
Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
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  1. Oct 8, 2018
    While the album introduces some intriguing new looks—like the Eastern-psych strut of “Cicada (Land on Your Back)”--the Joy Formidable still have a tendency to pummel their tunes into a modern-rock mush.
  2. Oct 2, 2018
    The Joy Formidable have made the statement they needed to with AAARTH--it’s an album of compositional daring and fierce experimentation.
  3. Sep 28, 2018
    That AAARTH feels cathartic comes as no surprise, as the trio have long been purveyors of both aural and emotional heft, but this time around they've managed to crystallize both aesthetics into something truly sublime, fulfilling the promise set forth on 2011's The Big Roar.
  4. Q Magazine
    Sep 28, 2018
    While AAARTH doesn't veer too wildly from the template--tightly-wound rock riffs and pummelling drums forming a circle around frontwman Ritzy Bryan's atmospheric hooks--it doesn't put a foot wrong, either. [Nov 2018, p.109]
  5. Sep 28, 2018
    Aaarth is the band’s most off-kilter collection of anthems yet, working in tribal drumming, stuttering and overlapping vocal tracks, and some of the Middle Eastern influences Led Zeppelin famously tried on for size when feeling adventurous. Admirable though the experimentation can be, The Joy Formidable still hits its sweetest spot aiming for the nosebleeds.
  6. Sep 28, 2018
    Only "What For" and "The Better Me" stop this record being a true sky-scraper. ... Do not miss this album.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 4 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 4
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 4
  3. Negative: 1 out of 4
  1. Oct 19, 2018
    "Aaarth" may be difficult to pronounce, but it sure is easy to listen to and enjoy. The Joy Formidable strike gold with some truly exceptional"Aaarth" may be difficult to pronounce, but it sure is easy to listen to and enjoy. The Joy Formidable strike gold with some truly exceptional and experimental tunes while staying true to their rocking roots. My favorite tracks are "The Better Me" (which I wish they had included the acoustic version too), "Absence," "Cicada," "All in All," "What For," and "You Can't Give Me." Just hope the album gets more airplay because it (and the band) deserve it. Full Review »