• Record Label: Def Jam
  • Release Date: Jun 18, 2013
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Generally favorable reviews- based on 2196 Ratings

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  1. Jun 19, 2013
    Another classic from Kanye West. It's natural that some people don't like it; he's pushing the boundaries of hip-hop. You'll thank him in 10 years. An excellent album.
  2. Jun 19, 2013
    Overall, I found this to be a rewarding and enjoyable album, however, it does has have some issues that need to be adressed. First off, Kanye's lyrics feel lazy and contain some bad punch lines on the majority of the tracks. Second I felt that some of the collaborations didn't add too much to the album, for example, I feel like Frank Ocean's feature on New Slaves feels phoned in, ChiefOverall, I found this to be a rewarding and enjoyable album, however, it does has have some issues that need to be adressed. First off, Kanye's lyrics feel lazy and contain some bad punch lines on the majority of the tracks. Second I felt that some of the collaborations didn't add too much to the album, for example, I feel like Frank Ocean's feature on New Slaves feels phoned in, Chief Keef singing with auto tune on Can't Hold My Liqour isn't pleasant, and Kid Kudi's singing feature on Guilt Trip didn't really bring much to the track. Although this is not one of Kanye's best lyrical works, the album is augmented by some dark industrial/electronic flavored production, similar to the vein of underground acts, most notably Death Grips. The harsher, more abrasive, and minimalist production gives the album some nice dark overtones, and are strong pumping beats. I really enjoy the driving beats on the opening track, Black Skinhead, and I am a God. Another production highlight on this album is Blood On The Leaves which features a great sample of Nina Simone singing strange fruit. Additionally, the closing track has a more soulful vibe to it, which provides nice contrast. The atmosphere of the album is great, the tracks fit together well and its great to see Kanye try to use some new influences, because he could easily be making great music in his old style. I also was impressed with his social commentary on New Slaves.The best tracks on this album were Black Skin Head, New Slaves and Blood on the Leaves. I'd say my least favorite is I'm in it. This album would have been better if Kanye had written better lyrics and put more time into it to refine it more. He was going somewhere great with this, however he ruined some of the vibe with too many trashy punch lines(although some of it is forgivable taking into account that the album's name is Yeezus and Kanye's ego is a part of his music). I really did enjoy this album, I would like to give it a higher score but the issues are gonna bring it down a bit. I would highly recommend checking out Death Grips who have even more gritty production and have horrifyingly disgusting lyrics. Expand
  3. Jun 19, 2013
    It is hard to follow up what is arguably one of the greatest hip-hop albums of all time. Kayne gave it is best go with Yeezus. A lot of variation in ratings shows the high expectation of Yeezus, and it probably fell short of what I expected, but was still a very high quality album.
  4. Jun 19, 2013
    I wouldn't say its better than Yeezy's last solo effort, but it comes pretty damn close. Yeezy tries something new with the dub-step beat behind On Sight. Excellent start. Hold My Liquor is halfway through the album's disappointing 10 tracks, and its straight amazing. The album ends with Bound 42 which everybody drooled over because it was sort of a throwback to College Dropout. This isn'tI wouldn't say its better than Yeezy's last solo effort, but it comes pretty damn close. Yeezy tries something new with the dub-step beat behind On Sight. Excellent start. Hold My Liquor is halfway through the album's disappointing 10 tracks, and its straight amazing. The album ends with Bound 42 which everybody drooled over because it was sort of a throwback to College Dropout. This isn't hip-hop, nor is this a rap album. Kanye changed up his style again and was very successful.... again. Of course people aren't going to like this album because its not stupid trap beats & raps. Its straight up MUSIC. NO GENRE. JUST ART IN ONE ALBUM. You hate this album? Get out of here. Your opinion is stupid. You're entitled to it, but its stupid because you're writing Kanye off because he's not hip-hop. Expand
  5. Jun 19, 2013
    I can see why people don't like this album...its very different. But Kanye is Kanye and he always does something different..I think this album will grow much more on the people who don't like it if they just take it for what it is. Great album imo.
  6. Jun 19, 2013
    "How much do I not give a f*ck?" Mr. West asks in On Sight, the first track of Yeezus. The answer is clear. The question is quickly followed with a familiar College Dropout sample sounding tune that goes on to say "He'll give us what we need It may not be what we want." Which, is the perfect way to describe what this album is. Not something we want(old Kanye), but something we need(New Kanye).
  7. Jun 19, 2013
    This album is amazing except for the first song, which starts the entire ordeal on a sour note. However, by the time "Hold my liquor" is reached, the album has reached it's epitome, and ending the album on "Bound 2" was hands down an excellent choice. Perfect.
  8. Jun 19, 2013
    I am tempted to rate this album higher, but it does tail off towards the end. The first few songs are simply magnificent. If Kanye had kept the quality of the first few songs for the entire ten, this would be a hip-hop masterpiece. Is it MDBTF? No, but it is something different and enjoyable.

