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Universal acclaim- based on 838 Ratings

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  1. Negative: 55 out of 838

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  1. Aug 19, 2010
    This is one of very few albums in the rap world where I can jam to the entire album without skipping a song. Doom, being probably my personal favorite rapper, does some of his best work on this album. I heard this album being my first Madlib experience, and I was wowed. Most people don't appreciate the rap DOOM spits, but if you follow along to each spoken word, Doom is probably one ofThis is one of very few albums in the rap world where I can jam to the entire album without skipping a song. Doom, being probably my personal favorite rapper, does some of his best work on this album. I heard this album being my first Madlib experience, and I was wowed. Most people don't appreciate the rap DOOM spits, but if you follow along to each spoken word, Doom is probably one of the top ten most talented MC's of the world. Listen to this, this is BANGIN! Expand
  2. Oct 1, 2010
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It is strange that the album already downloaded, is different rhymes, beats different, but the sound has an incredible quality;

    A good rap underground, MF DOOM rhymes short, dark and no chorus. Already in the beats, sounds of Madlib uses film clips, cartoons and even accordion, one thing is very complex and different from what happens in the mainstream;
  3. Nov 18, 2010
    Truly the best hip-hop album ever made. Can you even imagine the amount of work they've put in to pick the samples? These weren't produced in no studio or whatever, these were hand-picked from a ceiling-high stack of vinyl.

    Kudos to them. Their efforts certainly have not been in vain.
  4. Jan 24, 2011
    Some people seem just not to GET IT. I hate to phrase it in such a such a way, because everyone is entitled to their opinion, but that's the way it is. For one, both the word play of MF Doom, and the mixing of Madlib destined this album to be extremely polarizing from the get go. Not everyone is going to love it, some are going to hate it, but most just won't get it. It's intentionally aSome people seem just not to GET IT. I hate to phrase it in such a such a way, because everyone is entitled to their opinion, but that's the way it is. For one, both the word play of MF Doom, and the mixing of Madlib destined this album to be extremely polarizing from the get go. Not everyone is going to love it, some are going to hate it, but most just won't get it. It's intentionally a jumbled mess of near silliness, that switches between abstract tracks and specific concepts, but it blends the two seamlessly. It's an album that if you want to hear jaw dropping punchlines and crazy metaphors, you're not going to get until the third listen or so; if you want head nodding beats you're not going to get because the tracks are too short and all over the place. BUT if you're willing to look past the 'weird' nature of the album, you'll hear the masterpiece underneath. And if you give it a chance and listen 2,3, 4 times you'll get something different out of it every time. This album gets a 10/10 from me, because it's so out there that it's brilliant. MF Doom will never be an artist that everyone can appreciate it, but if you give him a chance he might just surprise you.

