• Record Label: V2
  • Release Date: Oct 10, 2006
User Score

Universal acclaim- based on 35 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 31 out of 35
  2. Negative: 3 out of 35

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  1. AdrianA
    Mar 21, 2007
    This CD was underrated or misunderstood by some critics. I think that the Neumu.net review and the Itunes Store review are the best ones out there to get a real feeling of what you can expect from this release. Personally after the first listen I wasn't too impressed. I would have given it a 7.5 or an 8. The more I listened and the more I got into the Neon Blonde-esque tracks This CD was underrated or misunderstood by some critics. I think that the Neumu.net review and the Itunes Store review are the best ones out there to get a real feeling of what you can expect from this release. Personally after the first listen I wasn't too impressed. I would have given it a 7.5 or an 8. The more I listened and the more I got into the Neon Blonde-esque tracks (camouflage, camouflage; Laser life, spit shine your black cloud), and the more I started to open up to some of the songs with unconventionally literal the more I appreciated it. Probably their most diverse CD: every song is totally different from the one before, and, except for 1,2,3,4 Guitars (which even though is a weak song overall, still has its moments), all of the songs work great. Extremely recommended for Blood Brothers fans, and the most accessible of all BB releases for curious music fans that are interested in the band. Expand
  2. MonicaD
    Jan 11, 2007
    Basically this cd makes me cum.
  3. DrewD
    Jan 2, 2007
    If you are not familiar with the Blood Brothers, the first thing you need to know is that they are loud. Not loud in the same way that every other loud band is loud; this Seattle quintet has a signature brand of loud, and it
  4. NashaCrablegs
    Dec 28, 2006
    amazing, catchy, interesting-i won everything theyve ever done and im glad i got this one too.
  5. BobbyK
    Dec 21, 2006
    Overall the Blood Brothers continue to pump out an infectious blend of hardcore punk and their twisted brand of pop. The rowdy "Set Fire to the Face on Fire" gets the album started off with a kick. Other songs like "Spit Shine Your Black Clouds" showcase the album's catchy and innovative pop sensibilities. Highly recommended.
  6. ReubenF
    Dec 18, 2006
    I am new to The Blood Brothers, so to me this album does not sound like a commerical sell-out. I gather the jarring sound on this album is a much toned down version of earlier releases (I have sampled some of their earlier stuff, which doesn't sound more extreme to me, but I haven't heard their entire albums). Personally, I think that their more extreme experimental stuff may I am new to The Blood Brothers, so to me this album does not sound like a commerical sell-out. I gather the jarring sound on this album is a much toned down version of earlier releases (I have sampled some of their earlier stuff, which doesn't sound more extreme to me, but I haven't heard their entire albums). Personally, I think that their more extreme experimental stuff may well win them some hard core fans, and also help them to develop a unique sound, but they do need to complement that with songs which are more polished and easy to listen to, as being extreme is no substitute for song-writing craft and a sensitivity to the needs of the human ear. They have apparently tried to do that with this album. They are worth watching out for in coming years, and while I might not listen to them often, I would love to see them live. Expand
  7. SteveF
    Nov 18, 2006
    This album is addictive and will grow on you. I can't stop listening to it. The Blood Brothers have an original sound that no band can come close to. This band makes Alexisonfire sound like pop music.
  8. SeamusS
    Nov 12, 2006
    Basically Filter Sums it up. I was initially dissapointed thinking the album was uneaven. I tried skipping from song to song, something I normally dont do, looking for the hook or whatever the hell other stupid approach that one may do that for. After seeing them live it all came together. I realized that the album was something more than just a cohesive Blood Brothers album. It's Basically Filter Sums it up. I was initially dissapointed thinking the album was uneaven. I tried skipping from song to song, something I normally dont do, looking for the hook or whatever the hell other stupid approach that one may do that for. After seeing them live it all came together. I realized that the album was something more than just a cohesive Blood Brothers album. It's someting truely different, truely new and dangerous. Expand
  9. MarkoM
    Nov 4, 2006
    Not as perfect as it's predecessor "Crimes". Too balanced, to be a 10.
  10. sbenjamin
    Nov 1, 2006
    one fine band.
  11. Mr.Hankey
    Oct 31, 2006
    Dissapointing but the not horrible... The Blood Brother's new disc is a success because it zooms farther outward than any record previous to Young Machetes but just because it may be interesting it doesn't mean it's good. It was a fair attempt!
  12. Talmage
    Oct 23, 2006
    I like this album because it makes me think of sex. Its the best ever from them. Have I mentioned I like sex?
  13. Kyle[infinitezer0]
    Oct 22, 2006
    The Blood Brothers have raised the bar and released their greatest album to date, in a year where other artists just simply havent delivered. Rock/ metal album of the year and album of the year contender.
  14. SamC
    Oct 18, 2006
    Amazing work of art. Piano Island will always be my favorite, but I love how they progress and refuse to regress.
