative: 1 out of 33
  1. Blender
    [Coldplay] have made their masterpiece. [Jun 2005, p.112]
  2. Confident, bold, ambitious, bunged with singles and impossible to contain, ‘X&Y’ doesn’t reinvent the wheel but it does reinforce Coldplay as the band of their time.
  3. They have chosen to opt for the standard formula: it's elegiac, mid-tempo, stadium-friendly ballads all the way.