    Oh, and Accordion is EASILY one of the greatest songs ever, of any genre.
  5. Oct 29, 2011
    One of the BEST hip-hop album of all time. I'm honored that I had the opportunity to listen and own this album. The album is genius! Madlib is a awesome producer and MF Doom, is an amazing rapper (and also a producer). Because of this album, I'm a big fan of Madvillian. Can't wait for their next album together!
  6. Mar 1, 2011
    Probably the best hip-hop album i have heard in my entire life, make sure you listen to it from start to finish. Very original and heaps of clever lyrics and nice beats. Absolutely quality hip-hop.
  7. Apr 27, 2011
    This album took me for a long ride and on the way explained what was wrong with mainstream rap and how the glory days are long gone. the production from Madlib were topped with a combination of lyrics that were just as strange but incredibly artistic from the undergrounds most treasured lyricst MF DOOM. Losg story short, it just matched perfectly. The unorthodox flow and the mysteriousThis album took me for a long ride and on the way explained what was wrong with mainstream rap and how the glory days are long gone. the production from Madlib were topped with a combination of lyrics that were just as strange but incredibly artistic from the undergrounds most treasured lyricst MF DOOM. Losg story short, it just matched perfectly. The unorthodox flow and the mysterious melodies put my brain into pondering mode and concluded that anything unseen by the public could easily be the best thing around. Hip hop whould be briefly revived by this album and still carrys a strong position as the best hip hop album of its decade. Expand
  8. Jul 19, 2011
    The best underground album of all-time. The entire album flows from beginning to end; a sequel is needed ASAP. No hooks because none are necessary when an MC as skilled as this handles the microphone
  9. j30
    Sep 28, 2011
    A very entertaining, inventive Hip-Hop album with no boundaries. Like nothing you've ever heard.
  10. Jan 18, 2014
    I can't believe it! Almost 10 years after this album came out, it's only recently that I finally get it! I was one of the people who was interested (in major part due to all the amazing reviews it was getting) but didn't "get it". I tried, but for whatever reason it never clicked w me. Well that's changed. It's incredible! To hear this album properly, play it through some really goodI can't believe it! Almost 10 years after this album came out, it's only recently that I finally get it! I was one of the people who was interested (in major part due to all the amazing reviews it was getting) but didn't "get it". I tried, but for whatever reason it never clicked w me. Well that's changed. It's incredible! To hear this album properly, play it through some really good headphones. Any doubt will be erased. It's an all-time classic! So check it out - it's aged really well & still sounds like nothing else. Expand
  11. Nov 6, 2011
    A masterpiece. MF DOOM is one of the most talented rappers I have ever heard (and I've heard 100's of albums), and Madlib is one of the greatest and most diverse producers in the world. The combination of the two works extremely well, as the two have a very similar sound. This is a must for any hip hop fan to listen to.
  12. Jan 14, 2012
    a simply mind-blowing record... DOOM lays down his signature twisted lyricism and flow over equally warped and perfectly crafted beats from the one and only Madlib. simply put, this is a landmark hip hop record. must own for all underground rap fans
  13. Jun 21, 2012
    The beats are mostly good. Some of them seem out of place. DOOM has good rhymes. The low ratings seem to be from children who are expecting "gangsta rap". This has very few themes regarding violence or sexuality. It's truly poetry, over nice sounds.
    Deduct one point for some weird beats, and another for some out of place silences from DOOM.
  14. Jul 13, 2012
    This is where true rap and hip-hop is. This is what most rap artists are missing. Originality. It has it's own independent style in the lyrically and production department. Perfection, literally...
  15. Sep 8, 2012
    Fantastic album which has stood the testament of almost a decade. MF Doom continues to release unprecedented rhymes over classic Madlib instrumentals. A true hip-hop classic.
  16. Dec 28, 2012
    I' m not big into hip-hop, but I think this, like some other albums from this genre (The Money Store, The Grey Album) is a masterpiece. The singles (like All Caps or Accordion) are delightful, and the other tracks are also great. The group relies equally on the abstract rhymes of MF Doom and Madlib's Jazz Influenced Beats. However, the feat. on Raid and MF's "singing" on Great Day aren'tI' m not big into hip-hop, but I think this, like some other albums from this genre (The Money Store, The Grey Album) is a masterpiece. The singles (like All Caps or Accordion) are delightful, and the other tracks are also great. The group relies equally on the abstract rhymes of MF Doom and Madlib's Jazz Influenced Beats. However, the feat. on Raid and MF's "singing" on Great Day aren't amazing. Overall, a great record and a great introduction to underground Hip-Hop. Collapse