  15. TimN.
    Oct 16, 2006
    Many people will dislike this new album from The Blood Brothers because of how artsy they've gotten. Yes, this album is, in some ways, even artsier than "Crimes", which was very artsy when compared to their previous works. But honestly, this album is brilliant, simply brilliant. Their sound is constantly evolving, and "Young Machetes" meets a point that is expertly-written hardcore Many people will dislike this new album from The Blood Brothers because of how artsy they've gotten. Yes, this album is, in some ways, even artsier than "Crimes", which was very artsy when compared to their previous works. But honestly, this album is brilliant, simply brilliant. Their sound is constantly evolving, and "Young Machetes" meets a point that is expertly-written hardcore mixed with electronic background effects, pop/dance rhythms, jazzy basslines and piano/keyboard playing, and even world ambient (maracas and tambourines? Oh my!). Johnny Whitney now throws in some outstanding falsettos and piano solos, while Jordan Blilie continues to scowl on alongside his co-lead singer in one song, and then seductively croon in the next. Their voices complement each other wonderfully, whether both of them are screaming and yelping like dogs on speed, or singing together, or maybe a bit of both. But Blilie's low-pitched voice and Whitney's beyond-comprehensive high-pitched voice match brilliantly. Mark Gajadhar's drumming continues to get more complex, as does Morgan Henderson's bass playing (going from a jazz rhythm in one song to a frantic mash in the next) and Cody Votolato's guitar skills, which overall is more of a background soundscape for the rest of the action that is ensuing around him, but one that adds much depth to the music. One of the best albums of 2006, and definitely another outstanding piece of work from The Blood Brothers. Just amazing. Expand
  16. beefydelicious
    Oct 16, 2006
    delicious. beefy and delicious. like un sandwich muy bueno. like your mother in a tutu, dancing for me. dance mother, dance. don't you stop. just like this album, it doesn't stop. en fuego.
  17. BetterThen
    Oct 16, 2006
    u suck
  18. SeanH
    Oct 15, 2006
    Music doesn't get much better than this, folks. Combining shrieking with melody and, now, dance- and cabaret-punk is the Blood Brothers' masterstroke, and they've been perfecting this for seven years now...and let's face it: It's almost perfect.
  19. AnthonyG
    Oct 15, 2006
    I've had this one stuck on the record player despite so many other good new records. Somehow they manage to experiment while being just as catchy as always. And some of the year's best lyrics to boot!
  20. TristramC
    Oct 13, 2006
    Amplified tones can be so passe when it comes to commenting on art. Every band, cd whatever has people on the planet who are excited about it. Its hard to find a way to make a comment stick out. I'll just say that like many of you I listen to & and purchase way more music than any well adjusted people should in a given year. I comb the sonic landscape with OCD glee trying to find the Amplified tones can be so passe when it comes to commenting on art. Every band, cd whatever has people on the planet who are excited about it. Its hard to find a way to make a comment stick out. I'll just say that like many of you I listen to & and purchase way more music than any well adjusted people should in a given year. I comb the sonic landscape with OCD glee trying to find the most blow your mind brilliant, fresh, innovative music on the planet and I really don't care what kind it is as long as you do something interesting. In my estimation there are only a handful of truly innovative band/artist in music and Blood Brothers are one of those. PopMatters got it right when they called Burn Piano Island Burn (paraphrase) the most important punk album since the Stooges Raw Power. Most all music this profound is complete indigestable to anyone but art snobs. That Young Machettes takes the Blood Brothers hydrocloric mix and make it receivable to the merely adventurous while retaining artistic freedom is hard to fathom. Young Machettes should go along side your copy of TV & the Radio's Return to Cookie Mountain and Destroyer's Rubies as the best cds as the year. Expand
  21. EthanR
    Oct 10, 2006
    I Bought This CD And The New Beck Album Today. Its A Good Week For Music.
  22. MartinH
    Oct 10, 2006
    Does it get any better than this? Nothing beats a band forging new territory with every album. I love that it's near impossible to draw comparisons with anyone else when referring to the Blood Brothers. Keep it up fellas and you'll always have this fan onboard.
  23. KB
    Oct 8, 2006
    It took me a long time to see this in the same light as their previous three albums, but now I recognise it as their best. Too bad the critics probably won't.
  24. bimp!
    Sep 24, 2006
    spliticious, i guess would be the right word to use, no idea what the word means but my interpretations would be: absolutely great in every way music should be.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 22 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 18 out of 22
  2. Negative: 0 out of 22
  1. Urb
    The Brothers reach unmistakable heights of blood pressure... but also deliver slow, melodic goodies. [Oct 2006, p.118]
  2. The heavier quick-change songs push several different buttons at unexpected moments, but the more straightforward songs, the ones that should glue the record together, flounder.
  3. Filter
    Stop bitching about never hearing anything new or different and pick this up. [#22, p.94]