    For anyone pining for the eighteen track albums of old, keep in mind you're getting about
    I am tempted to rate this album higher, but it does tail off towards the end. The first few songs are simply magnificent. If Kanye had kept the quality of the first few songs for the entire ten, this would be a hip-hop masterpiece. Is it MDBTF? No, but it is something different and enjoyable.

    For anyone pining for the eighteen track albums of old, keep in mind you're getting about four lower quality tracks and about four interludes as part of that eighteen. Ten is about right, IMO. See Nas' Illmatic for examples of this.
  9. Jun 19, 2013
    Really Good Album sounds total different from his past albums and you will have to listen a couple of times but this album is dope lyrically/production wise on point its a masterpiece
  10. Jun 19, 2013
    This album is nothing short of a masterpiece, i still prefer MBDTF but this is grabbing at it's heals. Kanye west is a genius and if you doubt that then you clearly need to go listen to your trashy beats with no lyrics.
  11. Jun 19, 2013
    After the first listen I wanted to immediately play it again, and then again after the second listen, and so on. I can't honestly say that about any other hip hop album that has dropped in a while. Musically it's great, and anybody who understands MUSIC would agree. Lyrically, it's tongue & cheek but that's always been Kanye, no reason for him to change that up now. Whether or not thisAfter the first listen I wanted to immediately play it again, and then again after the second listen, and so on. I can't honestly say that about any other hip hop album that has dropped in a while. Musically it's great, and anybody who understands MUSIC would agree. Lyrically, it's tongue & cheek but that's always been Kanye, no reason for him to change that up now. Whether or not this entertains you is where opinions come in, but how the music is composed is great. I feel that most of the bad ratings come from a biased mind, who judge Kanye personally & music talent on their own definition and not the actual meaning. Expand
  12. gsc
    Jun 19, 2013
    This album with it's fearless egotistical lyrics, dark themes, and hard inventive beats is Kanye's best album yet. This is an album more complex and more complete than anything the artist has done before. All the songs flow into each other and all but one "bound 2" would feel out of place on any other Kanye album. This is an album that requires more than one listen to truly appreciate. TheThis album with it's fearless egotistical lyrics, dark themes, and hard inventive beats is Kanye's best album yet. This is an album more complex and more complete than anything the artist has done before. All the songs flow into each other and all but one "bound 2" would feel out of place on any other Kanye album. This is an album that requires more than one listen to truly appreciate. The first time you listen to it you're left dumbfounded and do not know what to make of the strangeness you have just heard. But upon a second listen you realize this is the birth of a new darker Kanye. The egotism of this album would be unforgivable if this album was not as good as it is, but it is. Yeezus is the dark twisted masterpiece of a mad genius. Expand
  13. Jun 19, 2013
    Yeezy has done it again and like all his previous albums its something totally different than the others.... The music production is exceptional his lyrics darker than ever. Kanye West always pours his heart and effort into each album and this was no exception and in this one Kanye is at his best creativity efforts lyrical, musical and promotion wise. This album although is a great pieceYeezy has done it again and like all his previous albums its something totally different than the others.... The music production is exceptional his lyrics darker than ever. Kanye West always pours his heart and effort into each album and this was no exception and in this one Kanye is at his best creativity efforts lyrical, musical and promotion wise. This album although is a great piece of work isnt as good as MBDTW but still a Kanye album is a Kanye album. I just dont get all the ignorant haters.... Expand
  14. Jun 19, 2013
    A powerfully strong and sweeping album, Yeezus breaks down barriers and cares little about the fallout. A great album full of sexual and religious imagery (most Kanye albums are). Production is fantastic with heavy-hitting synths and bass beats. A new song, a great sound. Yeezus demonstrates that Kanye is back on his feet (although he never even fell).
  15. Jun 19, 2013
    Is this album Yeezy’s best? Not quite. But is it unlike anything he has ever produced? Definitely. It’s eccentric, unnatural, and about as far away from the Kanye we all know and sometimes love, but Kanye proclaims himself as the Jesus of the game today, and if he keeps diving into new frontiers, then that shouldn’t change.
  16. Jun 19, 2013
    "I just talked to Jesus, he said what up Yeezus"."I said, s**t I'm chilling". This line of the third track "I Am God" gives you an idea what to expect for the rest of the album. This is probably Kanye's most intense album represented in tracks like "Black Skinhead" and "New Slaves" which are some of the records better songs. It feels like he sampled a little bit of his past works and"I just talked to Jesus, he said what up Yeezus"."I said, s**t I'm chilling". This line of the third track "I Am God" gives you an idea what to expect for the rest of the album. This is probably Kanye's most intense album represented in tracks like "Black Skinhead" and "New Slaves" which are some of the records better songs. It feels like he sampled a little bit of his past works and sprinkled it all over something different. On "Blood On The Leaves" and more so "Guilt Trip"it could have been strait off 808 and Heatbreak. But in strange way it still felt original and stayed true to the tone of the album. The last track "Bound 2" had the production of something similar to of what you would have seen on The College Dropout. It's the albums best song in my opinion because has its "old school" beat just to be changed to a synthesized sound in the middle of the track. As a whole project it felt a little incoherent, like he didn't know how he wanted his album to sound as a whole. It's also it's possible that was done on purpose just too have that distinctive sound that the album achieves. Theirs not any songs that I don't like, that's not to say that there aren't weaker songs. Tracks like "On Sight" and "Guilt Trip" come up a little short in comparison to the other ones. This is a nice addition to Kanye's discography, not as good as say MBDTF but its still a solid project. I find it strange that he only kept it to 10 tracks, reasons aside go ahead and buy the album. If you didn't like 808 and heartbreak you'll probably find some songs hard to listen to. Regardless Kanye did a good job on this one.