  17. Mar 9, 2013
    this album might be great to you if you're into weird rap, but if you're a fan of all types of rap, this will just seem good, songs like all caps are gems
  18. Jun 14, 2013
    I don't even know why I'm bothering to review this, everyone should know by now how great this thing is, Seriously, I've yet to hear another hip-hop album as creative (while also being consistently catchy and crisp) quite like this one
  19. Oct 24, 2013
    I was going to write a review on the albums 10th anniversary, but I just couldn't wait. After almost 10 years, Madvillainy has etched itself in the history of underground hip hop and is truly a classic to hip hop listeners who appreciate very complex rhyme schemes and carefully put together production. MF DOOM (remember all caps) covers an incredibly large range of topics, and each of hisI was going to write a review on the albums 10th anniversary, but I just couldn't wait. After almost 10 years, Madvillainy has etched itself in the history of underground hip hop and is truly a classic to hip hop listeners who appreciate very complex rhyme schemes and carefully put together production. MF DOOM (remember all caps) covers an incredibly large range of topics, and each of his very clever verses are backed up perfectly by individually unique beats by Madlib. Even Madlib and his alter ego, 'Quasimoto' step in to help the Villain on the lyrics (see: America's Most Blunted, Shadows of Tomorrow). It's hard for me to put into words how great this album is, and writing a 'favourite tracks' list would be silly since this album is perfect to me, but I will name the songs that I think show both Madlib's and DOOM's skills at each their own position: Accordion, Meat Grinder, Curls, Figaro, Strange Ways, All Caps, Great Day, Rhinestone Cowboy. Expand
  20. Dec 31, 2013
    This album is amazing. It's one of my favorite albums, and I am not even a big fan of hip hop. MF DOOM's imaginative rhymes and Madlib's excellent and lush production make this album one that absolutely needs to be in your collection.
  21. Jul 10, 2018
    Amazing album to beggining 'till the end. There's several textures in music's beats and consistent rymes that fit in the beat as an instrument.
  22. Nov 8, 2013
    There is no doubt in my mind that 'Madvillainy' has managed to convert hipsters and musical intellectuals into avid hip-hop listeners. It is a record that has inspired underground rap in a way not seen since 'Paul's Boutique'. For those who think that this album is overrated, you're missing the point. This album was never intended to be a game-changer, so there's no irony. It just requiresThere is no doubt in my mind that 'Madvillainy' has managed to convert hipsters and musical intellectuals into avid hip-hop listeners. It is a record that has inspired underground rap in a way not seen since 'Paul's Boutique'. For those who think that this album is overrated, you're missing the point. This album was never intended to be a game-changer, so there's no irony. It just requires several listens to fully appreciate, just like any album worth its salt. Expand
  23. Apr 7, 2016
    This album is a n absolute masterpiece, by the far greatest hip hop album of all time. Nothing comes close not straight outta Compton, not enter the wu-tang and not even illmatic.
  24. Apr 12, 2017
    I would kill to have a tenth of the talent that these two musicians present on this album. Madvillainy is arguably the most important collaboration of all time bringing together the rhyme master himself doom, with the beat master Madlib. The album is often cited by MC's as an inspiration and I feel that many elements from To Pimp a Butterfly first make an appearance here. Spectacular albumI would kill to have a tenth of the talent that these two musicians present on this album. Madvillainy is arguably the most important collaboration of all time bringing together the rhyme master himself doom, with the beat master Madlib. The album is often cited by MC's as an inspiration and I feel that many elements from To Pimp a Butterfly first make an appearance here. Spectacular album through and through! Expand
  25. May 14, 2014
    excellent album, great production by madlib great flow by doom. the best abstract hip hop in my opinion.. track after track doom stays consistent, the skits on this thing fit in well this was a game changer back in 04
  26. Mar 21, 2015
    Madvillainy is one of the top five rap albums of all time, no question. Doom's wordplay is intimidatingly dense, and the album is almost entirely free of hooks. Madlib's producing is the best it's ever been and pulled from all kinds of different sources. Accordion, Meat Grinder, Raid, Curls, Shadows of Tomorrow, Figaro, Strange Ways, Fancy Clown, ALL CAPS, and Rhinestone Cowboy are allMadvillainy is one of the top five rap albums of all time, no question. Doom's wordplay is intimidatingly dense, and the album is almost entirely free of hooks. Madlib's producing is the best it's ever been and pulled from all kinds of different sources. Accordion, Meat Grinder, Raid, Curls, Shadows of Tomorrow, Figaro, Strange Ways, Fancy Clown, ALL CAPS, and Rhinestone Cowboy are all individually brilliant, but the whole album is a 46 minute long high point. Expand
