
Generally favorable reviews - based on 5 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 5
  2. Negative: 0 out of 5
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  1. Kerrang!
    Oct 12, 2016
    It's execution is what makes it Sum 41's finest offering to date. [15 Oct 2016, p.50]
  2. 70
    "Breaking The Chain" and "War", give off a Linkin Park vibe for the 2000-2008 era of MTV and help prop 13 Voices up as one of the band's most radio-friendly and accessible albums to date. They do however take away from the rawness and grit diehards came for.
  3. Oct 6, 2016
    Taking into account Whibley's dramatic and life-altering experiences, the hits land harder than ever, resulting in Sum 41's most honest and sincere album yet.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 88 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 72 out of 88
  2. Negative: 11 out of 88
  1. Oct 7, 2016
    So f*cking good!
    I was really hyped by this album, so when I clicked the first song (A Murder of Crows) I was kinda worried, but I was not
    So f*cking good!
    I was really hyped by this album, so when I clicked the first song (A Murder of Crows) I was kinda worried, but I was not dissapointed. (Although the song took forever to "start", the build up was amazing) The whole album has a Punk Rock feel to it, the only song that is a little bit out of place is War. (But it's still a good song, specially for when you feel a little bit down or in the night)

    Really good album, 10/10 the best realease yet. (California by Blink-182 taking second place, for now, I have to check out Revolution Radio)
    Full Review »
  2. Oct 7, 2016
    It was always going to be difficult for Sum 41 to release an album on the same day as Green Day. The simultaneous releases meant that thereIt was always going to be difficult for Sum 41 to release an album on the same day as Green Day. The simultaneous releases meant that there was always going to be heavy competition between the two. In this case, Green Day has come out on top with their triumphant return, whilst 13 Voices gets pulled back by its very familiar sound. They give off a Linkin Park or Bullet For My Valentine vibe at various points on this new record, which isn't a bad thing because they're fantastic bands, but it all sounds like something we've heard before. And for my taste, it is lacking a happy song of sorts. I understand how a lot of the tracks have deep and personal meanings, but again to draw comparisons with Revolution Radio which dealt a lot with the bands troubles post 2012, they failed to fit at least one light hearted and fun loving song, from which they gained their fame, like Green Day did. Don't get me wrong, it's a good album, with some great songs and it's definitely worth a listen to if you get the chance, but I'm not entirely sold on the idea of Sum 41 dropping the unique sound and vibes that I got to know and love them by. I once used to say "oh that band sounds like Sum 41", but now I find myself saying "Sum 41 sounds like..." and thats a bit irritating. Full Review »
  3. Oct 7, 2016
    Let's start this review by saying that this is the album of the year in the genre. Most people expected that Green Day will come with the bestLet's start this review by saying that this is the album of the year in the genre. Most people expected that Green Day will come with the best album but those people couldn't be more wrong because Sum 41 just destroyed every other band with 13 Voices ... and it's not even close. 13 Voices is such a personal album for Deryck and as a listener you get exactly how he was feeling during his time. One listen through the album and this is already my favorite Sum 41 record EVER! The guitars on this albums are just perfect. The return of Brownsound really meant much to this band. The guitar solo in Goddamn I'm Dead Again is just fantastic. Guitar riffs that come out of nowhere and surprise you are phenomenal. Frank Zummo. Now this guy is a beast. The drumming on this record is just perfect. The catchy melodies and choruses and instrumentals with violins really combine into a hell of a record. There's not even one bad thing about this album. Thank you Sum 41 for great music. Full Review »