  17. Jun 18, 2013
    Kanye's lyrics are both as lazy and as clever as ever, but the production is incredible. Occasionally repetitive flow, but Kanye's album gives me the same feeling as listening to "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy". Great album, and a new take and sound to his music.
  18. Jun 18, 2013
    Kanye West must of lost something in the last 3 years but still manages to deliver a kick-ass album. Kanye West is definitely one of the more outspoken and lyrically talented rappers of this day and age, but i don't think this album is as World changing the "God" wanted. I mean this is expected, personally, i think it would be extremely hard to compete with his previous effort "MyKanye West must of lost something in the last 3 years but still manages to deliver a kick-ass album. Kanye West is definitely one of the more outspoken and lyrically talented rappers of this day and age, but i don't think this album is as World changing the "God" wanted. I mean this is expected, personally, i think it would be extremely hard to compete with his previous effort "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" but Kanye still knows how to deliver and hasn't lost his touch completely. What i do love about this album is i feel that Ye has connected back into his roots of The College Dropout while still using his overproduced beats that critics have fell in love with. Now, Yeezy is actually bringing back some rap and doing a good job mixing the two together. I hope for more efforts like this for the future ofr raps "God". Expand
  19. Jun 18, 2013
    People need to listen. Listen. You will not like it, You will LOVE IT. It changes everything. Give it a second, third and fourth listen. I bet you that you will love it. Evolution. Every time. Good Job Kanye WeST.
  20. Jun 18, 2013
    Kanye West doesn’t give the listener a second to realize the album is more a masterly response to a masterpiece than a masterpiece itself. With one sweep of the hand, West brushes away expectations
  21. Jun 18, 2013
    Kanye tries to do something different with each of his albums. His last solo album, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, is a masterpiece. I don't think he'd be able to create an album just as good as MBDTF just yet. However, Yeezus is definitely welcomed and a fresh listen. It's different, experimental, and wild. The production is phenomenal and the lyrics always have those hidden meaningsKanye tries to do something different with each of his albums. His last solo album, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, is a masterpiece. I don't think he'd be able to create an album just as good as MBDTF just yet. However, Yeezus is definitely welcomed and a fresh listen. It's different, experimental, and wild. The production is phenomenal and the lyrics always have those hidden meanings you gotta search for, just like any other Kanye album. The album starts off strong with colab productions between Kanye and Daft Punk. The final track, Bound 2, is an ode to his old style (College Dropout/Late Registration) with some new spice, and is a great ending to the total 40 minutes this album will give you.

    Of course, this album isn't for everyone. It's darker than anything he's put out before. My first listen, I didn't feel the album. But now, after listening to it much more, I can definitely saw this album is worthy of a 9. People who don't like this album are just scared of experimentation and change.
  22. Jun 18, 2013