  27. Mar 1, 2019
    Just an amazing album, nothing to complain about. MF DOOM's lyricism, Madlib's production, and the amazing samples make it an easy 10/10 for me.
    My favorite tracks: All caps, Shadows of tomorrow, Accordion, Curls, Rhinestone Cowboy.
  28. May 6, 2017
    Legitimately perfect. There are no filler tracks. No tracks that feel redundant. There's not a single piece of half-assed production on this album. MF DOOM's vocal delivery suits Madlib's production perfectly. Highlights on this album include 'Accordion', 'Fancy Clown', 'Meat Grinder', 'Figaro', and 'All Caps'. Listen to this. Now.
  29. Apr 11, 2015
    10/10 ................................................................................................................................................
  30. Jun 20, 2015
    Was this made in 2004? I have a hard time believing it was. With its structure, amount of tracks, the length of those tracks, and the excessive sampling (which is not a bad thing) I wouldn't even be able to believe that if this had come out in 2015, it did. What makes Madvillainy especially special is that although it feels futuristic, it takes you through a flashback of the 20th century.Was this made in 2004? I have a hard time believing it was. With its structure, amount of tracks, the length of those tracks, and the excessive sampling (which is not a bad thing) I wouldn't even be able to believe that if this had come out in 2015, it did. What makes Madvillainy especially special is that although it feels futuristic, it takes you through a flashback of the 20th century. Though the structure, tracks, and use of sampling make it feel futuristic, the samples that they used makes Madvillainy seem like it could have been made in any year from 1900 to 2100. The originality of Madvillainy is one of the things that make it a classic. The other main thing that makes it a classic is Madlib's fantastic production. The samples are all executed brilliantly and Madlib brings his own vibe to them, which I specifically love. "Accordion" made me start banging my head instantly, and the layered production of this album reminds me of the production on My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy by Kanye West. I'm pretty sure that Madlib influenced Kanye very greatly. And the final piece of the puzzle is DOOM's lyricism. DOOM always spits dope rhyme after dope rhyme, and although he should definitely try to be more energetic so he doesn't come off as a boring rapper, I still think that Madvillainy would have been incomplete without Doom. I liked every song on here, except two. "Rainbows" was very weird, and although it was not terrible, it still ended up being my least favorite on the album with Doom's singing and the incomplete production (only being a sample). I didn't care for "Eye" that much either, but it was more because of the fact that DOOM wasn't on it than because it was a bad song. Overall, Madvillainy is a classic because of its production, lyricism and originality. Grade: A. Highlights: "Accordion", "Raid", "America's Most Blunted", "All Caps". Worst song: "Rainbows" Expand
  31. Aug 21, 2017
    DOOM and Madlib came together to create something truly special. There's a reason this is one og the highest rated things ever released on this site. Few things I can say that haven't been said already, but please do yourself a favor and give it a listen. MADVILLAINY is fantastic.
  32. Apr 9, 2015
    The production is crazy. The rhymes are ill. The flows are insane. This album is sonically so different from what you're used to as a hip-hop album from the 2000's album and yet in all it's strange ways it works so well. You will find yourself rewinding to hear DOOM drop some of the most 'out there' rhyme schemes on beats filled with obscurity unmatched. I've been listening to it for yearsThe production is crazy. The rhymes are ill. The flows are insane. This album is sonically so different from what you're used to as a hip-hop album from the 2000's album and yet in all it's strange ways it works so well. You will find yourself rewinding to hear DOOM drop some of the most 'out there' rhyme schemes on beats filled with obscurity unmatched. I've been listening to it for years and still do, from start to end without skipping. Expand
  33. Jul 18, 2015
    a very sophisticated piece of work by MF Doom and Madlib. both are very incredible producers. I love the chemistry between these two. the production is mind blowing and the lyrical dexterity that doom brings makes it even better. a classic album by two of hip hops kings. true hip hop at its finest.
  34. Mar 27, 2016
    This album is a story of two villains who just wanna throw down the strongest beats and nastiest bars known to mankind. Or are they just a couple of misunderstood boys just happened to be on the wrong side of the law?

