
Generally favorable reviews - based on 14 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 14
  2. Negative: 0 out of 14
  1. The Charlatans are taking risks again without losing their identity.
  2. This 10th studio album from the Norwich, England, Brit-psychers pulls double duty as its own tribute LP, layering the best bits of L.A.-based frontman Tim Burgess' vast back catalog of emotionally disconnected couplets atop the band's trademark soaring keyboards and insistently hummable guitars.
  3. Filter
    Much more solid than their latest records...sounds like a bit of the old Charlatans. [Spring 2008, p.100]
  4. Mojo
    They've made their finest LP since 1995's "The Charlantans." [June 2008, p.112]
  5. The result, typified by the rousing 'Oh! Vanity' and emotive 'This is the End', is a melodic and hard-fought triumph.
  6. That it’s their best album in a decade, not to mention one of the best albums of the year, is a bit of a surprise. But here it is, 10 songs that prove, quite literally, that the Charlatans are back and they’re serious about it.
  7. Under The Radar
    You Cross My Path isn’t going to gain the Charlatans attention stateside. But it is going to be a real reward for their longstanding fans. [Summer 2008]
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 9 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 8 out of 9
  2. Negative: 0 out of 9
  1. Joris
    Aug 11, 2008
    After their disappointing last effort it's a fresh return to form for the pioneers of britpop. Charlatan's classic dancy shoegaze After their disappointing last effort it's a fresh return to form for the pioneers of britpop. Charlatan's classic dancy shoegaze madchestersound is back. It's the '90s all over again without ever sounding outdated here... a very strong album featuring some of their catchiest and best tunes tunes to date: Mis-takes, The Misbegotten (although it has New Order written all over it) as well as epicrockers You Cross My Path and Bad Days. Only opener Oh Vanity! and My Name is Despair are a bit of a let down and keep this cd from being perfect. Anyway, this one's almost up there with Us and Only Us, Wonderland and Between 10th and 11th! A shame they don't get any airplay anymore cause this one is very highly recommended. Full Review »
  2. archisecte
    Aug 3, 2008
    Once a big fan of the band and amazed to learn that they were still kicking around after 18 years, I decided to give "You Cross My Path" a Once a big fan of the band and amazed to learn that they were still kicking around after 18 years, I decided to give "You Cross My Path" a listen. I was surprisingly delighted by what I heard. Unlike several of their Baggy/Shoegazer/Brit Pop contemporaries who have either fell off the face of the planet or have lost their edge with middle-age, releasing unremarkable records that only the die hard fans still buy, "You Cross Your Path" proves that the Charlies are still relevant in 2008. The sound is characteristically Charlatans, Hammond organ and all, but gone are the endless 70s jams that muddied some of their mid-nineties work. In their place is absolutely addictive pop/rock melody track after track. Tim Burgess's vocal has gained an edge on outings like "Acid in the Tea" and the title track without losing that boy next door quality that we indie kids of the early nineties swooned over. The live bonus tracks are fairly straightforward renditions but reveal an energy reminiscent of those vital early nineties gigs. Full Review »
  3. CharlieQ.
    Jul 17, 2008
    Surprisingly strong, fresh-sounding, aggressive and melodic Brit-pop with an edge. One of the best albums of their career.