    This album obviously isn't for the faint of heart, or those who enjoyed the vast orchestras of MBDTF. Kanye West takes a hard left in his music career to a minimalist-based but hard driven music style. This album is like 808's and Heartbreak meets Random Access Memories(Daft Punk) with a dash of Toxicity(System of a Down). Yeezus isn't for everyone, but if it is for you, it will
    This album obviously isn't for the faint of heart, or those who enjoyed the vast orchestras of MBDTF. Kanye West takes a hard left in his music career to a minimalist-based but hard driven music style. This album is like 808's and Heartbreak meets Random Access Memories(Daft Punk) with a dash of Toxicity(System of a Down). Yeezus isn't for everyone, but if it is for you, it will fulfill every single one of your music dreams.
    Track Ratings:
    On Site 7/10( Far too much energy, but respectable seeing where the album comes from), Black Skinhead 10/10, I am a God 9/10, New Slaves 10/10, Hold my Liquor 10/10(Potential Single), Im in it 9/10, Blood on the Leaves 10/10, Guilt Trip 9.5/10, Send it Up 10/10(Definite Dance Track), Bound 2 10/10(College Dropout 2 Anyone?)
  23. Jun 18, 2013
    Ok everyone, if you don't like Yeezus, it's either you have a hatred for Kanye, you didn't give it a chance, or you want another college dropout album. Personally I think that this album is great not only for the incredible amount of time Kanye puts in, and not for the unmistakable genius throughout the entire album. This album also proves that Kanye can make any style of music. he hadOk everyone, if you don't like Yeezus, it's either you have a hatred for Kanye, you didn't give it a chance, or you want another college dropout album. Personally I think that this album is great not only for the incredible amount of time Kanye puts in, and not for the unmistakable genius throughout the entire album. This album also proves that Kanye can make any style of music. he had gone from soul to pop to straight up rap to industrial. He has made a great album in every genre of rap. This album is an easy 10, especially when you consider the risk he took in creating a whole new style. He could have easily made another fantastic album like My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, but instead, he did his own thing and created my personal favorite album of all time. By the way, the purpose of that American Psycho video was to show that I am a god is not a song about how amazing Kanye is, it's about him going crazy and convincing himself that he is god. Expand
  24. Jun 18, 2013
    Can't say I like this guy personality or anything associated to him outside of music. Howvere, gotta admit, this is a good album. Quite a departure from past Kanye albums as has always been the case. His lyrics are not the tightest in comparision, but I love how this album pushes hip hop in another direction. A bit electronica at time but stripped down at other times. I don't like all theCan't say I like this guy personality or anything associated to him outside of music. Howvere, gotta admit, this is a good album. Quite a departure from past Kanye albums as has always been the case. His lyrics are not the tightest in comparision, but I love how this album pushes hip hop in another direction. A bit electronica at time but stripped down at other times. I don't like all the tracks but as usual, Kanye is polarizing. Expand
  25. Jun 18, 2013
    excellent album.
    just wanted to bump the user score up a bit.

    carry on.