    I never knew of these two before a certain Anthony Fantano, but damn am I glad he brought this to my attention. This is strong from start to finish and has some memorable
    This album is a story of two villains who just wanna throw down the strongest beats and nastiest bars known to mankind. Or are they just a couple of misunderstood boys just happened to be on the wrong side of the law?

    I never knew of these two before a certain Anthony Fantano, but damn am I glad he brought this to my attention. This is strong from start to finish and has some memorable songs that song so different out of succession with the album listing. If you listen to this album all in one sitting, you will get the complete story of MF Doom and Mad Lib as they take you on this musical adventure of theirs.

    My favourite tracks off of this album are without a doubt: Rhinestone Cowboy, Fancy Clown, Bistro, and Figaro.
  35. Aug 9, 2016
  36. Apr 20, 2016
    The scariest rhymer in the 2000's paired up with a trippy, unusual producer. A masterpiece that is to live for many years, which inspired many young rappers in the game.
  37. Feb 9, 2021
    It is quite simply one of the greatest rap albums of all time, no more needs to be said. RIP MF DOOM
  38. Dec 5, 2016
    Truly a masterpiece, clever usage of words, witty remarks and punchlines. This can be a fuel to write poetry that features the influences that Madvillainy gave to us.
  39. Aug 29, 2019
    This album did something incredible. It made me like hip-hop. I hate the genre for its repetitiveness, its whiny ass vocalists and the usually terrible lyrics. But hell, I love a lot of this album.
    MF Doom certainly has a great voice, with an incredible flow. The other vocalists are quite nice also too, and I even like Quasimoto, even though he can get quite annoying.
    The beats are
    This album did something incredible. It made me like hip-hop. I hate the genre for its repetitiveness, its whiny ass vocalists and the usually terrible lyrics. But hell, I love a lot of this album.
    MF Doom certainly has a great voice, with an incredible flow. The other vocalists are quite nice also too, and I even like Quasimoto, even though he can get quite annoying.
    The beats are great, and I adored some like "Raid" or "Meat Grinder", and Madlib manages to make even some instrumentals interesting. The sampling is done well, although it can be overdone on some songs which are just samples ("Do Not Fire!" and "The Illest Villains"). I wish there was a bit more of a jazz influence because it's done well on songs like "Rainbows".
    At 22 tracks this album flows surprisingly well, and telling different tracks apart, which for me in hip-hop is hard, was incredibly easy. Some of the songs were kind of dull, though,
    And I'd be remiss to not mention the impeccable writing of DOOM, and looking at all the rhyming schemes he establishes in almost every song is just breathtaking, and he manages to pack in so many interesting stories into them as well.
    Overall, everyone can love this album if I can. It's very entertaining and holds some of the best songs I've heard in the entire genre. I expect this to grow on me as I see more of what this genre holds.
    Favourites: Meat Grinder, America's Most Blunted, All Caps, Raid
    Least Favourites: The Illest Villains, Do Not Fire!, Great Day
  40. Apr 14, 2017
    ´Top 5 rap albums ever. A real masterpiece. Brilliant production from Madlib and ofcourse mental rapping from the legendary mc MF DOOM. Best songs: All caps, Meat grinder, Figaro
  41. Aug 5, 2017
    a masterpiece............................................................................................................................................................
  42. Jun 12, 2018
    The greatest underground hip hop of all time. Madlib and MF DOOM at their creative peak create one of the most influential and progressive hip hop records of the past 20 years.
  43. Jan 17, 2018
    Definitely one of the best rap albums in the 2000s,where lyrics are never outdated,and songs that will always be remembered as something groundbreaking.
  44. Apr 6, 2018
    Great background music, I just don't find it interesting enough to listen to from beginning to end. The beats are detailed and impressively made, with lots of fantastic samples. But MF Doom is not an interesting enough MC for this to be considered one of the best rap albums of all time. His voice sounds too boring, and even though technically, with his rhymes and style he's brilliant, hisGreat background music, I just don't find it interesting enough to listen to from beginning to end. The beats are detailed and impressively made, with lots of fantastic samples. But MF Doom is not an interesting enough MC for this to be considered one of the best rap albums of all time. His voice sounds too boring, and even though technically, with his rhymes and style he's brilliant, his voice puts me to sleep. Thankfully Madlib wakes me back up. Expand
  45. Nov 15, 2020
    As perfect as albums can get, pretty much. Out of 21 tracks (excluding the intro track), there are only 2 that I'm not a huge fan of: Do Not Fire and Operation Lifesaver, which aren't even bad. The production is as good as it gets and so is the rapping. What more can be said.
  46. May 12, 2019
    One of the best albums of all time, Incredible rhyming scheme and great samples
  47. Nov 15, 2018
    Possibly the best album of past 30 years. It is one of the only albums that actually survived the test of time and I would believe it if someone said that the album was made this year
  48. Dec 1, 2018
    A masterpiece in every way imaginable. The production by Madlib is nothing less than perfection and some of the best I've ever heard. MF DOOM brings his legendary flow and the best lyrics in the game. The two combine to create the best Producer-Rapper combo I think I've ever heard. Their styles mesh perfectly and there isn't a single track that I wasn't blown away by.
  49. Mar 2, 2019
    Even thought Madlib's production works as background music to take naps, doom just fails to be interesting and completely wastes these beats with his nursery rhymes. Not really interested in listening to a fat comic book stan rhyming random words with awful monotonous flow.
  50. May 19, 2019
    This album is literally nothing special it has great production but the lyrics are just some random words
    Most of the songs on the album are about nothing This whole album is content less There isn't anything special about This album except for the production
  51. May 17, 2021
    fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne fajne
  52. Dec 31, 2020
    A seminal hip-hop album. The perfect mix of wordplay and gritty production.

