• Record Label: Big Beat
  • Release Date: Jul 10, 2020
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 44 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 34 out of 44
  2. Negative: 7 out of 44
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  1. Nov 12, 2022
    gec gec gec gec gec gec gec gec gec gec gec gec gec gec gec gec gec gec gec gec gec gec
  2. Oct 13, 2020
    gecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgegecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgecgec Expand
  3. Sep 27, 2020
    Hold on, this isn't Gex!

    gec gec gec gec gec gec gec gec gec gec gec gec
  4. Aug 9, 2020
    Pitchfork culture isn’t giving this the proper recognition it deserves so I feel compelled to write my first review.

    The Tree of Clues is not only the best album of 2020 but it is the first time the concept of the remix album has been realized to mean something more than just sh*tty takes on already great songs. This is the first remix album to sound like a piece of work was recognized
    Pitchfork culture isn’t giving this the proper recognition it deserves so I feel compelled to write my first review.

    The Tree of Clues is not only the best album of 2020 but it is the first time the concept of the remix album has been realized to mean something more than just sh*tty takes on already great songs. This is the first remix album to sound like a piece of work was recognized by a wider community of friends as being good then they all banded together to lift it up on their shoulders and make it great.

    People recognize that it’s a victory lap but they aren’t recognizing that it sounds stronger and more finished than the first album, and it sounds like all your friends coming together to help you put together the perfect dinner, which is a feeling (indie) music hasn’t successfully captured in a while.

    Reviews also suffer from a general lack of taking the music seriously. This isn’t a joke, or else you wouldn’t have serious artists pouring this much effort into making the project sound genuinely good. Some examples of good alt rock music on here (apparently the only alt genre worthy of recognition): the ringtone umru remix from 3:08 to the end of the song, the stupid horse remix from 1:44 to 1:56, the entirety of the hand crushed by mallet remix (the first one). And that’s just for the braindead rockheads. The whole album is a pop masterpiece, but full of warmth rather than the coldness that usually accompanies those types.
  5. Jul 15, 2020
    Hey lil piss baby you think youre so **** cool Huh You think you so **** tough You talk alota big game for someone with such a smol truck
    Awww look at those arms
    Your arms look so **** cute They look like lil cigarettes I bet i could smoke you
    I could roste you
    And then you’d love it and text me i love you
    And then i **** ghost you

Universal acclaim - based on 7 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 7
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 7
  3. Negative: 0 out of 7
  1. Jul 17, 2020
    Some of the most interesting tracks on 1000 Gecs and the Tree of Clues come from less predictable pairings.
  2. Jul 14, 2020
    The guests skillfully mold the originals into creations of their own, while still preserving some of the songs’ initial ideas.
  3. 80
    It’s not for the faint hearted, but if you want to venture into the abyss, there’s a decent amount to marvel at. The future moves fast, but 100 Gecs move faster.