    150 character limit hasn't been reached. I Am A God, hurry up with my damn massage.
  26. Jun 18, 2013
    Innovation in hip hop amazing album do not listen to the haters they are just late comers and are gonna love it in the end! this album changes everything you thought you knew hip hop it will blow your mind.
  27. Jun 18, 2013
    Yeezus fails at what My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy was fantastic. It hasn't a concrete atmosphere and it lacks innovation (as a hip-hop album). Punchlines are there but they are not really concentrated and cohesive. But I think this is maybe the most important thing when you are listening to this new Kanye's album. It is empty, unsettling, dark, aggressive and still mind-blowing. AndYeezus fails at what My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy was fantastic. It hasn't a concrete atmosphere and it lacks innovation (as a hip-hop album). Punchlines are there but they are not really concentrated and cohesive. But I think this is maybe the most important thing when you are listening to this new Kanye's album. It is empty, unsettling, dark, aggressive and still mind-blowing. And it gets better with every listen. Yeezus just rose again. Expand
  28. Jun 18, 2013
    Yeezus is the type of album you can listen to if your sad, happy, or angry. I was disappointed after the first listen, but after a couple more this album grows on you.
  29. Jun 18, 2013
    Hurry up with my damn croissants.
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :hah:
  30. Jun 18, 2013
    YEEZUS, is the album's name. Kanye feels like a God, and can do whatever the hell he wants, even if it's sacrificing some great lyricism heard on MBDTF for a lot of braggadocios, dick in your mouth, stupid punch lines. We've heard Kanye spit those kind of lines before, recently on Watch The Throne and Cruel Summer, so to me lyrically, this album feels like a recovery from the top 40YEEZUS, is the album's name. Kanye feels like a God, and can do whatever the hell he wants, even if it's sacrificing some great lyricism heard on MBDTF for a lot of braggadocios, dick in your mouth, stupid punch lines. We've heard Kanye spit those kind of lines before, recently on Watch The Throne and Cruel Summer, so to me lyrically, this album feels like a recovery from the top 40 pop/rap sound he's been putting out.
    So if you're looking for that MBDTF Kanye, or even College Dropout/Late Registration Kanye, just listen to Black Skinheads, New Slaves, and Bound2.
    BUT, if you don't mind hearing some really ambitious, dark, hard-hitting production bang on your whip, drowning the lazy lyricism and hooks, well you're in for a ride.


    . Kanye's most ambitious production to date, brings industrial music out to the open. Some really dark sounds. Saving grace.
    . Kanye's aggressiveness comes even harder on this album.


    . Lazy lyricism. 2Chainz inspired punclines, dick inspired hooks haha.

    Recommended Tracks: Black Skinheads, I Am A God, New Slaves, I'm In It, Guilt Trip, Bound2

Universal acclaim - based on 46 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 43 out of 46
  2. Negative: 1 out of 46
  1. The Wire
    Dec 10, 2013
    His concerns are serious--consumerism, race, fame, relationships--but he rarely addresses them with the craft or focus they deserve. [Sep 2013, p.66]
  2. Q Magazine
    Aug 20, 2013
    Contradiction incarnate, Yeezus is Kanye's most Kanyeish LP yet. [Sep 2013, p.103]
  3. Mojo
    Aug 13, 2013
    Nasty, brutish, short, and wholly compelling, Yeezus begs only one question: where next? [Sep 2013, p.89]