    Long live DOOM
  53. Jul 22, 2019
    Truly one of the greatest rap albums of all time. Madlib's production is top notch with great uses of sampling and a really nice vintage feel on the beats. DOOM's flow and rhymes are both clever and retrospective while still sticking to the super-villain character he plays throughout his albums. Overall, this album remains an example for what a good collaborative project should be with itsTruly one of the greatest rap albums of all time. Madlib's production is top notch with great uses of sampling and a really nice vintage feel on the beats. DOOM's flow and rhymes are both clever and retrospective while still sticking to the super-villain character he plays throughout his albums. Overall, this album remains an example for what a good collaborative project should be with its stellar lyrics and instrumentals. Expand
  54. Sep 10, 2019
    Meu álbum favorito na história do Rap. DOOM e Madlib no auge, até hoje nunca ouvi nada parecido. Tudo é incrivel e único aqui, produção lendária e inesquecível, uma beat melhor que a outra, doom dropando os melhores versos da sua carreira Esse álbum é a perfeição em formato de musica.
  55. Nov 3, 2019
    The perfect combination of Madlib's best production and Doom's rap. It was released in 2004, but it's out of date.
  56. Jan 19, 2021
    Deserving of all the praise as it is easily one of the best hip hop albums of all time. DOOM and Madlib have incredible chemistry throughout the entirety of the album. DOOM delivers witty and intricate verse one after another and shows why he is truly a unique rapper. Madlib makes incredible beats; often sampling insanely obscure stuff such as commercials. While it can be criticized forDeserving of all the praise as it is easily one of the best hip hop albums of all time. DOOM and Madlib have incredible chemistry throughout the entirety of the album. DOOM delivers witty and intricate verse one after another and shows why he is truly a unique rapper. Madlib makes incredible beats; often sampling insanely obscure stuff such as commercials. While it can be criticized for not really having a song that is clearly better than the rest, this just further shows how great every song on this album is. Expand
  57. Jan 22, 2020
    Short, punchy, lyrically smart, and incredibly produced, Madvillainy is a collaboration of Madlib and MF DOOM at the peak of their powers. The rapping of DOOM on this album is very impressive in terms of both lyrics and flow, that combine wit and double entendres that leave you discovering more with every listen. This is complimented perfectly by Madlib's production, likely with the helpShort, punchy, lyrically smart, and incredibly produced, Madvillainy is a collaboration of Madlib and MF DOOM at the peak of their powers. The rapping of DOOM on this album is very impressive in terms of both lyrics and flow, that combine wit and double entendres that leave you discovering more with every listen. This is complimented perfectly by Madlib's production, likely with the help of DOOM's own production abilities, both being masters of sampling, with Madlib perhaps the more polished of the two. This is perhaps what makes this album so impressive, a unique blend of two creative minds combining their own independent talents into an endlessly enjoyable album that always leaves you wanting more. Expand
  58. Feb 6, 2020
    Best technically rapped album ever, and some of the best instrumentals from the second-best producer of all time.
  59. Feb 25, 2020
    MF DOOM and Madlib at their best in this album. As always Madlib delivers some of the most creative and inspirational bets in rap. Lyrically this is album is at the top of the mountain MF DOOM delivers some of the best bars of his career in Madvillainy. While tracks like Accordion and Meat Grinder are most talked about my favorite track is and will always be Raid.
  60. Sep 3, 2020
    This album is my #1 of all time. It is the only album that I find every track to be a 10. The production by Madlib is insane. The lyrics and flow by MF DOOM is again, insane. The album is also quite consistent.
  61. Sep 25, 2020
    It's **** amazing. One of the best rap albums of all time. If you have not listened to it yet, I highly recommend you do.
  62. Oct 13, 2020
    That's why he brings his own needles
    And get more cheese than Doritos, Cheetos or Fritos
    Slip like Freudian
    Your first and last step to playin' yourself like accordion
  63. Nov 14, 2020
    Words cannot describe how fantastic this album is. The incredible producer Madlib collaborating with the extraordinary talented rapper MF DOOM, this album was bound to be a classic. I haven't got anything to say that others haven't said a million times before. I'll just say, this album is a classic and one of the best hip hop albums ever.
  64. Nov 15, 2020
    One of the greatest hiphop albums ever, madlibs beats are otherworldly and DOOM spits endless flows over them. 10/10
  65. Jan 5, 2021
    RIP MF DOOM. One of Hip-Hop's greatest MCs. All Caps when you spell the man's name.
  66. May 1, 2021
    Doom is great on this one as always, Madlib is great like always as well. This is everything one should look for in a Hip-Hop record.
  67. Apr 16, 2021
    Perfect Album. One of my only 10/10's. I love every song and MF DOOM is a legend.
  68. Apr 3, 2021
    One of the best rap albums ever made. The lyricism and production is amazing.
  69. Apr 16, 2021
    MF DOOM & Madlib made one of the best Hip-Hop albums of all time no doubt, The albums does contain slightly over-using instrumental Hip-Hop tracks which it's the only thing I can think that's bad of this. MF DOOM makes an outstanding performance with his rhymes schemes that are explosive, and the meaning behind these lyrics really caught me off guard. WOULD REALLY RECOMMEND!!!
  70. May 8, 2021
    the best album ever made, everything this man rhymes is a punchline and he has a unique flow that stays undefeated a whole 17 years later
  71. May 3, 2022
    First of this is Madlib's craziest and best samplings and beats, and MF Dooms Lyrics and Rapping goes hard here and the features are awesome.
  72. Jun 27, 2021
    With the versatile use of beautiful samples from jazz souo and r&b and the character of a billion an already existing billion portrays this was not only amazing to listen to but the backstop was out of this world, alongside everything mf doom portrays madvillian form start to finish even in the cover art designed to scare the general public which did exactly that. Mf doom came in like noWith the versatile use of beautiful samples from jazz souo and r&b and the character of a billion an already existing billion portrays this was not only amazing to listen to but the backstop was out of this world, alongside everything mf doom portrays madvillian form start to finish even in the cover art designed to scare the general public which did exactly that. Mf doom came in like no other with his Shakespeare like rhyme schemes and incredible story telling capability this was by far his best yet. We can never leave madlib unmentioned, there is not much to say rather than he was a real master producing everything in this album, a true mastering genius arguably the best produced album of all time, mastered to perfection, on my opinion; greatest hip hop album of all time. Expand
  73. Jul 2, 2021
    With Madlib’s impeccable beat production like in "Raid" and "All Caps" combined with MF Doom’s witty free-associative lyrics like in "Figaro" and "Rhinestone Cowboy", Madvillainy is hip-hop gem that has broken down the genre to it’s purist form. Since 2004, it has become one of the most influential Hip-Hop records of all time by influencing the likes of Tyler, The Creator, Earl Sweatshirt,With Madlib’s impeccable beat production like in "Raid" and "All Caps" combined with MF Doom’s witty free-associative lyrics like in "Figaro" and "Rhinestone Cowboy", Madvillainy is hip-hop gem that has broken down the genre to it’s purist form. Since 2004, it has become one of the most influential Hip-Hop records of all time by influencing the likes of Tyler, The Creator, Earl Sweatshirt, Joey Bada$$, producer Flying Lotus and Radiohead’s Thom Yorke. Expand
  74. Jan 6, 2023
    Esse álbum é extremamente bem produzido e divertido de se escutar, nenhuma canção deixa de ter seu brilho individual, cada uma possui uma atmosfera e sonoridade incríveis! Um ótimo trabalho da dupla. Descanse em paz DOOM.
  75. Aug 31, 2021
    In this villainous project, Madlib gives us out insane production with insanely good samples, melodies and drums, MF Doom does his usual, gives out verses with really good rhyme schemes, wordplay and not repetitive lyrics. A must listen,
  76. Jan 1, 2022
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. I think this is easily the best album MF DOOM has ever made.
    The lyrics first of all are out of this world, the madvillain goes in a poetic world where everything seems calibrated. Honestly the bar "Got more soul than a sock with a hole" his absolutely fantastic.
    The production is also incredible, Madlib made a fantastic job at mastering samples and old songs in order to make the madviliainy"s world more realistic. (I am not exactly sure this is his best album, because Pinata with Freddie gibbs is far beyond this world too lol)

