's Scores

  • Music
For 491 reviews, this publication has graded:
  • 51% higher than the average critic
  • 6% same as the average critic
  • 43% lower than the average critic
On average, this publication grades 0.7 points higher than other critics. (0-100 point scale)
Average Music review score: 74
Highest review score: 100 Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers & Bastards
Lowest review score: 32 Something To Be
Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 5 out of 491
491 music reviews
    • 62 Metascore
    • 50 Critic Score
    Porcelain's aggressively hopeful, generic alt-rock anthems just aren't very interesting.
    • 50 Metascore
    • 50 Critic Score
    Birds of Pray just seems clueless, like a high school kid who doesn't realize that his strident need to seem interesting just makes him a joke, and not a particularly funny one at that.
    • 64 Metascore
    • 48 Critic Score
    Young's nomadic narrative requires its own Cliffs Notes, and the lack of cohesion or focus (which Young pretty much cops to in the liner notes) give the record less heft than the irate rambling of your neighborhood curmudgeon.
    • 66 Metascore
    • 48 Critic Score
    Unmemorable and inoffensive, Death Cab has gone from oddball indie-pop kids to mature professionals who now have a lot more people counting on their success.
    • 78 Metascore
    • 40 Critic Score
    As tough a slog as the backend of Part 1 is, it's Part 2 that truly reveals just how rushed, haphazard and ill-formed Adams' stab at morose mope-rock is.
    • 70 Metascore
    • 40 Critic Score
    Where Teaches was brash, Fatherfucker is dim; where Teaches was shocking in its gender-bending, sexually charged language, Fatherfucker is bland, repetitive and obvious in its attempts to turn standard conventions upside down.
    • 64 Metascore
    • 36 Critic Score
    It's not simply the weakest album of his otherwise impressive career; it's one of the poorest performances from such a high-profile talent in recent memory.
    • 43 Metascore
    • 36 Critic Score
    There's precious little rocking to be found, and the turgid numbers that make up Baptism's bulk are bogged down by insipid clichés and half-hearted tempos.
    • 65 Metascore
    • 34 Critic Score
    The guitars stumble in a monotone of mid-level, processed rattle; the drums don't propel as much as struggle to disguise an all-too-turgid pace; and the rage is both unfocused and leavened with too much narcissistic navel-gazing.
    • 52 Metascore
    • 34 Critic Score
    Make Believe might sound more sincere if the clean, precision-metal production didn’t steamroll Cuomo’s lyrical misery in bombastic arrangements featuring factory-issue power chords and a MOR-safe rhythm section.
    • 57 Metascore
    • 32 Critic Score
    As long as he continues to believe those who trumpet his vices as virtues, no amount of musical exploration or pretentiously titled solo albums will set him free of the straitjacket he's written himself into.