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Generally favorable reviews- based on 41 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 35 out of 41
  2. Negative: 1 out of 41

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  1. Sep 29, 2015
    For me 2011 was a decent year for music. PJ Harvey bought out a cracker in "Let England Shake". Bon Iver released a sparkling debut with "For Emma, Forever ago.." while Fleet Foxes pitched in with their excellent second record "Helplessness Blues". "A Different Kind of Fix" is up their with these. The record is laced with melodies and has a nice chilled vibe to it. Musically it'sFor me 2011 was a decent year for music. PJ Harvey bought out a cracker in "Let England Shake". Bon Iver released a sparkling debut with "For Emma, Forever ago.." while Fleet Foxes pitched in with their excellent second record "Helplessness Blues". "A Different Kind of Fix" is up their with these. The record is laced with melodies and has a nice chilled vibe to it. Musically it's excellently written, the songs are well thought out and perfectly structured. The production on the record is also really strong. "Lights Out, Words Gone", is a microcosm of the album. Although it is a very catchy album, it is a record that you have to pay close attention to rather than have on in the background in order to fully appreciate it. "Take the right one" sounds like Jonsi/Sigur Ros collaborating with The Stone Roses and is a particular highlight. A great album and represents Bombay Bicycle Club at the height of their powers. Expand
  2. Jan 19, 2012
    A departure from their first album, but kudos to them for pushing into a new sound. The ambient and shoegazing undertones show a band that is young and still growing and finding their place. I think I enjoyed their first album better, which was more upbeat and diverse. A solid transition album. Look for their next album to hopefully fuse all these sounds to create something reallyA departure from their first album, but kudos to them for pushing into a new sound. The ambient and shoegazing undertones show a band that is young and still growing and finding their place. I think I enjoyed their first album better, which was more upbeat and diverse. A solid transition album. Look for their next album to hopefully fuse all these sounds to create something really special. Until then, experience, the not-so-subtle (but mostly enjoyable) musical growing pains of a young, talented band. Expand
  3. Apr 22, 2020
    This is one of B.B.C's best albums, "Shuffle" and "Lights Out, Words Gone" are the most famous tracks in this album, and still some of the band's most famous songs.
  4. Jan 5, 2022
    I love this album, 2010s Indie Rock at its best, besides some well known tracks like "Shuffle" and "How Can You Swallow So Much Sleep" (which are great) there are some lesser-known ones like "Beggars" and "Take the Right One" which are also great songs who sadly aren't as popular.

Generally favorable reviews - based on 19 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 15 out of 19
  2. Negative: 0 out of 19
  1. Feb 6, 2012
    "Beggars" and "Leave It," are tunes fit for the space age that spans genres so easily that it leaves you wondering what this talented group could create if they grabbed a map and pinpointed exactly where they aim to be going.
  2. Jan 19, 2012
    Perhaps its only offending quality is that it's utterly inoffensive; it's likable and overwhelmingly pleasant.
  3. Jan 17, 2012
    Bombay Bicycle Club's 2011 album A Different Kind of Fix is a melodically compelling work that builds upon the band's eclectic guitar-based indie rock sound.