    The album is actually short, 22 titles for 46 minutes, it is like 2minutes15 seconds on average for each song, but i think this is a time well spent, that i will spend again !
  77. Aug 17, 2022
    Doom's rhymes and flow in this album are on a whole other level. Madlib's production is great too and matches these songs. I like the cartoony sketches and interludes here and there in the album, they give this album a lotta character.
  78. Jun 18, 2023
    Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really Really good
  79. Feb 11, 2022
    Listen to this pleasant, beautiful album nearly every week on cassette. both beautiful instrumentation and lyricism from DOOM, a true master of sticky lyricism
  80. Feb 17, 2022
    so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil so p deixar no perfil
  81. Apr 23, 2022
    After a year of listening and loving this album, I've come to the conclusion that this is one hundred percent one of the best albums ever made. DOOM's lyrical ability on this LP really shines paired with the funky, soulful beats by MADLIB never fail to keep me entertained. Even with the short run-time on tracks and even the album I still love this album. Even with the countless otherAfter a year of listening and loving this album, I've come to the conclusion that this is one hundred percent one of the best albums ever made. DOOM's lyrical ability on this LP really shines paired with the funky, soulful beats by MADLIB never fail to keep me entertained. Even with the short run-time on tracks and even the album I still love this album. Even with the countless other classics that came out in the 2000s era of music, MADVILLIANY still comes out on the top the list. It's a tragedy that we had to lose the legend that is MF DOOM. Expand
  82. Mar 4, 2022
    Easily my favorite album of all time and it will probably never change. There is no album out there that conveys the senses quite like this one, making you feel like you have been right there with the villains the whole time. RIP MF DOOM ALL CAPS BABY!!
  83. Apr 6, 2022
    MF DOOM is one of the best lyricists ever and this album is great proof. He spits so much fire it’s actually nuts. Madlib brings some of my favorite beats ever with tracks like meat grinder and accordion. Only the mad villain himself could make these beats work with his nasty flows and stellar rhymes. Some of DOOMs best work, may he rest in piece.
  84. May 29, 2022
    A monolithic achievement in rap music, Madvillainy remains a stunning display of DOOM's undeniable genius and grasp of the English language, paired with some of the most creative beats you'll find anywhere.

    From Accordion to Rhinestone Cowboy, Madvillainy is an album that packs so much variety into such a small space while remaining thematically consistent. DOOM's signature off-beat flow
    A monolithic achievement in rap music, Madvillainy remains a stunning display of DOOM's undeniable genius and grasp of the English language, paired with some of the most creative beats you'll find anywhere.

    From Accordion to Rhinestone Cowboy, Madvillainy is an album that packs so much variety into such a small space while remaining thematically consistent. DOOM's signature off-beat flow and humorous wordplay may not be everyone's cup of tea, but once it clicks with the listener it is almost hypnotic; the lines are packed so full of internal rhymes that they work as their own instrument. Madlib's importance also cannot be understated - some of the most unexpected instrumentals on the album are woven in so seamlessly that they make you wonder why you would ever doubt their validity on such a project. The incredibly creative sampling on tracks like Accordion are a masterclass in hip hop production, showcasing the very best of Madlib's talent and DOOM's lyricism.

    Madvillainy is one of the greatest hip hop records of all time - anyone interested in rap music beyond your Kendricks and Kanyes should absolutely give this a listen.
  85. Jul 8, 2022
    Rare occasion of a truly perfect album. This is a hip-hop masterpiece. MF DOOM and Madlib peak performance.
  86. Oct 2, 2022
    This is a just absolutely outstanding record, 2004 was such a great year for music coming with Madvillany, The College Dropout, and Mm Food. Madlib's production on this album is outstanding as always and DOOM's rapping is fantastic as always. Them working together is something I really wish we could have seen more of (Rest in peace). What DOOM does and what madlib does on this projectThis is a just absolutely outstanding record, 2004 was such a great year for music coming with Madvillany, The College Dropout, and Mm Food. Madlib's production on this album is outstanding as always and DOOM's rapping is fantastic as always. Them working together is something I really wish we could have seen more of (Rest in peace). What DOOM does and what madlib does on this project both complement each other so well and they came together for such a crazy project Expand
  87. Oct 4, 2022
    Madvillainy is not simply a rap album, all the references that doom puts in the songs are genius, doom is sorely missed. ALL CAPS!
  88. Oct 13, 2022
    my favorite album of all time, favorite songs are accordion, meat grinder, raid, curls, money folder, operation livesaver, Figaro, fancy clown, and all caps. this album is a masterpiece, never a boring moment and there are no songs less than a 9/10, madlib and DOOM really hit it out of the park
  89. Dec 4, 2022
    Perfect album, with some of the most unique and memorabke DOOM bars and verses, and the production made by madlib make this album one of the greatest of this genre.
  90. Dec 11, 2022
    One of the great hip-hop albums, a new style of experimental collision of a variety of sampling fusions, giving rap a definition that is not only critical, but one of the key works that redefines hip-hop music. On the experience of sensibility is a unique and precious listening effect, is it possible to imagine the existence of a accompaniment track with the intention of making peopleOne of the great hip-hop albums, a new style of experimental collision of a variety of sampling fusions, giving rap a definition that is not only critical, but one of the key works that redefines hip-hop music. On the experience of sensibility is a unique and precious listening effect, is it possible to imagine the existence of a accompaniment track with the intention of making people listen to it (or just do some another freestyle rap)? Expand
  91. Jan 26, 2023
    One of the best rap albums of all time. Really just an excellent, timeless album from the Illest Villain.
  92. Jan 31, 2023

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  93. Jul 19, 2023
    Review só pra lembrar a nota que eu dei pro album:
    album mt bom, agora só escrever pra passar dos 75 caracteres.
  94. May 22, 2023
    This album grew on me so much that it's top 5 all-time for me—an absolute masterclass in beat making by Madlib and fluid rapping by DOOM.
  95. May 28, 2023
    A masterpiece.
    From the production to the beautiful, complex and interesting rhymes. One of the greatest hip hop albums of all time a must listen.
  96. Adu
    Jun 25, 2023
    This album is a masterpiece. MF DOOM and madlib's style of rap and producing mesh so beautifully that it brings tears to my eyes. All Caps is the greatest song to ever grace planet Earth. Look up a youtube video of the samples needed to produce the beat of the song, and you will appreciate this album just as much as it should be.
  97. Jul 4, 2023
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. It's an great albume for the first time u listen to mf doom it's great like all caps and meat grinder and even figaro Expand
  98. Jul 19, 2023
    What can i say,an absolute masterpiece,this what happens when 2 musical geniuses work together.
  99. Jul 19, 2023
    The best album ever, This is MF DOOM, one the best rappers all of the time
    Seila talvez escrevi tudo errado gringo é tudo bicho burro mesmo
  100. Aug 28, 2023
    An absolute breakthrough and one of the most anticipated underground rap projects ever produced. Not only is it a fantastic listen, but also a change of pace from a lot of rap. The absolute genius of both Madlib and MF DOOM was a combination everyone was dreaming about, but the fact that it actually happened, and it was so good gives this album a 9. I would not say that it is perfect, evenAn absolute breakthrough and one of the most anticipated underground rap projects ever produced. Not only is it a fantastic listen, but also a change of pace from a lot of rap. The absolute genius of both Madlib and MF DOOM was a combination everyone was dreaming about, but the fact that it actually happened, and it was so good gives this album a 9. I would not say that it is perfect, even Michael Jordan missed a shot or two, but still an absolute unit of an album that contains short, sweet, and to the point songs. A great listen. Expand

Universal acclaim - based on 20 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 20 out of 20
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 20
  3. Negative: 0 out of 20
  1. A dizzying synergy of heavy brains and chemistry, culminating in blissfully fun, irreverent, and engaging brand of record-making magic.
  2. Mojo
    The wily creativity on display here is astonishing. [Jun 2004, p.114]
  3. Not only does it capture the unstructured verse of a masked maniac within a sheer net of plausibility, it parades his inner dementia among instrumental adornments of the highest order.